Why do people call it a bucket list?

Eat croissants in Paris,snack onbugs, learn to cookGreek food, see the Northern Lights, ride a mechanical bull orbungee jump? Most of us have goals and aspirations, things we have always dreamed of doing orhope we could experience in our lifetimes.

Therefore, many of us already have amental bucket list, just withoutthe formallabel. But, what is the true bucket list meaning? How do we define it? Lets get to the bottom of it.

Bucket List Meaning:
Whats the Definition and What is it?

Bucket List Meaning

What is a bucket list? Simply put, it is acollection of goals, dreams andaspirationsthat you would like to accomplish within your lifetime. The basic meaning of a bucket listis to keep track of your goals and to take steps to achieving these goals in orderto maximize the incredible experiences in your life.

Definition from Dictionary.com:


Bucket List Origin

There is some controversy over where the term bucket list actually originated. It definitely gained popularity after The Bucket List movie with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman was released in 2007. But, there is evidence that the term was used before that time [and I definitely had my bucket list years before the films release date].

The most common explanation for the origin is from the phrase kick the bucketwhich is believed to originate sometime in the Middle Ages when execution by hanging was commonand the executionerwould kick the bucket. You get the idea.

What Goes on a Bucket List?

There is no right or wrong way of designing a bucket list, no one specific prescription. It is a personal journey between you and your aspirations. Each one should be different because it is meant to reflect what you most desire in your own life. For example, mine includes learning to surf, skydiving, and rappelling down a waterfall to appease my adventurous side. If you are not a thrill seeker, your list may be entirely different.

The important part is to come up with items that are meaningful to you; ones that will inspire you to wake up each morning with a fire in your belly. Retiling the bathroom floor has no place on this list, nor does cleaning the cobwebs out of the garage. Save those for your weekly honey-dos. With that said, dont worry if you didnt make each aspiration earth shattering, or even travel related; sometimes the simplest goals are the most rewarding.

Giving a blood donation took less than an hour commitment, yet is still one of my most gratifying experiences. Also, dont exclude anything just because you think it is too difficult or frightening; it is meant to stretch your comfort zone. Do the same for the things you think are too simple. As long as it has meaning to you it should be on your list, because even the smallest achievement can give us the feeling of a great accomplishment.

Dont Like the Term Bucket List?

Due to the bucket list meaning and definition, some people have some strong emotions about the term, mostly because it is a reminder of their own mortality. But, a bucket list is really about living life to the fullest with all the hours you have left on Earth. With that said, you dont have to feel obligated to name your list a bucket list you can call it anything that makes you feel the warm fuzzies inside. Here arejust a few ideas:

  • Life List
  • Dream List
  • Lifes Aspiration List
  • My Lifetime Goals
  • Things to Achieve in My Lifetime
  • My Lifes To Do
  • Meaningful Life Goals
  • Things to Conquer
  • Amazing Experiences To Be Had
  • The Life Plan
  • My Lifes Must Dos

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How to Make a Bucket List: 5 Easy Steps to Create a Great One
10 Incredible Ways a Bucket List Can Improve Your Life
My List: 1000+ Ideas for Your Bucket List
12 Bucket List Goals That Can Actually Save You Money
200 Bucket List Examples: 10,000 Things to do Before You Die
Life List: 100 Amazing Things to Do Before You Die
Couples Bucket List: 68 Fun Activities & Romantic Things to Do

Helpful Resources

My Book: Bucket List Adventures

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