Driver Topping D10s

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Topping D10 user here, To maximize the potential of TOPPING D10. Use the TOPPING DX3 PRO DRIVERS just download it from their website. Its just the same, and the drivers of TOPPING DX3 PRO is much newer than TOPPING D10 drivers. Using the TOPPING DX3 drivers will let you set windows audio output to 32bit 384Khz, unlike the original TOPPING D10 drivers that will limit you to 32bit 192Khz. I hope this helps.

My lord...what a difference! Thanks for the mad tip!!

I tried to install this driver but instillation is blocked by my virus scanner. though i was able to install D10 driver successfully on same computer. any possible reason for same.

sorry did you mean the DX3 PRO firmware ?

Yea my bad... it doesn't let you install the firmware anyway so... I tried both of the drivers and the max setting after restarting the device is still 24bit 192000hz Also tried to connect coaxial or optical and i get no signal... plus in the output panel they are grayed out no matter what i do! do you think my unit is faulty ?

Could be just a simple check mark somewhere in sound settings.. delete everything, try a diffrent usb port and reinstall, reboot before reinstalling

So the exact same thing just happened to me, doing a reboot now, I know what I did to cause it too. I had ran CCleaner software and it took out the registry line to this driver. See what this reboot had to discoonect the cable in back of the Topping and replug it....WORKS!

yes i am happy for you ! but mine doesn't :[ !

Just got my D10 today: On W7, with dx3 drivers it lets me go to 32 bit 44kHz, or 24bit 192kHz max [so no 384kHz option anywhere]. The sound is better than my old 12v powered DAC Fiio D03K, but now i hear disk sound, scroll noise and so on... And i can't get rid of them. Not nice.

I use my Topping as a dejitter and reclocking of USB signals via SPDIF out to my amp/dac, works well, maybe your unit is so new it needs some break in time.

That's a ground loop. Did you ever fix it?

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