Fully occupied là gì

Bản dịch

Ví dụ về cách dùng


có người/hết phòng/hết chỗ

Ví dụ về đơn ngữ

This activity occupied a large part of the activities of local men, from fragile boats and open to the winds, against large sea mammals.

They also were occupied as craftsmen and were practically the only representatives of the intellectual professions.

These swollen thorns are naturally hollow and occupied by any one of several symbiotic ant species.

Initially the economy was supported by war booty taken from occupied countries; this continued to some extent until 1944.

Several more warehouses were built after 1830 and large houses occupied by the gentry were speculatively converted to warehouses.


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A:It can mean:

1. Being busy with a task. "I am quite occupied with this work."
2. A room being used. "The washroom is currently occupied."

Both sound a bit formal, but you do hear them sometimes. A:occupiedmeans reserved, engaged.
"Excuse me! The table you're sitting at is already occupied by me!"

Busy and Occupied are totally different! A:I was occupied with housework.
I was keeping myself occupied with work and family.
He was keeping himself occupied by watching shows on Netflix. A:-all the bathrooms are occupied
-my mind is occupied
-unfortunately that room is occupied A:occupied = when you are busy with something

preoccupied = when you can't stop thinking about something or when you are distracted because you're thinking too deeply about something else. A:Both words can be used differently:
I am busy with work.
The event is busy.
This room is occupied.
I was occupied with a task.
A:You would normally say "I am busy" or "she is busy" but you would say "the room is occupied"

Busy can also refer to a store or event that is busy meaning that there are many shoppers or people.

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Phân biệt cách dùng busy, occupied, engaged, in use

–    The lavatory’s occupied/engaged/in use just now you’ll have to wait

Nhà vệ sinh đang có người. Nên bây giờ anh phải đợi.

[Không dùng *busy*]

[có nghĩa là có ai ở trong đó]

–    We’re all busy/occupied getting ready for the wedding.
Chúng tôi đều bận rộn chuẩn bị cho đám cưới.

[Không dùng *busy/occupied to get*]

–    The line’s busy/engaged at the moment. I’ll phone again later.

Đường dây đang bận. Tôi sẽ gọi lại sau.

[Không dùng *occupied*]

[có nghĩa là ai đó đang gọi điện]

–    The boss is busy/engaged with a client at the moment. You can see him later.

Ông chủ đang bận tiếp một khách hàng. Anh có thể gặp ông ấy sau.

–    All the chairs were occupied.

Tất cả các ghế đã có người rồi.

[Không dùng *busy/engaged* *in use*]

Nếu thấy hữu ích, bạn g+ cho mình nhé và nhớ giới thiệu các bạn cùng ghé thăm dichthuat.org, Chúng tôi  đang cập nhật hàng ngày. Các bạn có thể góp ý và đặt câu hỏi tại Diễn đàn dịch thuật. Ngoài ra,  để hiểu thêm về Công ty dịch thuật Phú Ngọc Việt, hãy đọc thêm mục Dịch tiếng Anh, dịch tiếng Hàn…


Từ điển Collocation

occupied adj.

1 being used by sb


ADV. densely the most densely occupied areas of the country | entirely The sofa was entirely occupied by two large cats. | permanently | illegally

2 busy

VERBS be | become | keep sb We need something to keep the children occupied.

ADV. fully | chiefly, mainly | busily | happily

PREP. in You will be mainly occupied in checking sales records. | with She was happily occupied with reading.

Từ điển WordNet


  • held or filled or in use

    she keeps her time well occupied

    the wc is occupied

  • seized and controlled as by military invasion

    the occupied countries of Europe

  • resided in; having tenants; tenanted

    not all the occupied [or tenanted] apartments were well kept up

  • having ones attention or mind or energy engaged; engaged

    she keeps herself fully occupied with volunteer activities

    deeply engaged in conversation


  • be present in; be inside of; inhabit
  • keep busy with; busy

    She busies herself with her butterfly collection

  • live [in a certain place]; reside, lodge in
  • occupy the whole of; fill

    The liquid fills the container

  • be on the mind of; concern, interest, worry

    I worry about the second Germanic consonant

  • require [time or space]; take, use up

    It took three hours to get to work this morning

    This event occupied a very short time

  • march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation; invade

    Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939

  • engage or engross wholly; absorb, engross, engage

    Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely

English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

syn.: engaged tenanted occupies|occupied|occupying
syn.: absorb busy concern engage engross fill inhabit interest invade lodge in reside take use up worry

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