Vygotskys concept of zone of proximal development refers to

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CTET Dec 2018 Paper I [L - I/II: Hindi/English/Sanskrit] [Hinglish Solution]

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  1. the phase when maximum development is possible
  2. the developmental phase when a child takes complete responsibility for learning
  3. a context in which children can almost perform a task on their own with the right level of support
  4. the point in learning when support can be withdrawn

Answer [Detailed Solution Below]

Option 3 : a context in which children can almost perform a task on their own with the right level of support


CT 1: CDP [Growth & Development]

10 Questions 10 Marks 10 Mins

Vygotsky’s theory- Vygotsky, known for his socio-cultural development was a Russian psychologist who believed that community plays a vital role in the process of “making meaning”. He used to take the help of his two sons in his domestic works. He found that his children started work independently after having co-operation by father.

Key Points

MKO [More Knowledgeable Other]- The MKO is any person who has a higher level of ability or understanding than the learner in certain topics. Ex-teacher, peers, computer, society, etc.

Zone of proximal development- It is the area of learning where a more knowledgeable other [MKO] assists the student in developing a higher level of learning.

Scaffolding- It is temporary support given by MKO. It is stopped when the learner becomes able to perform independently.

Hence, we conclude that the Zone of Proximal Development refers to a context in which a child can almost perform a task on their own with the right level of support.

Last updated on Sep 22, 2022

MP TET Revised Result [2020] declared on 3rd October 2022. Earlier, the Professional Examination Board of Madhya Pradesh had declared the MP TET Result 2020 for Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test on 8th August 2022. The MP TET exam was conducted from 5th March to 26th March 2022. Candidates can check out their results from their applicant number/roll number and date of birth. Only candidates with a Diploma/B.Ed degree appeared for the examination. The candidates who will be qualified for the MP TET can earn a salary ranging from INR 2.7 lakhs to INR 3.5 lakhs per annum as a Primary School Teacher

The term "zone of proximal development" refers to a concept developed by psychologist Lev Vygotsky. The concept refers to the difference between a learner's ability to perform a task independently versus with guidance.

Common Examples of the Zone of Proximal Development

  • A student is able to perform simple addition when working with a teacher or parent, but is frustrated when performing the task alone. By guiding the student to use tools and strategies, and by asking questions about why he/she is using each tool or strategy, the student is able to fortify knowledge and eventually add independently.
  • A college student is able to understand the current philosophy that is being studied when it is discussed in class but struggles on his own. The professor works with the student to help him to learn how to approach the philosophy book and how to consider the right questions to ask himself while reading alone.
  • An aspiring baker creates amazing cakes when working with her mentor, but alone finds that she is struggling. By working with her mentor, the baker is able to learn what she needs in order to independently create the product she desires.
  • Tennis students are able to hit the ball over the net but are challenged by serving. Through appropriate coaching that focuses on their strengths, they are able to learn to serve the ball effectively.
  • A painter struggles to properly mix color when painting alone, but is able to do so when with his professor. Working together, the painter is able to learn how to create the colors that he desires by listening and learning from his professor who guides him toward independence.
  • A 16 year old is able to effectively drive forward and backward but cannot parallel park. Through targeted guidance from a teacher, the child is able to learn how to park.
  • A medical student struggles to effectively put in stitches. A more experienced student helps her to learn how to do so through modeling, then helping, then releasing full responsibility to the newer student.
  • A child is struggling to learn how to read. By working with the student to teach how to sound out words and use other word recognition strategies, the child is able to learn to read.
  • An aspiring swimmer is attempting to learn a difficult dive. Knowing the strengths that she possesses in other diving techniques, her coach is able to directly target her instruction so that she can confidently conquer the dive.

Education and the Zone of Proximal Development

Vygotsky's work regarding the zone of proximal development has contributed greatly to the field of education and is used in developing age appropriate curriculum and teaching techniques.

By understanding what children are able to achieve alone, as well as what they are able to achieve with assistance from an adult, educators can develop plans to teach skills in the most effective manner possible, giving students a gradual release of responsibility to perform tasks independently. This process is referred to as scaffolding, which is the way in which an adult helps the child learner to move from the inability to perform a task to being able to do so through guidance, interaction and questions.

Reviewing these examples will hopefully help you to better understand how the zone of proximal development works in the real world.

  • 7th grade
  • 8th grade
  • 9th grade
  • middle school
  • high school
  • college

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The zone of proximal development refers to the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can achieve with guidance and encouragement from a skilled partner. Thus, the term “proximal” refers to those skills that the learner is “close” to mastering.

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Piaget's four stages.

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