Tessellation mode là gì

AMD Radeon Settings allows users to adjust image chất lượng & the cấp độ of detail in games. Since higher visual unique may impact performance, achieving an optimal gaming experience requires balancing visual quality & performance. For most users, the default driver settings offer the best phối of visual unique & performance, measured in frames per second [FPS].

Bạn đang xem: Cài đặt amd radeon là gì?

Accessing Radeon Settings Gaming Options

To access these options open AMD Radeon Settings by right clicking on your desktop and select AMD Radeon Settings.

Cliông xã on the Gaming Tab.

Cliông chồng on Global Settings.

NoteAny changes made in global settings should apply khổng lồ all 3D applications upon launch.

If you wish khổng lồ create customised settings for specific 3D applications, you can create individual application profiles. This is explained in the Creating Application Profiles section of this document.

Anti-Aliasing Method

Anti-Aliasing [AA] improves image unique by reducing jagged edges from textures.Applying AA can make an image look smoother and softer, at the expense of lowering FPS.

In the example below, the image on the left has AA applied. The image on the right has no AA applied and has more jagged edges.

Radeon Settings offers three AA types & each has different characteristics & performance cost.

Selecting Anti-Aliasing Mode enables three options:

Multisampling Anti-Aliasing [MSAA]: MSAA improves image quality by reducing aliasing at the edge of textures, however it cannot remove aliasing on transparent textures such as fences.Adaptive sầu Anti-Aliasing [AAA]: AAA improves image quality by reducing aliasing at the edge of textures and from transparent textures.Sparse Grid Supersampling Anti-Aliasing [SSAA]: SSAA improves image quality by taking more samples than MSAA & AAA, reducing aliasing from all textures. SSAA has the highest impact on FPS of all AA settings within Radeon Settings.

Anti-Aliasing Mode

Anti-Aliasing Mode determines whether AA is controlled via the 3 chiều application or Radeon Settings.

Selecting Anti-Aliasing Mode enables three options:

Use Application Settings Provides the 3 chiều application with full control over the cấp độ of AA applied. Image chất lượng is controlled via the 3 chiều application graphics settings.Enhance Application Settings Offers the flexibility of improving on existing AA used in the 3D application, by having the driver apply a second pass of AA.Override Application Settings Allows Radeon Settings full control over the cấp độ of AA applied to the 3D application.

Selecting Override Application Settings enables different levels of AA to lớn be applied to lớn the 3D application.

Anti-Aliasing Level can be set lớn x2, x4, or x8 & a higher number should improve image quality at expense of lower FPS.

Morphological Filtering

Morphological Filtering is a Shader based, post process Anti-Aliasing technique that can be used in combination with the three AA modes mentioned above.

Morphological Filtering can have a lower impact on FPS than other AA modes available within Radeon Settings, however in some situations it may introduce a subtle blur to the image.

In the example below, the image on the left has Morphological Filtering applied. The image on the right has no Morphological Filtering applied & has more jagged edges.

Morphological Filtering can be applied using Override Enhance Application Settings and requires that the application is running in exclusive sầu full screen mode.

Morphological Filtering can be mix khổng lồ On or Off.

Anisotropic Filtering

Anisotropic Filtering can increase and sharpen the chất lượng of textures on surfaces that appear far away or at odd angles, such as road surfaces or trees.

Anisotropic Filtering has a small performance cost [FPS] và can increase image unique in most 3D applications.

In the example below, the image on the left has Anisotropic Filtering applied, increasing the number of textures on the tree. The image on the right has no Anisotropic Filtering applied.

Anisotropic Filtering can be applied using Override Application Settings.

Anisotropic Filtering Level can be set to lớn x2, x4, x8 or 16x and should improve image chất lượng at expense of lower FPS.

Texture Filtering Quality

Texture Filtering Quality changes the quality of textures while running 3 chiều applications.

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Texture Filtering Quality has a small impact on performance và image chất lượng, which makes the mặc định setting of Standard the preferred option for the optimal gaming experience.

Surface Format Optimization

Surface Format Optimization enables the graphics driver lớn change rendering surface formats where applicable, which may result in improved performance và lower đoạn Clip memory usage.

It is recommended to lớn leave this option enabled for an optimal gaming experience.

Shader Cache

Shader Cache allows for faster loading times in games & reduced CPU usage by compiling and storing frequently used game shaders, rather than regenerating them each time they are needed.

Shader Cabít is phối to AMD optimized by default and can be disabled globally by setting the feature lớn off.

Tessellation Mode

Tessellation Mode enhances the detail of objects by adjusting the number of polygons used for rendering.

Limiting the cấp độ of Tessellation can provide higher FPS in games that use high levels of tessellation.

In the example below, the image on the left has x64 Tessellation applied, increasing the detail of the bricks. The image on the right has no Tessellation applied & has less detail.

Tessellation Mode can be applied using Override Application Settings.

Maximum Tessellation Level can be mix lớn x2, x4, x6, x8, x16, x32 or x64 and should improve image unique at expense of lower FPS.

Wait for Vertical Refresh

Vertical Refresh or VSync, synchronizes the application with the monitor frame rate with the objective sầu of removing screen tearing.

NoteWait for Vertical Refresh only works OpenGL 3D applications. When using other APIs such as DirectX® or Vulkan®, VSync is controlled via the 3D application graphics settings.

Wait for Vertical Refresh can be mix to:

Always OffOff, Unless Application SpecifiesOn, Unless Application SpecifiesAlways On

OpenGL Triple Buffering

When used in tandem with Wait for Vertical Refresh, OpenGL Triple Buffering can provide higher frame rates than with the mặc định double buffering.

NoteOpenGL Triple Buffering requires Wait for Vertical Refresh to be phối to Always On and applies only khổng lồ OpenGL 3D applications.

OpenGL Triple Buffering can be phối to ON or OFF.

Frame Rate Target Control

Frame Rate Target Control [FRTC] enables users to lớn mix a target maximum frame rate when running a 3D application in full screen mode; the benefit being that FRTC can reduce GPU power consumption [great for games running at frame rates much higher than the display refresh rate] and therefore reduce heat generation và fan speeds/noise on the graphics thẻ.

FRTC is especially useful when rendering mostly static content on powerful hardware where framerates can often run needlessly inlớn the hundreds of fps on game menus or splash screens.

If you have an AMD FreeSync compatible system, FRTC can ensure that you vì chưng not exceed the maximum FreeSync range of your display, resulting in a smooth, optimal gaming experience.

NoteChanges to the Frame rate target must be done outside of the game, i.e. exit the game completely, make your changes, và then start the game again.

FRTC can be mix khổng lồ values between 30 and 200 FPS and works with DirectX® 9, 10 & 11 3 chiều applications.

Cliông xã here to lớn check if your graphics card is compatible with FRTC.

Restoring Default Settings

Finding the optimal balance of visual chất lượng & performance may require many adjustments.

If you are not satisfied with results during gameplay, you can restore Global or individual Application Settings khổng lồ default by clicking on the Remix option located in the upper right corner of the Global Graphics thực đơn.

Creating Application Profiles

The following section provides instructions on how to create application profiles which offer advanced graphics settings on a per application basis.

To add an application to Radeon Settings within the Gaming section, click on Add > Browse

Find and select the application lớn add khổng lồ Radeon Settings và cliông chồng Open.

The application should now appear in the Gaming sections of Radeon Settings

Cliông chồng on the application tile to customize its graphics settings.

Once the application protệp tin is configured, the settings should apply to lớn the application every time it is launched.

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