What are the differences between the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean trade network

There were many similarities and differences between trade networks during 100 BCE to 600 BCE. The two trade networks from this time were the Silk Road and Indian Ocean. There similarities are they both spread Buddhism and disease. There differences were the time of their usability and their ways of transportation.

The similarities between the Indian Ocean and Silk Road are that they both spread Buddhism and disease. One similarity is they both spread Buddhism. Buddhism was spread through the Indian Ocean because of its winds. The winds would go one way for 6 months and the other way for the other 6 months. People could travel on the Indian Ocean when the winds were blowing towards their destination. When they would arrive at their destination the winds would be changing so they would have to wait 6 months to return home. Since they would live in a new place they would be spreading their religion, Buddhism. The same thing happened with the Silk Road it took a long time to get to

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The first difference is their time of usability. Starting with the Indian Ocean you can only use it when the winds are blowing toward your destination. The Silk Road was usable all the time unless the weather had to stop your travel. The Indian Ocean is not usable at all times depending on the wind while the Silk Road is, unless bad weather occurs. The reason for this is because you have to wait for the trade networks to be in a time where it is perfect to travel. The second difference is their way of transportation.The Indian Ocean is more predictable, you know how the winds work and when to travel. On the other hand the Silk Road isn't predictable because the weather can change throughout the day. The Indian Ocean is more predictable and faster while the Silk Road takes more time and is less predictable. The reason for this is because one is land and one is


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How was the Indian Ocean trade network similar to the Silk Road?

[theme music] So Indian Ocean trade was like the Silk Road, in that it was a network of trade routes that connected people who had stuff to people who wanted it and were willing to pay for it.

Why was the Indian Ocean trade more important than the Silk Road?

The Indian Ocean became the largest sea-based trade network in this time frame. I know we tend to think of the Silk Roads and luxury items being sold when we picture trade routes. However, the bulk of actual trade happened on the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean traded “regular goods”, in bulk and at a lower cost.

Was the Indian Ocean trade part of the Silk Road?

During this period ships crossed the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf carrying imported and exported goods along the maritime Silk Roads between the East Indies, China, Indian Subcontinent, Iranian Plateau, and East Africa.

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