hesbian là gì - Nghĩa của từ hesbian

hesbian có nghĩa là

a lesbian who uses he/him pronouns often invalidated by gatekeeping bigots who think pronouns = gender and unable to let others be happy


hesbian: hey i'm a wlw but i use he/him i hope that's alright
she/her lesbian: that's fine with me, your identity, your choice :]

hesbian có nghĩa là

a lesbian that uses he/him pronouns


cis person: he's a hesbian? doesn't that just make him a straight guy? 😡😡
person with at least 10 oz of brain: uhh, last time i checked, pronouns don't always equal gender? that's not a man? how did you get into my house?

hesbian có nghĩa là

lesbian with he/him pronouns


hesbians ARE valid

hesbian có nghĩa là

a label used by lesbians who use he/him pronouns. hesbians can use other pronouns alongside he/him such as they/them, she/her or even neopronouns if they wish. some hesbians consider themselves non-binary, whereas others are comfortable being cis- and some hesbians even being trans women/transfem. being a lesbian and also using he/him can be used to alleviate a disconnect from womanhood, used for gender non conforming/drag, just for the fun of it and more. there is no “right” way to be a hesbian. hesbian is a beautiful term and all those who identify as one are valid and deserve love. go hug a local hesbian today!


person a: wait... if you use he/him and are masc presenting, are u a trans guy?
person b: nope, im a hesbian! i can understand the confusion though.
person a: oh okay, thank you for telling me!

hesbian có nghĩa là

A woman who is behaviorally lesbian in every way except that she sleeps heterosexually, e.g. with males. Very widespread now among women ages 32-45.


"Men are always accusing me of being lesbian because I won't date them and discard them after sex. Is it my fault I'm a hesbian?"

1. Preferring short hair over long
2. Refusing to wear girlish attire like high heels
3. Refusal to go along with heterosexual courtship behavior, e.g. calling the man first, showing independence and intelligence, refusing to conceal one's talents or intelligence to make men feel better
4. Disinclination to date
5. Disinterest in men for anything except intercourse
6. Disinterest in becoming pregnant by intercourse
7. Strong liking for gay male porn and masturbation fantasy over heterosexual porn or fantasy

hesbian có nghĩa là

non binary lesbians that use he/him pronouns. he/him lesbians are NOT male but non binary. pronouns do not always equate to gender.


skyler came out as a hesbian last week, I’m so proud of him!

hesbian có nghĩa là

A straight man with soft gay tendencies who would, had not the fit of nature done him a genital wrong, be actually be deemed a woman who loves women.


His love for the gentle things in life aroused suspicion about his sexuality that was totally unfounded, since he was a hapless hesbian unaware of his womanliness.

hesbian có nghĩa là

A woman or non-binary person who uses he/him pronouns and is a lesbian. They are not men. Lesbians who use these pronouns may have a disconnect with womanhood. Pronouns do not necessarily mean gender. You are allowed to use whatever pronouns make you comfortable. Stop gatekeeping identities and lesbianism. Hesbians and theysbians are valid.


Person 1: Sarah is a Hesbian.
Person 2: What is that?
Person 1: He is a lesbian who uses he/him pronouns and you should respect his identity.

hesbian có nghĩa là

short for he/him lesbian. aka a "lesbian" who uses he/him despite that set of pronouns being strictly gendered to men.


normal lesbians: can the hesbians please stop invading our spaces we just want to be left alone hesbians: GRR BARK WOOF AWOOO BARK BARK WOOF GRRRR

hesbian có nghĩa là

A nb gay woman [lesbian] who uses "he/him" pronouns. Appears by a misinterpretation of "gender =/= pronouns"
This is born for nb folks, since some are not ok w "they/them". So: "A non binary person can use binary pronouns, which do not mean they are binary"
Example: a nb person who use "she/her" Pronouns are meant to indicate what gender the subject is/what's the one which the person identifies the most/is minimally related to. [That's why neopronouns were born].
A person should choose their pronouns in based of how they identify.
"Lesbianism" has always include nb woman/nb persons whose has a minimum of correlation with womanhood. "He/him" are male-related pronouns. Whoever decides to use them is, in fact, related to manhood or male gender spectrum and/or expression. We come to the conclusion that "hesbians" are: a contradiction, ignorance about how "pronouns" works, what "lesbianism" is, and a reason why more transphobics r erasing trans rights. Some defend that there has "always been he/him lesbians". As the "male Victorian lesbians"
Those woman were not "he/him lesbians". They were faking being men, so they could been with their lovers without being murdered. Since, lesbianism were a reason to be executed. So, again, we come to the same conclusion: a bad use of languaje, tolerance and logic.
Nowadays, there are fools who think "everything is valid", even if it is a contradiction/hurtful for someone/a community/movement etc.


A: Hey, you know i'm a hesbian, right? B: A what? A: A lesbian who use he/him pronouns. B: so you identify yourself as a woman? A: that's right, a gay woman. B: but you use a male-related pronouns? A: you got it well! B: if you use he/him, should you be called "straight"? A: No, cuz I'm a woman. B: But if you are refered as he/him, would it be contradictory? And also, wouldn't you mean by it, you are seeing sex instead of gender, and by that, being transphobic and ignoring how languaje is used and/or what lesbianism is? A: You are just an ignorant, lesbophobic. B: Ok, sorry, cool. Did you know i'm vegetarian? A: But you are eating chicken right now. You cannot be vegetarian. B: Exactly.

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