Bài tập trắc nghiệm word form lớp 8

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh có đáp án – Cô Trang Anh đã được cập nhật. Để làm quen với các dạng bài hay gặp trong đề thi, thử sức với các câu hỏi khó giành điểm 9 – 10 và có chiến lược thời gian làm bài thi phù hợp, các em truy cập link thi Online học kì 2 môn Toán lớp 12 có đáp án

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Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh có đáp án – Cô Trang Anh

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I. Grammar:

Hình thức

Vị trí

Ví dụ


[danh từ]




           or/er[chỉ người]





1.đứng trước động từ làm chủ ngữ

2.đứng sau động từ làm tân ngữ

3.đứng sau :a/an/the/of/many/much/a lot of

4.đứng sau tính từ sỡ hữu:my,his,her,our,their

5.đứng sau tính từ

Many visitors come to


dalat every year.

I can see your


happyness in your eyes

Tính từ







          Less[mang nghĩa phủ định]


1.đứng trước danh từ

2.đứng sau các động từ,seem,be[am,is,are,was,were,get,become,feel


1.It is a beautiful day


You look fashionable in this dress.

Trạng từ



Chú ý:





1.đứng sau động từ thường

2.đứng ngay sau tân ngữ của động từ thường

[cuối câu]

3. đứng trước động từ chính

4. đứng trước tính từ

I live happily on my farm.

I did my test carefully.

It was completetly destroyed.

It’s extremely cold

I. Thành lập danh từchỉ người

V – ee

V– eer

Train/ trainee:người được h.luyện]

Engine-  engineer: kỹ sư

refer/ referee [trọng tài]

Employ/employee [công nhân]

V– ant

Assist/ assistant: người phụ tá

apply / applicant: người nộp đơn

contest/ contestant: thí sinh

attend/ attendant: người tham dự

participate /participant:

người tham gia

- man

Doorman: người gác cổng

Guardsman: lính cận vệ

Business/ businessman; thg gia


Music/ musician: nhạc công

Beg/ beggar: kẻ ăn xin

Library/ librarian: quản thủ thư

Surgery/surgeon: nhà phẩuthuật  



                                                                 II. Thành lập danh từ

V - al

Arrive/ arrival: sự tới nơi

Remove/ removal: việc di chuyển

approve/  approval: sự tán thành

V- ance

Appear/ appearance: sự x.hiện

guide/ guidance: sự hướng dẫn

Assist/ assistance: s ự giúp đỡ

Perform/ performance: sự thực hi ện

allow/ allowance: sự cho phép

attend/ attendance: sự có mặt

V- ence

Differ/ difference: sự khác nhau

Refer/ reference: sự tham khảo

Prefer/ preference: sự  thích hơ

Depend/ dependence: sự phụ thuộcConfide/ confidence: sự tin tư


Able/ ability: khả năng

Pure/ purity: sự tinh khiết

Solid/ solidity: sự vững chắc

Electric/ electricity: điện

Possible/ possibility: sự có thể

Similar/ similarity: sự tương tự

Popular/ popularity: tính phổ biến

Real/ reality: thực tế

N – hood

Child/ childhood

Neighbor/ neibourhood

III. Thành lập TínhTừ

N – ic

Science/ scientific: khoa học

Emphasis/ Emphatic: nhấn mạnh

History/ Historic: lịch sử

N – ous

Fame/ famous: nỗi tiếng

Danger/ dangerous: nguy hiểm

Poison/ poisonous: độc hại

miracle/ miraculous: huyền diệu

Marvel/ marvelous: tuyệt vời

Nerve/ nervous: căng thẳng

Religion/ religious: tín ngưỡng

Variety/ various: đa dạng

Mystery/ mysterious: bí ẩn

N - able

V - able

Reason/ reasonable: hợp lý

Admire/ admirable: đáng phục

Fashion/ fashionable: hợp thời

comfort/ comfortable: tiện lợi

Horror/ horrible: kinh khủng

Value/ Valuable: có giá trị

N – ish

Child/ childish: như trẻ con

Self/ selfish: ích kỷ

Fool/ foolish: ngu xuẩn

V – tive

Product/ productive: năng suất

Protect/ protective: bảo vệ

Decorate/ decorative: để trang trí

Collect/ collective: tập thể

Concentrate/ concentrative: tập trung

N – ful




IV. Thành lập động từ

Adj- ize

Real/ realize: nhận thức rõ

industrial/ industrialize: CN.hoá

commercial/ commercialize

 Out - V

grow/ outgrow: phát triển hơn

outrun/ outrun: chạy nhanh hơn

weigh/ outweigh: nặng hơn

 Over- V

stay/overstay: ở quá lâu

take/ overtake: vượt, đuổi kịp

work/ overwork: làm quá sức


sell/ undersell: bán rẻ hơn

do/ undergo: chịu đựng

charge/ undercharge: định giá thấp hơn


impose/ superimpose: chồng lên

heat/superheat: đun quá sôi

intend/ superintend: trông nom


1.     She ‘s beautiful with a ............................. smile. [ Love ]

2.     .........................., the barber cut my hair too short. [ luck ]

3.     Each of my friends has a ............................ character. [ differ ]

4.     Nam is very ............................., kind and generous. [ Social ]

5.     My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local ...................... [ orphan ].

6.     She has short .......................... hair. [ curl ].

7.     Trung and his brother like .............................. movies very much. [ act ]

8.      My brother likes acting and outdoor ..................................... [ act ].

9.     Bell experimented with ways of transmitting........................... over a long distance. [ speak ]

10. Bell ...................... demonstrated his invention. [ success ].

11. Mr Phong made an ...................... to see us at two o’clock. [ arrange ]

12.  Thomas Watson was Bell’s ......................, wasn’t he ?  [ assist ]

13.  There wasn’t any ...................... in our village two years ago. [ electric ]

14. “ The lost shoe”  is one of the ..........................stories I like best. [ tradition ]

15. Everyone was ............................. at the soccer match. [ excite ].

16. Marconi was the ......................... of radio. [ invent ]

17. The ........................... of radio was made by Marconi. [ invent ]

18.  Alexander G.B ............................. demonstrates his invention. [ success ]

19. Can I leave the ............................. of the table for you ? [arrange ]

20. We have two postal ........................ each day. [ deliver ]

21.  I’m going to the shop for a rice ........................ . [ cook ]

22. Be careful to cover the ............... sockets for the safety of the children. [ electric ]

23.  The music is beautiful. It makes the movie ......................... [ forget ]

24.  In order to save the ......................., remember to turn off the lights before going out. [ electric ]

25.  The boy fell off his bicycle and ........................... broke his arm. [ fortunate ]

26. His broken arm was still ............................. [ pain].

27. A fairy appeared and ............................... changed her old clothes. [ magic ]

28.  The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s .............................. [ wise ].

29.  The police came ................................ . [ immediate ]

30. Our life is much better with the help of modern .......................... [ equip ]

31.  In the story, the prince got ....................... to a poor girl. [ marry ].

32.  he is an .......................... student. [ excellence ]

33.  Thank you for your ............................... party. [ enjoy ]

34.  Remember to check for ........... mistakes before handing in your writing. [ spell ]

35.  .................. in sport competitions is open to everyone in our school. [ paticipate ]

36.  Her parents are pleased with her good ............................. [ behave ]

37.  His ...................... of some words is not correct. [ pronounce ]

38.  My teacher is proud of my ........................ in my study. [ improve ]

39.  I can do all the excercises ........................... [ easy ]

40.  The Boy Scouts of America is a youth .................................. [ organize ]

41.  The form must have the ...................... of the writer. [ sign ]

42.  Our teacher always gives us .................... so that we can work hard. [ encourage]

43.  If you want to join the club, please fill in this .................... form.  [ apply ]

44.  Who is the .................. of this car ? [ own ]

45.  There are not enough doctors in this ..................... [ neighbor]

46. The ................. in the area are against the building of the new high way. [ reside ]

47.  I want to become a famous ......................... when I grow up. [ photograph ]

48.  There is a wide ..................... of clothes for you  in this summer. [ select ]

49.  Mai always brings an English dictionary in her ........................... [ pack ]

50.  The weather is getting [ bad ] ...................

51. It is ............................ than usual in my town today.  [ busy ]

52.  School days are the ................................ days of my life. [ happy ]

53.  Who is ........................., Tom or Tim ? [ good ]

54.  She lives in the ........................... house of the village.  [ large ]

55.  Going on a trip is .................................. than staying at home. [ interesting ]

56.  The people in the country are very open and [ friend ] ...............................

57.  She is loved by many people because of her ............... and consideration. [ kind ]

58.  Some of my ....................... live in the city. [ relate ]

59.  Air ........................ is a big problem in the city nowadays. [ pollute ]

60.  She likes a ........................ evening in the countryside.

61. Mr Tan teaches ........................ sciences. [ nature ]

62.  Disneyland is one of the famous areas of ................................ [ entertain ]

63.  He had no .............................. for his absence. [ explain ]

64.  How ........................ of you to break that cup! [ care ]

65.  We live in a rather rich .................................. [ neighbor ]

66.  They are members of an international .................................. [ organize ]

67.  Television is very ........................... nowadays. [ popularity ]

68.  It’s .................... to cross the avenue. [ dager ]

69.  ................................... her illness was more serious than we thought. [ fortunate ]

70.  Sapa is a wonderful ................................ resort in VietNam. [ mountain ]

71.  Most tourists like visiting ................................. villages. [ tribe ]

72. There are ............................ ways of solving problem.  [ variety ]

73.   It’s not easy to find cheap ............................. at busy times. [ accommodate ]

74.  Some of my ........................... are going to my birthday party. [ class ]

75. We like our math teacher for his sense of ............................... [ homourous ]

76. We are making ........................ for the trip to Dien Bien next week.

77.  Tom is working as an .............................. to Professor Brown.   [ assist ]

78.  We are waiting for the ............................. of his plane [ arrive ]

79.  Every week, there are two ........................ from Ha Noi to HCM city. [ fly ]

80. There are some buses to .................................. destinations. [ south ]

81.  This knife is ................................ It can’t cut anything. [ use ]

82.  The person who sell flowers at the shop is called ........................... [ flower ]

83.  She is very .......................... about her mother’s health. [ anxiety ]

84. Mrs Hoa can help Mai to make a good .......................... [ choose ].

85. In May the days often .............................. [ long ]

86.  My father has a good ................................ of Vietnamese history. [ know ]

87. My father plans to live ____ in the countryside after he retires [PERMANENT]

88. Read the user’s manual carefully, it will give you a lot of useful ____ [INFORM]

89. This part of the library is for college students only it is not ___ to high school pupils [ACCESS]

90. I didn’t sleep very well that night and got a terrible headache the ___ morning [FOLLOW]

91. Few people want to eat that restaurant because of the ___ smell from the garbage dump nearby [PLEASE]

92. Our ___ are doing their best to improve the people’s quality of life [GOVERN]

93. What’s the ___ time of your flight? [DEPART]

94. I’m going to buy a motorcycle.I’m tired of riding on ___ buses [CROWD]

95. English ia an …….. and important subject[INTEREST]

96. In electronics, We learn to repaire …….. appliance [HOUSE]

97. Nam ia very ………in computer[INTEREST]

98. Ba will be a ……. Artist one day [FAME]

99. If you want to have a ……body, you should play sport [HEALTH]

100.                    In most country,there are organizations especially for ……[TEEN]

101.                    There is many kinds of …….for young people [ENTERTAIN]

102.                    More and more young people want a university …….[EDUCATE]

103.                    We are rehearsing a play for the school anniversary ……[CELEBRATE]

104.                    When I go to the library, I sit and read about …..things [WONDER]

105.                    Ask the …….if you can borrow this book [LIBRARY]

106.                    We have a ……who comes twice a week [GARDEN]

107.                    I’d like to live here because the people are very [friend]………

108.                    We usually go [Swim]………..… in the morning

109.                    Feeding the ducks is her [day] ………..work

110.                    [Fortunate]…………..…. He was ill on the day  of the Pop festival.

111.                    You should bring [suit]….clothes for this cold weather.

112.                    Don’t let the child  go out because it’s [wind]……….

113.                    An [orphanage ]…………. is a child whose parents are dead

114.                    L.A Hill is a [ humor] ……………… writer

115.                    I’m [extreme]…….. for the delay

116.                    She looks more …………..than her sister[ beauty]

117.                    They are very …………to survive  a shipwreck [luck]

118.                    I love the ……….of summer evening  in the countryside[peaceful]

119.                    Those cats looks …….[love]

120.                    Stop, Nam! It's..................to be near the stove. [danger]

121.                    The glass pieces are dried........................ . [complete]

122.                    My elder brother studies hard this year in order to pass the.........exam to the university. [enter]

123.                    Please confirm your.............. date and time if you want to come  with us. [arrive]

124.                    I’ll make ………..for you to meet him at airport[arrange]

125.                    Tuan ……his friend to his house on Christmas day [Invitation]

126.                    My ……….will call you later [ assist]

127.                    What led to the ……of the telephone?[ invent]

128.                    Mr Pipe runs his business very ……….His friend admire him [ success]

129.                    My brother bought a new …….rod yesterday[fish]

130.                    Their children have quite ………..character [ difference]

131.                    He helps us out of  ……………[kind]

132.                    This school doesn’t have any sports ……….[equip]

133.                    The new that Mr Nam had inherited  a million dollars make his friend ………. [excite]

134.                    “Ao dai”  is a …………..dress of Vietnam [tradition]

135.                    The polices are interested in  the sudden ……….of the valuable paintings [ appear]

136.                    The sayings of the sage  are full  of [wise]

137.                    Who is the ……………of this black Merced? [own]

138.                    The ….. world of Disney attracts thousands of children as well as adults.

139.                    My car has given me excellent …………..[serve]

140.                    they are getting along with their ………….[neighborhood]

141.                    My mother cooked a ……….. dish last night [taste]

142.                    My neighborhood is  …………for good and cheap restaurants [fame]

143.                    How often do you  ……………your friend? [weight]

144.                    The …………of a neighborhood is very important to it dweller [safe]

145.                    Everyone in the  neighborhood is …………….. with what we have done. [please]

146.                    the ………….of the house is very kind to us [own]

147.                    Mary likes attending the English ………….contest [speak]

148.                    My sister is fond of…………………places [crowd]

149.                    The ……………have to  cook rice in this contest [participate]

150.                    This country has a big …………..which makes cars [industrial]

151.                    My father likes ……………..[ski]

152.                    There were two …….yesterday: fire making and rice cooking [compete]



Trụ Sở TPHCM: 61 Đường D5, Phường 25, Quận Bình Thạnh, TP.HCM

Bình Dương: A1B101 CC Becamex, KDC Việt Sing, P.An Phú, TX.Thuận An, BD

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