What are some key ideas to remember when conducting a performance interview?

Just as the four seasons of fall, winter, spring, and summer come and go each year without fail, so too does appraisal season—that time of year when employees the world over are sitting down with managers for an annual performance review, whether they like it or not. 

Admittedly, the potential benefits of these meetings are the subject of heated debate. On the one hand, you know performance appraisals are a contentious issue when someone publishes a book titled “Abolishing Performance Appraisals.” On the other hand, plenty of experts still argue for the benefits of performance appraisals—when done right. And statistics show effective performance appraisals can lead to improved productivity and lower turnover. 

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Still, many employees [and employers] anticipate the performance appraisal with dread, even though it is meant to be a time of dialogue between an employer and an employee, not a time of confrontation or criticism. It’s a chance for the employee to highlight their achievements during the past year and for the employer to give honest feedback to help that employee improve. Not every manager is capable of giving constructive feedback or motivating employees during a review, but every employee has it within his or her power to prepare ahead of time in order to make the most of this unavoidable process.

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To make the best use of this annual event, you should go into your performance review ready to answer questions as well as highlight your accomplishments. This means studying probable appraisal questions ahead of time, as well as considering ways to position yourself as an employee who is striving to constantly learn and grow for the sake of the organization, and in order to be ready to take on additional responsibilities or even a new role or a promotion. To that end, study the possible appraisal questions below, and work on your answers well ahead of time, so your performance appraisal can be an experience that helps you move forward, not feel annoyed.

6 Key Performance Appraisal Questions to Prepare

It’s impossible to know the exact performance appraisal questions you’ll be asked during your appraisal because the questions will depend on the company, your particular job, the industry, whether it’s a small business or a large one, the size of the IT department, how long you’ve been with the organization and so on. That shouldn’t prevent you from preparing ahead of time, however, because you can at least review a list of general appraisal questions. Start with this list of six critical performance appraisal questions to get you thinking about the specific questions you might get asked—and how you’ll answer them.

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1. How did you do on the goals set for you during your last performance appraisal? 

You might hope that your manager has been paying attention to your efforts throughout the previous year, but that probably hasn’t been the case. When 53 percent of employers admit they don’t track improved productivity, the onus is on you as the employee to document your achievements and progress. As you prepare for your performance appraisal, think back to the goals that were set, those you accomplished, and your progress on those you didn’t. Be ready to explain if there are goals you didn’t accomplish but made good progress on. Also, consider the progress made on goals that were set for your team. For those goals that were not reached, were they possibly unrealistic? If so, why? 

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2. What was your biggest achievement this year?

Your performance appraisal is your opportunity to draw attention to your track record over the past year, both regarding your goals and regarding other achievements. Don’t assume your manager will know [or remember] your accomplishments. Instead, be ready to point them out. 

Prior to your performance appraisal, pull together any documentation you might need to show your recent achievements. Include accomplishments related to your specific role within the company, but also any that happened outside of work. Maybe you joined the board of an industry organization, for example, or contributed a guest post to a blog. Perhaps you earned an online certification during the previous year that makes you more knowledgeable at your current job, or positions you to do more. 

Note: If you don’t already do so, get into the habit of documenting your accomplishments large and small throughout the year. You’ll find it’s much easier to be ready for your next performance appraisal when you don’t have to dig through old files or emails to try and remember just what you did accomplish during the previous 12 months! 

3. What are your short-and long-term goals with the company, and for your career?

Beyond the specific goals you and your manager will lay out for the year ahead, you might also be asked about your own goals. If so, be ready to answer questions like these in a way that demonstrates your desire to learn and grow, both in your career and also in the company. 

Consider the new skills you want to learn and why. Do your homework and have a list of technologies or content you want to master through online certifications during the year ahead. Discuss your plans with your manager, emphasizing that you’re pursuing this additional education in part so you can take on new roles and responsibilities at work, add more value to the organization, and help you achieve short- and long-term goals. 

As part of your performance appraisal preparations, make a list of your short-and long-term goals, and make use of that time to check in on your career progress while doing so. Include both professional and personal goals, as well as timelines for achieving them. 

Also Read: What Are Performance Goals and Why You Need Them

4. What has been the most challenging aspect of your work this past year and why?

A question like this can be a nice segue into discussing any courses you’d like to take to benefit your career. Perhaps you were challenged by changing dynamics within the IT department that shifted job roles around and now you’re at a disadvantage because you don’t know enough about a certain coding language or best practice—meaning now is the time to learn it. Maybe you were challenged by the lack of teamwork and communication issues—meaning a team-building program might be in order. 

5. Which parts of your job do you most / least enjoy?

When you’re answering a question like this, position yourself in the best possible light. Saying you most enjoy your coffee breaks will fail to impress your manager while saying you most enjoy the challenge of learning new skills and taking on new duties will make your manager’s day. Conversely, if you have concerns about your role or the organization in light of recent or impending changes, or you’re struggling to get along with a co-worker, be prepared to discuss these types of difficult topics in an objective way, possibly by writing down questions or talking points ahead of time.

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6. In what ways might you contribute more to the company?

If you would like to take on more responsibilities, play a lead role on a team, or get a promotion, use a question like this to segue into demonstrating your enthusiasm for doing more. Do your research ahead of time to determine what the needs might be and how they dovetail with your career goals. Is there an opportunity to learn Machine Learning in advance of changes in your organization? Is your company changing over to cloud computing and someone needs to master Microsoft Azure? Is cybersecurity a concern and no one has the skillset to tackle the issue head-on? Don’t wait for your manager to assume you want to take on or do more. Be open about your willingness to do so, and point out that you can master the skills needed and save the organization the time and money required to hire someone for that new role. 

Even if the appraisal questions are not the exact same questions you’ll be asked, they hit on major issues your manager will probably want to address during your performance appraisal. You will be much better prepared for the specific questions that come up if you review and prepare for the general questions above, and honestly evaluate your own performance prior to the meeting. 

7. Do you feel that your current job and responsibilities are aligned with your future goals?

Take your time to answer this question, as it will act as a deciding factor whether the job profile is right for you or not. State your future goals and the responsibilities in your current job profile that aligns with the goals. Make sure you answer the question in a way that shows your aspiration to learn and grow. Include the existing skills you have to achieve your future goals. The answer to this question might land you in a job profile that is both compatible and relevant to your future goals.

8. Are you happy with the company’s culture? Do you feel that there is any scope for improvement?

Answer this question honestly. Do not state that you are happy with the company’s culture if you do not feel that way. If you think that there are certain gaps in the corporate culture of your company, then logically and briefly explain them to the management. The management might use your answer to help the company bridge those gaps. Maintain your calm and do not point out insignificant issues.

9. Is there anyone or anything that is obstructing your performance in this company?

Be diplomatic while answering this question. Point out the hurdles you are facing in the company that is negatively affecting your work. Try not to sound like you are complaining or shifting the blame. Your answer might be helpful in getting rid of the energy vampires from the work culture.

10. Do you feel that you receive adequate feedback? How frequent feedback do you prefer?

You might sound overconfident if you state that you receive adequate feedback. Pointing out that you need less feedback will make the management feel that the feedback sessions are not standardized. State that you need more feedback to save yourself from sounding overconfident.

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11. Do you think that the team is working as a whole?

Try answering this question truthfully. Don’t try to put false blame on someone or cover up for any team member. Only point out the true picture of the team. If you are the team leader, then make sure you emphasize the strengths of your team members.

12. Is there anything else you need to improve your performance?

This is an extremely valuable question so take your time to answer this. This question allows you to point out any problems you are facing or any resources you would need to enhance your performance. If you feel that any particular tool is restricting your performance, then clearly state that. If you need any extra tools or resources, then you can state that as well. However, make sure you do not ask for anything impractical or impossible. 

13. How do you think the business is going to change next year? Do you think that the company is facing any challenges?

This question presents you with a larger picture. The intent behind asking this question is to make you understand that the company's success is not the concern of only your boss. It allows you to present informed information about the business's changes next year. You can present a neutral perspective on the company's challenges. Do not point out any insignificant challenges.

14. What qualities do you feel the emerging leaders from across the country should possess?

This question might be asked to test your level of understanding and thought process. Focus on qualities like communication skills, empathy, etc. Do not point out unrealistic qualities. Qualities like sugar-coating, being reserved, aggressiveness should not be highlighted. 

15. What would you do differently if you were a manager?

Try not to sound like you are complaining or blaming while answering this question. Point out the positive work that the manager has genuinely done, and then add on to some of the tasks that you think you would have done differently. Make sure you do not sound overconfident or condescending when you answer this question.

16. Which goals you didn't meet with reasons?

There could be several reasons why you could not achieve your objectives:

The first is realizing that they aren't your goals. Your family, school, friends, supervisor, or coworkers may have driven those goals for you, but you prefer to focus on your life goals and passions. Other reasons could be that you did not allocate enough time to accomplish them, set too many goals, or do not have an adequate support system.

17. Any accomplishment you're proud of during the last review period?

Sincerity is the best way to answer this question. Gather your notes and make a list of your accomplishments in chronological order. You could give an example of when you demonstrated leadership or excellent teamwork. Because problem-solving is a skill valued by employers, state the goal for each accomplishment, the obstacles you encountered, and how you overcame them.

18. What do you feel? Do you have everything you need to do your job?

With this question, your manager is interested in learning what motivates you as an individual and whether you understand how everything works and what is expected of you. Explain your role and what is expected of you. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the company and your place within it. You may use your education or prior experience in a similar job that performed well for your previous employer.

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19. Do you have any questions?

It is an excellent way to conclude by allowing the employee to add anything else they wish to mention. If you don't have any questions, you are not obligated to ask something. You could, for example, inquire about your roles and responsibilities for this profile.

20. How are you measuring your progress?

The interviewer's primary goal is to hire people responsible for the quality and quantity of work they produce. However, numerous factors measure or judge an individual's progress. The drive to achieve one's goals, interpersonal relationships at work and eventually at home, soulfulness, and satisfaction felt internally by the person are all excellent indicators of steady progress.

21. Is something holding you back from doing your best work?

It is your chance to explain how you prefer to be managed and why it will benefit you and the company. Your response can reveal how you see yourself, what you think about your achievements, and your ability to self-analyze. You can discuss various topics here, including taking specific classes or enrolling in a training program, addressing a career misstep, switching fields, etc.

Have a look at the video below, which talks about helpful tips that can enable you to have a smooth and productive appraisal meeting with your manager.

How Certifications Can Help You?

If you’re doing a self-evaluation and find you’re falling short of either your expectations of yourself or those set for you, consider pursuing a certification either prior to the review or after. Online certifications are an effective way to demonstrate to your employer that you’re staying up-to-date with your industry and the inevitable changes to technologies and best practices. It’s also a way to show your willingness to learn new technologies, increase your skillset, and contribute more to the company. 

If you didn’t earn any online certifications during the previous year, by all means, make a list of certifications you plan to earn in the year ahead and share that list with your manager during your performance appraisal. Doing so will show him or her that you are staying current with the industry as well as investing in your career. It will also help him or her to keep you top of mind when opportunities for promotions arise, or to suggest specific certifications that might give your career a boost. In addition, it might spark a conversation about upcoming changes you could prepare for, such as technology initiatives that will require a new skillset—or new employee. 

Simplilearn offers online certifications in a wide variety of domains, including DevOps, Big Data, cloud computing, data science, and AI and Machine Learning Course. 

Your own opinions on the performance appraisal process might be positive or negative, but the review is inevitable, just as the seasons come and go each year and technology continues its unavoidable evolution. Online certification can help you keep up with technology changes and ensure you’re ready for the appraisal season, by equipping you with new skill sets to keep you current and by demonstrating to your manager that you strive to learn and grow, both in your career and within your organization.

Hope you liked the article on appraisal questions, in case of any doubts please leave questions in the below section.

About the Author

Nikita Duggal

Nikita Duggal is a passionate digital marketer with a major in English language and literature, a word connoisseur who loves writing about raging technologies, digital marketing, and career conundrums.

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