Can I copy NTDS dit from another DC?

Hi ,

Is it possible to copy ntds.dit file of a domain controller (e.g. DC1) to
another domain controller (e.g. DC2). The situation is that DC2 is on a
remote site with no connectivity to the domain. It is being used for Disaster
Recovery purposes.


I am assuming that DC2 will never be connected to the domain.

Take a backup of DC1 (systemstate) and restore that backup on DC2 (you'd
have to keep the same name) No, you can't simply copy ntds.dit file accross.

Post by Wan
Hi ,
Is it possible to copy ntds.dit file of a domain controller (e.g. DC1) to
another domain controller (e.g. DC2). The situation is that DC2 is on a
remote site with no connectivity to the domain. It is being used for Disaster
Recovery purposes.

HELP!! can I copy ntds.dit file from one DC to another DC?

Discussion in 'Active Directory' started by mmac, Feb 7, 2004.

  1. If I copy ntds.dit file from one DC to another DC which has a corrupted one,
    will that work or is each DC's ntds.dit file unique?

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  2. No. Don't do this. Even if the DC will start up (I am not sure it will),
    your replication will be badly screwed because two DCs will think they are
    the same entity, and will fight to death, and will likely bring the whole
    forest down with them.

    Dmitri Gavrilov
    SDE, Active Directory Core

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  3. I thought that might be a problem but you are the first to say no don't do
    While I am on the phone waiting for MS to answer, is there some other
    option I can try?
    I have the thing in directory restore mode at the moment and it is serving
    web pages so far. BIg deal but that is something at least.
    Help? It's really late and MS is slow to answer at this hour

  4. I actually replied to your other thread here.
    Check your jet error.
    I think you lost the logs. If this is the case, then you have to rebuild the
    DC. I figured that's not the only DC in the domain, right?

    Dmitri Gavrilov
    SDE, Active Directory Core

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    Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

  5. I'll reply in the other thread

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Can I copy NTDS dit from another DC?

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  • Question

  • How to backup and restore Active Directory? Will copying the ntds.dir file and if something goes wrong again restoring the copied ntds.dir file to C://Windows/System32 work?

    Thanks and Regards, Radhakrishnan

    • Moved by Friday, May 25, 2012 1:35 PM Not a Training and Certification question (From:Training and Certification)


    • Proposed as answer by Selvan R Saturday, May 26, 2012 5:43 AM
    • Marked as answer by Jeff Ren Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:14 AM

  • Only copying ntds.dit does not help. You need to perform system state backup.  You should remeber , AD does contain folders like SYSVOL and NETLOGON. SO backing up only ntds.dit is bad

    Below is the good guide to understand AD Backup and resotre



    MCSA|MCITP SA|Microsoft Exchange 2003 Blog - Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.

    • Marked as answer by Jeff Ren Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:17 AM

Where is the NTDS DIT stored?

All data in Active Directory is stored in the file ntds. dit (“the dit”) on every domain controller (in C:\Windows\NTDS\ by default).

What is NTDS DIT in Active Directory?

What is the Ntds. dit File? The Ntds. dit file is a database that stores Active Directory data, including information about user objects, groups and group membership. Importantly, the file also stores the password hashes for all users in the domain.

Can you restore a DC from backup?

As shown, you can easily use Windows Server backup to back up and recover your domain controllers and ensure that Active Directory objects are replicated correctly between restored DCs.

What is NTDS DIT full form?

NTDS stands for NT Directory Services. DIT stands for Directory Information Tree. This is named as NTDS because the Active Directory was called NT Directory Services originally. Directory Information Tree (DIT) in the Active Directory was implemented as a X.