Have got to hand it to sb là gì năm 2024

All borrowers need to do is have their membership number to hand, ready to enter using the phone keys.BritishThe moral is to be prepared and always have an umbrella near to hand, just in case!BritishThe big bonus here is that all the fun and games of the casino are close to hand.BritishHe invited us to sit on the toilet, the only seating that was ready to hand in his office.BritishAfter a few minutes I had the fish close to hand where I could bend down and slip out the hook.British



UK /hand tə ˈhand/adjective[of fighting] at close quartershand-to-hand combatExamplesPolitical Editor Simon McGee reports on the close hand-to-hand fight over Yorkshire's only three-way marginal.BritishWhile he was a good challenge at longer ranges, he had difficulty fighting in close and in hand-to-hand combat.North AmericanShe was sure that if they had fought hand-to-hand combat without concealed weapons, they would lose for sure.North AmericanIndividual streets were fought over using hand-to-hand combat.BritishAt present, she was trying to fight Jeremy in hand-to-hand combat, and was failing.North AmericanAs a result, she was fairly good in a hand-to-hand fight, and could shoot a stone with a sling amazingly far and accurate.North American

have to hand it to someone

hand noun [informal] used to acknowledge the merit or achievement of someoneI've got to hand it to you—you've got the magic touchExamplesFor all the bile that's been spilled this year about WFF, I do have to hand it to them, they collected well over 300 movies, and many of them do look intriguing.CanadianMaybe we were not on top of our game but you just have to hand it to them.IrishObservers have been noting for a while that Crossmolina have lost some of their pep, and that is undoubtedly true and understandable, but you have to hand it to them, they keep on grinding out the results nevertheless.

"I gotta hand it to you." Is an expression used when you are complimenting someone for doing a good job or getting something right.

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[Tin tức] Này bạn! Người học ngoại ngữ!

Bạn có biết cách cải thiện kỹ năng ngôn ngữ của mình không❓ Tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là nhờ người bản ngữ sửa bài viết của mình! Với HiNative, bạn có thể nhờ người bản ngữ sửa bài viết của mình miễn phí ✍️✨.

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I've got to hand it to you, the company has really turned a corner since you started managing the accounts. Still, you have to hand it to Jenny—she sure knows how to throw a party.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

have to hand it to someone

to give someone credit [for something]. [Includes an expression of obligation, such as must, got to, have to, etc.] You've really got to hand it to Jane. She has done a fine job. We have to hand it to Fred. That wine he brought was great.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

have to hand it to someone


People use expressions such as I have to hand it to you or you've got to hand it to him in order to say that they admire what someone has done. I have to hand it to you, though. You came pretty close to escaping. Whatever you thought of his act, you had to hand it to him — he knew how to make money. Note: People often use these expressions when they did not think that someone would be successful or when they do not usually like or approve of that person.

you have to hand it to someone


I have to hand it to someone


People say You have to hand it to someone or I have to hand it to someone to show that they admire that person for something they have done. You have to hand it to Hemp, I suppose, for instinctively knowing what to do. I have to hand it to you. You came pretty close to getting away. Note: In British English, you can also say you've got to hand it to someone. You've got to hand it to Melissa, she certainly gets around.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

have to hand it to someone

used to acknowledge the merit or achievement of someone.

2001 DVD Verdict You've got to hand it to the people at Universal; they took a very fair and decent approach to their upcoming Jurassic Park trilogy box set.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

have to ˈhand it to somebody

[informal] admit, perhaps unwillingly, that you admire somebody for their skill, achievements, determination, etc: You have to hand it to him; he certainly knows how to play tennis. ♢ To be honest, I didn’t think she could cook, but I have to hand it to her. Tonight’s meal was fantastic.

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