What are some ways that supply chain partners can collaborate on product designs?

When you want to get the most out of your supply chain, you need to make sure you have effective collaboration that allows all parties to share relevant information in real time. It might seem a bit complicated at first, but there are three levels of supply chain collaboration.

1. Transaction Integration

Level one involves computerization of general business activities and transactions. For these functions you can use the Internet, electronic data interchange [EDI], or proprietary software tools. At this level you and your supply team members exchange the following data:

  • Sales orders, work orders and purchase orders
  • POS details
  • Credit and debit notes
  • Invoices
  • Incoming and outgoing payments

2. Supply Chain Management Information Sharing

At this level, you will be sharing information with your supply chain members using the Internet, EDI or proprietary software tools. Types of shared information include:

  • Production and transportation plans
  • Production forecasts
  • Bills of materials
  • Orders
  • Product details
  • Inventory
  • Prices and promotions
  • Product availability
  • Contract terms
  • Allocations

3. Strategic Collaboration

Finally, we come to strategic collaboration. At this level, you and your supply chain partners will be collaborating on planning and redesign processes, and you will usually be sharing some risk and reward. You will be making joint decisions on:

  • Improving forecast accuracy
  • Improving supply chain relationships
  • Increasing profitability
  • Resolving critical supply chain events
  • Improving sales
  • Managing procurement and fulfillment
  • Pricing plans

If you feel you have not attained a high enough level of supply chain collaboration, consider reaching out to an expert about how you can expand. If you’re looking for ways to improve your supply chain and distribution, contact our expert team at I.B.I.S. We have been providing products and services since 1989 and are committed to helping you grow your business, reduce cost and increase margins.

Article written by Dominic Telaro

CFPIM, CIRM | Vice President Industry Solutions | APICS Fellow and Certified in Integrated Resource Management Over 35 years of Manufacturing, Distribution, Supply Chain Operational, Software and Consulting experience. His professional career has been in Manufacturing and Distribution from shop floor roles through to implementing ERP, DRP and Supply Chain solutions and on to leveraging this rich experience to consulting, product management, product development and software sales. He has held positions as VP of Industry Solutions, VP of Product Development, VP of Sales and Marketing and Global Practice Leader for companies like IBIS Inc., IBM, Janis Group, Metamor, Marcam Corp. and more. Presently he is responsible for the Supply Chain Industry vertical at Sonata Software with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations as a core technology solution expertise. Dominic publishes many blogs and articles for the industry and has been a guest speaker for multiple industry events

The theory is great…  But will it work for you?

In the complex supply chain that links an enterprise with its supplier upstream and its customer downstream, coordination of planning, resources and processes between all three entities should result in less wastage, better margins and lower costs. End-to-end supply, transformation and distribution of goods has extended into a global, networked operation for many companies. At the same time, business system technology has evolved to help manage the multiplication of relationships and touch points. Collaboration should improve business performance by allowing supply chain partners to define mutually beneficial goals, and share processes and information.

As a bonus, information systems for supply chain are now moving into the cloud for anytime, anywhere access. But is that enough for collaboration to work?

Haunted by the Bullwhip Effect

Talk of collaboration in supply chains may be fashionable at the moment, the IT context encouraging, and the potential benefits alluring. It’s not just a question of carrots however. The stick of the Bullwhip effect still lurks in the background. In this case, a lack of collaboration can have a real negative effect on business. Uncertainty in demand and lead times and fear of stock-outs result in the inflation of order sizes and lead times further up the supply chain. Companies know that by improving management coordination and making information on end-customer demand available to all supply chain partners, they can reduce this effect. Now they need to know if increased efforts for collaboration will pay further dividends, and if so, how they should set about collaborating.

Where are the Opportunities for Collaboration?

Before delving into the suitability of collaboration for different companies, we should understand where the opportunities are.

Irrespective of the industry sector, these opportunities can exist at three levels: strategic, tactical and transactional. At the strategic level, supply chain partners may work together to make joint decisions on product design, marketing, pricing, production planning and distribution. Tactical collaboration involves demand forecasts, inventory, promotional pricing and levels of service. At a transactional or execution level, collaboration covers exchanges of data in the form of purchase orders, work orders, sales orders, point of sales information, invoices and payments.

Visibility is a Necessary Condition

It is necessary, but not sufficient. Transparency of the end to end demand pattern removes one obstacle to supply chain collaboration. However, it does not guarantee the absence of others. When supply chain partners mesh together, as in the vaunted Japanese manufacturing model, tight integration and collaboration can bring significant benefit. In other cases however, partners in a supply chain may still have diverging objectives; or it may be too complicated for an enterprise to leverage all the information it receives from upstream and downstream sources. For this reason, some large multinational corporations do not use the information received from partners to fine tune everyday activities, but prefer to store it in databases for offline analysis and performance evaluations.

The Role of Information Systems in Collaboration

Information technology and systems provide a means of translating collaboration concepts into reality.

In keeping with the three levels of opportunity described above, information systems [IS] can also be declined in three main categories. Message-based systemscontribute to transactional collaboration, using email, EDI [Electronic Data Interchange], XML [Extensible Mark Language] messages or that old faithful, the fax machine. At a tactical level, electronic procurement hubs and marketplaces, and collaborative software applications including workflow and file sharing help with promotions, planning and forecasting. Strategic collaborationhas its IT counterparts in predictive analysis software that allows for business model sharing between companies and their external partners.

These IS components underpin programs such as Efficient Consumer Response [ECR] in the fast moving consumer goods industry, Vendor Managed Replenishment [VMR, or Vendor Managed Inventory – VMI], and Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment [CPFR].

So Does Supply Chain Collaboration Work?

If some of the preceding remarks appear to throw cold water on ideas about collaboration or at least temper enthusiasm, we should recognise that in some cases supply chain collaboration works well.

Pharmaceutical companies use collaborative product-tracking and RFID [radio frequency identification] techniques to prevent counterfeit goods from infiltrating their supply chains. Their reseller partners, the pharmacies, also benefit from RFID to improve stock management of products with shorter shelf lives. Real financial benefits can also be quantified in various cases. OfficeMax, the American office supplies retailer, collaborated with its supplier Avery Dennison to increase revenue by more than 22 percent, achieve product availability of more than 99 percent, decrease inventory by 34 percent, and save more than $11 million in logistics costs.

First, the Facts

The complexity of supply chains makes it difficult to start with abstract models and move to their practical manifestations afterwards. For that reason, much of the studies that are done on supply chains and on supply chain collaboration in particular start with real life cases and try to deduce underlying principles. One model developed by Matthias Holweg, Stephen Disney, Jan Holmström and Johanna Småros divides organisations into four categories or types: type 0 is the traditional, linear supply chain; type 1 is supply chain collaboration through information exchange; type 2 is vendor managed replenishment [VMR or VMI]; and type 3 is supply chain synchronisation.

Mapping the Model onto the Real World

Using this classification   and knowledge gathered from different industries, it is possible to suggest how different enterprises should aim to put supply chain collaboration into practice. For example, a company with high diversity of customers and distribution channels may in fact see no economic advantage in anything but type 0 operations, meaning no collaboration. However, companies that can clearly link up local demand with local supply may find the opposite; meaning that a type 3 collaboration with supply chain synchronisation makes sense. Type 2 [VMR/VMI] collaboration is often observed in manufacturing sectors for component parts, and in retailing for products that are non-perishable. Type 1 collaboration is suited to products supplied into many markets from central or regional manufacturing sites. The effort to collect the demand information should then translate into advantage through improved forecasting.

Further Examples

The authors of the Types 0 – 3 collaboration model give additional examples. A confectionery manufacturer with two production sites and most of its major accounts in its home market has much to gain from supply chain collaboration. On the other hand, a detergent manufacturer that produces centrally, but supplies all of Europe will find it harder to collaborate effectively. Seasonal products may oblige supply chain partners to carry larger buffer stocks to mitigate variations in demand: collaboration in this case is likely to be type 1, information sharing. Finally, supply chains for products with stable demand such as beer or toothpaste are often good candidates for synchronisation or type 3 collaboration.


Opportunities for supply chain collaboration and its benefits exist, but they depend on a number of factors. Geographical parameters, demand characteristics and the type of product or service being supplied are all to be taken into account. Information systems have evolved to provide highly effective support for collaboration, but they need to be applied after the potential for collaboration has been confirmed. It is the existence of favourable conditions for supply chain collaboration that drives any decision on investment in such solutions, not vice-versa.

Does Supply Chain collaboration work for you?  Comment below.

What is design collaboration in supply chain?

Collaboration is a trend in SCM that focuses on joint planning, joint designing, coordination, and process integration between suppliers, customers, and other partners in a supply chain.

What are the 3 important types of supply chain collaborative relationships?

3 Types of Collaborations in Supply Chain Management.
Transaction Integration. Level one involves computerization of general business activities and transactions. ... .
Supply Chain Management Information Sharing. ... .
Strategic Collaboration..

What role does supply chain management play in product design?

Involving supply chain and other cross-functional teams during the design process helps answer design and materials questions that solve problems long before they happen and ultimately improve timeline efficiency.

How does collaboration work in supply chain management?

Supply chain collaboration is about coordinating with internal departments and external partners to sustain an optimized flow through the supply chain in order to efficiently meet demand and ensure on-time, in-full delivery.

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