Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop the username or password is incorrect

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This is an odd one!

The setup is a physical W2008 Server with a virtual SBS2008 server hosted on it.

I recently changed my password - no problem it all worked fine. I had a remote desktop to the SBS running and after it locked it gave me a The username or password is incorrect message whenI tried to unlock it with either the old or new passwords. I closed the Remote connection and started a new one using my new password - great - straight in! Then it locked again and the same problem, I can get a new remote session running but it doesn't let me unlock it.

While on the remote desktop to the SBS I opened up AD users and computers and tried resetting my password to the same one, doing this I managed to lock myself out of everything and had to get another admin to reset my password for me!

I thought it was OK after this [but I could be wrong] today however I'm unable to unlock the SBS Remote desktop but i can go staright in by starting a new RD session.

Any ideas what's going on?????

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Thai Pepper
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Jul 29, 2013 at 13:01 UTC

Try connecting to the SBS and then log off of it. If it hasn't been logged off and then back on again that could be causing the problem. Although usually just unlocking a computer with the new password after a password change is all that needs to be done. But since it won't let you unlock it, maybe the complete log off/log on might clear things up.

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Jul 29, 2013 at 12:13 UTC

recreate the shortcut. must be using cached credentials. not sure how but if a fresh RDP session will let you in then recreate the shortcut.

edit: btw when you click on the SBS RDP shortcut does it ask for your password? because if it doesnt its using cached credentials. if it does ask for the password and still fails then there must be a cat near by with a diabolical plan.

edit2: you can right click on the existing RDP shortcut to see if the "allow me to save credentials" is checked.

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Sebastiane Jul 29, 2013 at 12:15 UTC

Is this a Windows 7 client?

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Jul 29, 2013 at 12:45 UTC

maybe a "control keymgr.dll" from the command line to ensure there is nothing cached in there that is doing it?

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Jul 29, 2013 at 12:56 UTC

Thanks so far all - I'm connecting from a Windows 7 machine.

The fresh RDP session asks me for my password and the new one works and lets me straight in to the SBS server, the problem occurs when the SBS locks- Ican't unlock it with either my new or old passwords it just gives the User name or password error message, I can start a new RDP session and connect to it using the new passwordthough.

I can also run an RDP session from my machineon the SBS using a different admin account and can lock and unlock that one OK, as soon as I reconnect using my own account I can't unlock it.

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Thai Pepper
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Jul 29, 2013 at 13:01 UTC

Try connecting to the SBS and then log off of it. If it hasn't been logged off and then back on again that could be causing the problem. Although usually just unlocking a computer with the new password after a password change is all that needs to be done. But since it won't let you unlock it, maybe the complete log off/log on might clear things up.

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Jul 29, 2013 at 13:02 UTC

John5152 wrote:

Thanks so far all - I'm connecting from a Windows 7 machine.

The fresh RDP session asks me for my password and the new one works and lets me straight in to the SBS server, the problem occurs when the SBS locks- Ican't unlock it with either my new or old passwords it just gives the User name or password error message, I can start a new RDP session and connect to it using the new passwordthough.

I can also run an RDP session from my machineon the SBS using a different admin account and can lock and unlock that one OK, as soon as I reconnect using my own account I can't unlock it.

hm.. weird..when you see the lock screen, does it say your domain listed as the login target? is there special characters\capitals in your password that potentially when you hit "shift" the remote connection does not register the shift as being pushed which causes a failed password? possibly try a copy and paste of your password into the locked RDP session.

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Jul 29, 2013 at 13:06 UTC

Thanks Kristi - why didn't I think of that! I'll blame the 50 hour weeks I'm doing at the moment.

Of course I was RDPing into the same session which had obviously screwed up somehow when I changed the password, logging out and killing the session has let me log back in and everything looks to be back to normal now - I can lock and unlock the session on the SBS.

Thanks to everyone else for their suggestions / support as well!


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