What are 3 things that happen during the 3rd trimester?

The end of your pregnancy is in sight. It won’t be long until your baby arrives. Feelings at this stage of pregnancy tend to vary from tiredness and worry to excitement about the baby.

The third trimester of your pregnancy is from week 29 to week 40 - months seven, eight and nine.

Feelings at this stage of pregnancy tend to go from tiredness and worry to excitement about the baby.

Your baby continues to grow, and as the third trimester progresses they'll have a better chance if they're born early. You’ll have more checks with the midwife in the third trimester, because it’s important to keep an eye on your and your baby’s health.

The position your baby is in becomes more important now and you may start to think about what happens during labour.

If you can, use these last few weeks to get ready for the baby and enjoy some time for yourself, especially after you start maternity leave. If you have children already, you may find it hard to keep up with them sometimes. Take any offers of help you can get.

One important thing to remember in the third trimester is that you should now go to sleep on your side at night [and during any day time naps]. You can read more here about why going to sleep on your side in the third trimester is safer for your baby.

Things to think about in the third trimester of pregnancy

You can still be active during the last three months, but you’ll probably find your body slowing down naturally. Walking is an ideal exercise.

You may also find that pregnancy yoga, pilates or aquanatal classes are good ways to stay active in the third trimester. Staying active doesn’t have to be planned, though. We’ve got some good tips for staying active without going to the gym here.

If you haven’t written your birth plan yet, you may wish to do it now. As part of your birth plan, it’s good to think about the different kinds of pain relief that are available and what you may like to consider when you’re in labour.

Bear in mind, though, that your wishes may change and you might also need some extra help during labour and birth, so keep an open mind.

Review dates

Reviewed: 28 June 2018 | Next review: 28 June 2021

This content is currently being reviewed by our team. Updated information will be coming soon.

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What are 3 developments that occur during the 3rd trimester?

Fetal development continues during the third trimester. Your baby will open his or her eyes, gain more weight, and prepare for delivery. The end of your pregnancy is near!

What happens to the mother in the third trimester?

Here is a list of changes and symptoms that you may have during the third trimester: Increased skin temperature as the fetus radiates body heat, causing you to feel hot. Need to urinate more often because of increased pressure on the bladder. Swelling of the ankles, hands, and face [edema] as you keep retaining fluids.

What are 3 common discomforts during the third trimester of pregnancy?

Swelling ankles, trouble sleeping, back pain, having to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes – these are all possibilities as you move into the pregnancy homestretch.

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