Holistically là gì

Đồng nghĩa của holistically


In general, or for the most part
in general overall generally primarily mainly mostly predominantly principally basically largely substantially altogether chiefly at large by and large as a body in the main all together as a general rule as a whole on the whole for the most part as a rule to a large extent to a great degree all in all all things considered usually typically commonly on average on balance generally speaking taking everything into consideration effectively essentially normally ordinarily above all collectively especially customarily habitually first and foremost in the general run of things all around all told taking everything into account almost always in general terms to all intents and purposes in a general sense preponderantly widely particularly broadly conventionally in most cases traditionally for all intents and purposes to a great extent roughly fundamentally naturally predominately notably historically more often than not en masse most of the time everything considered in great measure everything included inclusively together collectedly universally extensively popularly considering everything regularly materially roundly at the end of the day everything being equal pre-eminently in toto cardinally preeminently in particular when all's said and done dominantly needless to say given the circumstances in essence invariably considering routinely bodily conjointly standardly as a matter of course most importantly in most instances almost entirely in the first place loosely in principle natch spesh faithfully many a time of course approximately in the aggregate with everything taken into account across the board virtually in all to the greatest extent most of all taken together in sum summa summarum counting them all in total considerably copiously lavishly prodigally grandly voluminously generously expansively prodigiously magnificently commodiously extravagantly liberally comprehensively abundantly imposingly immoderately on a large scale in a grand manner in a big way in practice in real life in effect in reality realistically actually practically in fact in truth in a realistic sense in actuality much greatly hugely highly sizably vastly tremendously massively enormously astronomically colossally monumentally staggeringly monstrously stupendously heavily really big-time in essentials in substance consistently oftentimes oft often frequently methodically repeatedly recurrently most often time and time again over and over time and again in many instances as is usual as usual many times as is the custom oft-times


Adverb for involving a full or complete view or approach
completely comprehensively exhaustively thoroughly aggregately broadly expansively extensively integratedly wholy blanketly generally maximally overarchingly repletely sweepingly totally wholistically compendiously encyclopaedically encyclopedically entirely globally universally absolutely thoroughgoingly

Nearby Words

holistic medicine holistic view Holland hollandaise hollandaises hollandaise sauce holistic holistay holism holing up holing holinesses

Trái nghĩa của holistically

holistically Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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