How do you create a new relationship with the employee ID field in the professor table?

1Sort the records in this table so they are grouped by the value in the Classification field from A to Zand then grouped within each classification by the value inthe DOB field from newest to oldest. Don't forget that when sorting by multiple fields, start with the innermost sort and work your way out.0/1In the AccessTable, you clicked the arrow at the top of the Classificationcolumn. In the TableColumn Filter Right-Clickmenu, you clicked the Sort A to Zmenu item.2Create a filter using the Custom Filterdialog to show only records where the valuein the CourseDescription field contains theword Foundation.1/1In the AccessTable, you clicked on CourseDescription, clicked the arrow at the top of the CourseDescriptioncolumn. Inthe Table Column Filter Right-Clickmenu in the Text Filtersmenu, you clicked the item. Inside the Custom Filterdialog, you typed Foundationin the CourseDescription contains input, clicked the OKbutton.3Use AutoFilter to filter the query results first to show only records where value in theDepartment field is Economics and the value in the Credits field is 4.0/1In the HomeRibbon Tab in the Sort & FilterRibbon Group, you clicked the Advancedbutton. In the Advancedmenu, you clicked the Filter By Formmenu item.4Create a new table in Design view. Name the first field: RA IDMake the field data type: AutoNumberAdd the description: Unique RA IDSet the field as the primary key. Save the table with the Name: Resident Advisors0/1In the CreateRibbon Tab in the TablesRibbon Group, you clicked the Tablebutton.5From Design view, modify the Genderfieldto use a lookup list with Maleand Femalein a single column. Limit the field to values in the list only.0/1In the AccessTable, you clicked the Lookuptab. In the CreateRibbon Tab in the FormsRibbon Group, you clicked the More Formsbutton, clicked the More Formsbutton. In the AccessTable, you clicked in the GenderCell, right-clicked the Gendercell. In the Right Clickmenu, you clicked the Propertiesmenu item.6Create a new relationship between the EmployeeIDfield in the Professortable and the Advisorfield in the Studenttable. Ensure that values in the Advisorfield have a corresponding value in the EmployeeIDfield.1/1In the Database ToolsRibbon Tab in the RelationshipsRibbon Group, you clicked the Relationshipsbutton. You double-clicked the employeeId in the professor. Inside the Edit Relationshipsdialog in the Table/Querydrop-down, you selected Professor. Inside the Edit Relationshipsdialog, you clicked the dialog Closebutton. You clicked the relationshipsDatabase, dragged the objectonto the firstName in the studentDatabase. Inside the Edit Relationshipsdialog in the Related Table/Querydrop-down, you clicked the

How do you create relationships in a table?

Create a table relationship by using the Relationships window. On the Database Tools tab, in the Relationships group, click Relationships. On the Design tab, in the Relationships group, click Add Tables [or Show Table in Access 2013]. Select one or more tables or queries and then click Add.

Which fields should be used to create a relationship between the tables?

A table relationship works by matching data in key fields — often a field with the same name in both tables. In most cases, these matching fields are the primary key from one table, which provides a unique identifier for each record, and a foreign key in the other table.

How do you create a relationship report in Access?

On the Database Tools tab click Relationships. On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click Relationship Report. A report that depicts the Relationships window opens in Print Preview mode. To make any adjustments to the way your report will print, use commands on the Print Preview tab.

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