coercion là gì - Nghĩa của từ coercion

coercion có nghĩa là

A lame way to get people or a person to side with you hence, be their bitch.


Rich people tend to use coercion to change unknowing peoples opinion to be their friend. Actually all they are doing is using others.

coercion có nghĩa là

Subtle or open accusation of racism in order to manipulate or motivate a person to prove they are not.


The political candidate used racial coercion to influence the audience by saying that people would not vote for him because he did not look like previous candidates.

coercion có nghĩa là

The process of reading a definition on Urban Dictionary and finding it clever until you check the thumb ratings and see it is generally not liked. In the following moments you tell yourself it wasn't ever that funny in deep shame. Works in the opposite sense also. See peer pressure.


"Beat Feet ha! That's clever!
4719 negative votes? I guess it is pretty lame - and my decision to reconsider has nothing to do with thumb count coercion. It was never good. Actually, god damned awful." "Douchebaguette is not even creative.
*Sees thumb count* Well, they did make it feminine by adding the 'ette', and simultaneously constructed a type of bread. LOL! *adds +1 to rating*"

coercion có nghĩa là

Subtle or open accusation of racism in order to manipulate or motivate a person to prove they are not.


The political candidate used racial coercion to influence the audience by saying that people would not vote for him because he did not look like previous candidates.

coercion có nghĩa là

Subtle or open accusation of racism in order to manipulate or motivate a person to prove they are not a racist.


The political candidate used racial coercion to influence the audience by saying that people would not vote for him because he did not look like previous candidates.

coercion có nghĩa là

When a woman flashes her outer labia at a vulnerable male who has his dick in his hand.


That lady's coercion distracted me so bad I shit pissed on my new kicks

coercion có nghĩa là

The practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in the desired way.


She told me she wont be my friend unless I de-friend him. That's Facebook coercion!

coercion có nghĩa là

A.k.a. "point-of-sale pressure". Similar to second-generation enabling, this term refers to a comparably-shameless mooching-strategy that's used on someone when you're both out shopping; it involves knowingly carrying a cancelled/expired credit card or a debit/cash/gift card that has no/insufficient funds on it, and then attempting to use said worthless plastic to pay at the checkout. Well, naturally, when the clerk swipes your card and then regretfully announces that the card was rejected, this awkward and "unexpected" delay creates an acutely-humiliating situation, especially if other shoppers are present. So you first make a great show of looking shocked/flustered/embarrassed, then hastily turn to your shopping-buddy and ask meekly but urgently, "Oh, I'm so sorry --- I forgot/didn't realize that my card wasn't gonna work this time! Do you think you could pay for my purchases just this once, and I'll pay you back as soon as I can?" And then of course, your hapless companion finds himself in a "hanged if you do and hanged if you don't" dilemma --- he can either get stuck with paying off a huge store-bill, or look like an unfeeling jerk in front of all those other customers if he indignantly refuses, especially since it would mean that you would then have to crimson-facedly tiptoe all around the store again to put all of your purchases back on the shelves, plus it would also mean that any money that your friend used for gas to take you shopping will have been wasted, also.


I prudently side-step any incidents of checkout-counter coercion by always making sure to gently-but-firmly tell my shopping-companions beforehand that (1) they will be totally "on their own" about coming up with the funds to pay for their purchases, and (2) I will **not** refund their gas-money if they're unable to obtain their desired items.

coercion có nghĩa là

A thought structure that has been induced by a hypnotic state that moves in a direction that where your perception of the consensus is perfect due to past events keeps moving without ever stopping as the momentum is too strong for contradiction of the conditions ends up causing the person to lie where serious repercussions would follow if not carried through. It causes everybody's downfall in LIFE. A realization I came to in a REM state that the RANGE CAST on SIRIUS XM is in tune with as the big investors control the AI perfection as they hold the switch to your continuing ISOLATION. It never stops until..... It is a mirror that changes formation as you don't see a mirror image but only what parts you can see the same way like being without a mirror when there is a mirror.


The scary thing in LIFE is the social networks expectations must be met as the POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT COERCION Is that your self fulfilling prophecy is you can't stop from being a PEDOPHILE. The POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT COERCION makes a monster out of the most unsuspecting as the social networks had become so overwhelming in their belief systems about who you really are as a person. You can't change the POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT COERCION once it has already hit the target that you are being pushed into oblivion and total awareness at the same time where it is ultimate aloneness. Everywhere you go POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT COERCION is with us all but the one who understands this knows exactly the outcome as they are the person of interest without acknowledgement The echo stops as you want to hear it but the POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT

coercion có nghĩa là

Sexual coercion is unwanted sexual activity that happens when you are pressured, tricked, threatened, or forced in a nonphysical way. Coercion can make you think you owe sex to someone


She committed sexual coercion on her best friend’s husband which lead up to their divorce.