What is a target market defined as

In a crowded marketplace, small business owners must strategically tailor and market their product, and target marketing is a key tool in this process. While the definition of a target market may be straightforward, the actual practice of determining a target market and engaging with it can be more difficult. The team at Nolo explains that defining a target market is important because it not only helps you target your advertising, but it also helps you determine if there is enough demand for your product in the first place. Because of this, identifying your target market should be one of the earliest steps in starting your business.


The target market is the group of consumers whom you are trying to target while marketing your product or service.

Target Market Meaning

Your target market by definition is the specific group of people to whom you are trying to sell your business's products or services. While the total market for your product or service is the entire population who could buy your product, your target market should be the specifically defined population that is most likely to purchase what you're selling.

It is important to understand that defining your target market in no way limits your total market or potential customer base. Instead, it is the best way to be cost-efficient with your product development, tailoring and advertising. Rather than spending a lot of money advertising broadly anyone who might buy your product, targeting your marketing specifically to those most likely to buy is a much more effective way to generate sales.

A target market should be a specific definition based on a combination of measurable and observable factors. Older market definitions such as "18- to 45-year-olds" are no longer effective, as consumers have become increasingly marketing-savvy and don’t lump themselves together in such broad terms. Instead, consumers prefer to be appealed to based on specific facts about themselves and their lives.

Defining Target Markets

A common way to define your target market is by demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral categories. These correspond to who your customers are, where they are found, and why and how they might purchase your product.

Demographics include age, gender, marital or familial status [children or no children], income level, education level, occupation and ethnic background. Geographic information does not have to be limited to the physical location of your customers. Instead, it can include other spaces they frequent such as online forums or specific websites. Understanding where your customers can be found means you only pay for advertising in the places where they're most likely to see it.

Psychographic information includes your customer’s personality, values, attitude, lifestyle and interests. A common shorthand for a number of these factors is religious or political affiliation. The purchasing behavior of your customers discerns whether they're more likely to shop in person or online, what hours they're likely to come to your business, and their payment methods and preferences.

Effective Target Markets

A target market should utilize a combination of these factors to be effective. For example, a business that sells clothing for pregnant people will face a lot of competition if it doesn't narrow its focus. It may take different approaches depending on if its focus is professional or casual wear.

An example target market could be people between the ages of 22 and 40 who can get pregnant and have a college-level education, or who work in conservative industries such as law, business or real estate. Depending on your business and products, you may have multiple target markets – just be sure that each one is specific.

Determining your target market can influence your product via its color, shape or flavor. For example, LGBTQ consumers may respond more positively to rainbow-colored items or items that are colored like pride flags, such as the trans, genderqueer or bisexual flags. [However, be careful to avoid "rainbow washing" or similar problems when using symbolism meant to connect with a community.]

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Target marketing plays into the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning strategy, [STP]. The team at Smart Insights breaks down the STP approach, beginning with segmentation. Segmentation refers to dividing up the total market into defined groups on the basis of the characteristics explained above. The segments you wish to target are your target markets. This segues into the next step: targeting.

Once you have identified market segments, you must evaluate them based on how attractive a prospect each is for your business. Factor in buying power, the cost of researching and reaching a given segment, how much competition there is in that specific niche and other factors around cost effectiveness. When the segments have been evaluated, you can select your target markets and begin positioning yourself to approach them.

In order to position your business or brand, you must develop an approach and increase brand awareness by using advertising, content marketing and word-of-mouth marketing. This puts your products and/or your brand in the spaces your target demographic occupies in a manner that they find engaging and appealing.

Who defines the target market?

Definition: Target market is the end consumer to which the company wants to sell its end products too. Target marketing involves breaking down the entire market into various segments and planning marketing strategies accordingly for each segment to increase the market share.

What 4 characteristics define a target market?

Target markets are defined through demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation.

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