How to save desktop background

Q:I often use pictures off the Internet as my desktop wallpaper. I just right-click a photo on a Web page and choose Set as Background. It would be nice to store the photos in case I want to go back to one, but I can't figure out where they are.

A: When you set an Internet photo as your background, the image is stored in a folder buried deep inside your hard drive. The navigation route to it is C:\Documents and Settings\Owner (or your name)\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.

That's difficult enough to find, but Microsoft has added a twist by making Application Data a hidden folder, which means you won't see it in Windows Explorer. So the first thing you have to do is unhide the folder.

Launch Windows Explorer by right-clicking the Start button and choosing Explore All Users (or press the Windows key and hit "E"). Go to the Tools menu and choose Folder Options. Tab over to View and check the option labeled "Show hidden files and folders." Then click OK.

Now you can go into the above-mentioned Internet Explorer folder and find your background photo, which will be named Internet Explorer Wallpaper.bmp. One thing to keep in mind is that every time you set a new background photo from the Internet, the old one is overwritten, which means it goes away.

To save a photo before that can happen, copy it to another folder. To use it again as wallpaper, right-click an empty area of your desktop, choose Properties and use the Browse button to locate the photo..

Q: I have a 54g wireless home network operating at 2.4 gigahertz. I recently purchased a new cordless phone that also runs at 2.4 GHz. I've noticed that the Internet connection sometimes gets erratic now. Is that because of interference from the phone? If so, what can I do about it?

A: Could be. It's true that 2.4 GHz phones can interfere with your wireless network, especially if both the phone and the network are using the same frequency channel.

It's easy to confirm the problem: Next time you notice a dramatic slowdown with your Internet connection, check to see if anyone in the house is using the wireless phone. Even if that is the problem, it probably won't occur every time you use the phone because most phones automatically switch channels each time you make a call.

If you are experiencing interference, try manually changing the channel of your phone if it has that option, or just hang up and reconnect the call. Or you can change the channel used by your network router. That's a software thing, so consult the manual. Come to think of it, though, changing the router's channel won't help much if the phone decides to use the same channel. Isn't technology swell?.

Q: A friend of mine sends e-mail on a great-looking electronic stationery with a flower border and pastel shading. Is there an easy way to create such stationery? I use Outlook Express for my e-mail.

A: Open Outlook Express, go to the Tools menu and choose Options. Now tab over to Compose, where you'll find the stationery options. Click Mail, then click Create New.

That will launch the Stationery Setup Wizard, which will guide you through the process. If you can't find a design that you like, go back to the Compose window and click Download More (you have to be online for this). That will take you to a Microsoft page where you can find additional stationery designs.

A couple of caveats: Some folks don't appreciate fancy e-mail, so you might annoy as many people as you entertain. And not everybody's e-mail software is set up to view stationery, so it could come across as a garbled mess or not at all..

Tip of the Week

At first glance, the Windows key on your keyboard (the one with the Windows logo on it) doesn't seem very useful. When you press it, the Start menu appears. Nice. Not thrilling, but nice. But when you combine the Windows key with other keys, it does marvelous things.

Here are a few: Windows + E opens Windows Explorer; Windows + D minimizes all open windows and shows the desktop. If you immediately repeat Windows + D, it will reopen the windows and take you back to where you were.

Windows + F1 displays the Windows Help feature. Windows + Tab -- lets you cycle through the open programs on your Taskbar.