Which country is known for being one of the most ethical countries in the world Quizlet

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1. Differentiate between the cultural dimensions of doing business in Latin America and Arab countries.


2. Latin American negotiators will frequently engage in long periods of silence, or may have peripheral discussions among one another while ignoring foreign business people in the room.



b. False

3. Which of the following is an example of corruption?

Paying a bribe to a company executive in order to be awarded a contract.

Damaging equipment in a factory to protest treatment of workers.

Lobbying a congresswoman to vote for a tax cut for business.

Urging union workers to go on strike in order to gain concessions.

Raising the price on a product in order to make a profit

Paying a bribe to a company executive in order to be awarded a contract.

4. Which of these expressions should an American businessperson avoid in a meeting with foreign business representatives?

"Today we will be discussing the new contract."

"It is my pleasure to meet with you today."

"Let's run this idea up the flagpole."

"I look forward to working with you."

"Let's discuss this idea further."

"Let's run this idea up the flagpole."

5. Which of the following is NOT true about socialism?

Socialism involves an economic ideology in which the government or state plays a strong role in the economy and may own stakes in certain businesses.

Countries with socialist economies aspire to be "classless."

Socialistic economies tend to be somewhat more collectively than individualistically oriented.

Many European countries have strong socialistic orientations.

Socialistic countries put a high degree of importance upon worker and labor rights.

Countries with socialist economies aspire to be "classless."

6. A party wishing to sell a given piece of commercial real estate to another party would enter into a real estate agreement with the other party. This is an example of which type of law?







8. Asking oneself "Would I want others to treat me this way?" is an application of the principle of _____.







7. Would you characterize the United States as a "masculine" or "feminine" country? Defend your answer.


9. "Coca-Cola," the Nike "swoosh" logo, and McDonald's "golden arches" are examples of _____.

intellectual property



generalized trademarks



10. Paying "protection money" or giving sales kickbacks to an organized crime group would represent at example of _____ corruption.







11. In a civil law country, the real power lies with

labor unions and public works employees.

the legislative branch of government.

the judiciary.

corporations and banks.

the executive branch of government.

the legislative branch of government.

12. According to the GLOBE Project research, _____ has emerged as the group that was the most in favor of uncertainty avoidance.

Germanic Europe

Southern Asia

Eastern Europe

the Arabic group

Latin Europe

Germanic Europe

13. According to the GLOBE Project, the lowest level of institutional collectivism existed for the Anglo group.




15. A country that has particularly militant labor unions known for frequent unplanned or wildcat strikes, or perhaps a country known for holding corporate executives hostage until their demands are met, are examples of _____ risk.







16. A country's potential nationalization of companies in the automobile industry would represent a[n] _____ risk.







14. Based on what you have learned about culture, which management styles do you think would work best when working with clients from the Middle East? Explain your answer.


17. One of the international markets in which Britton Manufacturing plans to sell its products is China. All but which one of the following identifies a significant challenge facing the company in this international marketplace?
The product laws of China are very similar to those found within the United States.
China is considered a communist country in which the government owns or controls most of the factors of production.
There is the possibility of the Chinese government confiscating the assets [the products] of Britton Manufacturing.
For the most part, the government of China continues to maintain control of the unions within China.
The market of China provides enormous opportunity for foreign companies because it has been emerging as one of the most economically powerful nations in the world in recent years.

The product laws of China are very similar to those found within the United States.

18. Of the following, which is NOT a primary or secondary source that can be used to learn about foreign countries' cultures?

The U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Guide

The Economist's Intelligence Unit

Culture Grams

Craigshead's International Business, Travel and Relocation Guide to 84 Countries

Forbes's Countries of the World

Forbes's Countries of the World

19. In Arab countries, business executives will often digress from the primary purpose of the meeting, then eventually return to the topic initially discussed. This is an example of cultural _____.



manners and customs

social institutions


manners and customs

20. The words "aspirin," "escalator," and "zipper" are examples of _____.

intellectual property



generalized trademarks


generalized trademarks

21. The government can force an individual to sell his or her land so that a road can be built for the benefit of the public as a whole. This is an example of the _____ principle.







22. Reardon Enterprises has its second largest manufacturing facility located in South America. Which one of the following would not be an important cultural fact Samuel and Jonas should know before conducting business meetings there?
Formal manners and attire are valued at dinner business meetings
Business dealings must be discussed first and decisions made quickly
Development of a personal relationship should come before conducting business
Time is not an essential entity in that culture for it is believed there is always tomorrow
Dinner meetings are considered a time to get to know those who would be doing business together

Business dealings must be discussed first and decisions made quickly

23. In China, consumers drink soup, which usually contains rice, and do not use a spoon. In Muslim countries, it would be inappropriate to bring a gift for another man's wife. These are examples of cultural_____.



manners and customs



manners and customs

24. In some countries, a high premium is placed upon foreigners and foreign items, as they are associated with sophistication -Belgian chocolate, for example, or Swedish automobiles. In other countries, there is subtle resistance to foreign items. This is an example of a cultural _____.

a. value

b. social institution

c. custom

d. stance

e. outlook


25. A 2013 survey asked individuals whether they or someone in their household had paid a bribe in the past 12 months. The survey found the bribery rate in the United States was between ______.

a. 1 and 4.9 percent

b. 5 and 9.9 percent

c. 10 and 14.9 percent

d. 15 and 19.9 percent

e. 20 and 24.9 percent

1 and 4.9 percent

26. When doing business in Japan, it is appropriate to look directly into the eyes of your hosts.

a. True

b. False


27. Which is NOT an example of a preventive control?

a. providing for the physical security of assets

b. keeping adequate records

c. following written policies and procedures

d. hiring competent and ethical employees

e. production quality control

production quality control

28. According to Hofstede, the United States is considered a[n]

a. authoritarian country.

b. collectivist country.

c. high power distance country.

d. feminine country.

e. highly individualistic country.

highly individualistic country.

29. Rankings of countries throughout the world by potential political risks typically place Scandinavian and European countries such as Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Denmark near the top of the list, meaning that companies engaging in business in these countries face the least number of potential political risks.

a. True

b. False


30. Prolonged civil war in a politically unstable country is an example of a macropolitical risk.

a. True

b. False


31. In the world today, Islamic law, as followed in countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, is the primary example of theocratic law in operation.

a. True

b. False


34. Latin Americans are not as conscious about time as are North Americans.




33. Of the following statements, which is NOT true about ethics and integrity?

a. A person of integrity has knowledge about what morally constitutes the right things to do.

b. A person of integrity has the courage to do what is right.

c. Ethical situations are always black and white.

d. There are four basic steps in ethical decision making.

e. An ethical dilemma occurs when one must make a choice among alternative actions and the right choice is not absolutely

c. Ethical situations are always black and white.

35. Power distance is the cultural dimension that refers to ______ [equality] versus authority


32. Discuss the various ways to resolve an ethical question.


36. Because Turkey is a Muslim country, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited there.

a. True

b. False


37. A type of fraud, in which money received from later investors is used to provide returns to earlier investors, thus giving an appearance of a profitable investment is called a ______ scheme.


38. The FINAL step of ethical decision-making is to _____.

a. identify the alternative decisions and consequences

b. make the decision

c. define all the facts and circumstances

d. identify the people affected by the situation

e. determine that a decision needs to be made

make the decision

39. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act increased the potential prison sentence for fraud to _____ years.

a. 5

b. 10

c. 15

d. 25

e. 50


40. Hofstede's masculine vs. feminine dimension is the extent to which a society values traditionally masculine attributes [assertiveness, competition] or traditionally feminine ones [modesty, caring for others].

a. True

b. False


41. Which of the following laws provides for [after a certain deductible] U.S. government insurance coverage for the risk of a U.S. business or property being attacked by a "foreign person or foreign interest?"

a. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

b. Overseas Private Investment Act

c. Terrorism Risk Insurance Act

d. Antitrust Act

e. United We Stand Act

Terrorism Risk Insurance Act

42. In 2005, Bernie Ebbers of WorldCom was recognized by the Better Business Bureau for his company being a leader in social responsibility.

a. True

b. False


43. The primary reason why language mistakes occur in global business is that organizations tend to use backward translation.

a. True

b. False


44. Of the following statements about WorldCom, which is NOT true?

a. It began in 1983 as Long Distance Discount Services, Inc.

b. From 1999 to 2002, the company had manipulated earnings by using fraudulent accounting methods.

c. Five techniques were used to cook the books.

d. WorldCom filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2002.

e. CEO Bernie Ebbers was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Five techniques were used to cook the books.

45. If you act according to absolute moral rules, you are following the ______ principle


When doing business in China, it is important to remember that

a. exchanges are often uneven, working to the advantage of weaker members in the relationship.

b. persons of low rank never have any influence or power in a relationship.

c. an emotional appeal to superiors will almost always be successful.

d. one must never give in to any demands of the Chinese hosts.

e. obtaining the favor of subordinates will be seen as a sign of weakness.

exchanges are often uneven, working to the advantage of weaker members in the relationship.

47. Power distance examines the extent to which societies tolerate risk or are risk averse.

a. True

b. False


48. Caveat venditor, or "_____ beware," involves placing the burden of product safety on manufacturers rather than on consumers.


49. Describe how patents, trademarks, and copyrights help protect intellectual properties in today's global business environment. Give specific examples.


50. GCD Industries acknowledges it is under the guidelines of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act whenever it has dealings in the foreign marketplace. Which one of the following is not addressed by this Act?

a. Making the offer to pay money to a foreign official for special privilege afforded to the company

b. Establishing pay scales for employees of the company while working on foreign soil

c. Offering a gift to the head of the foreign political party of the nation where work is being performed

d. Making a promise of payment to government officials for directing business to the company

e. Provision indicating access to assets is allowed only by management's specific authorization

b. Establishing pay scales for employees of the company while working on foreign soil

51. The Chinese philosophy that denotes friendship among unequals and unlimited exchanges of favors is referred to as ______.


52. The _____ is a U.S. law that prohibits U.S. companies from bribing or otherwise corrupting foreign government officials to win foreign government contracts or obtain other foreign government assistance for their businesses.

a. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

b. Overseas Private Investment Act

c. Terrorism Risk Insurance Act

d. Antitrust Act

e. United We Stand Act

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

53. Totalitarian government refers to a form of government in which total [all] citizenry have the right to vote.

a. True

b. False


54. In dealing with such a varied number of customers from virtually all major points in the world, the Rochester Corporation is subjected to many risks. Which one of the following would not be considered an economic risk Rochester potentially faces in its global dealings?

a. Lack of consumer interest in the company's products

b. The devaluation of foreign currency

c. Confiscation of a company shipping vessel by pirates

d. Currency conversion restrictions

e. Potential for hyper-inflation to occur

c. Confiscation of a company shipping vessel by pirates

55. _____ is considered by many to be the most infamous financial scandal in United States history.

a. Bank of America

b. Enron

c. Vivendi

d. Parmalat

e. Teapot Dome


56. Unlawful acts of violence threatening the physical safety of others is called _____.

a. blackmail

b. extortion

c. economic risk

d. terrorism

e. corruption


57. Of the following statements, which is NOT true about democracies?

a. Democracy is Greek for "rule by the people."

b. Most, if not all, democracies today are what are known as Athenian democracies.

c. Some democracies, such as Japan, Spain, and Great Britain, also have ceremonial monarchs

d. Opposite democracies are totalitarian countries.

e. Athenian democracy was developed around 500 BCE.

b. Most, if not all, democracies today are what are known as Athenian democracies.

58. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?

a. It was passed in 1952.

b. It is a U.S. federal law that contains two parts.

c. It has an anti-bribery provision.

d. It has a requirement to maintain an adequate internal control system over financial records.

A few people complain that the FCPA puts American firms at a disadvantage against non-U.S. competitors.

a. It was passed in 1952.

59. Under the terms of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, it is illegal to give a bribe to a foreign official or foreign political party, but permissible to give a bribe to a businessperson if bribery is considered "an integral part of doing business in the country's environment."

a. True

b. False


60. Which of the following is NOT one of the nine cultural variables researched by the GLOBE Project?

a. Power distance

b. Uncertainty avoidance

c. Humane orientation

d. Performance orientation

e. Emotionality


61. When doing business in _____, it is important to understand that potential customers want to develop a personal relationship before doing business with foreign executives. Dinner exchanges and lunch meetings provide a good time for executives to get to know one another better. Dinners most often occur in the late evening, at 9 or 10pm.

a. China

b. Japan

c. Korea

d. Latin America

e. Arab countries

Latin America

62. Britton Manufacturing faces many laws and regulations that will impact the company while it conducts business on foreign soil. Which one of the following is least likely to be of concern to Britton in the international marketplace?

a. Contract Law

b. U. S. Labor Laws

c. Tax Law

d. Product Safety Laws

e. Dispute Settlement Law

b. U. S. Labor Laws

63. The openness of democratic countries, and the protections such countries tend to generally provide for property rights and freedom of expression, usually make those countries more hospitable places to conduct global business than countries with totalitarian or semi-totalitarian political regimes.

a. True

b. False


64. The Sandman Group is determined to be successful in its business dealings with its newest Saudi customer. It has been working diligently with the ten representatives and managers it plans to send into the region. Sandman wants each one to be well versed in the culture of the region before they depart on their assignment. Which one of the following would not be of high concern for those individuals to learn before leaving the United States?

a. Effective verbal communication skills

b. Awareness of non-verbal language and its meanings

c. Food for eating must be prepared in the halal way

d. Financial infrastructure of the region

e. Knowledge of the value system of the region

d. Financial infrastructure of the region

65. You can make an ethical choice by asking yourself all of the following questions EXCEPT

a. "What's in it for me?"

b. "What does the law say about this?"

c. "What are company policies on this issue?"

d. "Would I want my children to know I did this?"

e. "Does the situation 'smell bad'?"

a. "What's in it for me?"

66. Uncertainty avoidance examines the extent to which societies tolerate ______.


67. A management style that stresses competition among workers and among companies would likely not work well in

a. China.

b. Germany.

c. Canada.

d. the United States.

e. Russia.


68. Of the following, which is NOT true about managing and marketing in overseas markets?

a. Only one management style need be used.

b. There can be different cultural groups within countries of which organizations need to be aware.

c. Advertising campaigns must be tailored to local cultures.

d. Culture has an impact on communication styles.

e. Clear communication can improves the outcomes of management decisions.

a. Only one management style need be used.

69. GCD Industries attempts to always conduct its business in an ethical manner. It investigates the foreign nations in which it operates so it will be aware of any upcoming business practice differences such as corruption levels the company may face. Which one of the following is the most likely source of the information sought by GCD Industries?

a. CPI

b. WTO

c. CSR

d. WHO



70. The Chinese philosophy that denotes friendship among unequals involving unlimited exchanges of favors; thus, it is not based upon sentiment is referred to as "______".


71. Ironically, studies have shown that people who have lived and worked abroad are not particularly good sources of information about the cultures of various countries.

a. True

b. False


72. The Corruption _____________ Index is a report published each year by Transparency International, providing metrics to the potential corruption risk for 174 countries.


73. In Arab countries, business executives will often digress from the primary purpose of the meeting, then eventually return to the topic initially discussed.

a. True

b. False


74. The representatives of Sandman must be aware of cultural do's and don'ts of the Saudi Arabia region. Which one of the following would be considered unacceptable or inappropriate for them to do during a business meeting?

a. Maintaining good posture.

b. Not inquiring about the wives of foreign businessmen.

c. Not overly praising the possessions of the Arab host.

d. Not bringing a woman to the meeting without first seeking the host's approval.

e. Sitting with the sole of the shoe showing.

e. Sitting with the sole of the shoe showing.

75. Which of the following is a value described in the BBB Code of Business Practices?

a. Build trust

b. Make the decision

c. Define all the facts and circumstances

d. Identify the people affected by the situation

e. Determine that a decision needs to be made

a. Build trust

76. Guanxi refers to the relationship between subordinates and superiors. It denotes friendship among unequals involving unlimited exchanges of favors; thus, it is not based upon sentiment.

a. True

b. False


77. China, with its strong individualistic, entrepreneurial, free-market spirit, historically has been viewed as the leading economically capitalistic economy in the world.

a. True

b. False


78. Entering foreign marketplaces poses many challenges to companies like Britton Manufacturing. Which one of the following would Britton Manufacturing least expect to be a challenge in its international business expansion?

a. The potential for the company's executives to be kidnapped and held for ransom while on foreign soil

b. The constant fluctuation of foreign currencies in relation to the U.S. dollar

c. The economic downturn in the United States resulting in many experienced workers being unemployed or underemployed

d. The instability and volatility of some foreign governments around the world

e. The potential for terrorist activity within certain foreign nations

c. The economic downturn in the United States resulting in many experienced workers being unemployed or underemployed

79. Enron Corporation is a perfect example of effective social and ethical responsibility in the financial sector.

a. True

b. False


80. According to the text regarding a study of corporate bribery in developed countries conducted by Transparency International, which of the following nations had the most corporate bribery?

a. Russia

b. the United States

c. Hong Kong

d. Japan

e. Singapore


81. According to Hofstede, which of the following countries is best described as a highly feminine culture?

a. Mexico

b. Belgium

c. Greece

d. Norway

e. Japan


82. The use of jargon is especially useful when conducting business meetings with foreign personnel.

a. True

b. False


83. The Rochester Corporation has three products that were created by its employees. These products have received patents from both the United States and twenty foreign nations. All three products are currently exported to all of the company's customers. Which one of the following does not reflect guidelines or rules governing these patents?

a. The inventor has exclusive rights to the product for a certain period of time

b. Patent rights remain enforceable for 5-20 years depending upon the invention and the country involved

c. Patents have an expiration date set some time in the future depending on the invention

d. Modifications to the product by others are allowed after one year and with government consent

e. Patents offer inventors limited legal monopoly rights

d. Modifications to the product by others are allowed after one year and with government consent

84. Of the following statements, which is NOT true about totalitarian governments?

a. Totalitarian governments always have weak economies.

b. A country run by a military dictatorship would be an example of a totalitarian government.

c. Totalitarian governments rule without the support or consent of the citizens.

d. An absolute monarchy is an example of a totalitarian government.

e. The dictatorships that prevailed in Eastern Europe during the Cold War were examples of totalitarian governments.

a. Totalitarian governments always have weak economies.

85. The ________________ variable refers to how rewards in a society are handed out.

achievement vs ascription

86. Production quality control and internal auditing are example of feedback controls.

a. True

b. False


87. The four basic steps in ethical decision making are: define all the facts and circumstances, identify the people affected, determine the alternative decisions and consequences, and make the decision and carry it out.

a. True

b. False


88. Briefly explain the relationship between ethics and integrity.


89. _________________ are a system of rules and procedures within a business designed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial and accounting information

Internal controls

90. Which is the largest nation in the world with a communist economic ideology?

a. China

b. Russia

c. Vietnam

d. India

e. South Africa


91. The rise of ISIS has increased the political risk of Middle Eastern countries doing business with the United States.

a. True

b. False


92. Briefly describe how a Ponzi scheme works.


93. A[n] ____________ is a distinctive phrase, name, word, picture, symbol or design, or combination of these, that identifies a given business' service or product, and is owned by said business.


94. He perpetrated a financial scandal in the 1920s by using money received from later investors to provide early investors with returns on their investment.

a. Warren G. Harding

b. Kenneth Lay

c. Charles Ponzi

d. Bernard Madoff

e. Albert Fall

Charles Ponzi

95. Corporate social responsibility is defined as a company's obligations to society, including the welfare of people and places affected by the company's activities. Which one of the following would not demonstrate the Bradley Corporation's adherence to its corporate social responsibility?

a. All Bradley employees regardless of their position have a say in new human resource policies before they are implemented.

b. The Bradley Corporation is engaged with green technologies to eliminate potential environmental damage.

c. The Bradley Corporation makes certain a significant return on investment is provided to its stockholders regardless of what must be sacrificed.

d. The corporation maintains a reputation for dealing fairly and honestly with its suppliers.

e. Bradley is known throughout the industry as a company that consistently meets all of its financial and legal obligations.

c. The Bradley Corporation makes certain a significant return on investment is provided to its stockholders regardless of what must be sacrificed.

96. In this form of government, all citizens vote directly on matters affecting the community

a. Athenian democracy

b. Totalitarianism

c. Representative democracy

d. Egalitarian

e. Communism

a. Athenian democracy

97. If the Rochester Corporation experienced unresolved legal problems with one of its customers located in a foreign country, all of the following except which one would be a potential way to remedy the problem?

a. Engage in arbitration

b. Have the court system use dispute settlement law to reach a resolution to the problem

c. Use the services of a mediator or an arbitrator

d. Bring about litigation in the reigning court of law

e. Obtain an executive order from the U.S. Attorney General's office

e. Obtain an executive order from the U.S. Attorney General's office

98. Accounting practices that update the value of an asset to its current market levels are referred to as ___________________ accounting.

mark to market

99. Which causes MOST problems associated with computer security?

a. natural disasters

b. government spying

c. dishonest employees

d. accidental errors

e. disgruntled employees

d. accidental errors

100. A political risk that only affects a certain industry or set of firms in a given country is called a _________________ risk.


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