All the more nghĩa là gì

Có đang buồn bực cũng không nên giận cá chém thớt nha. Photo by from Pexels

All the more reason for/to [doing something] nghĩa là càng có thêm lý do, động lực để làm gì.

Ví dụ

If he thus forbade [cấm] you to give power over yourself to your brother or friend, all the more reason for him to forbid you from turning yourself over to the control of your enemy. Nonetheless, I advise you not to mistrust my lord.

It was the uncertainty and the war, and so on, that you gave as your reason. I responded by saying I felt that when you were in this kind of period, it is all the more reason for coming in with more frequent attempts to give educated guesses.

Sometimes, you can be depressed without any concrete [cụ thể] reason. However, the fact remains that severe stressful relations can end up in depression. This is all the more reason to find solutions for stress and to learn to handle trying situations.

Your mood go sour, and maybe you even become a little like your boss was earlier, having a negative attitude with other people. This, in turn, gives you unwanted responses from your co-workers, which gives you all the more reason to continue your bad day.

Thu Phương

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