Best study playlists on Apple Music

This is a playlist of my favorite study music. Its great for homework, studying for exams, reading, and generally getting crap crossed off my many checklists.

Ive been working on this playlist for several years, and it contains music [all non-lyrical] from a wide variety of genres and sources, including video game/anime/movie soundtracks. At the moment, its got about 240 songs for you to choose from.

Listening on another app? Ive worked to mirror this study playlist to other services. Check them out below:

  • Spotify Study Music Playlist
  • Apple Music Study Playlist

If youd like, you can study with me in another tab while this plays. You can also listen to the playlist on YouTube instead of on this page.

By the way I create my own study music as well! If youd like to give it a listen, heres a playlist:

You can also follow me on Spotify or on YouTube if you want to be notified when new tracks are released.

Need even more study music?

Here are a few options. Music designed specifically to help you focus more effectively. It works really well for me, and I use it for around 50% of my research, writing, and reading sessions the other half are mostly done with the playlist above.

Piano Study Playlist If youre in the mood for a more consistent playlist, check out this one full of solo piano tracks.

Coffitivity Sometimes Im in the mood for ambient noise instead of music, and the sounds of a bustling coffee shop are my personal favorite type.

Noisli An ambient noise generator that lets you create your own mix using sounds like rain, thunder, fan, and white/brown/pink noise.

More Playlists

Work Vibes My personal playlist of getting-stuff-done music. Most of the tracks here have vocals, so I wouldnt read or study intently with them. But theyre great for crushing emails, working on design projects, or doing other work where I simply need to execute quickly.

Toms Workout Playlist A collection of the tracks that usually accompany me to the gym.

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