Top 10 most common idiomatic expressions with like eblish conservation năm 2024

One of the most important parts of English learning is mastering common idioms. There are a huge number of English phrases, idioms and expressions that are worth knowing. Today, I would like to introduce you to ten of the most beautiful idioms in English. No doubt, you already know some of them, but others will probably be new to you. Enjoy!

10 Most Beautiful Idioms in the English Language

Let’s get started with a few well-known idioms:

1. It takes two to tango

Everyone knows that two people are needed to dance the tango, so this expression means that if there has been some kind of unpleasant situation in which two people were involved, they are both to blame.

Example: She blames Sarah for stealing her husband. But anyway, it takes two to tango.

2. Variety is the spice of life

This idiom means that new and different experiences make life more interesting and enjoyable.

Example: I’ve lived in four different countries over the past five years, and next year I will move to India. Variety is the spice of life!

3. Every cloud has a silver lining

This idiom means that in every negative situation, there is also something positive.


“I lost my phone yesterday.”

“Well, now you can buy the phone you’ve been wanting. Every cloud has a silver lining!”

4. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

This idiom means that you shouldn’t criticize other people’s negative personality traits or mistakes when you have those same traits or have made the same mistakes.

Example: Susan says that Carla is jealous, but Susan is even more jealous. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

5. Burn your bridges

This idiom, which you have probably heard, means to do something that makes it impossible to return to an earlier state or condition.

Example: I think you really burned your bridges when you announced you were quitting and proceeded to insult your manager in front of all of your colleagues.

6. Burn the midnight oil

Students know this idiom. It means to stay up late and work and study very hard. It can also mean that a person has been working very hard at something over a period of time.

Example: Jim has to burn the midnight oil to pass that exam.

7. Water under the bridge

This idiom in English means that problems and difficulties that happened in the past can’t be changed, and one should forget about them and move forward.

Example: It was terrible that your car was stolen, but it is water under the bridge now, so you must move forward.

8. Wear your heart on your sleeve

This means to not hide your feelings; to let everyone know by your words and actions how you feel.

Example: He’s the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve.

9. What goes around comes around

You probably know the song by this name which was sung by Justin Timberlake.

You could translate this with the phrase “you will reap what you sow.” In other words, we eventually feel the consequences of what we say or do.

Example: People say what goes around comes around. So be careful…

10. Two’s company, three’s a crowd

Some situations – such as a date – are fine with two people, but awkward or uncomfortable when there are three.

Example: The couple wanted to go on holiday with their friend. But two’s company, three’s a crowd, so none of them were able to enjoy themselves.

These are ten of the most beautiful idioms in English. I hope you will find something here that is interesting.

If you look at the public band descriptors for IELTS speaking you will see that you need to demonstrate the following to achieve a grade 7 under the vocabulary section.

• uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics

• uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices

• uses paraphrase effectively

It is the second item that I want to discuss in today’s blog. In order to achieve a 7, you should demonstrate less common and idiomatic vocabulary. One easy way to do that is by using idioms. However, the problem with idioms is that they are often so specific that it becomes almost impossible to use them.

For example, the idiom “it takes to tango”.

Meaning - when you want to emphasize that both people involved in a difficult situation must accept the blame, or that an activity needs two people who are willing to take part for it to happen.

Idiom in use - She may want to argue, but it takes two to tango and I won't stoop to her level.

Now, this is a great idiom but realistically there are going to be very few situations in which you can use this idiom in the IELTS test. So, instead of randomly memorising large lists of hard to use idioms I recommend that you focus on idioms for positive and negative emotions. This is because you will always have the opportunity to express your own or someone else’s positive or negative opinions in IELTS.

The top ten idioms for IELTS speaking

1. To have a whale of a time

Meaning – To have a very fun and exciting time

Example IELTS question – Tell me about your hometown.

Example answer with idiom – Well, I’m from London which is a world-renowned city for its history and culture. They say he who is bored of London is bored of life! There is so much to do here that you are guaranteed to have a whale of a time if you visit.

2. To be On cloud nine

Meaning – very happy and joyful

Example IELTS question - Do you like your job?

Example answer with idiom – I must say that I adore my job and all the people that work there. It is a pleasure to go to work there each morning. I feel content with my life at the moment and I am on cloud nine.

3. To be On top of the world

Meaning – feeling amazing, wonderful, ecstatic

Example IELTS question – is art popular in your country?

Example answer with idiom – Yes, I would say that art is highly popular in my nation. Art has the power to unite us and express feelings that we cannot with words alone. When I look at my absolute favourite piece of art, “starry night” by Vincent Van Gogh I feel inspired and on top of the world. It shows me true beauty and that I believe is why art is so popular.

4. To be Over the moon

Meaning – extremely pleased and happy

Example IELTS question – What did you do on your last birthday?

Example IELTS answer with idiom – On my last birthday, I went to Paris with my girlfriend. It was an incredible city and the food was to die for! The trip was actually a

surprise and when my girlfriend told me I was over the moon.

5. To be like a dog with two tails

Meaning – Dogs express happiness through wagging their tails. Therefore, a dog with two tails must be very happy!

Example IELTS question – Who is your best friend?

Example IELTS answer with idiom – My best friend is called Matthew. We have known each other since we were children. Every time I see him, I’m like a dog with two tails.

6. It makes my blood boil

Meaning – to make you very angry

Example IELTS question – Do you get on with your family?

Example IELTS answer with idiom – I get on reasonably well with most of my family. But my sister is an awful person. She is very selfish and arrogant. Just hearing her voice makes my blood boil.

7. It drives me up the wall

Meaning – it annoys you a lot

Example IELTS question – What is your favourite food

Example IELTS answer with idiom – I would have to say that my favourite food is mashed potatoes. However, it drives me up the wall when people don’t mash them properly and the potatoes have disgusting lumps.

Similar expressions

It drives me crazy / it drives me nuts

8. I hit the ceiling

Meaning – To get very angry and upset

Example IELTS question – Did you have a hobby as a child?

Example IELTS answer with idiom – As a child, my hobby was always cycling. I used to ride my bike everywhere I could. One day though, my sister borrowed my bike and crashed it. I hit the ceiling but luckily the damage was not too bad.

Similar expressions

I hit the roof

9. He/it winds me up

Meaning – someone or something really annoys you

Example IELTS question – Tell me about your first day at work.

Example IELTS answer with idiom – My first day in work was terrible! My boss wound me up as he kept shouting at me.

10. To get on your nerves

Meaning – someone annoys you a lot

Example IELTS question – How could your neighbourhood be improved?

Example IELTS answer with idiom – It gets on my nerves that we have no recycling here. I am a big supporter of the environment and we should do more to save it.

TIP – be careful with the idioms that use irregular verbs. If you use in another tense you will need to conjugate the verb.

The irregular verbs are:

  • Get got gotten
  • Wind wound wound
  • Hit hit hit
  • Drive drove driven
  • Make made made
  • Have had had


I hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog. If you have any questions regarding the test or would like to inquire about my writing correction services or IELTS online classes please email me at


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Richard is an amazingly intelligent teacher. I had to score individually high band scores in Academic IELTS. I worked with him for about 3 months and achieved my desired score. Richard is excellent at both identifying his students' learning needs and sharing resources to enhance their learnings. R

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He helped me prepare for my IELTS test and I managed to get a band score of 8. A friendly teacher who delivers enjoyable lessons. Thanks Rich!

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I did a one week course with Richard to help me prepare for the IELTS and he was a great teacher. Although it was short, the course was very informative and Richard provided me with many resources that help me study topics I had difficulty with and support to get me through the test.

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I’ve recently had around a year of lessons with Richard. Those lessons were taken in order to improve my skills to seat the IELTS exam, which I successfully took only once and achieved my goal score! I am pleased to have found him. I achieved a 7.5 overall.

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Before my IELTS exam, I wasn’t pretty sure about my speaking part. So, I took 5 lessons for IELTS with Richard. Richard was a kind and helpful teacher. He gave me some great tips and pieces of advice about the IELTS exam. Also, we practiced the speaking part several times. After that, I was much more confident about my exam and achieved 6.0 for the speaking part as I hoped. Sergei Tulupov

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Great tutor in every aspect. Has a very unique approach towards each student. Lessons are always fun, interactive, and informative. My IELTS requirement was 7.0, yet thanks to Richard I managed to get 8.0. I will definitely recommend his classes to anyone who wants to prepare for IELTS or to practice speaking in general.

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I've been preparing for the IELTS exam for about a year and a month ago I finally got the score that I needed. Thanks to Richard!

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Overall, I got a 7.5. Richard is an exceptional teacher, he is very competent, patient and supporting. He respects individual pace and needs.

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Richard helped me with IELTS classes. Although I did not have much time, his help was essential for me to achieve my grade 7.

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I needed a teacher to help me study for the IELTS speaking test and Richard's lessons were the main reason I was able to score 8.5 out of 9.

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Richard is a great teacher, has a great methodology and excellent materials. I took IELTS and General English classes with him. Highly recommend.

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Richard is an excellent teacher, he helped me to get a 7 grade in the academic IELTS in only 2 months.

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Richard is such an incredible professional! He taught me Academic English for IELTS with efficient methods to improve my weaknesses and I am extremely satisfied with my results. In all classes, we worked to improve my Writing Task 1 and 2, and his tips were fundamental for me to achieve 7.5.

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“Richard Forrest is a competent professional and a fabulous professor. He has an excellent technique with regards to how to learn the methodology for the IELTS test and the English language.”

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“An, extremely humble, polite and full of knowledge teacher. I am grateful to Richard Forrest for his kind guidance and assistance, to attain my required IELTS score. Highly recommended for IELTS preparation”

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“I needed to take IELTS so that I could achieve my dream of working in England as an engineer. When I was studying on my own I was so confused. There are so many sources and it is hard to know where to start. I achieved my goal of a grade 8 in IELTS after just 2 months of classes. ”

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“Excellent English teacher. He is able to teach academic English focusing on Speaking, Writing or whatever you need to learn. He helped me to prepare for my IELTS exam and achieve my target grade, giving me useful tips. I would definitely recommend him to anyone aiming to improve their English skills.”

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Rich is a very experienced teacher, with a lot of expertise in the IELTS test. His classes are great and helped me to improve my score.

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“Before meeting Richard I had been to various IELTS teachers and attempted the IELTS exam but was unsuccessful. After Richard started teaching me, within 6 weeks I passed the IELTS exam and passed with 7.0 in all categories.”

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10 easy idioms for IELTS speaking

IELTS speaking, IELTS speaking test, IELTS speaking tipsRichard ForrestDecember 3, 2019IELTS, ielts speaking, ielts idioms, top ten IELTS idioms, idioms to boost your score for ielts, get a 7 in IELTS speaking2 Comments


Deleting words & editing your work in IELTS

Grade 7 IELTS, IELTS materials, IELTS tips, IELTS Writing, IELTS Writing task 2Richard ForrestNovember 20, 2018IELTS Writing, Editing your work in IELTS, IELTS Writing Tips, IELTS Writing task 1, IELTS writing task 2, Deleting words in IELTS

What are the 10 idiomatic expressions?

Here are 10 of the most common idioms that are easy to use in daily conversation:.

“Hit the hay.” “Sorry, guys, I have to hit the hay now!” ... .

“Up in the air” ... .

“Stabbed in the back” ... .

“Takes two to tango” ... .

“Kill two birds with one stone.” ... .

“Piece of cake” ... .

“Costs an arm and a leg” ... .

“Break a leg”.

What are the most common idioms in English?

The most common English idioms.

What are the 20 idiomatic expressions?

20 English idioms that everyone should know.

Under the weather. What does it mean? ... .

The ball is in your court. What does it mean? ... .

Spill the beans. What does it mean? ... .

Break a leg. What does it mean? ... .

Pull someone's leg. What does it mean? ... .

Sat on the fence. What does it mean? ... .

Through thick and thin. ... .

Once in a blue moon..

What are the 100 idioms and their meanings in English?

List of 100+ Common Idioms, Their Meanings and Examples of Their Usage in Sentences.

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