Ball đọc tiếng anh là gì

VERB + BALL have, hold, organize tennis, etc. | beach | match, We're organizing a charity ball. | practice attend, go to

VERB + BALL play with | bat, blast,

BALL + NOUN gown bounce, bowl, chip, dribble,

ADJ. at a/the ~ She met him at head, hit, kick, roll, strike, throw The kids love to kick a ball against my wall.the college ball. | clear, cross, pass | catch, stop He caught the ball. | control, trap | chase She chased the ball all over the pitch. | retrieve, run down | return The fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler. | miss The goalkeeper missed the ball. | drop, let go of Oh no! He's dropped the ball. | handle | give away, lose | win | retain

BALL + VERB fly, go, roll, sail The ball flew over the bar into the sea of Middlesbrough fans. The ball's gone over the fence. | hit, land The ball hit the wall and rolled along the road. | bounce, rebound

BALL + NOUN game | control, skills His ball control was excellent. > Special page at SPORT

2 kick/hit of a ball

ADJ. good, great, superb | bad, loose | high, low He sent over a high ball. | long, short | quick, slow | cross, through a superb through ball from John Scott | hand He was penalized for hand ball.

VERB + BALL play, send | pick up, pounce on, punish He pounced on a loose ball and scored.

PREP. ~ from a great ball from Beckham

3 round object like a ball

ADJ. tight | fiery The sun was a fiery ball, low on the hills. | crystal (= used for telling fortunes) Without a crystal ball it's impossible to say where we'll be next year. | cannon, musket

VERB + BALL curl/roll (up) into The little girl curled up into a ball in her mother's arms. | form/make sth into, roll/screw sth (up) into, shape sth into He screwed the letter up into a tight ball.

Dạng không chỉ ngôi Động từ nguyên mẫu to ball Phân từ hiện tại balling Phân từ quá khứ balled Dạng chỉ ngôi số ít nhiều ngôi thứ nhất thứ hai thứ ba thứ nhất thứ hai thứ ba Lối trình bày I you/thou¹ he/she/it/one we you/ye¹ they Hiện tại ball ball hoặc ballest¹ balls hoặc balleth¹ ball ball ball Quá khứ balled balled hoặc balledst¹ balled balled balled balled Tương lai will/shall² ball will/shall ball hoặc wilt/shalt¹ ball will/shall ball will/shall ball will/shall ball will/shall ball Lối cầu khẩn I you/thou¹ he/she/it/one we you/ye¹ they Hiện tại ball ball hoặc ballest¹ ball ball ball ball Quá khứ balled balled balled balled balled balled Tương lai were to ball hoặc should ball were to ball hoặc should ball were to ball hoặc should ball were to ball hoặc should ball were to ball hoặc should ball were to ball hoặc should ball Lối mệnh lệnh — you/thou¹ — we you/ye¹ — Hiện tại — ball — let’s ball ball —

  1. Cách chia động từ cổ.
  2. Thường nói will; chỉ nói shall để nhấn mạnh. Ngày xưa, ở ngôi thứ nhất, thường nói shall và chỉ nói will để nhấn mạnh.

Ví dụ về cách dùng

English volume_up It might be the evolutionary origin of the phrase, "she's got him by the balls."

English volume_up He knew his corporate balls was gonna be in a sling and he set this thing up.

English volume_up I can remember seeing the little balls in this thing just floating back and forth.

English volume_up You're like the Raspyni Brothers, where you've got your balls in cold water.

English volume_up In fact, why would we put these balls in the soup, there's meat in there anyway?

English volume_up I'm here today to talk about autonomous, flying beach balls.

English volume_up But everybody else was looking in the bush and looking in the ditches for golf balls.

English volume_up This is a little thing that I made because I really like the idea of curves and balls together.

English volume_up I don't think she would have ever had the brains...... or the balls to pull off something like this.

English volume_up But the problem is that people all didn't want all the golf balls.


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