The Blacklist Berlin

Thus far in the shows sophomore season, each name onThe Blacklisthas been more intrinsically linked to Liz and Red than the name that preceded it.

And on Mondays fall finale, that pattern came to a head as Red and the FBI task force hunted down No. 12 on the list The Decembrist who also happened to be the man responsible for Redslongstanding conflict with Berlin.

The NBC dramas latest installment its last until Super Bowl Sunday answered a whole slew of questions that have remained open-ended since May. But what would The Blacklist be without a few new cliffhangers? Before we get your thoughts on the episode, lets briefly recap thequeries that were solved throughout Mondays pivotal hour.

WHOS RESPONSIBLE FOR BERLINS VENDETTA AGAINST RED? |That would be Alan Fitch, Reds superior and assistant director of national intelligence [whose portrayer, Alan Alda, seems contractually obligated to appear inonly these anxiety-inducing finale episodes]. At the start of the episode which picks up with last weeks Red/Berlin/Zoe standoff Red learns that Berlins life was threatened during a bombing in Kursk, Russia, many years ago. A bombing that killed 15 of Berlins associates, no less. The man who ordered the explosion known as The Decembrist was also responsible for faking the death of Berlins daughter, a feat that Berlin has attributed to Red for all these years.

Red and Berlin initially track down Russias finance minister, believing him to be The Decembrist, but the man quickly informs them [before suffering a fatal gunshot wound] that it was an American who ordered the bombing in Kursk. That American? None other than Fitch, who Berlin vows to track down and kill. And that he does! Berlins men kidnap Fitch and fashion a high-tech collar around his neck thats housing a sensitive bomb. And although thetask force is able to locate Fitch more on that in a minute and attempt to deactivate the bomb around his neck, Fitch realizes its a lost cause and requests that all attempts to save his life are ceased. Even Red is unable to get the deactivation method out of Berlin. So, just as Fitch begins telling Red of an important safe hes got in Saint Petersburg, the bomb detonates and Fitchs cranium goes ka-boom! as Red somberly watches.

WHAT BECOMES OF BERLIN? | Though Red and Berlin flip-flop between being allies and enemies all night, it seems Reds use for Berlin expires following Fitchs death. Not only does Red ensure Zoe a one-way ticket out of town, but Red ultimately decides to off Berlin altogether. The two conclude their day with vodka shot after vodka shot, and just as Berlin gets sentimental about his childhood, Red takes out his pistol and puts four fatal bullet holes in his adversarys chest. And thats the end of that.

WHO IS THE GIRL IN BERLINS LOCKET? | Ever since the FBI took down the Stewmaker last season, weve been left wondering about the correlation betweenhis photo of a young girl, and the same photo placed in a locket in Berlins possession. As Red describes to Fitch midway through the episode, the girl came to the Stewmaker many years prior,saying she was in trouble and needed to disappear. The Stewmaker took her photo, placed it in a locket and sent the memento to Berlin, who went on for years believing his daughter the girl in the photograph was dead. Mystery: solved! [Well, as much as mysteries can be on this show.]

WHAT HAPPENS TOTOM? | In a series of flashbacks at the start of the episode, we see that Liz was unable to go through with killing Tom four months ago, instead choosing to get him off-the-record medical helpand shackle him onto the boat.But the associate guarding Lizs boat is becoming increasingly waryof the prisoner on board even moreso after the ports harbormaster finds Tom chained to the wall and complicates analready-messy situation. Ultimately, Liz decides to let Tom go if he clues her in to Fitchs whereabouts. He does, and walks off a free man but not before he and Ressler can exchange threatening words that not-so-subtly hint at a mutual affection for Liz. What are you, her boyfriend? Tom spits at the agent, which earns him a half-hearted shove from Ressler. Shall we move this to the wrestling ring and advertise it on Pay-Per-View, gentlemen?

Unfortunately, theres no time for that. Tom walks out of Lizs life for good after offering up that last bit of intel but we see him once more, at the end of the episode, sitting across a table from none other than Red. Tom eagerly accepts a thick envelope full of cash and before he exits, Red reinforces, You are never to see her again. [Which, as a TV viewer, I translate to mean, You wontsee Ryan Eggold for a whileafter this episode, audience members. Say it aint so!] And just before he leaves, Tom looks Red squarely in the eye and says, For what its worth, I was tied up for four months on that ship, and I never told her about us. Not one word.

So how many days until Super Bowl Sunday?! [NFL fans, Im counting on you for the answer to this one.]

Parting thoughts:

* Despite his sliminess, did you not feel a twinge of sympathy for Berlin as he confessed to Zoe, I dont know how to talk to someone like you. I know you have your life, but I just want you to stay a little longer?

* Do you feel weirdly empty now that Berlins arc is essentially finished?

* Do you preferhipster-bearded Tom or lightly stubbled Tom?

* Where was Samar Navabi this whole time?

OK, your turn. What did you think of the fall finale? Grade the episode via our poll below, then hit the comments to back up your choice!

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