broduding là gì - Nghĩa của từ broduding

broduding có nghĩa là

AKA Bro. Those "dudes" who chase ass around the quad all day wearing their crooked visors and/or hats with pre-frayed brims, pumas/birkenstocks, polos with the collar popped...on top of another polo...on top of a t-shirt, driving around in a lifted ford explorer with brush long island, have livestrong bracelets on all 3 of their wrists, think its cool to longboard/play ultimate frisbee, listen to the shins, jack johnson and dave mathews band, play catch with a football even though they suck ass at football but think they're good since they play madden a lot... basically, bottom line...LOW WEIGHT/HIGH REPS


"Hey BRO, lets go listen to some Jack Johnson DUDE!!"
"Alright bro! Gimme like 15 minutes to coat myself in axe body spray and do some bicep curls and maybe grab a red bull or something dude man."
"Peace brodude!"
"Yea dude, peace man"
"later BRO"

broduding có nghĩa là

The BROdudes are a type of BRO that is typically made up of some sort of video/computer game addiction + a love for shitty METAL + a strong like for underaged sluts + big mouths used for talking tons of shit for the most ridiculous reasons [& used to give bro jobs] + an insercurity issue + bromo sexual tendencies.

Not to be confused with "dude-bra."

A Bro Dude will never be spotted in public without another Bro Dude. They need one another in order to feel TOTALLY AWESOME! When spotted at bars, parties, or any other drunken social event - it is pretty much a guarantee that they will start shit with numerous people - TALKTALKTALK SHIT - & NEVER finish what they start. Instead they run home with their penis tucked between their legs to play WOW..where they can once again feel superior through a fictional game character.

BROdudes believe anything metal is cool [as mentioned above]. This includes ravens, snakes, skulls, blackest of the black, & big &/or long hairs blowing in the wind.


These guys are total BROdudes!

[Box2 & Slammy are two *madeup* BROdudes at a party.]

Box2: "BRO, look at those sluts - lets go run a train on them."

Slammy: "Sweeeeet, BRO!"

[as they walk over to the sluts, they were intercepted & some other guys beat them to the sluts..]

Slammy: [goes into BROdude muscle bro-mode with chest puffed out & gets within 1 inch of Box2's ear..]

Slammy: "BROOOO, is it cool?! IS IT COOL?!?!"

Box2: "NO, BROOO!"

nonBROdude: "those BROdudes always cause drunken drama!"

broduding có nghĩa là

The act of hanging out with your best friends that are the manliest of men.


It's time to go broduding at Michael's house.

broduding có nghĩa là

the acceptable term when addressing a friend or associate, when you're feeling far too gnarly to say just 'bro' or 'dude'


Yo brodude, let's go surfing! Chyea.

broduding có nghĩa là

The BROdudes are a type of BRO that is typically made up of some sort of video/computer game addiction + a love for shitty METAL + a strong like for underaged sluts + big mouths used for talking tons of shit for the most ridiculous reasons [& used to give bro jobs] + an insercurity issue + bromo sexual tendencies. See bro job definiton2.
Not to be confused with "dude-bra."
A Bro Dude will never be spotted in public without another Bro Dude. They need one another in order to feel TOTALLY AWESOME! When spotted at bars, parties, or any other drunken social event - it is pretty much a guarantee that they will start shit with numerous people - TALKTALKTALK SHIT - & NEVER finish what they start. Instead they run home with their penis tucked between their legs to play WOW..where they can once again feel superior through a fictional game character. Bro Dudes believe anything metal is cool [as mentioned above]. This includes ravens, snakes, skulls, blackest of the black, & big &/or long hairs blowing in the wind.


[Box2 & SLammy are two BROdudes at a party.]

Box2: "BRO, look at those sluts - lets go run a train on them."

Slammy: "Sweeeeet, BRO!"

[as they walk over to the sluts, they were intercepted & some other guys beat them to the sluts..]

Slammy: [goes into BROdude muscle bro-mode with chest puffed out & gets within 1 inch of Box2's ear..] "BROOOO, is it cool?! IS IT COOL?!?!"

Box2: "NO, BROOO!"

[the 2 BROdudes then commence the shit talking & leg pissing to mark their territory.]

broduding có nghĩa là

Not to be mistake for Dudebro, these kinda pals are legit. They carry with them a multitude of hype and chill vibes, often very cool and down to earth people. A BroDude can be both male, female or other. They are the epitome of a "good time" and in groups can cause a fun amount of ruckus. BroDudes are good people, who are just here to have fun, get turnt, smoke some green and chat about the mountains. Most BroDudes are super hyped on the outdoors and are usually interested in such hobbies as: climbing the mountains, surfing the big waves and shredding the gnar. BroDudes are the kinda folks you wanna keep around.


"This is Alex, he's a BroDude." "Buddy is a solid BroDude, he is super into deep talks and saving Mother Earth!"
"I kinda wanna bone that guy, but he is too much of a BroDude to me..."

broduding có nghĩa là

A brodude is someone cool. A brodude MUST NOT make fun of the toaster head nation, the prankster gangster nation, Police PA, or Brodude Dollar Bills. Brodudes can be also known as baby girls or bad boys.


Wow! What a non-brodude she is! She makes fun of me and the toaster head nation!

broduding có nghĩa là

An anti-dudebro; a guy who is superficially similar to a dudebro or stereotypical frat guy, but unlike a dudebro, is cool about other guys deviating from traditional masculinity, considers it important for men to be able to talk about their feelings, and respects all kinds of people who are different from him.


“Hey, wanna go to the bar with me and Jim tonight?”
“Um, no dude, I’m gay and wearing purple nail polish. He wears that Buccaneers hat everywhere, makes dick jokes all the time, and can’t go one sentence and a half without saying ‘bro.’ You’re asking to mix Diet Coke and Mentos.”
“Nah man, you got him fucked up. Jim’s a brodude. You could show up in a dress and cry on his shoulder and he would HAPPILY fist-bump you and ask if you want to watch the game.”
“Oh, cool, but you know I’m still a Patriots fan!”

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