How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

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Windows 10 is a great operating system, however, the installation process of Windows 10 isn’t always simple.

A number of users reported the We couldn’t create a new partition error message can prevent you from installing Windows 10, but as you can see, you can easily fix it by following one of our solutions.

Windows 10 has performed well and earned a very good spot in people’s hearts. The new features and regular updates make it better compared to previous versions. But this doesn’t mean that Windows 10 is free of bugs or any issues. One such error is unallocated disk cannot create partition. If you are facing the same problem, then this article on how to fix cannot create a new partition unallocated space on Windows 10 issue will help you resolve the same.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?


How to Fix Cannot Create New Partition Unallocated Space on Windows 10

The Windows 10 installation process has thrown different error messages during the process. Many users reported that the Windows 10 installation froze even before the process started when installing it from a bootable USB drive. Most of the issues are resolved by rebooting or running the troubleshooter. But this cannot create a new partition error that looks different from all. Follow any of the methods below to resolve this issue.

Below are some of the reasons for this issue to occur.

  • Connected peripheral devices
  • USB 3.0 flash drive
  • Unable to create a new partition

Method 1: Remove External Drives

Sometimes, the operating system would recognize other attached drives as the default hard drives and confuse them while installing. So, removing all external drives such as HHD, SSD, or SD card is recommended. Follow the given points to fix the error.

  • Ensure that you connect only the drive connected to the USB port that is necessary for the installation process.
  • Apart from external storage devices, remove all peripherals from the USB port and connect only the bootable USB drive. Then, start the installation again.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

Method 2: Use USB 2.0 Flash Drive

If you are using a USB 3.0 flash drive to install Windows 10, then this may also cause cannot create a new partition unallocated space issue in Windows 10. So, try the installation again using a USB 2.0 flash drive.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

Also Read: Fix Unknown USB Device in Windows 10

Method 3: Create Partition Using Diskpart

Follow the steps below carefully and set the primary partition to be used on your computer to fix unallocated disk cannot create partition error. 

Note: Using diskpart command will delete all the data on the selected hard drive. You should have a backup or use it on a new computer. Also, remove any other sd cards from the PC.

1. Use a bootable USB or DVD to start the Windows 10 setup. Read our article to create a bootable USB drive.

2. Click Repair if you see the error message.

3. Then, click on Troubleshoot and then Advanced tools.

4. Now, select Command Prompt.

5. Type start diskpart and press Enter key.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

6. Type list disk command and press Enter key to view the list of drives.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

7. Next, type the command select disk 0 and hit the Enter key.

Note: We have selected disk 0 as an example.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

8. Now, type the following commands in the same order and press Enter key after each command.

create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

9. Type exit and press Enter key.

10. Try installing Windows 10 again.

Method 4: Make Partition Active

Follow the instructions given below to make the desired partition active for installing Windows 10 to fix unallocated disk cannot create partition error.

1. Start the Windows 10 setup using a bootable USB or DVD.

2. Click Repair if you see an error message.

3. Next, click on Troubleshoot and then Advanced tools.

4. Now, select Command Prompt.

5. Type the command start diskpart and press Enter key.

6. Then, type the list disk command and hit Enter key to view the drive lists.

7. Type the command select disk 0 and hit the Enter key.

Note: We have selected disk 0 as an example.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

8. Now type list partition and hit Enter key to view the disk partitions.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

9. Type partition 2 and press Enter key. 

Note: We have selected partition 2 as an example.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

10. Type active command and press Enter key.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

11. Now, type Exit and hit Enter key.

12. Finally, try installing Windows 10 again.

Also Read: Fix Hard Drive Not Showing Up in Windows 10

Method 5: Convert MPR to GPT

GPT will allow you to have more than four partitions on each disk since it does not have any partition limits. MPR works based on the BIOS partition table. Converting MPR to GPT might help in resolving cannot create new partition unallocated space Windows 10 error.

1. Use a bootable USB or DVD to start the Windows 10 setup.

2. Click Repair if you see an error message.

3. Here, click on Troubleshoot and then Advanced tools.

4. Now, select Command Prompt.

5. Type start diskpart command and press Enter key.

6. Then, type list disk and press Enter key.

7. Here, type the command select disk 0 and hit the Enter key.

Note: We have selected disk 0 as an example.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

8. Now type clean command and press Enter key.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

9. Then, type convert gpt command and press Enter key.

How do you fix failed to create a new partition on the selected unused space?

10. Once the process is complete, type exit and press Enter.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Are there any third-party tools available to make partitions active?

Ans. Yes, there are a few tools such as EaseUS Partition master to make a partition active without using Diskpart.

Q2. Will changing BIOS settings help fix this cannot create new partition unallocated space Windows 10 error?

Ans. Yes, it would help if you make the hard drive a bootable device with priority using BIOS settings. However, it is advised to make changes in BIOS with the help of an experienced person.


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We hope our article on how to fix cannot create new partition unallocated space on Windows 10 helped you. You can drop your suggestions and feedback about this article in the comment section below.

Can not create partition from unallocated space?

At times, your inability to create new partition on the unallocated space is due to peripherals connected at the same time, such as external drive, USB flash drive or memory card, etc. Under this circumstance, you can disconnect all external drives from the USB port of your computer.

How to create new partition from unallocated space in Windows 10?

Open Computer Management by selecting the Start button. The select Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management. In the left pane, under Storage, select Disk Management. Right-click an unallocated region on your hard disk, and then select New Simple Volume.

Can I install Windows on unallocated space?

When choosing an installation type, select Custom. The drive will appear as a single area of unallocated space. Select the unallocated space and click Next. Windows begins the installation.

How to allocate unallocated space in Windows 10 using CMD?

How to allocate unallocated disk space in Windows.
Login to your Windows server..
Open Command Prompt (cmd).
run diskpart C:\Users\Administrator>diskpart..
run list volume DISKPART> list volume..
run select volume 0 DISKPART> select volume 0..
run extend filesystem DISKPART> extend filesystem..
Disk Allocation: Successful..