Full Liner Terms hook to hook là gì

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  3. Liner Terms

Liner Terms


The Terms are from the perspective of the shipping line and define which services (for example loading of the vessel, unloading of the vessel, stowage of the cargo in the vessel, trimming of the cargo in the vessel, ) are included and which services are not included. Only the text version published by the shipping line is binding!

FILO (Free In Liner Out):

The cost of loading the vessel at the port of loading are not included (Free In) and the cost of unloading the vessel at the port of destination are included (Liner Out).

FIO (Free In Out):

The cost of loading the vessel at the port loading and the cost of unloading the vessel at the port of destination are not included.

FIOS (Free In Out Stowed):

How FIO and additional are the stowage cost in the vessel excluded.

FIOST (Free In Out Stowed Trimmed):

How FIOS and additional are the trimming cost in the vessel excluded.

FIOT (Free In Out Trimmed):

How FIOS but includes the trimming cost in the vessel.

FLT (Full Liner Terms):

The cost of loading the vessel at the port loading, the stowage- and the trimming costs are included. The cost of unloading the vessel at the port of destination are included.

LIFO (Liner In Free Out):

The cost of loading the vessel at the port loading are included (Liner In) and the cost of unloading the vessel at the port of destination are not included (Free Out).

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