Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 2

stimulate [v]: kích động 

decrease [v]: giảm    

enhance [v]: nâng cao, đề cao  

 improve [v]: cải thiện

encourage [v]: khuyến khích 

improve[v]: cải thiện              

develop [v]: phát triển   

stop [v]: dừng

=>Broccoli supplies a great source of vitamin K, which is known to enhance thinking function and improve  brainpower.

Tạm dịch: Bông cải xanh cung cấp nguồn vitamin K tuyệt vời, được biết là tăng cường chức năng tư duy và cải thiện trí tuệ.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Choose the word which has the bolded part pronounced different from the others.

Question 1:

  • a. passage
  • b. message
  • d. luggage

Question 2:

  • a. wonderful
  • b. month
  • d. none

Question 3:

  • a. cooked
  • b. accomplished
  • c. hissed

Question 4:

Question 5:

  • a. pause
  • c. clause
  • d. cause

Choose the best answer a, b, c or d for each sentence.

Question 6: We wish _____ to college next year.

  • a. go
  • c. going 
  • d. shall go

Question 7: They agreed _____ us some more money. 

Question 8: He suggested ____ to France this summer time.

  • a. travel
  • b. to travel
  • d. traveled

Question 9: She doesn't mind ____ me with my exercises.

  • a. help
  • b. to help
  • d. helps 

Question 10: We would ‘love ____ three cups of coffee.

Question 11: Don’t you think my jeans need _____?

  • a. clean
  • b. to clean
  • d. cleans

Question 11: They will never forget _____ the Prince.

  • a. see
  • b. to see
  • d. will see

Question 12: His teacher regrets _____ him that his application for the job has been turned down.

  • a. tell
  • c. telling
  • d. tells

Question 13: The workers stopped _____ a rest because they felt tired.

Question 14: That girl tried to avoid _____ some of my questions.

  • a. answer 
  • b. to answer
  • d. answered

Question 15: Young people are usually full of ____, but lack of experience.

  • a. enthuse
  • c. enthusiastic
  • d. enthusiast

Question 16: What is your job?

  • a. occupation
  • b. career
  • c. profession

Question 17: John has just received a letter ____ his parents, who live abroad.

Question 18: Advertising is a/ an ___ which helps manufacturers to sell more goods.

  • a. entertainment
  • c. science
  • d. designing

Question 19: The boss ____ to sack him because he had been late twice.

  • a. hoped
  • b. improved
  • d. advised

Question 20: Sometimes he does not pay ____ to his teachers so he does not get high marks.

  • a. love
  • c. expectation
  • d. time

Question 21: The rainy season is coming. The roof of our house needs ____.

  • a. repair
  • b. to repair
  • d. repaired

Question 22: I often go to work early to avoid ____ in the rush hour.

  • a. drive
  • b. to drive
  • d. drove

Question 23: Whenever I ____ her, she ____ about her job.

  • b. will meet / complains
  • c. am meeting / has been complaining
  • d. met / has complained

Question 24: I do not mind _____, but it is better _____ too early than too late.

  • a. wait / be
  • b. to wait / being
  • c. waited / to be

Question 25: Of the three cars, the red one is ____.

  • a. more economical
  • b. most economical
  • d. the more economical

Question 26: I was just about ____ the office when the phone rang.

  • a. leave
  • c. leaving
  • d. left

Question 27: ____ as he had promised? — Because of some unexpected trouble.

  • a. What didn’t John come
  • b. Why John didn’t come
  • d. When did John come

Question 28: _____ do you have an English lesson? - Three times a week.

  • b. How long
  • c. How far
  • d. How many

Question 29: Everybody knows that it is not good _____ a lot, but not many of us can avoid ____ this habit.

  • a. smoking / to get
  • b. smoke / got
  • c. to smoke / get’

Question 30: It is no use ____ impatient when you are at a doctor’s.

Error identification 

Questionv 31: Education, whether it happens at school or anywhere else, is a important part in our life.

  • a. Education
  • b. whether
  • c. or

Question 32: A college education is not only preparation for a career but it should also is preparation for life. 

  • a. A college education
  • b. not only
  • c. but

Question 33: Today, it is quite common for adults of alLages to come back to college neither for career advancement or knowledge.

  • a. quite common
  • b. of all ages
  • d. knowledge

Question 34: Parents are used to being worried whenever their children have to travel somewhere because of there is often so much traffic. 

  • a. are used to being
  • b. worried
  • c. have to

Question 35: John decides to become a teacher because he enjoys to teaching a lot.

  • a. decides
  • b. to become
  • c. because

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Americans are usually tolerant of non-native speakers who have some trouble understanding English. But they become annoyed when a person pretends to understand but does not really and then creates problems because of misunderstanding what was said. No one wants soap when he asks for soup. So, if you do not understand  what is said to you, admit it and politely ask the person to repeat or explain.

It is quite rude to converse with a companion in your native language and leave your American friends standing there feeling stupid because they cannot understand the conversation. They may also feel that you are talking about them or saying something that you do not want them to hear. If you must use your native language to explain something to a non-English-speaking companion, at least translate for your American friends so that they do not feel left out.

You should learn a few more polite English expressions, and you will be ready to face the world of Americans with confidence. The polite response to a compliment about your looks or your work is “Thank you’ — a smile and a nod is not enough. The response to “Thank you” is, of course, ‘You are welcome.” If someone asks, “How are  you?”, do not give your medical history. But just say, Fine, thanks. And you?” What should you say when someone sneezes’? It may not seem logical, but the correct response is “God bless you.”

Question 36: Americans _____.

  • a. do not like those who cannot speak English
  • b. would rather someone pretended to understand what they say
  • d. often talk impolitely

Question 37: When communicating with Americans, you ____.

  • a. should pretend to understand thoroughly
  • b. needn’t use English
  • c. should speak in your native language

Question 38: Americans ______.

  • a. feel comfortable when they cannot understand what you said to other person in your native language
  • c. want you to translate what is said into your native language
  • d. feel left out when communicating with a foreigner

Question 39: The writer has advised us ____.

  • a. not to use English to communicate with Americans
  • b. to let Americans out when we want to say something secret
  • c. never to keep our friends standing alone

Question 40: A polite response to “Thank you” is ___.

  • b. a smile and nod 
  • c. “God bless you”
  • d. “Fine, thanks. And you?"

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

In American high schools, students move from one class to [Question 41] ____ and study each subject with a different teacher and a different group of classmates. Many high schools have a tracking system, [Question 42] ___ groups students according [Question 43] ___ academic ability and motivation. [Question 44] ____, more capable and hard-working students take more difficult courses. [Question 45] _____ on the subject. classes may be offered at two, three, or even four different ability levels. High school students have [Question 46] ____ very busy day. They have to take five or six academic subjects [Question 47] ____ physical education. They also have to do homework. [Question 48] _____ research in the school library, and take part in activities such as the school band, school newspaper, athletics, drama or clubs. However, these school activities are worth [Question 49] ____ because they help students find friends with similar interests, develop their talents, gain [Question 50] _____ self-confidence, and even discover their career goals.

Question 41:

  • b. one another 
  • c. others
  • d. each other

Question 42:

Question 43:

Question 44:

  • a. Because
  • b. If
  • c. Although

Question 45:

  • a. Talking
  • b. Agreeing
  • d. Objecting

Question 46:

Question 47:

  • a. as
  • b. as well
  • d. so as to

Question 48:

  • b. make
  • c. discover
  • d. care

Question 49:

Question 50:

  • a. more greater
  • b. the more greater
  • c. much the greater

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