Does Windows 10 have new desktops?

How to Use Virtual Desktops in Windows 10

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?

Windows 10 finally added virtual desktops as a built-in feature. If you keep a lot of apps open at onceor use your PC for very different types of tasksvirtual desktops offer a convenient way to stay organized.

With virtual desktops, Windows 10 lets you create multiple, separate desktops that each can display different open windows and apps. A simple use for this might be keeping work separate from personal stuff. You could also put all the items that relate to a specific task on one desktop, so that you can better focus on that task. While macOS and Linux have featured virtual desktops for a whileand there have been third-party apps that provided them for Windowsvirtual desktops are now built into Windows 10.

RELATED: How to Add an Indicator to See What Virtual Desktop You're On in Windows 10

Add a New Virtual Desktop

Adding a new virtual desktop is easy. On the taskbar, click the Task View button. If you dont see that button, you might have switched it off. Right-click any open space on the taskbar and choose the Show task view button option to turn it back on. You can also open the Task View by hitting Windows+Tab on your keyboard.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?


The Task View is a full screen app switcher that shows all the apps running on your PC. You can switch to any app by just clicking on it. If youve never set up an additional virtual desktop before, thats all that Task View shows. To add a new desktop, click the New Desktop button at the bottom right of the screen.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?

Windows 10 allows you to create as many desktops as you need. We created 200 desktops on our test system just to see if we could, and Windows had no problem with it. That said, we highly recommend you keep virtual desktops to a minimum. After all, youre creating them to help organize your activities. Having tons of them kind of defeats that purpose.

Switch Between Virtual Desktops

When you have more than one desktop, the Task View shows all your desktops at the bottom of the screen. Hovering over a desktop with your mouse shows you the windows currently open on that desktop.

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Does Windows 10 have new desktops?

You can click a desktop to jump there,or click a specific window to jump to that desktop and bring that window into focus. Its much like switching between apps on a single desktopyou just have them organized into separate virtual workspaces.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?


You can also switch between virtual desktops just using your keyboard. Press Windows+Tab to bring up Task View and then release the keys. Now, hit Tab again to move the selection to the desktop row. You can then use your arrow keys to move between desktops, and then hit the Enter key to jump to the selected desktop.

Even better, you can switch between virtual desktops without using the Task View at all by just hitting Windows+Ctrl+Left or Right arrow keys. And if youre using a touch screen device or a precision touchpad, you can move between desktops with a four-fingered swipe.

Work withWindows and Apps on Virtual Desktops

So, now youve created a new desktop, and you know how to switch between them. Its time to populate those desktops with the stuff you need.

First things first: if you switch to a desktop and then open an app or other window there, the window opensand stayson that desktop. So, for example, if you switch to Desktop 3 and open a Chrome window there, that Chrome window remains on Desktop 3 until you close it or move it to another desktop.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?


This is where things get a little tricky. With apps that let you open multiple windowslike, say, Chrome or Microsoft Wordyou can open different windows for those apps on different desktops. Say, for example, you had a desktop devoted to a specific project. You could have Chrome windows, Word docs, and so on open on that desktop, and still have other Chrome windows and Word docs open on other desktops.

But, some apps only allow you to have a single window open at a time. The Windows Store app is a good example of this. Say you opened the Store app on Desktop 3. If you then try to open the Store app on a different desktop, instead of opening there, youll jump to the desktop where that app is open.

And unfortunately, Windows doesnt give you a good wayother than opening up Task View and poking aroundto see if an app is open on another desktop. Back to that example where the Store is open on Desktop 3: if I look at the taskbar on Desktop 3, I can see that the Store app is open (it has a line under the icon).

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?

But look at the taskbar on any other desktop, and it looks like the app isnt running.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?


You can also move apps and windows between virtual desktops. Hit Windows+Tab to open Task View. Hover your mouse over the virtual desktop containing the window you want to move. You can now drag that window to another virtual desktop.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?

If you prefer, you can also right-click a window, point to the Move To menu, and then select a specific desktop to which you want to move the windowor even create a new desktop and move the window there in one action. This method is handy if know exactly where you want to move the window.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?

Delete a Virtual Desktop

To delete a virtual desktop, first hit Windows+Tab to open Task View. Click the Close button above the desktop you want to remove.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?

If there are any open apps or windows on the desktop when you close it, they are moved to the desktop immediately to the left of the one youre closing. Close Desktop 3, for example, and open apps and windows are moved to Desktop 2.

Treat Virtual Desktop as Temporary Workspaces for the Best Experience

Unfortunately, the built-in virtual desktop feature in Windows 10 is still pretty limited compared to that found in other operating systems. You cant set different wallpapers for different desktops. You cant set different color schemes, or apply any other types of personalization. Different desktops cannot have different taskbars, or even different icons on the desktop.


Theres also no way to quickly jump to a specific desktop, eitheryou have to cycle through them with the keyboard commands or use Task View to navigate.

Virtual desktops are maintained after restarting your PC, but that doesnt really do you too much good. Even if you have apps and windows set to automatically load with Windows, theyll just open on your main desktop: Desktop 1. Youll then have to move them to their respective desktops again after each restart. And thats the part that takes time. Creating the virtual desktops in the first place is quick and easy.

With that in mind, weve found that virtual desktopsat least, as they exist in Windows 10are best treated as temporary workspaces to help you organize your activities while youre working on them.


And while weve talked in the past aboutthird-party virtual desktop apps for Windowsthat offered more features, weve been unable to find any that have been updated to work reliably with Windows 10.

Does Windows 10 have new desktops?
Walter Glenn
Walter Glenn is a formerEditorial Director for How-To Geek and its sister sites.He has more than 30 years of experience in the computer industry and over20 years as a technical writer and editor. He's written hundreds of articles for How-To Geek and edited thousands. He's authored or co-authored over 30 computer-related books in more than a dozen languages for publishers like Microsoft Press, O'Reilly, and Osborne/McGraw-Hill.He's also written hundreds of white papers, articles, user manuals, and courseware over the years. Read Full Bio »