Which term refers to a group of people whose shared expertise and interest in a joint enterprise informally binds them together quizlet?

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Chapter 14 - Organization Structure and Design

Terms in this set [28]

organizational design

the process of selecting and managing aspects of organizational structure and culture to enable the organization to achieve its goals

organizational structure

the formal system of task, power, and reporting relationships

organizational chart

diagram of the chain of command and reporting relationships in a company

division of labor

the degree to which employees specialize or generalize

span of control

the number of people reporting directly to an individual


the degree to which some employees have formal authority over others

centralized organizations

concentrate power and decision-making authority at higher levels of the organization

decentralized organizations

the authority for making decisions affecting an organization is distributed

mechanistic organizations

rigid, traditional bureaucracies with centralized power and hierarchical communications

organic organizations

flexible, decentralized structures with less clear lines of authority, decentralized power, open communication channels, and a focus on adaptability in helping employees accomplish goals

unit production

producing in small batches or making one-of-a-kind custom products

mass production

producing large volumes of identical products

continuous production

machines constantly make the product

bureaucratic structure

an organizational structure with formal division of labor, hierarchy, and standardization of work procedures

functional structure

an organization structure that group people with the same skills, or who use similar tools or work processes, together into departments

divisional strucuture

a collection of functions organized around a particular geographic area, product or service, or market

matrix structure

employees report to both a project or product team and to a functional manager

team-based structure

horizontal or vertical teams define part or all of the organization

lattice structure

cross-functional and cross-level sub teams are formed and dissolved as necessary to complete specific projects and tasks

network organizations

a collection of autonomous units or firms that act as a single larger entity, using social mechanisms for coordination and control

virtual organizations

an organization that contracts out almost all of its functions except for the company name and managing the coordination among the contractors

joint payoffs

payments based on the final product, so that if the product doesn't make it, no firm makes a profit. This motivates everyone to do their best

restricted access

restricting their exchanges to just a few long-term partners, more dependent on each other. Decreases the incentive for one organization to take advantage of another

direct contact

managers from different units informally work together to coordinate or to identify and solve shared problems

liaison role

team member is held formally accountable for communicating and coordinating with other groups

task force

temporary committees formed to address a specific project or problem

cross-functional teams

permanent task forces created to address specific problems or recurring needs

communities of practice

groups of people whose shared expertise and interest in a joint enterprise informally binds them together

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Which term refers to a group of people whose shared expertise?

communities of practice. Groups of people whose shared expertise and interest in a joint enterprise informally binds them together.

What type of organizational structure that groups of people with the same skills or who use similar tools or work processes together into departments?

The functional structure groups positions into work units based on similar activities, skills, expertise, and resources [see Figure 1 for a functional organizational chart]. Production, marketing, finance, and human resources are common groupings within a functional structure.

Which term refers to a temporary committee formed to address a specific project or problem?

Task Force. -a temporary committee formed to address a specific project or problem.

Is the process of selecting and managing aspects of organizational structure and culture to enable the organization to achieve its goals?

organizational design is the process of selecting and managing aspects of organizational structure and culture to enable the organization to achieve its goals.

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