Can a person with blood type O successfully donate blood to a person who has type AB Why or why not?

Check the criteria that may affect your eligibility to donate blood.

Blood donation is an essential activity. Our Bloodbanks are open.

Please be informed that any person who is unwell or with risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the last 5 days will not be allowed to enter our premises due to current COVID-19 situation. 

Donor who had a positive COVID-19 PCR/ Antigen Rapid Test [ART] in the last 28 days should not visit the Bloodbank. They can come back for donation 28 days after the first positive PCR or ART result.

Find out more about the precautionary measures we have taken here.

HSA has implemented a new blood donation eligibility guideline for donors who have received a Covid-19 vaccine. Please click HERE for more information.

Please check if you are eligible to donate blood before you make an appointment as the waiting period may be different due to other causes. 

Check eligibility

General eligibility criteria

To donate blood, you must:

  • Be in general good health.
  • Not have had any symptoms of infection e.g. sore throat, cough, runny nose or diarrhoea for at least 1 week.
  • Not have had a fever in the last 4 weeks.
  • Not have taken medication, herbal supplements or traditional herbal remedies for at least 3 days. If you have taken antibiotics, wait at least 1 week.
  • Weigh at least 45 kg.
  • Have a haemoglobin level of at least 13.0 g/dl for males and 12.5 g/dl for females.

It may be harmful to you or the recipients if you donate blood when you are not eligible to do so.

Check the A–Z list

Last updated: 31 Dec 2018

You may have heard discussions about “matching” and kidney transplantation. There are actually three tests that are done to evaluate donors. They are blood type, crossmatch, and HLA testing. This blood test is the first step in the process of living donation and determines if you are compatible or a “match” to your recipient.

Blood Typing
There are 4 different blood types. The most common blood type in the population is type O. The next most common is blood type A, then B, and the rarest is blood type AB. The blood type of the donor must be compatible with the recipient. The rules for blood type in transplantation are the same as they are for blood transfusion. Some blood types can give to others and some may not. Blood type O is considered the universal donor. People with blood type O can give to any other blood type. Blood type AB is called the universal recipient because they can receive an organ or blood from people with any blood type. The chart below shows which blood type can donate to which.

If your blood type is:  You can donate to these blood types:

HLA Typing
HLA typing is also called “tissue typing”. HLA stands for human leukocyte antigen. Antigens are proteins on the cells in the body. Out of over 100 different antigens that have been identified, there are six that have been shown to be the most important in organ transplantation. Of these six antigens, we inherit three from each parent.

Except in cases of identical twins and some siblings, it is rare to get a six-antigen match between two people, especially if they are unrelated. Kidneys are very successfully transplanted between two people with no matching antigens.

A person can make antibodies against another person’s HLA antigens. Antibodies can result from blood transfusions, pregnancy, infections or even a viral illness. Having one of these events does not mean a person will make antibodies but they could. If a recipient has strong antibodies against a donor’s HLA, the risk of rejection is high and a donor would be declined for that recipient.

What is an ABO incompatibility reaction?

An ABO incompatibility reaction can occur if you receive the wrong type of blood during a blood transfusion. It’s a rare but serious and potentially fatal response to incompatible blood by your immune system.

These reactions are extremely rare, because doctors are aware of the danger of using the wrong blood during a transfusion. There are many precautions in place to reduce the chances of a mistake. Your doctor and nurse know to look for certain symptoms during and after your transfusion that might mean you’re having a reaction. This allows them to provide you with treatment as quickly as possible.

Learn more: Transfusion therapy »

The four main blood types are A, B, AB, and O. If you’re type A, your red blood cells have proteins attached to them known as A antigens. Type B blood cells carry B antigens. Type AB blood has both A and B antigens, and type O blood has neither A nor B antigens.

Your immune system will produce antibodies against any blood antigens you don’t have in your own blood. That means people with type A blood create antibodies against B antigens. A person with type A blood receiving a transfusion of type B or AB blood would have an ABO incompatibility reaction. In an ABO incompatibility reaction, your immune system attacks the new blood cells and destroys them.

If you have type AB blood, you have both A and B antigens. This means you’re a universal recipient and you can receive any type of blood. However, you can only donate blood to other people who have type AB blood.

If you have type O blood, which has no antigens, you’re a universal donor. You can give your blood to anyone without triggering their immune system, but you can only receive type O blood.

Before a blood transfusion, your doctor will test your blood to determine your blood type. A small sample will be crossmatched with some of your donated blood. The two samples of blood are then mixed and watched for a reaction. This allows your doctor to be certain an incompatibility reaction won’t take place.

Human error is the most likely cause of an ABO incompatibility reaction. If your transfusion uses the wrong blood type, it could be the result of mislabeled blood, incorrectly completed forms, or a failure to check donated blood before the transfusion.

Medical staff will stop the blood transfusion if they suspect you might be having an incompatibility reaction. They’ll tell the blood bank about it, because there’s a risk that the wrong blood could also have been given to other patients.

Learn more: Transfusion reactions »

Your doctor will test samples of your blood for evidence of destruction of your red blood cells. They’ll also test your urine to see if it contains hemoglobin, a component released from broken-down blood cells. They’ll double-check your blood type and carry out the crossmatch procedure again.

While these procedures are performed, your doctor or nurse will monitor your vital signs, including your:

  • blood pressure
  • heart rate
  • breathing
  • temperature

You may need to enter the intensive care unit. After stopping your blood transfusion, the medical staff will attach a saline drip to the line to keep it open.

The goal of treatment is to prevent you from having kidney failure, extensive blood clotting, and blood pressure that’s abnormally low. You may receive oxygen and intravenous fluids. You may also receive a drug to increase your urine output. If you’re at risk of having widespread clotting, you may receive a transfusion of plasma or platelets.

There isn’t much that patients can do to prevent ABO incompatibility reactions. However, most hospitals and blood banks have systems in place to reduce the chance that such a reaction will occur. These include:

  • checking the identities of donors to ensure that their details match the information on their blood samples
  • correctly labeling stored samples
  • double-checking the blood type of both patients and blood packs before each transfusion

During an ABO incompatibility reaction, the red blood cells inside your circulatory system break down. Blood clotting may occur throughout your body, shutting off the blood supply to vital organs or causing a stroke. Too much blood clotting can use up clotting factors and leave you at risk of excessive bleeding.

Some of the products released from broken-down blood cells can cause kidney damage and possibly kidney failure. An ABO incompatibility reaction can be life-threatening unless your doctor successfully treats it right away. However, if you have a reaction and receive the correct treatment without delay, you should recover completely.

Can a person with type O blood safely donate blood to a person having type A blood Why or why not?

People with type O- blood are called universal donors because their donated red blood cells have no A, B or Rh antigens and can therefore be safely given to people of any blood group.

Can O positive donate blood to anyone?

O positive red blood cells are not universally compatible to all types, but they are compatible to any red blood cells that are positive [A+, B+, O+, AB+]. Over 80% of the population has a positive blood type and can receive O positive blood.

Can a person with blood group O Rh positive donate blood to a patient with blood group O Rh negative?

What blood can O positive people receive? People with O positive blood can receive donations from: O positive blood donors. O negative blood donors.

Can AB+ donate to O+?

To donate blood it is necessary to follow the rules of blood typing: Blood O+ can donate to A+, B+, AB+ and O+ Blood O- can donate to A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O- Blood A+ can donate to A+ and AB+

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