jai eu un coup de foudre là gì

Giới thiệu về cuốn sách này

Page 2

toujours cette impression, partout, d'évoluer dans un décor de cinema Park Avenue sous la pluie avec la fumée du chauffage urbain qui dessine des personnages mystérieux dans les phares du taxi jaune, les pistes poussièreuses bordées de "chandeliers" ces gigantesques cactus dans le désert de l'Arizona: les rues sages de la Nouvelle-Angleterre aux maisons de bois peintes en blanc, cachées sous les grands arbres aux feuilles rouges ; l'extraordinaire Route no 1 longeant le Pacifique entre San Francisco et Los Angeles les collines secretes des Appalaches ou des monts Ozark avec leurs villages de pauvres petits blancs jouant leur musique sur des lessiveuses ou en soufflant dans des jarres, les enfants noirs qui se précipitent au bord de la rivière pour faire de grands signes aux passagers du "Delta Queen" le bateau à aubes remontant le Mississippi vers Natchez; les "chicanos" courbés dans les vastes champs de laitues ou d'artichauts du côté de Santa Cruz, non loin de Silicone Valley: la grande

parade du rodéo dans les rues de Cheyenne, Et tout de suite ce fut l'amour fou, d'abord capitale du Wyorning, les merveilles pour cette ville, puis pour ce pays.

de l'architecture baroque et ultra-moderniste Une passion qui ne s'est jamais dementie au de Chicago, la ville des vents; les orangeraies de fil des années

Floride; les rails dans le sable pour un train baptisé A chaque fois tout recommence...

le "vent du désert": le sourire de Mickey à Mon emotion reste la même dès que j'aborde Disneyland : l'optimisme du futur à Epcot : les ce continent

villes fantomes près des mines d'or abandonnées Peut-être parce que je m'y sens tout de suite dans le dédale des Rocheuses du Colorado; un chez moi, a l'est comme à l'ouest, au nord cowboy texan en jeep surveillant 3000 têtes de comme au sud

bétail Wall
Street ou Washington

pour soi tout Pourtant, j'ai connu là-bas parfois des jours seul, tot un dimanche matin ; un policier de la difficiles, des périodes troubles, et aux Etats-Unis route qui vous suit sur son electra glide pendant comme ailleurs la vie n'est pas toujours aisée. des kilometres, persuadé que vous n'aurez jarnais

la patience de conserver la vitesse limite (90 km/h) sur ce ruban de goudron a travers le desert entre

où les vacances commencent, et ne s'arrêtent jamais...

sonnes ont l'aventure, le Disneyland. 31ème année, i féérique

artez en Floride, vous arriverez certainement par Miami, le soleil y brille toute l'année.

Vous pourrez choisir parmi 850 hôtels, vous vous allanguirez au bord de leurs piscines ou sur l'une des plages bordées de grands palmiers.

Après une partie de tennis ou de golf matinale, vous hésiterez au moment de choisir votre restaurant, vous vous étonnerez devant la variété des menus.

Vous flânerez d'échoppes en boutiques, vous vous régalerez d'un crabe grillé en regardant la lune se lever sur l'Atlantique.

Vous sortez ? Spectacles féeriques, shows de renommée mondiale et mille autres loisirs vous attendent.

Une envie d'excursion, une ballade aventureuse dans les Everglades, une mini-croisière et vous n'êtes qu'à 400 km de Disney World

Miami et ses plages, jamais vous n'oublierez !...

Page 3

New in 1985, this series of 12 regional brochures provides trip planning information on all 50 states, the nation's capital and the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean island territories. Each pocket-size brochure is divided and indexed by individual states, and highlights major cities, resort areas, activities and attractions. Detailed maps are included for locating key areas and principal highways. Brochures like these, translated into the language of the target market country, are critical to our response service

abroad for prospective visitors. Our in-country offices also use them in training programs for the wholesale and retail travel trade, and can mail them, on request, as fulfillment pieces for states and regions participating in the USTTA cooperative advertising program but currently without their own brochures in the language of the target market. States, cities, other destinations and suppliers are encouraged to provide USTTA's overseas offices with their own more detailed booklets and brochures, which USTTA will then distribute in response to specific requests. In most markets abroad USTTA also offers additional information on specialized travel, such as that by the handicapped.

Cich ihes pints


Catch the Spirit

old-fashioned streetcars,

Cice banks on Main Street USA. Experiene Old South on the metal "Mark Tw inhabitants of the Haunted Mansion throughout the ley cuters of the Matt characters are always bent, inclurer Durk, Goofs, een Snow White and steam train circles Deseytand and a provides shuttle service to and from An mager languages are spoken an Disneyland is 53 kilometer south in Anaheim Dennryland is open all year, wuh summer season and relielas. T Mondays and Tues. Derende Anaheim Area Visites and Con Bout. Admission Knott's Berry Farm The Got farm. Tortas. Terrates the Tout. Fiesta Village, Rearing E the variety of rides, at stones beaget ta try kotis chicken einners. Proti's The Avatait. Arme

Las Vegas News Bureat photo

re of rugged mountains, colorful Experience the mountain beauty the state's Old West ghost towns.

woodlands of the scenic Truckce an mansions of Virginia City and

lays when prospectors made their fortunes in the old and silver mines, From the cerle beauly of the Valley of Fire State Park and the wide open spaces of the desert to the pine trees, meadows And streams of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, dramatic contrast abounds in Nevada. It is even possible to meet an old prospector sul seeking his fortune in this rugged. fascinating land. Climate, Geography and Location Most of Nevada is desert in the heart of the Great Basin region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During winter months from late November to March, northern Nevada, famous for outstanding skling, requires heavier clothing. Las Vegas visitors can usually enjoy moderate temperatures averaging 16 degrees C., but during the summer months temperatures can climb to 40 degrees C. The resort and vacation atmosphere encourages casual dress. Men may wish to have a jacket and the for the casinos. stage shows and more exclusive restaurants. How to Get There Las Vegas and Reno are the two primary gateway cities to Nevada. Flights from Los Angeles to McCarran International Airport take 45 minutes. MeCarran ts 13 kilometers south of downtown Las Vegas. The airport handles both domestic and international flights. Travel time to downtown is 30 minutes by airport limousine or taxi service, less to the world-famous "Strip. Regular bus service and hotel courtesy buses are also available,

Interstate bus companies also serve Las Vegas, and include Grey. hound Bus Lines from their terminal at 200 S. Main Street, and Trailways Bus System at 217 N. Fourth Street. Several airlines at McCarran Airport offer round-trip flights and fully packaged tours through and to the Grand Canyon. Many sightseeing firms provide excellent tours of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam. Lake Mead. Death Valley and the surrounding area. Reno Cannon International Airport, also only 45 minutes flying time from San Francisco. is just six kilometers southeast of downtown Reno. Many airlines serve Reno and the Lake Tahoe area. Bus, taxi and limousine services are available, along with hotel courtesy buses. Greyhound Bus Lines operates from the terminal at 155 Steven- son Street and Trailways Bus System from its terminal at 500 W. Second Street. Both Las Vegas and Reno are served by major car rental companies al airports, casinos and major holcis. Recreation Two very popular recreation areas in Nevada are Lake Mead in the south and Lake Tahoe in the north Lake Tahoe, spanning the California-Nevada border, is more than 1.800 meters deep and has a surface area of 680 square kilo- meters, making it the largest mountain lake in the United States. Cupped in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Lake Tahoe is one of America's most famous mountain resort areas. Enjoy nature walks, hiking, swimining, golfing, fishing, but tours. gambling and top-name entertainment in the cluster of picturesque towns and casinos surrounding the lake. During the winter months. visitors will find outstanding skiing opportunities in 20 mountain resorts and 12 cross-country ski areas, all close to major hotels restaurants and entertainment. In addition to skiing. try skating. sleelding or showmobiling and enjoy the winter festivals staged in the area. During summer months, see the scenic beauty of Tahoe and choose from several lake Cruises. ncluding North Tahoe cruises, Lake Tahoe cruises and the M.S. Dixie. All trips offer exceptional views of the lakeshore casinos, estates and resorts. Lake Tahoe is 55 kilometers southwest of Reno. Open. year round.

Ald bid rail Atel. Abie. Acles

The 32-page booklet illustrated here was designed as the fulfillment piece for coupon requests in Germany. An abbreviated and motivational composite of the 12 informational brochures on the previous page, it is organized by regions and states, and refers the reader to the USTTA brochure series for more detailed information. In 1986, the Holiday Planner will be available in English for use in the United Kingdom and Australia, and in French, Japanese, and Dutch to support the cooperative advertising planned in those countries for the fall and winter of 1986.

Ah the ertain hct the Ic park

is a fruit a Ghost Snoopy ent, and nd special Park, near

Page 4

New in 1985, this series of 12 regional brochures provides trip planning information on all 50 states, the nation's capital and the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean island territories. Each pocket-size brochure is divided and indexed by individual states, and highlights major cities, resort areas, activities and attractions. Detailed maps are included for locating key areas and principal highways. Brochures like these, translated into the language of the target market country, are critical to our response service

abroad for prospective visitors. Our in-country offices also use them in training programs for the wholesale and retail travel trade, and can mail them, on request, as fulfillment pieces for states and regions participating in the USTTA cooperative advertising program but currently without their own brochures in the language of the target market. States, cities, other destinations and suppliers are encouraged to provide USTTA's overseas offices with their own more detailed booklets and brochures, which USTTA will then distribute in response to specific requests. In most markets abroad USTTA also offers additional information on specialized travel, such as that by the handicapped.

Cich ihes pints


Catch the Spirit

old-fashioned streetcars,

Cice banks on Main Street USA. Experiene Old South on the metal "Mark Tw inhabitants of the Haunted Mansion throughout the ley cuters of the Matt characters are always bent, inclurer Durk, Goofs, een Snow White and steam train circles Deseytand and a provides shuttle service to and from An mager languages are spoken an Disneyland is 53 kilometer south in Anaheim Dennryland is open all year, wuh summer season and relielas. T Mondays and Tues. Derende Anaheim Area Visites and Con Bout. Admission Knott's Berry Farm The Got farm. Tortas. Terrates the Tout. Fiesta Village, Rearing E the variety of rides, at stones beaget ta try kotis chicken einners. Proti's The Avatait. Arme

Las Vegas News Bureat photo

re of rugged mountains, colorful Experience the mountain beauty the state's Old West ghost towns.

woodlands of the scenic Truckce an mansions of Virginia City and

lays when prospectors made their fortunes in the old and silver mines, From the cerle beauly of the Valley of Fire State Park and the wide open spaces of the desert to the pine trees, meadows And streams of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, dramatic contrast abounds in Nevada. It is even possible to meet an old prospector sul seeking his fortune in this rugged. fascinating land. Climate, Geography and Location Most of Nevada is desert in the heart of the Great Basin region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During winter months from late November to March, northern Nevada, famous for outstanding skling, requires heavier clothing. Las Vegas visitors can usually enjoy moderate temperatures averaging 16 degrees C., but during the summer months temperatures can climb to 40 degrees C. The resort and vacation atmosphere encourages casual dress. Men may wish to have a jacket and the for the casinos. stage shows and more exclusive restaurants. How to Get There Las Vegas and Reno are the two primary gateway cities to Nevada. Flights from Los Angeles to McCarran International Airport take 45 minutes. MeCarran ts 13 kilometers south of downtown Las Vegas. The airport handles both domestic and international flights. Travel time to downtown is 30 minutes by airport limousine or taxi service, less to the world-famous "Strip. Regular bus service and hotel courtesy buses are also available,

Interstate bus companies also serve Las Vegas, and include Grey. hound Bus Lines from their terminal at 200 S. Main Street, and Trailways Bus System at 217 N. Fourth Street. Several airlines at McCarran Airport offer round-trip flights and fully packaged tours through and to the Grand Canyon. Many sightseeing firms provide excellent tours of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam. Lake Mead. Death Valley and the surrounding area. Reno Cannon International Airport, also only 45 minutes flying time from San Francisco. is just six kilometers southeast of downtown Reno. Many airlines serve Reno and the Lake Tahoe area. Bus, taxi and limousine services are available, along with hotel courtesy buses. Greyhound Bus Lines operates from the terminal at 155 Steven- son Street and Trailways Bus System from its terminal at 500 W. Second Street. Both Las Vegas and Reno are served by major car rental companies al airports, casinos and major holcis. Recreation Two very popular recreation areas in Nevada are Lake Mead in the south and Lake Tahoe in the north Lake Tahoe, spanning the California-Nevada border, is more than 1.800 meters deep and has a surface area of 680 square kilo- meters, making it the largest mountain lake in the United States. Cupped in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Lake Tahoe is one of America's most famous mountain resort areas. Enjoy nature walks, hiking, swimining, golfing, fishing, but tours. gambling and top-name entertainment in the cluster of picturesque towns and casinos surrounding the lake. During the winter months. visitors will find outstanding skiing opportunities in 20 mountain resorts and 12 cross-country ski areas, all close to major hotels restaurants and entertainment. In addition to skiing. try skating. sleelding or showmobiling and enjoy the winter festivals staged in the area. During summer months, see the scenic beauty of Tahoe and choose from several lake Cruises. ncluding North Tahoe cruises, Lake Tahoe cruises and the M.S. Dixie. All trips offer exceptional views of the lakeshore casinos, estates and resorts. Lake Tahoe is 55 kilometers southwest of Reno. Open. year round.

Ald bid rail Atel. Abie. Acles

The 32-page booklet illustrated here was designed as the fulfillment piece for coupon requests in Germany. An abbreviated and motivational composite of the 12 informational brochures on the previous page, it is organized by regions and states, and refers the reader to the USTTA brochure series for more detailed information. In 1986, the Holiday Planner will be available in English for use in the United Kingdom and Australia, and in French, Japanese, and Dutch to support the cooperative advertising planned in those countries for the fall and winter of 1986.

Ah the ertain hct the Ic park

is a fruit a Ghost Snoopy ent, and nd special Park, near

Page 5

What will be your share of this enormous market? If you are not now advertising to consumers abroad, or if you would like to enhance the effectiveness of your current program, you will want to participate in the United States Travel and Tourism Administration's 1986-87 cooperative advertising venture. Because of the unique impact of seeing several related ads in a coordinated package, cooperative advertising offers you a highly effective way to increase consumer awareness of your product and enlarge your portion of the lucrative international travel market-at no increase in cost over a normal ad insertion. Every segment of the tourism industry can profit from cooperative advertising: state and local governments, all types of transportation, hospitality services, attractions, credit card companies. States aggressively promoting foreign tourism can greatly increase their shares of international tourism receipts. Recent figures show that foreign visitors provided 33 percent of Hawaii's total tourism earnings, 14 percent of Florida's and 8 to 10 percent of tourism revenues of New York, Arizona and Texas. Examine the variety of cooperative advertising plans in this booklet. Consider their important advantages: expanded audiences for your message, increased credibility and ad retention, research in the actual marketplace, complete coupon fulfillment services, and many difficult details handled for you by USTTA. USTTA invites you to join us and other cooperating advertisers in this promising-and profitable- international venture.


Page 6

USTTA's Cooperative Test Program in Germany

The decision to mount a major 1986 consumer advertising program was made in late 1984 based on a worldwide survey of consumer attitudes, perceptions and preferences. Using the N.W. Ayer Developmental Labs technique of consumer focus groups in nine locations in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Australia, the central theme "America. Catch the Spirit” was developed as an umbrella slogan for the entire United States. This theme, not limited to any single area or activity, embraces the uniqueness and unrivaled diversity of the American tourism offering—the striking contrasts which the visitor finds here and the amazing variety of our touristic attractions. Since so broad and challenging a concept could not be projected in advertising in many major markets within available budgets, a test program was conducted in a single large market. Other public and private organizations interested in testing a deeper penetration of tourism opportunities abroad were invited to participate. Germany was selected as the target market because it was moderately large and highly competitive, had a strong economy, and as a non-English-speaking country, would effectively test the workability of a universal English language headline expressing the American character. The acceptance of the German test program by U.S. travel industry suppliers and destinations suggests that this type of campaign should be repeated in Germany and extended to other world markets.

Cooperating Partners-Germany

Attractions Walt Disney World

States/Cities/Regions Florida

Oklahoma Hawaii

Colorado Arizona New Mexico Arkansas Wyoming Kansas Utah Missouri Virginia Louisiana Philadelphia Convention

and Visitors Bureau Greater Los Angeles

Visitors and Conven- tion Bureau

Rental Cars Avis Rent-A-Car Hertz Corporation National Car Rental

Travel Services American Express

reiheitsstatue blicken je Amerikaner auf zu sin Diana - Symbolinz und Lebensfreude

Frankfur Allgemeine Magazin

Freizeit faulenzen Sie bei sanftem n Strand von Waikiki, landen einen ler auf dem Las Vegas Strip, erleben in Arlington Park, laufen Ski in den M Park Avenue ein oder geben sich tasie hin in Disneyland oder Disney d. Tauchen! Segeln! Angeln! Jagen! ei der Geschaeftsadresse Amerikas! iche. Planen Sie Ihre Tagung an der oder am Wilshire Boulevard in Los Handels-Konferenz in New Orleans

Street, fuehren neue Waren ein in ler dem Loop, besuchen Kunden in ngor, Ogden, Danbury, Parsippany. ei der Geschaeftsadresse Amerikas! Zeit fuer eine Kostprobe des guten nt und elegant in Savannah, hoeren Orleans, tanzen mal einen Abend, inem Mai Tai in Miami oder einem

Schlummertrunk in Niagara Das Beste des Guten Lebens bei

Tandem advertising creates a strong collective identity for the entire United States or for a selected target region, a seasonal activity such as beach holidays or skiing, or other travel motivation. In this example, the United States Travel and Tourism Administration created a colorful advertisement presenting the entire United States as a unique destination with an endless variety of scenic attractions. Transportation services, hotel networks, major theme parks and attractions with nationwide resources joined USTTA in placing their own ads in the same issues of several carefully selected foreign magazines for this major 1986 marketing campaign. The American Airlines-Avis ad shown here is a joint cooperative advertisement representing an agreement between two advertisers to share ad space, using a theme appropriate to both advertisers' offerings. Each advertiser paid for its own advertisement and enjoyed the synergistic value of being part of an overall campaign marketing the United States in competition with other tourismreceiving nations. To further amplify the impact of this coordinated effort, each advertiser was encouraged to display the unifying theme line, “America. Catch the Spirit."

This two-page spread was the leading ad in USTTA'S 1986 campaign introducing the theme "America. Catch the Spirit" to German consumers. Key publications used were Stern (circulation 1.5 million) and Spiegel (920,000). Other leading publications, less expensive per placement but with highly targeted travel readership, included GEO (circulation 490,000), Capital (300,000) and Merian (185,000).

Ein Land, das dar das Lebensgefühl Stahl- und Glastü den Pulsschlag Amerika. Wo endlose W

n. Sie reis


Für ihre kostenlose Fremdenverkehrs-Broschüre

von Los Angelos, bitte schreiben Sie

Peter W Bohen Regional Director

US Travel & Tourist Administration Bethmannstrasse 56.6000 Frankfurt/Man

ire Träume wahr zu machen. Wo ingroße Städte pulsieren läßt, wo amel reichen und wo Sie überall üren, die alles möglich macht.

eraubender Naturschönheit Sie n Highways, auf den entlegenen er sogar zu Pferde - in die großschweigsamen Schluchten der

Sie den unverglejren Komsesinnlichen Charn

as Sie erhebt u e je so berührer sehen. Entdec änger warten

Page 7

Newspaper Travel Sections

Canadian newspapers, like those in major U.S. cities, commonly publish separate travel advertising sections in their Sunday editions, and occasionally in daily editions as well. This practice is rarely used in other countries. To arrange a special USA travel section like that shown here, USTTA encourages a newspaper publisher to plan a “special issue” exclusively devoted to travel advertising for U.S. destinations and related transportation services. The travel section may feature the U.S. as a whole, specifically target a particular region, such as Sun Country, the Pacific Northwest, or the Great Lakes, or feature a specialized or seasonal activity or attraction like skiing, national parks, summer beaches, or winter vacations-in-the-sun. This technique creates an attractive mix for many advertisers: a series of related destinations, attractions and services, and air and surface carriers. This medium is also especially suitable for small properties and services which normally cannot afford to buy large newspaper spacę units or pages in high-cost magazines. USTTA'S 1984 and 1985 Canadian marketing programs included special fall sections in the Toronto Star (circulation 518,000). In the November 19, 1985, issue shown here, one U.S. advertiser purchased a two-page spread, three U.S. advertisers purchased full-page units; the remaining advertisers purchased space ranging from over one-half page to single-column units. These and other advertisers participated in the fall 1985 Toronto Star campaign:

Best Western International Holiday Inn Days Inn Hotel Inter-Continental Howard Johnson Hotels and

Lodges Hollywood Beach Hilton Florida Sheraton La Costa The Wigwam Rea Residential Hotel Marco Polo Palm Beach Plaza Beach Harbor Hotel Irelands Inn Travel Lodge at Disney World Kenilworth Lodge Konover Hotel Viscount Hotel Chateau/Thunderbird Pirates Crossing Seaquest Condominiums Palm Beach Ocean Hotel La Brisa Motor Inn Dunes of Panama City Realty, Inc. Condo World, Inc.

Dollar Rent-A-Car Budget Rent-A-Car Executive Rent-A-Car Thrifty Rent-A-Car Value Rent-A-Car Cruise America Snappy Car Rental Alamo Rent-A-Car

American Airlines U.S. Air Air Canada Eastern Airlines Wardair Arrow Air

Dallas Convention and

Visitors Bureau South Padre Island San Antonio Panama City Beach Palm Springs

Walt Disney World Seaworld of Florida Busch Gardens Harder Hall Golf School NASA Space Port USA Medieval Times

Royal Caribbean

Cruise Lines

States/Cities/Regions Texas Alabama Louisiana Palm Springs Florida Georgia South Carolina Surfside Tourist Board Hollywood (Florida)

Chamber of Commerce Palm Beach Fort Lauderdale Monroe County Pinellas County Greater Miami Visitors and

Convention Bureau Broward County Greater Los Angeles Visitors

and Convention Bureau Jekyll Island Myrtle Beach Corpus Christi

Phoeni ite wi steaks yarn. hors poo rior en se

The Beach. The Border.


E-bts Deluxe Accommodations, Round Trip Chartered Airfare Bices start February 7, 1986 and are good through supancy. Book 60 days before departure,

adult, Restrictions apply.

The advertorial technique attractively combines the marketing value of full-page advertising with the credibility of editorial content. It has strong appeal and high readership, as well as a greater retention rate. Since many readers are unaware that advertorial copy is advertising, they read—and absorb—it as they would other features of the host publication. Advertorial material is prepared in a style compatible with that of the host publication. Individual advertisers provide or choose illustrations and draft text, while the publisher retains overall editorial and graphic control. Each advertiser receives equal coverage for equal cost, and the coordinated, magazine format encourages the reader to peruse and compare offerings rather than skip and skim through a series of unrelated advertisements. The advertorial section may be permanently bound into the host publication, or may be a “pullout" booklet for the reader to remove and save for future vacation planning. As shown here, the advertorial insert may be used simultaneously in several publications for maximum market impact. Additional quantities of these booklets can be produced for complementary uses—in mailings, as fulfillment pieces for couponed advertising, and for distribution to the retail trade at travel shows, meetings and seminars. The advertorial style works best with a regional or other theme, and is a very attractive advertising technique for states and travel associations in a geographic area, or individual communities and attractions in a major tourism destination.

In this example of the advertorial technique,

each participant (those shown, plus Los Angeles, South Dakota, Reno and Idaho) had two full pages devoted to its destination.

The campaign ran in three Canadian

magazines: Westworld (circulation

657,000), Western Living (circulation 244,000) and Vancouver (circulation 81,000).

No, that is Lost Horizon was


down for his or Tandholders Indians

to lie around in an attempt to capture a golden tan? There are more than 7,000 pouls in town, about one for every five residenus. There's no crowding here four bike trails run throughout the cry. And the Indian Canyons are ideal for hiking and horseback riding. There

is shopping along fashionable Palm Canyon Drive, and the renowned Desert Museum is well worth a visi

Bur the main attraction of Palm Springs seems to be the mood. After all this is 'Shangri-La

hyperbole Frank Capra's 19303 filmed in Tahguiz Canyon at the hreathtaking falls which cascade In

rocky the

role in the city play an import with the federal OVCckerboard, with every

the entire areas other mic and the lors belonging to

10 private owners Agua . Indiants have

not sold an inch of their land, but have parceled it out on 9. year leases. The Spa Hotel, built on e

the Palm Springs its name,

was the first hotel to receive ale Besides its natural made one. The

from the tribe

wonders. Palm Aerial Tramway. achieve ent of human wo

the Stars Palm Springs attracts not on ly the famous facts of celluloid, but also business tycoons, dignitaries of state, and casual and curious tourists

Residents include Bob Hope Frank Sinatra, former presidem Gerald Ford, and 10 members of the Forbes 100. Legends relate how

William Holden and Grace Kelly shared romantic desert

how Marilyn Munroe was how Clark Gable honeymooned at the Ingleside inn

Such is the life in Palm Springs

Both the Hollywood glumour and the natural beauty make this desert reson a growing tourist destination The clean

dry ait is great for sports, There are more than

50 golf courses in the area, some

host to the Bob Hope Desert Classic and the Dinah Shore loveational

cach year Many of the 300 ennis courts are open to the public and are lighted for night play And what would Palm Springs be without a swimming pool to soak in of

Consumer Response and Coupon Measurement

Using coupons in travel advertising provides a quick and easy way to measure and analyze consumer interest. USTTA encourages all cooperative advertisers to coupon their ads. In the United Kingdom and Canada, “bingo cards," where the reader checks off one or more boxes for information, have produced high response rates. For advertisers without sales offices in target markets, USTTA can arrange coupon or bingo card fulfillment at cost through our mailing house contractor. The key to a successful couponing program is the offer of an attractive free "product"-a colorful folder or information booklet in the local language providing more information about your special offerings. For our own advertisements, USTTA offers a full-color, 812 inch by 11 inch Holiday Planner on the United States, as well as colorful pocket-size brochures on 12 major U.S. regions, translated into the languages of targeted markets. (See pages 18 and 19.) USTTA will also mail these brochures, on request, as coupon fulfillment pieces for states or regions interested in participating in cooperative advertising programs but currently without their own brochures in the local language. USTTA can also provide, at nominal cost, a summary of inquiries from prospective visitors interested in the state or region. USTTA's market research periodically evaluates how cooperative advertising programs have affected readers: whether the ads influenced them to travel, the length of the trips they took, and how much they spent on their trips. Results of the study covering the year October 1, 1984, through September 30, 1985, will be published in late 1986.

Multilingual Travel Facilitation Service Hata International


In 1986, these U.S. and U.K. travel advertisers took ads in the Sunday Times and Radio Times insert:

The Spirit of America was bomo And today, this exciting, 6-state re

In the heart of it, there's the cit

Airlines Trans World Airlines British Airways World Airways Northwest Orient Airlines Pan American World Airways Ozark Airlines Republic Airlines

Hotels Hilton Hotels Best Western International Quality International Howard Johnson Hotels

and Lodges


America TWAI

E RUSH ME MORE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING: APPLICATION FOR MORE DETAILS. box marked US Travel Information Centre to receive more details of their ehensive USA information service.

NAME (PLEASE PRINT). 1. TWA 8. Alamo car hire 15. Hertz

ADDRESS 2. British Airways 9. Florida's Pinellas 16. Pan Am

Suncoast 3. Kuoni 10. World Airways 17. Quality Inn

POSTCODE 4. Hilton Hotels 11. Discover

18. Jetset Tours

TELEPHONE 5. Greater Miami 12. Best Western 19. US Travel and the Beaches

Information Centre

Have you visited the USA before? Yes O No o 6. Jetsove

13. Northwest 20. Philadelphia

Orient 7. Trek America 14. New England

Post to: Visit USA, FREEPOST, BU 279, Burnley, Lancs. BB11 IZA. The United States Travel and Tourism Administration does not endorse any product or service provided by any travel industry entity appearing in this public

It's going to be great in the USA in 1986.

And the way to make it even better is to fly the TWA

TWA flies to over 60 cities, all over America. Tha that wherever you want to visit, TWA can take you

And TWA makes your visit more attractive w special fare deals. The US Rover ticket gives you a Flights at very reasonable rates. You can cover sev very low fares.

TWA also has various Fly/Drive schemes, wl you can see a lot of America by car Imagine you through California, or through the delights of NE

TWA looks after you on the gound and in have ticket offices all over the US, to give you h assistance for your flights. TWA

Page 8

toujours cette impression, partout, d'évoluer dans un décor de cinema Park Avenue sous la pluie avec la fumée du chauffage urbain qui dessine des personnages mystérieux dans les phares du taxi jaune, les pistes poussièreuses bordées de "chandeliers" ces gigantesques cactus dans le désert de l'Arizona: les rues sages de la Nouvelle-Angleterre aux maisons de bois peintes en blanc, cachées sous les grands arbres aux feuilles rouges ; l'extraordinaire Route no 1 longeant le Pacifique entre San Francisco et Los Angeles les collines secretes des Appalaches ou des monts Ozark avec leurs villages de pauvres petits blancs jouant leur musique sur des lessiveuses ou en soufflant dans des jarres, les enfants noirs qui se précipitent au bord de la rivière pour faire de grands signes aux passagers du "Delta Queen" le bateau à aubes remontant le Mississippi vers Natchez; les "chicanos" courbés dans les vastes champs de laitues ou d'artichauts du côté de Santa Cruz, non loin de Silicone Valley: la grande

parade du rodéo dans les rues de Cheyenne, Et tout de suite ce fut l'amour fou, d'abord capitale du Wyorning, les merveilles pour cette ville, puis pour ce pays.

de l'architecture baroque et ultra-moderniste Une passion qui ne s'est jamais dementie au de Chicago, la ville des vents; les orangeraies de fil des années

Floride; les rails dans le sable pour un train baptisé A chaque fois tout recommence...

le "vent du désert": le sourire de Mickey à Mon emotion reste la même dès que j'aborde Disneyland : l'optimisme du futur à Epcot : les ce continent

villes fantomes près des mines d'or abandonnées Peut-être parce que je m'y sens tout de suite dans le dédale des Rocheuses du Colorado; un chez moi, a l'est comme à l'ouest, au nord cowboy texan en jeep surveillant 3000 têtes de comme au sud

bétail Wall
Street ou Washington

pour soi tout Pourtant, j'ai connu là-bas parfois des jours seul, tot un dimanche matin ; un policier de la difficiles, des périodes troubles, et aux Etats-Unis route qui vous suit sur son electra glide pendant comme ailleurs la vie n'est pas toujours aisée. des kilometres, persuadé que vous n'aurez jarnais

la patience de conserver la vitesse limite (90 km/h) sur ce ruban de goudron a travers le desert entre

où les vacances commencent, et ne s'arrêtent jamais...

sonnes ont l'aventure, le Disneyland. 31ème année, i féérique

artez en Floride, vous arriverez certainement par Miami, le soleil y brille toute l'année.

Vous pourrez choisir parmi 850 hôtels, vous vous allanguirez au bord de leurs piscines ou sur l'une des plages bordées de grands palmiers.

Après une partie de tennis ou de golf matinale, vous hésiterez au moment de choisir votre restaurant, vous vous étonnerez devant la variété des menus.

Vous flânerez d'échoppes en boutiques, vous vous régalerez d'un crabe grillé en regardant la lune se lever sur l'Atlantique.

Vous sortez ? Spectacles féeriques, shows de renommée mondiale et mille autres loisirs vous attendent.

Une envie d'excursion, une ballade aventureuse dans les Everglades, une mini-croisière et vous n'êtes qu'à 400 km de Disney World

Miami et ses plages, jamais vous n'oublierez !...

Page 9

New in 1985, this series of 12 regional brochures provides trip planning information on all 50 states, the nation's capital and the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean island territories. Each pocket-size brochure is divided and indexed by individual states, and highlights major cities, resort areas, activities and attractions. Detailed maps are included for locating key areas and principal highways. Brochures like these, translated into the language of the target market country, are critical to our response service

abroad for prospective visitors. Our in-country offices also use them in training programs for the wholesale and retail travel trade, and can mail them, on request, as fulfillment pieces for states and regions participating in the USTTA cooperative advertising program but currently without their own brochures in the language of the target market. States, cities, other destinations and suppliers are encouraged to provide USTTA's overseas offices with their own more detailed booklets and brochures, which USTTA will then distribute in response to specific requests. In most markets abroad USTTA also offers additional information on specialized travel, such as that by the handicapped.

Cich ihes pints


Catch the Spirit

old-fashioned streetcars,

Cice banks on Main Street USA. Experiene Old South on the metal "Mark Tw inhabitants of the Haunted Mansion throughout the ley cuters of the Matt characters are always bent, inclurer Durk, Goofs, een Snow White and steam train circles Deseytand and a provides shuttle service to and from An mager languages are spoken an Disneyland is 53 kilometer south in Anaheim Dennryland is open all year, wuh summer season and relielas. T Mondays and Tues. Derende Anaheim Area Visites and Con Bout. Admission Knott's Berry Farm The Got farm. Tortas. Terrates the Tout. Fiesta Village, Rearing E the variety of rides, at stones beaget ta try kotis chicken einners. Proti's The Avatait. Arme

Las Vegas News Bureat photo

re of rugged mountains, colorful Experience the mountain beauty the state's Old West ghost towns.

woodlands of the scenic Truckce an mansions of Virginia City and

lays when prospectors made their fortunes in the old and silver mines, From the cerle beauly of the Valley of Fire State Park and the wide open spaces of the desert to the pine trees, meadows And streams of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, dramatic contrast abounds in Nevada. It is even possible to meet an old prospector sul seeking his fortune in this rugged. fascinating land. Climate, Geography and Location Most of Nevada is desert in the heart of the Great Basin region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During winter months from late November to March, northern Nevada, famous for outstanding skling, requires heavier clothing. Las Vegas visitors can usually enjoy moderate temperatures averaging 16 degrees C., but during the summer months temperatures can climb to 40 degrees C. The resort and vacation atmosphere encourages casual dress. Men may wish to have a jacket and the for the casinos. stage shows and more exclusive restaurants. How to Get There Las Vegas and Reno are the two primary gateway cities to Nevada. Flights from Los Angeles to McCarran International Airport take 45 minutes. MeCarran ts 13 kilometers south of downtown Las Vegas. The airport handles both domestic and international flights. Travel time to downtown is 30 minutes by airport limousine or taxi service, less to the world-famous "Strip. Regular bus service and hotel courtesy buses are also available,

Interstate bus companies also serve Las Vegas, and include Grey. hound Bus Lines from their terminal at 200 S. Main Street, and Trailways Bus System at 217 N. Fourth Street. Several airlines at McCarran Airport offer round-trip flights and fully packaged tours through and to the Grand Canyon. Many sightseeing firms provide excellent tours of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam. Lake Mead. Death Valley and the surrounding area. Reno Cannon International Airport, also only 45 minutes flying time from San Francisco. is just six kilometers southeast of downtown Reno. Many airlines serve Reno and the Lake Tahoe area. Bus, taxi and limousine services are available, along with hotel courtesy buses. Greyhound Bus Lines operates from the terminal at 155 Steven- son Street and Trailways Bus System from its terminal at 500 W. Second Street. Both Las Vegas and Reno are served by major car rental companies al airports, casinos and major holcis. Recreation Two very popular recreation areas in Nevada are Lake Mead in the south and Lake Tahoe in the north Lake Tahoe, spanning the California-Nevada border, is more than 1.800 meters deep and has a surface area of 680 square kilo- meters, making it the largest mountain lake in the United States. Cupped in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Lake Tahoe is one of America's most famous mountain resort areas. Enjoy nature walks, hiking, swimining, golfing, fishing, but tours. gambling and top-name entertainment in the cluster of picturesque towns and casinos surrounding the lake. During the winter months. visitors will find outstanding skiing opportunities in 20 mountain resorts and 12 cross-country ski areas, all close to major hotels restaurants and entertainment. In addition to skiing. try skating. sleelding or showmobiling and enjoy the winter festivals staged in the area. During summer months, see the scenic beauty of Tahoe and choose from several lake Cruises. ncluding North Tahoe cruises, Lake Tahoe cruises and the M.S. Dixie. All trips offer exceptional views of the lakeshore casinos, estates and resorts. Lake Tahoe is 55 kilometers southwest of Reno. Open. year round.

Ald bid rail Atel. Abie. Acles

The 32-page booklet illustrated here was designed as the fulfillment piece for coupon requests in Germany. An abbreviated and motivational composite of the 12 informational brochures on the previous page, it is organized by regions and states, and refers the reader to the USTTA brochure series for more detailed information. In 1986, the Holiday Planner will be available in English for use in the United Kingdom and Australia, and in French, Japanese, and Dutch to support the cooperative advertising planned in those countries for the fall and winter of 1986.

Ah the ertain hct the Ic park

is a fruit a Ghost Snoopy ent, and nd special Park, near

Page 10

New in 1985, this series of 12 regional brochures provides trip planning information on all 50 states, the nation's capital and the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean island territories. Each pocket-size brochure is divided and indexed by individual states, and highlights major cities, resort areas, activities and attractions. Detailed maps are included for locating key areas and principal highways. Brochures like these, translated into the language of the target market country, are critical to our response service

abroad for prospective visitors. Our in-country offices also use them in training programs for the wholesale and retail travel trade, and can mail them, on request, as fulfillment pieces for states and regions participating in the USTTA cooperative advertising program but currently without their own brochures in the language of the target market. States, cities, other destinations and suppliers are encouraged to provide USTTA's overseas offices with their own more detailed booklets and brochures, which USTTA will then distribute in response to specific requests. In most markets abroad USTTA also offers additional information on specialized travel, such as that by the handicapped.

Cich ihes pints


Catch the Spirit

old-fashioned streetcars,

Cice banks on Main Street USA. Experiene Old South on the metal "Mark Tw inhabitants of the Haunted Mansion throughout the ley cuters of the Matt characters are always bent, inclurer Durk, Goofs, een Snow White and steam train circles Deseytand and a provides shuttle service to and from An mager languages are spoken an Disneyland is 53 kilometer south in Anaheim Dennryland is open all year, wuh summer season and relielas. T Mondays and Tues. Derende Anaheim Area Visites and Con Bout. Admission Knott's Berry Farm The Got farm. Tortas. Terrates the Tout. Fiesta Village, Rearing E the variety of rides, at stones beaget ta try kotis chicken einners. Proti's The Avatait. Arme

Las Vegas News Bureat photo

re of rugged mountains, colorful Experience the mountain beauty the state's Old West ghost towns.

woodlands of the scenic Truckce an mansions of Virginia City and

lays when prospectors made their fortunes in the old and silver mines, From the cerle beauly of the Valley of Fire State Park and the wide open spaces of the desert to the pine trees, meadows And streams of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, dramatic contrast abounds in Nevada. It is even possible to meet an old prospector sul seeking his fortune in this rugged. fascinating land. Climate, Geography and Location Most of Nevada is desert in the heart of the Great Basin region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During winter months from late November to March, northern Nevada, famous for outstanding skling, requires heavier clothing. Las Vegas visitors can usually enjoy moderate temperatures averaging 16 degrees C., but during the summer months temperatures can climb to 40 degrees C. The resort and vacation atmosphere encourages casual dress. Men may wish to have a jacket and the for the casinos. stage shows and more exclusive restaurants. How to Get There Las Vegas and Reno are the two primary gateway cities to Nevada. Flights from Los Angeles to McCarran International Airport take 45 minutes. MeCarran ts 13 kilometers south of downtown Las Vegas. The airport handles both domestic and international flights. Travel time to downtown is 30 minutes by airport limousine or taxi service, less to the world-famous "Strip. Regular bus service and hotel courtesy buses are also available,

Interstate bus companies also serve Las Vegas, and include Grey. hound Bus Lines from their terminal at 200 S. Main Street, and Trailways Bus System at 217 N. Fourth Street. Several airlines at McCarran Airport offer round-trip flights and fully packaged tours through and to the Grand Canyon. Many sightseeing firms provide excellent tours of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam. Lake Mead. Death Valley and the surrounding area. Reno Cannon International Airport, also only 45 minutes flying time from San Francisco. is just six kilometers southeast of downtown Reno. Many airlines serve Reno and the Lake Tahoe area. Bus, taxi and limousine services are available, along with hotel courtesy buses. Greyhound Bus Lines operates from the terminal at 155 Steven- son Street and Trailways Bus System from its terminal at 500 W. Second Street. Both Las Vegas and Reno are served by major car rental companies al airports, casinos and major holcis. Recreation Two very popular recreation areas in Nevada are Lake Mead in the south and Lake Tahoe in the north Lake Tahoe, spanning the California-Nevada border, is more than 1.800 meters deep and has a surface area of 680 square kilo- meters, making it the largest mountain lake in the United States. Cupped in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Lake Tahoe is one of America's most famous mountain resort areas. Enjoy nature walks, hiking, swimining, golfing, fishing, but tours. gambling and top-name entertainment in the cluster of picturesque towns and casinos surrounding the lake. During the winter months. visitors will find outstanding skiing opportunities in 20 mountain resorts and 12 cross-country ski areas, all close to major hotels restaurants and entertainment. In addition to skiing. try skating. sleelding or showmobiling and enjoy the winter festivals staged in the area. During summer months, see the scenic beauty of Tahoe and choose from several lake Cruises. ncluding North Tahoe cruises, Lake Tahoe cruises and the M.S. Dixie. All trips offer exceptional views of the lakeshore casinos, estates and resorts. Lake Tahoe is 55 kilometers southwest of Reno. Open. year round.

Ald bid rail Atel. Abie. Acles

The 32-page booklet illustrated here was designed as the fulfillment piece for coupon requests in Germany. An abbreviated and motivational composite of the 12 informational brochures on the previous page, it is organized by regions and states, and refers the reader to the USTTA brochure series for more detailed information. In 1986, the Holiday Planner will be available in English for use in the United Kingdom and Australia, and in French, Japanese, and Dutch to support the cooperative advertising planned in those countries for the fall and winter of 1986.

Ah the ertain hct the Ic park

is a fruit a Ghost Snoopy ent, and nd special Park, near

Page 11

What will be your share of this enormous market? If you are not now advertising to consumers abroad, or if you would like to enhance the effectiveness of your current program, you will want to participate in the United States Travel and Tourism Administration's 1986-87 cooperative advertising venture. Because of the unique impact of seeing several related ads in a coordinated package, cooperative advertising offers you a highly effective way to increase consumer awareness of your product and enlarge your portion of the lucrative international travel market-at no increase in cost over a normal ad insertion. Every segment of the tourism industry can profit from cooperative advertising: state and local governments, all types of transportation, hospitality services, attractions, credit card companies. States aggressively promoting foreign tourism can greatly increase their shares of international tourism receipts. Recent figures show that foreign visitors provided 33 percent of Hawaii's total tourism earnings, 14 percent of Florida's and 8 to 10 percent of tourism revenues of New York, Arizona and Texas. Examine the variety of cooperative advertising plans in this booklet. Consider their important advantages: expanded audiences for your message, increased credibility and ad retention, research in the actual marketplace, complete coupon fulfillment services, and many difficult details handled for you by USTTA. USTTA invites you to join us and other cooperating advertisers in this promising-and profitable- international venture.


Page 12

USTTA's Cooperative Test Program in Germany

The decision to mount a major 1986 consumer advertising program was made in late 1984 based on a worldwide survey of consumer attitudes, perceptions and preferences. Using the N.W. Ayer Developmental Labs technique of consumer focus groups in nine locations in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Australia, the central theme "America. Catch the Spirit” was developed as an umbrella slogan for the entire United States. This theme, not limited to any single area or activity, embraces the uniqueness and unrivaled diversity of the American tourism offering—the striking contrasts which the visitor finds here and the amazing variety of our touristic attractions. Since so broad and challenging a concept could not be projected in advertising in many major markets within available budgets, a test program was conducted in a single large market. Other public and private organizations interested in testing a deeper penetration of tourism opportunities abroad were invited to participate. Germany was selected as the target market because it was moderately large and highly competitive, had a strong economy, and as a non-English-speaking country, would effectively test the workability of a universal English language headline expressing the American character. The acceptance of the German test program by U.S. travel industry suppliers and destinations suggests that this type of campaign should be repeated in Germany and extended to other world markets.

Cooperating Partners-Germany

Attractions Walt Disney World

States/Cities/Regions Florida

Oklahoma Hawaii

Colorado Arizona New Mexico Arkansas Wyoming Kansas Utah Missouri Virginia Louisiana Philadelphia Convention

and Visitors Bureau Greater Los Angeles

Visitors and Conven- tion Bureau

Rental Cars Avis Rent-A-Car Hertz Corporation National Car Rental

Travel Services American Express

reiheitsstatue blicken je Amerikaner auf zu sin Diana - Symbolinz und Lebensfreude

Frankfur Allgemeine Magazin

Freizeit faulenzen Sie bei sanftem n Strand von Waikiki, landen einen ler auf dem Las Vegas Strip, erleben in Arlington Park, laufen Ski in den M Park Avenue ein oder geben sich tasie hin in Disneyland oder Disney d. Tauchen! Segeln! Angeln! Jagen! ei der Geschaeftsadresse Amerikas! iche. Planen Sie Ihre Tagung an der oder am Wilshire Boulevard in Los Handels-Konferenz in New Orleans

Street, fuehren neue Waren ein in ler dem Loop, besuchen Kunden in ngor, Ogden, Danbury, Parsippany. ei der Geschaeftsadresse Amerikas! Zeit fuer eine Kostprobe des guten nt und elegant in Savannah, hoeren Orleans, tanzen mal einen Abend, inem Mai Tai in Miami oder einem

Schlummertrunk in Niagara Das Beste des Guten Lebens bei

Tandem advertising creates a strong collective identity for the entire United States or for a selected target region, a seasonal activity such as beach holidays or skiing, or other travel motivation. In this example, the United States Travel and Tourism Administration created a colorful advertisement presenting the entire United States as a unique destination with an endless variety of scenic attractions. Transportation services, hotel networks, major theme parks and attractions with nationwide resources joined USTTA in placing their own ads in the same issues of several carefully selected foreign magazines for this major 1986 marketing campaign. The American Airlines-Avis ad shown here is a joint cooperative advertisement representing an agreement between two advertisers to share ad space, using a theme appropriate to both advertisers' offerings. Each advertiser paid for its own advertisement and enjoyed the synergistic value of being part of an overall campaign marketing the United States in competition with other tourismreceiving nations. To further amplify the impact of this coordinated effort, each advertiser was encouraged to display the unifying theme line, “America. Catch the Spirit."

This two-page spread was the leading ad in USTTA'S 1986 campaign introducing the theme "America. Catch the Spirit" to German consumers. Key publications used were Stern (circulation 1.5 million) and Spiegel (920,000). Other leading publications, less expensive per placement but with highly targeted travel readership, included GEO (circulation 490,000), Capital (300,000) and Merian (185,000).

Ein Land, das dar das Lebensgefühl Stahl- und Glastü den Pulsschlag Amerika. Wo endlose W

n. Sie reis


Für ihre kostenlose Fremdenverkehrs-Broschüre

von Los Angelos, bitte schreiben Sie

Peter W Bohen Regional Director

US Travel & Tourist Administration Bethmannstrasse 56.6000 Frankfurt/Man

ire Träume wahr zu machen. Wo ingroße Städte pulsieren läßt, wo amel reichen und wo Sie überall üren, die alles möglich macht.

eraubender Naturschönheit Sie n Highways, auf den entlegenen er sogar zu Pferde - in die großschweigsamen Schluchten der

Sie den unverglejren Komsesinnlichen Charn

as Sie erhebt u e je so berührer sehen. Entdec änger warten

Page 13

Newspaper Travel Sections

Canadian newspapers, like those in major U.S. cities, commonly publish separate travel advertising sections in their Sunday editions, and occasionally in daily editions as well. This practice is rarely used in other countries. To arrange a special USA travel section like that shown here, USTTA encourages a newspaper publisher to plan a “special issue” exclusively devoted to travel advertising for U.S. destinations and related transportation services. The travel section may feature the U.S. as a whole, specifically target a particular region, such as Sun Country, the Pacific Northwest, or the Great Lakes, or feature a specialized or seasonal activity or attraction like skiing, national parks, summer beaches, or winter vacations-in-the-sun. This technique creates an attractive mix for many advertisers: a series of related destinations, attractions and services, and air and surface carriers. This medium is also especially suitable for small properties and services which normally cannot afford to buy large newspaper spacę units or pages in high-cost magazines. USTTA'S 1984 and 1985 Canadian marketing programs included special fall sections in the Toronto Star (circulation 518,000). In the November 19, 1985, issue shown here, one U.S. advertiser purchased a two-page spread, three U.S. advertisers purchased full-page units; the remaining advertisers purchased space ranging from over one-half page to single-column units. These and other advertisers participated in the fall 1985 Toronto Star campaign:

Best Western International Holiday Inn Days Inn Hotel Inter-Continental Howard Johnson Hotels and

Lodges Hollywood Beach Hilton Florida Sheraton La Costa The Wigwam Rea Residential Hotel Marco Polo Palm Beach Plaza Beach Harbor Hotel Irelands Inn Travel Lodge at Disney World Kenilworth Lodge Konover Hotel Viscount Hotel Chateau/Thunderbird Pirates Crossing Seaquest Condominiums Palm Beach Ocean Hotel La Brisa Motor Inn Dunes of Panama City Realty, Inc. Condo World, Inc.

Dollar Rent-A-Car Budget Rent-A-Car Executive Rent-A-Car Thrifty Rent-A-Car Value Rent-A-Car Cruise America Snappy Car Rental Alamo Rent-A-Car

American Airlines U.S. Air Air Canada Eastern Airlines Wardair Arrow Air

Dallas Convention and

Visitors Bureau South Padre Island San Antonio Panama City Beach Palm Springs

Walt Disney World Seaworld of Florida Busch Gardens Harder Hall Golf School NASA Space Port USA Medieval Times

Royal Caribbean

Cruise Lines

States/Cities/Regions Texas Alabama Louisiana Palm Springs Florida Georgia South Carolina Surfside Tourist Board Hollywood (Florida)

Chamber of Commerce Palm Beach Fort Lauderdale Monroe County Pinellas County Greater Miami Visitors and

Convention Bureau Broward County Greater Los Angeles Visitors

and Convention Bureau Jekyll Island Myrtle Beach Corpus Christi

Phoeni ite wi steaks yarn. hors poo rior en se

The Beach. The Border.


E-bts Deluxe Accommodations, Round Trip Chartered Airfare Bices start February 7, 1986 and are good through supancy. Book 60 days before departure,

adult, Restrictions apply.

The advertorial technique attractively combines the marketing value of full-page advertising with the credibility of editorial content. It has strong appeal and high readership, as well as a greater retention rate. Since many readers are unaware that advertorial copy is advertising, they read—and absorb—it as they would other features of the host publication. Advertorial material is prepared in a style compatible with that of the host publication. Individual advertisers provide or choose illustrations and draft text, while the publisher retains overall editorial and graphic control. Each advertiser receives equal coverage for equal cost, and the coordinated, magazine format encourages the reader to peruse and compare offerings rather than skip and skim through a series of unrelated advertisements. The advertorial section may be permanently bound into the host publication, or may be a “pullout" booklet for the reader to remove and save for future vacation planning. As shown here, the advertorial insert may be used simultaneously in several publications for maximum market impact. Additional quantities of these booklets can be produced for complementary uses—in mailings, as fulfillment pieces for couponed advertising, and for distribution to the retail trade at travel shows, meetings and seminars. The advertorial style works best with a regional or other theme, and is a very attractive advertising technique for states and travel associations in a geographic area, or individual communities and attractions in a major tourism destination.

In this example of the advertorial technique,

each participant (those shown, plus Los Angeles, South Dakota, Reno and Idaho) had two full pages devoted to its destination.

The campaign ran in three Canadian

magazines: Westworld (circulation

657,000), Western Living (circulation 244,000) and Vancouver (circulation 81,000).

No, that is Lost Horizon was


down for his or Tandholders Indians

to lie around in an attempt to capture a golden tan? There are more than 7,000 pouls in town, about one for every five residenus. There's no crowding here four bike trails run throughout the cry. And the Indian Canyons are ideal for hiking and horseback riding. There

is shopping along fashionable Palm Canyon Drive, and the renowned Desert Museum is well worth a visi

Bur the main attraction of Palm Springs seems to be the mood. After all this is 'Shangri-La

hyperbole Frank Capra's 19303 filmed in Tahguiz Canyon at the hreathtaking falls which cascade In

rocky the

role in the city play an import with the federal OVCckerboard, with every

the entire areas other mic and the lors belonging to

10 private owners Agua . Indiants have

not sold an inch of their land, but have parceled it out on 9. year leases. The Spa Hotel, built on e

the Palm Springs its name,

was the first hotel to receive ale Besides its natural made one. The

from the tribe

wonders. Palm Aerial Tramway. achieve ent of human wo

the Stars Palm Springs attracts not on ly the famous facts of celluloid, but also business tycoons, dignitaries of state, and casual and curious tourists

Residents include Bob Hope Frank Sinatra, former presidem Gerald Ford, and 10 members of the Forbes 100. Legends relate how

William Holden and Grace Kelly shared romantic desert

how Marilyn Munroe was how Clark Gable honeymooned at the Ingleside inn

Such is the life in Palm Springs

Both the Hollywood glumour and the natural beauty make this desert reson a growing tourist destination The clean

dry ait is great for sports, There are more than

50 golf courses in the area, some

host to the Bob Hope Desert Classic and the Dinah Shore loveational

cach year Many of the 300 ennis courts are open to the public and are lighted for night play And what would Palm Springs be without a swimming pool to soak in of

Consumer Response and Coupon Measurement

Using coupons in travel advertising provides a quick and easy way to measure and analyze consumer interest. USTTA encourages all cooperative advertisers to coupon their ads. In the United Kingdom and Canada, “bingo cards," where the reader checks off one or more boxes for information, have produced high response rates. For advertisers without sales offices in target markets, USTTA can arrange coupon or bingo card fulfillment at cost through our mailing house contractor. The key to a successful couponing program is the offer of an attractive free "product"-a colorful folder or information booklet in the local language providing more information about your special offerings. For our own advertisements, USTTA offers a full-color, 812 inch by 11 inch Holiday Planner on the United States, as well as colorful pocket-size brochures on 12 major U.S. regions, translated into the languages of targeted markets. (See pages 18 and 19.) USTTA will also mail these brochures, on request, as coupon fulfillment pieces for states or regions interested in participating in cooperative advertising programs but currently without their own brochures in the local language. USTTA can also provide, at nominal cost, a summary of inquiries from prospective visitors interested in the state or region. USTTA's market research periodically evaluates how cooperative advertising programs have affected readers: whether the ads influenced them to travel, the length of the trips they took, and how much they spent on their trips. Results of the study covering the year October 1, 1984, through September 30, 1985, will be published in late 1986.

Multilingual Travel Facilitation Service Hata International


In 1986, these U.S. and U.K. travel advertisers took ads in the Sunday Times and Radio Times insert:

The Spirit of America was bomo And today, this exciting, 6-state re

In the heart of it, there's the cit

Airlines Trans World Airlines British Airways World Airways Northwest Orient Airlines Pan American World Airways Ozark Airlines Republic Airlines

Hotels Hilton Hotels Best Western International Quality International Howard Johnson Hotels

and Lodges


America TWAI

E RUSH ME MORE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING: APPLICATION FOR MORE DETAILS. box marked US Travel Information Centre to receive more details of their ehensive USA information service.

NAME (PLEASE PRINT). 1. TWA 8. Alamo car hire 15. Hertz

ADDRESS 2. British Airways 9. Florida's Pinellas 16. Pan Am

Suncoast 3. Kuoni 10. World Airways 17. Quality Inn

POSTCODE 4. Hilton Hotels 11. Discover

18. Jetset Tours

TELEPHONE 5. Greater Miami 12. Best Western 19. US Travel and the Beaches

Information Centre

Have you visited the USA before? Yes O No o 6. Jetsove

13. Northwest 20. Philadelphia

Orient 7. Trek America 14. New England

Post to: Visit USA, FREEPOST, BU 279, Burnley, Lancs. BB11 IZA. The United States Travel and Tourism Administration does not endorse any product or service provided by any travel industry entity appearing in this public

It's going to be great in the USA in 1986.

And the way to make it even better is to fly the TWA

TWA flies to over 60 cities, all over America. Tha that wherever you want to visit, TWA can take you

And TWA makes your visit more attractive w special fare deals. The US Rover ticket gives you a Flights at very reasonable rates. You can cover sev very low fares.

TWA also has various Fly/Drive schemes, wl you can see a lot of America by car Imagine you through California, or through the delights of NE

TWA looks after you on the gound and in have ticket offices all over the US, to give you h assistance for your flights. TWA

Page 14

toujours cette impression, partout, d'évoluer dans un décor de cinema Park Avenue sous la pluie avec la fumée du chauffage urbain qui dessine des personnages mystérieux dans les phares du taxi jaune, les pistes poussièreuses bordées de "chandeliers" ces gigantesques cactus dans le désert de l'Arizona: les rues sages de la Nouvelle-Angleterre aux maisons de bois peintes en blanc, cachées sous les grands arbres aux feuilles rouges ; l'extraordinaire Route no 1 longeant le Pacifique entre San Francisco et Los Angeles les collines secretes des Appalaches ou des monts Ozark avec leurs villages de pauvres petits blancs jouant leur musique sur des lessiveuses ou en soufflant dans des jarres, les enfants noirs qui se précipitent au bord de la rivière pour faire de grands signes aux passagers du "Delta Queen" le bateau à aubes remontant le Mississippi vers Natchez; les "chicanos" courbés dans les vastes champs de laitues ou d'artichauts du côté de Santa Cruz, non loin de Silicone Valley: la grande

parade du rodéo dans les rues de Cheyenne, Et tout de suite ce fut l'amour fou, d'abord capitale du Wyorning, les merveilles pour cette ville, puis pour ce pays.

de l'architecture baroque et ultra-moderniste Une passion qui ne s'est jamais dementie au de Chicago, la ville des vents; les orangeraies de fil des années

Floride; les rails dans le sable pour un train baptisé A chaque fois tout recommence...

le "vent du désert": le sourire de Mickey à Mon emotion reste la même dès que j'aborde Disneyland : l'optimisme du futur à Epcot : les ce continent

villes fantomes près des mines d'or abandonnées Peut-être parce que je m'y sens tout de suite dans le dédale des Rocheuses du Colorado; un chez moi, a l'est comme à l'ouest, au nord cowboy texan en jeep surveillant 3000 têtes de comme au sud

bétail Wall
Street ou Washington

pour soi tout Pourtant, j'ai connu là-bas parfois des jours seul, tot un dimanche matin ; un policier de la difficiles, des périodes troubles, et aux Etats-Unis route qui vous suit sur son electra glide pendant comme ailleurs la vie n'est pas toujours aisée. des kilometres, persuadé que vous n'aurez jarnais

la patience de conserver la vitesse limite (90 km/h) sur ce ruban de goudron a travers le desert entre

où les vacances commencent, et ne s'arrêtent jamais...

sonnes ont l'aventure, le Disneyland. 31ème année, i féérique

artez en Floride, vous arriverez certainement par Miami, le soleil y brille toute l'année.

Vous pourrez choisir parmi 850 hôtels, vous vous allanguirez au bord de leurs piscines ou sur l'une des plages bordées de grands palmiers.

Après une partie de tennis ou de golf matinale, vous hésiterez au moment de choisir votre restaurant, vous vous étonnerez devant la variété des menus.

Vous flânerez d'échoppes en boutiques, vous vous régalerez d'un crabe grillé en regardant la lune se lever sur l'Atlantique.

Vous sortez ? Spectacles féeriques, shows de renommée mondiale et mille autres loisirs vous attendent.

Une envie d'excursion, une ballade aventureuse dans les Everglades, une mini-croisière et vous n'êtes qu'à 400 km de Disney World

Miami et ses plages, jamais vous n'oublierez !...

Page 15

New in 1985, this series of 12 regional brochures provides trip planning information on all 50 states, the nation's capital and the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean island territories. Each pocket-size brochure is divided and indexed by individual states, and highlights major cities, resort areas, activities and attractions. Detailed maps are included for locating key areas and principal highways. Brochures like these, translated into the language of the target market country, are critical to our response service

abroad for prospective visitors. Our in-country offices also use them in training programs for the wholesale and retail travel trade, and can mail them, on request, as fulfillment pieces for states and regions participating in the USTTA cooperative advertising program but currently without their own brochures in the language of the target market. States, cities, other destinations and suppliers are encouraged to provide USTTA's overseas offices with their own more detailed booklets and brochures, which USTTA will then distribute in response to specific requests. In most markets abroad USTTA also offers additional information on specialized travel, such as that by the handicapped.

Cich ihes pints


Catch the Spirit

old-fashioned streetcars,

Cice banks on Main Street USA. Experiene Old South on the metal "Mark Tw inhabitants of the Haunted Mansion throughout the ley cuters of the Matt characters are always bent, inclurer Durk, Goofs, een Snow White and steam train circles Deseytand and a provides shuttle service to and from An mager languages are spoken an Disneyland is 53 kilometer south in Anaheim Dennryland is open all year, wuh summer season and relielas. T Mondays and Tues. Derende Anaheim Area Visites and Con Bout. Admission Knott's Berry Farm The Got farm. Tortas. Terrates the Tout. Fiesta Village, Rearing E the variety of rides, at stones beaget ta try kotis chicken einners. Proti's The Avatait. Arme

Las Vegas News Bureat photo

re of rugged mountains, colorful Experience the mountain beauty the state's Old West ghost towns.

woodlands of the scenic Truckce an mansions of Virginia City and

lays when prospectors made their fortunes in the old and silver mines, From the cerle beauly of the Valley of Fire State Park and the wide open spaces of the desert to the pine trees, meadows And streams of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, dramatic contrast abounds in Nevada. It is even possible to meet an old prospector sul seeking his fortune in this rugged. fascinating land. Climate, Geography and Location Most of Nevada is desert in the heart of the Great Basin region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During winter months from late November to March, northern Nevada, famous for outstanding skling, requires heavier clothing. Las Vegas visitors can usually enjoy moderate temperatures averaging 16 degrees C., but during the summer months temperatures can climb to 40 degrees C. The resort and vacation atmosphere encourages casual dress. Men may wish to have a jacket and the for the casinos. stage shows and more exclusive restaurants. How to Get There Las Vegas and Reno are the two primary gateway cities to Nevada. Flights from Los Angeles to McCarran International Airport take 45 minutes. MeCarran ts 13 kilometers south of downtown Las Vegas. The airport handles both domestic and international flights. Travel time to downtown is 30 minutes by airport limousine or taxi service, less to the world-famous "Strip. Regular bus service and hotel courtesy buses are also available,

Interstate bus companies also serve Las Vegas, and include Grey. hound Bus Lines from their terminal at 200 S. Main Street, and Trailways Bus System at 217 N. Fourth Street. Several airlines at McCarran Airport offer round-trip flights and fully packaged tours through and to the Grand Canyon. Many sightseeing firms provide excellent tours of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam. Lake Mead. Death Valley and the surrounding area. Reno Cannon International Airport, also only 45 minutes flying time from San Francisco. is just six kilometers southeast of downtown Reno. Many airlines serve Reno and the Lake Tahoe area. Bus, taxi and limousine services are available, along with hotel courtesy buses. Greyhound Bus Lines operates from the terminal at 155 Steven- son Street and Trailways Bus System from its terminal at 500 W. Second Street. Both Las Vegas and Reno are served by major car rental companies al airports, casinos and major holcis. Recreation Two very popular recreation areas in Nevada are Lake Mead in the south and Lake Tahoe in the north Lake Tahoe, spanning the California-Nevada border, is more than 1.800 meters deep and has a surface area of 680 square kilo- meters, making it the largest mountain lake in the United States. Cupped in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Lake Tahoe is one of America's most famous mountain resort areas. Enjoy nature walks, hiking, swimining, golfing, fishing, but tours. gambling and top-name entertainment in the cluster of picturesque towns and casinos surrounding the lake. During the winter months. visitors will find outstanding skiing opportunities in 20 mountain resorts and 12 cross-country ski areas, all close to major hotels restaurants and entertainment. In addition to skiing. try skating. sleelding or showmobiling and enjoy the winter festivals staged in the area. During summer months, see the scenic beauty of Tahoe and choose from several lake Cruises. ncluding North Tahoe cruises, Lake Tahoe cruises and the M.S. Dixie. All trips offer exceptional views of the lakeshore casinos, estates and resorts. Lake Tahoe is 55 kilometers southwest of Reno. Open. year round.

Ald bid rail Atel. Abie. Acles

The 32-page booklet illustrated here was designed as the fulfillment piece for coupon requests in Germany. An abbreviated and motivational composite of the 12 informational brochures on the previous page, it is organized by regions and states, and refers the reader to the USTTA brochure series for more detailed information. In 1986, the Holiday Planner will be available in English for use in the United Kingdom and Australia, and in French, Japanese, and Dutch to support the cooperative advertising planned in those countries for the fall and winter of 1986.

Ah the ertain hct the Ic park

is a fruit a Ghost Snoopy ent, and nd special Park, near

Page 16

New in 1985, this series of 12 regional brochures provides trip planning information on all 50 states, the nation's capital and the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean island territories. Each pocket-size brochure is divided and indexed by individual states, and highlights major cities, resort areas, activities and attractions. Detailed maps are included for locating key areas and principal highways. Brochures like these, translated into the language of the target market country, are critical to our response service

abroad for prospective visitors. Our in-country offices also use them in training programs for the wholesale and retail travel trade, and can mail them, on request, as fulfillment pieces for states and regions participating in the USTTA cooperative advertising program but currently without their own brochures in the language of the target market. States, cities, other destinations and suppliers are encouraged to provide USTTA's overseas offices with their own more detailed booklets and brochures, which USTTA will then distribute in response to specific requests. In most markets abroad USTTA also offers additional information on specialized travel, such as that by the handicapped.

Cich ihes pints


Catch the Spirit

old-fashioned streetcars,

Cice banks on Main Street USA. Experiene Old South on the metal "Mark Tw inhabitants of the Haunted Mansion throughout the ley cuters of the Matt characters are always bent, inclurer Durk, Goofs, een Snow White and steam train circles Deseytand and a provides shuttle service to and from An mager languages are spoken an Disneyland is 53 kilometer south in Anaheim Dennryland is open all year, wuh summer season and relielas. T Mondays and Tues. Derende Anaheim Area Visites and Con Bout. Admission Knott's Berry Farm The Got farm. Tortas. Terrates the Tout. Fiesta Village, Rearing E the variety of rides, at stones beaget ta try kotis chicken einners. Proti's The Avatait. Arme

Las Vegas News Bureat photo

re of rugged mountains, colorful Experience the mountain beauty the state's Old West ghost towns.

woodlands of the scenic Truckce an mansions of Virginia City and

lays when prospectors made their fortunes in the old and silver mines, From the cerle beauly of the Valley of Fire State Park and the wide open spaces of the desert to the pine trees, meadows And streams of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, dramatic contrast abounds in Nevada. It is even possible to meet an old prospector sul seeking his fortune in this rugged. fascinating land. Climate, Geography and Location Most of Nevada is desert in the heart of the Great Basin region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During winter months from late November to March, northern Nevada, famous for outstanding skling, requires heavier clothing. Las Vegas visitors can usually enjoy moderate temperatures averaging 16 degrees C., but during the summer months temperatures can climb to 40 degrees C. The resort and vacation atmosphere encourages casual dress. Men may wish to have a jacket and the for the casinos. stage shows and more exclusive restaurants. How to Get There Las Vegas and Reno are the two primary gateway cities to Nevada. Flights from Los Angeles to McCarran International Airport take 45 minutes. MeCarran ts 13 kilometers south of downtown Las Vegas. The airport handles both domestic and international flights. Travel time to downtown is 30 minutes by airport limousine or taxi service, less to the world-famous "Strip. Regular bus service and hotel courtesy buses are also available,

Interstate bus companies also serve Las Vegas, and include Grey. hound Bus Lines from their terminal at 200 S. Main Street, and Trailways Bus System at 217 N. Fourth Street. Several airlines at McCarran Airport offer round-trip flights and fully packaged tours through and to the Grand Canyon. Many sightseeing firms provide excellent tours of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam. Lake Mead. Death Valley and the surrounding area. Reno Cannon International Airport, also only 45 minutes flying time from San Francisco. is just six kilometers southeast of downtown Reno. Many airlines serve Reno and the Lake Tahoe area. Bus, taxi and limousine services are available, along with hotel courtesy buses. Greyhound Bus Lines operates from the terminal at 155 Steven- son Street and Trailways Bus System from its terminal at 500 W. Second Street. Both Las Vegas and Reno are served by major car rental companies al airports, casinos and major holcis. Recreation Two very popular recreation areas in Nevada are Lake Mead in the south and Lake Tahoe in the north Lake Tahoe, spanning the California-Nevada border, is more than 1.800 meters deep and has a surface area of 680 square kilo- meters, making it the largest mountain lake in the United States. Cupped in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Lake Tahoe is one of America's most famous mountain resort areas. Enjoy nature walks, hiking, swimining, golfing, fishing, but tours. gambling and top-name entertainment in the cluster of picturesque towns and casinos surrounding the lake. During the winter months. visitors will find outstanding skiing opportunities in 20 mountain resorts and 12 cross-country ski areas, all close to major hotels restaurants and entertainment. In addition to skiing. try skating. sleelding or showmobiling and enjoy the winter festivals staged in the area. During summer months, see the scenic beauty of Tahoe and choose from several lake Cruises. ncluding North Tahoe cruises, Lake Tahoe cruises and the M.S. Dixie. All trips offer exceptional views of the lakeshore casinos, estates and resorts. Lake Tahoe is 55 kilometers southwest of Reno. Open. year round.

Ald bid rail Atel. Abie. Acles

The 32-page booklet illustrated here was designed as the fulfillment piece for coupon requests in Germany. An abbreviated and motivational composite of the 12 informational brochures on the previous page, it is organized by regions and states, and refers the reader to the USTTA brochure series for more detailed information. In 1986, the Holiday Planner will be available in English for use in the United Kingdom and Australia, and in French, Japanese, and Dutch to support the cooperative advertising planned in those countries for the fall and winter of 1986.

Ah the ertain hct the Ic park

is a fruit a Ghost Snoopy ent, and nd special Park, near

Page 17

What will be your share of this enormous market? If you are not now advertising to consumers abroad, or if you would like to enhance the effectiveness of your current program, you will want to participate in the United States Travel and Tourism Administration's 1986-87 cooperative advertising venture. Because of the unique impact of seeing several related ads in a coordinated package, cooperative advertising offers you a highly effective way to increase consumer awareness of your product and enlarge your portion of the lucrative international travel market-at no increase in cost over a normal ad insertion. Every segment of the tourism industry can profit from cooperative advertising: state and local governments, all types of transportation, hospitality services, attractions, credit card companies. States aggressively promoting foreign tourism can greatly increase their shares of international tourism receipts. Recent figures show that foreign visitors provided 33 percent of Hawaii's total tourism earnings, 14 percent of Florida's and 8 to 10 percent of tourism revenues of New York, Arizona and Texas. Examine the variety of cooperative advertising plans in this booklet. Consider their important advantages: expanded audiences for your message, increased credibility and ad retention, research in the actual marketplace, complete coupon fulfillment services, and many difficult details handled for you by USTTA. USTTA invites you to join us and other cooperating advertisers in this promising-and profitable- international venture.


Page 18

USTTA's Cooperative Test Program in Germany

The decision to mount a major 1986 consumer advertising program was made in late 1984 based on a worldwide survey of consumer attitudes, perceptions and preferences. Using the N.W. Ayer Developmental Labs technique of consumer focus groups in nine locations in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Australia, the central theme "America. Catch the Spirit” was developed as an umbrella slogan for the entire United States. This theme, not limited to any single area or activity, embraces the uniqueness and unrivaled diversity of the American tourism offering—the striking contrasts which the visitor finds here and the amazing variety of our touristic attractions. Since so broad and challenging a concept could not be projected in advertising in many major markets within available budgets, a test program was conducted in a single large market. Other public and private organizations interested in testing a deeper penetration of tourism opportunities abroad were invited to participate. Germany was selected as the target market because it was moderately large and highly competitive, had a strong economy, and as a non-English-speaking country, would effectively test the workability of a universal English language headline expressing the American character. The acceptance of the German test program by U.S. travel industry suppliers and destinations suggests that this type of campaign should be repeated in Germany and extended to other world markets.

Cooperating Partners-Germany

Attractions Walt Disney World

States/Cities/Regions Florida

Oklahoma Hawaii

Colorado Arizona New Mexico Arkansas Wyoming Kansas Utah Missouri Virginia Louisiana Philadelphia Convention

and Visitors Bureau Greater Los Angeles

Visitors and Conven- tion Bureau

Rental Cars Avis Rent-A-Car Hertz Corporation National Car Rental

Travel Services American Express

reiheitsstatue blicken je Amerikaner auf zu sin Diana - Symbolinz und Lebensfreude

Frankfur Allgemeine Magazin

Freizeit faulenzen Sie bei sanftem n Strand von Waikiki, landen einen ler auf dem Las Vegas Strip, erleben in Arlington Park, laufen Ski in den M Park Avenue ein oder geben sich tasie hin in Disneyland oder Disney d. Tauchen! Segeln! Angeln! Jagen! ei der Geschaeftsadresse Amerikas! iche. Planen Sie Ihre Tagung an der oder am Wilshire Boulevard in Los Handels-Konferenz in New Orleans

Street, fuehren neue Waren ein in ler dem Loop, besuchen Kunden in ngor, Ogden, Danbury, Parsippany. ei der Geschaeftsadresse Amerikas! Zeit fuer eine Kostprobe des guten nt und elegant in Savannah, hoeren Orleans, tanzen mal einen Abend, inem Mai Tai in Miami oder einem

Schlummertrunk in Niagara Das Beste des Guten Lebens bei

Tandem advertising creates a strong collective identity for the entire United States or for a selected target region, a seasonal activity such as beach holidays or skiing, or other travel motivation. In this example, the United States Travel and Tourism Administration created a colorful advertisement presenting the entire United States as a unique destination with an endless variety of scenic attractions. Transportation services, hotel networks, major theme parks and attractions with nationwide resources joined USTTA in placing their own ads in the same issues of several carefully selected foreign magazines for this major 1986 marketing campaign. The American Airlines-Avis ad shown here is a joint cooperative advertisement representing an agreement between two advertisers to share ad space, using a theme appropriate to both advertisers' offerings. Each advertiser paid for its own advertisement and enjoyed the synergistic value of being part of an overall campaign marketing the United States in competition with other tourismreceiving nations. To further amplify the impact of this coordinated effort, each advertiser was encouraged to display the unifying theme line, “America. Catch the Spirit."

This two-page spread was the leading ad in USTTA'S 1986 campaign introducing the theme "America. Catch the Spirit" to German consumers. Key publications used were Stern (circulation 1.5 million) and Spiegel (920,000). Other leading publications, less expensive per placement but with highly targeted travel readership, included GEO (circulation 490,000), Capital (300,000) and Merian (185,000).

Ein Land, das dar das Lebensgefühl Stahl- und Glastü den Pulsschlag Amerika. Wo endlose W

n. Sie reis


Für ihre kostenlose Fremdenverkehrs-Broschüre

von Los Angelos, bitte schreiben Sie

Peter W Bohen Regional Director

US Travel & Tourist Administration Bethmannstrasse 56.6000 Frankfurt/Man

ire Träume wahr zu machen. Wo ingroße Städte pulsieren läßt, wo amel reichen und wo Sie überall üren, die alles möglich macht.

eraubender Naturschönheit Sie n Highways, auf den entlegenen er sogar zu Pferde - in die großschweigsamen Schluchten der

Sie den unverglejren Komsesinnlichen Charn

as Sie erhebt u e je so berührer sehen. Entdec änger warten

Page 19

Newspaper Travel Sections

Canadian newspapers, like those in major U.S. cities, commonly publish separate travel advertising sections in their Sunday editions, and occasionally in daily editions as well. This practice is rarely used in other countries. To arrange a special USA travel section like that shown here, USTTA encourages a newspaper publisher to plan a “special issue” exclusively devoted to travel advertising for U.S. destinations and related transportation services. The travel section may feature the U.S. as a whole, specifically target a particular region, such as Sun Country, the Pacific Northwest, or the Great Lakes, or feature a specialized or seasonal activity or attraction like skiing, national parks, summer beaches, or winter vacations-in-the-sun. This technique creates an attractive mix for many advertisers: a series of related destinations, attractions and services, and air and surface carriers. This medium is also especially suitable for small properties and services which normally cannot afford to buy large newspaper spacę units or pages in high-cost magazines. USTTA'S 1984 and 1985 Canadian marketing programs included special fall sections in the Toronto Star (circulation 518,000). In the November 19, 1985, issue shown here, one U.S. advertiser purchased a two-page spread, three U.S. advertisers purchased full-page units; the remaining advertisers purchased space ranging from over one-half page to single-column units. These and other advertisers participated in the fall 1985 Toronto Star campaign:

Best Western International Holiday Inn Days Inn Hotel Inter-Continental Howard Johnson Hotels and

Lodges Hollywood Beach Hilton Florida Sheraton La Costa The Wigwam Rea Residential Hotel Marco Polo Palm Beach Plaza Beach Harbor Hotel Irelands Inn Travel Lodge at Disney World Kenilworth Lodge Konover Hotel Viscount Hotel Chateau/Thunderbird Pirates Crossing Seaquest Condominiums Palm Beach Ocean Hotel La Brisa Motor Inn Dunes of Panama City Realty, Inc. Condo World, Inc.

Dollar Rent-A-Car Budget Rent-A-Car Executive Rent-A-Car Thrifty Rent-A-Car Value Rent-A-Car Cruise America Snappy Car Rental Alamo Rent-A-Car

American Airlines U.S. Air Air Canada Eastern Airlines Wardair Arrow Air

Dallas Convention and

Visitors Bureau South Padre Island San Antonio Panama City Beach Palm Springs

Walt Disney World Seaworld of Florida Busch Gardens Harder Hall Golf School NASA Space Port USA Medieval Times

Royal Caribbean

Cruise Lines

States/Cities/Regions Texas Alabama Louisiana Palm Springs Florida Georgia South Carolina Surfside Tourist Board Hollywood (Florida)

Chamber of Commerce Palm Beach Fort Lauderdale Monroe County Pinellas County Greater Miami Visitors and

Convention Bureau Broward County Greater Los Angeles Visitors

and Convention Bureau Jekyll Island Myrtle Beach Corpus Christi

Phoeni ite wi steaks yarn. hors poo rior en se

The Beach. The Border.


E-bts Deluxe Accommodations, Round Trip Chartered Airfare Bices start February 7, 1986 and are good through supancy. Book 60 days before departure,

adult, Restrictions apply.

The advertorial technique attractively combines the marketing value of full-page advertising with the credibility of editorial content. It has strong appeal and high readership, as well as a greater retention rate. Since many readers are unaware that advertorial copy is advertising, they read—and absorb—it as they would other features of the host publication. Advertorial material is prepared in a style compatible with that of the host publication. Individual advertisers provide or choose illustrations and draft text, while the publisher retains overall editorial and graphic control. Each advertiser receives equal coverage for equal cost, and the coordinated, magazine format encourages the reader to peruse and compare offerings rather than skip and skim through a series of unrelated advertisements. The advertorial section may be permanently bound into the host publication, or may be a “pullout" booklet for the reader to remove and save for future vacation planning. As shown here, the advertorial insert may be used simultaneously in several publications for maximum market impact. Additional quantities of these booklets can be produced for complementary uses—in mailings, as fulfillment pieces for couponed advertising, and for distribution to the retail trade at travel shows, meetings and seminars. The advertorial style works best with a regional or other theme, and is a very attractive advertising technique for states and travel associations in a geographic area, or individual communities and attractions in a major tourism destination.

In this example of the advertorial technique,

each participant (those shown, plus Los Angeles, South Dakota, Reno and Idaho) had two full pages devoted to its destination.

The campaign ran in three Canadian

magazines: Westworld (circulation

657,000), Western Living (circulation 244,000) and Vancouver (circulation 81,000).

No, that is Lost Horizon was


down for his or Tandholders Indians

to lie around in an attempt to capture a golden tan? There are more than 7,000 pouls in town, about one for every five residenus. There's no crowding here four bike trails run throughout the cry. And the Indian Canyons are ideal for hiking and horseback riding. There

is shopping along fashionable Palm Canyon Drive, and the renowned Desert Museum is well worth a visi

Bur the main attraction of Palm Springs seems to be the mood. After all this is 'Shangri-La

hyperbole Frank Capra's 19303 filmed in Tahguiz Canyon at the hreathtaking falls which cascade In

rocky the

role in the city play an import with the federal OVCckerboard, with every

the entire areas other mic and the lors belonging to

10 private owners Agua . Indiants have

not sold an inch of their land, but have parceled it out on 9. year leases. The Spa Hotel, built on e

the Palm Springs its name,

was the first hotel to receive ale Besides its natural made one. The

from the tribe

wonders. Palm Aerial Tramway. achieve ent of human wo

the Stars Palm Springs attracts not on ly the famous facts of celluloid, but also business tycoons, dignitaries of state, and casual and curious tourists

Residents include Bob Hope Frank Sinatra, former presidem Gerald Ford, and 10 members of the Forbes 100. Legends relate how

William Holden and Grace Kelly shared romantic desert

how Marilyn Munroe was how Clark Gable honeymooned at the Ingleside inn

Such is the life in Palm Springs

Both the Hollywood glumour and the natural beauty make this desert reson a growing tourist destination The clean

dry ait is great for sports, There are more than

50 golf courses in the area, some

host to the Bob Hope Desert Classic and the Dinah Shore loveational

cach year Many of the 300 ennis courts are open to the public and are lighted for night play And what would Palm Springs be without a swimming pool to soak in of

Consumer Response and Coupon Measurement

Using coupons in travel advertising provides a quick and easy way to measure and analyze consumer interest. USTTA encourages all cooperative advertisers to coupon their ads. In the United Kingdom and Canada, “bingo cards," where the reader checks off one or more boxes for information, have produced high response rates. For advertisers without sales offices in target markets, USTTA can arrange coupon or bingo card fulfillment at cost through our mailing house contractor. The key to a successful couponing program is the offer of an attractive free "product"-a colorful folder or information booklet in the local language providing more information about your special offerings. For our own advertisements, USTTA offers a full-color, 812 inch by 11 inch Holiday Planner on the United States, as well as colorful pocket-size brochures on 12 major U.S. regions, translated into the languages of targeted markets. (See pages 18 and 19.) USTTA will also mail these brochures, on request, as coupon fulfillment pieces for states or regions interested in participating in cooperative advertising programs but currently without their own brochures in the local language. USTTA can also provide, at nominal cost, a summary of inquiries from prospective visitors interested in the state or region. USTTA's market research periodically evaluates how cooperative advertising programs have affected readers: whether the ads influenced them to travel, the length of the trips they took, and how much they spent on their trips. Results of the study covering the year October 1, 1984, through September 30, 1985, will be published in late 1986.

Multilingual Travel Facilitation Service Hata International


In 1986, these U.S. and U.K. travel advertisers took ads in the Sunday Times and Radio Times insert:

The Spirit of America was bomo And today, this exciting, 6-state re

In the heart of it, there's the cit

Airlines Trans World Airlines British Airways World Airways Northwest Orient Airlines Pan American World Airways Ozark Airlines Republic Airlines

Hotels Hilton Hotels Best Western International Quality International Howard Johnson Hotels

and Lodges


America TWAI

E RUSH ME MORE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING: APPLICATION FOR MORE DETAILS. box marked US Travel Information Centre to receive more details of their ehensive USA information service.

NAME (PLEASE PRINT). 1. TWA 8. Alamo car hire 15. Hertz

ADDRESS 2. British Airways 9. Florida's Pinellas 16. Pan Am

Suncoast 3. Kuoni 10. World Airways 17. Quality Inn

POSTCODE 4. Hilton Hotels 11. Discover

18. Jetset Tours

TELEPHONE 5. Greater Miami 12. Best Western 19. US Travel and the Beaches

Information Centre

Have you visited the USA before? Yes O No o 6. Jetsove

13. Northwest 20. Philadelphia

Orient 7. Trek America 14. New England

Post to: Visit USA, FREEPOST, BU 279, Burnley, Lancs. BB11 IZA. The United States Travel and Tourism Administration does not endorse any product or service provided by any travel industry entity appearing in this public

It's going to be great in the USA in 1986.

And the way to make it even better is to fly the TWA

TWA flies to over 60 cities, all over America. Tha that wherever you want to visit, TWA can take you

And TWA makes your visit more attractive w special fare deals. The US Rover ticket gives you a Flights at very reasonable rates. You can cover sev very low fares.

TWA also has various Fly/Drive schemes, wl you can see a lot of America by car Imagine you through California, or through the delights of NE

TWA looks after you on the gound and in have ticket offices all over the US, to give you h assistance for your flights. TWA

Page 20

toujours cette impression, partout, d'évoluer dans un décor de cinema Park Avenue sous la pluie avec la fumée du chauffage urbain qui dessine des personnages mystérieux dans les phares du taxi jaune, les pistes poussièreuses bordées de "chandeliers" ces gigantesques cactus dans le désert de l'Arizona: les rues sages de la Nouvelle-Angleterre aux maisons de bois peintes en blanc, cachées sous les grands arbres aux feuilles rouges ; l'extraordinaire Route no 1 longeant le Pacifique entre San Francisco et Los Angeles les collines secretes des Appalaches ou des monts Ozark avec leurs villages de pauvres petits blancs jouant leur musique sur des lessiveuses ou en soufflant dans des jarres, les enfants noirs qui se précipitent au bord de la rivière pour faire de grands signes aux passagers du "Delta Queen" le bateau à aubes remontant le Mississippi vers Natchez; les "chicanos" courbés dans les vastes champs de laitues ou d'artichauts du côté de Santa Cruz, non loin de Silicone Valley: la grande

parade du rodéo dans les rues de Cheyenne, Et tout de suite ce fut l'amour fou, d'abord capitale du Wyorning, les merveilles pour cette ville, puis pour ce pays.

de l'architecture baroque et ultra-moderniste Une passion qui ne s'est jamais dementie au de Chicago, la ville des vents; les orangeraies de fil des années

Floride; les rails dans le sable pour un train baptisé A chaque fois tout recommence...

le "vent du désert": le sourire de Mickey à Mon emotion reste la même dès que j'aborde Disneyland : l'optimisme du futur à Epcot : les ce continent

villes fantomes près des mines d'or abandonnées Peut-être parce que je m'y sens tout de suite dans le dédale des Rocheuses du Colorado; un chez moi, a l'est comme à l'ouest, au nord cowboy texan en jeep surveillant 3000 têtes de comme au sud

bétail Wall
Street ou Washington

pour soi tout Pourtant, j'ai connu là-bas parfois des jours seul, tot un dimanche matin ; un policier de la difficiles, des périodes troubles, et aux Etats-Unis route qui vous suit sur son electra glide pendant comme ailleurs la vie n'est pas toujours aisée. des kilometres, persuadé que vous n'aurez jarnais

la patience de conserver la vitesse limite (90 km/h) sur ce ruban de goudron a travers le desert entre

où les vacances commencent, et ne s'arrêtent jamais...

sonnes ont l'aventure, le Disneyland. 31ème année, i féérique

artez en Floride, vous arriverez certainement par Miami, le soleil y brille toute l'année.

Vous pourrez choisir parmi 850 hôtels, vous vous allanguirez au bord de leurs piscines ou sur l'une des plages bordées de grands palmiers.

Après une partie de tennis ou de golf matinale, vous hésiterez au moment de choisir votre restaurant, vous vous étonnerez devant la variété des menus.

Vous flânerez d'échoppes en boutiques, vous vous régalerez d'un crabe grillé en regardant la lune se lever sur l'Atlantique.

Vous sortez ? Spectacles féeriques, shows de renommée mondiale et mille autres loisirs vous attendent.

Une envie d'excursion, une ballade aventureuse dans les Everglades, une mini-croisière et vous n'êtes qu'à 400 km de Disney World

Miami et ses plages, jamais vous n'oublierez !...

Page 21

New in 1985, this series of 12 regional brochures provides trip planning information on all 50 states, the nation's capital and the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean island territories. Each pocket-size brochure is divided and indexed by individual states, and highlights major cities, resort areas, activities and attractions. Detailed maps are included for locating key areas and principal highways. Brochures like these, translated into the language of the target market country, are critical to our response service

abroad for prospective visitors. Our in-country offices also use them in training programs for the wholesale and retail travel trade, and can mail them, on request, as fulfillment pieces for states and regions participating in the USTTA cooperative advertising program but currently without their own brochures in the language of the target market. States, cities, other destinations and suppliers are encouraged to provide USTTA's overseas offices with their own more detailed booklets and brochures, which USTTA will then distribute in response to specific requests. In most markets abroad USTTA also offers additional information on specialized travel, such as that by the handicapped.

Cich ihes pints


Catch the Spirit

old-fashioned streetcars,

Cice banks on Main Street USA. Experiene Old South on the metal "Mark Tw inhabitants of the Haunted Mansion throughout the ley cuters of the Matt characters are always bent, inclurer Durk, Goofs, een Snow White and steam train circles Deseytand and a provides shuttle service to and from An mager languages are spoken an Disneyland is 53 kilometer south in Anaheim Dennryland is open all year, wuh summer season and relielas. T Mondays and Tues. Derende Anaheim Area Visites and Con Bout. Admission Knott's Berry Farm The Got farm. Tortas. Terrates the Tout. Fiesta Village, Rearing E the variety of rides, at stones beaget ta try kotis chicken einners. Proti's The Avatait. Arme

Las Vegas News Bureat photo

re of rugged mountains, colorful Experience the mountain beauty the state's Old West ghost towns.

woodlands of the scenic Truckce an mansions of Virginia City and

lays when prospectors made their fortunes in the old and silver mines, From the cerle beauly of the Valley of Fire State Park and the wide open spaces of the desert to the pine trees, meadows And streams of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, dramatic contrast abounds in Nevada. It is even possible to meet an old prospector sul seeking his fortune in this rugged. fascinating land. Climate, Geography and Location Most of Nevada is desert in the heart of the Great Basin region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During winter months from late November to March, northern Nevada, famous for outstanding skling, requires heavier clothing. Las Vegas visitors can usually enjoy moderate temperatures averaging 16 degrees C., but during the summer months temperatures can climb to 40 degrees C. The resort and vacation atmosphere encourages casual dress. Men may wish to have a jacket and the for the casinos. stage shows and more exclusive restaurants. How to Get There Las Vegas and Reno are the two primary gateway cities to Nevada. Flights from Los Angeles to McCarran International Airport take 45 minutes. MeCarran ts 13 kilometers south of downtown Las Vegas. The airport handles both domestic and international flights. Travel time to downtown is 30 minutes by airport limousine or taxi service, less to the world-famous "Strip. Regular bus service and hotel courtesy buses are also available,

Interstate bus companies also serve Las Vegas, and include Grey. hound Bus Lines from their terminal at 200 S. Main Street, and Trailways Bus System at 217 N. Fourth Street. Several airlines at McCarran Airport offer round-trip flights and fully packaged tours through and to the Grand Canyon. Many sightseeing firms provide excellent tours of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam. Lake Mead. Death Valley and the surrounding area. Reno Cannon International Airport, also only 45 minutes flying time from San Francisco. is just six kilometers southeast of downtown Reno. Many airlines serve Reno and the Lake Tahoe area. Bus, taxi and limousine services are available, along with hotel courtesy buses. Greyhound Bus Lines operates from the terminal at 155 Steven- son Street and Trailways Bus System from its terminal at 500 W. Second Street. Both Las Vegas and Reno are served by major car rental companies al airports, casinos and major holcis. Recreation Two very popular recreation areas in Nevada are Lake Mead in the south and Lake Tahoe in the north Lake Tahoe, spanning the California-Nevada border, is more than 1.800 meters deep and has a surface area of 680 square kilo- meters, making it the largest mountain lake in the United States. Cupped in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Lake Tahoe is one of America's most famous mountain resort areas. Enjoy nature walks, hiking, swimining, golfing, fishing, but tours. gambling and top-name entertainment in the cluster of picturesque towns and casinos surrounding the lake. During the winter months. visitors will find outstanding skiing opportunities in 20 mountain resorts and 12 cross-country ski areas, all close to major hotels restaurants and entertainment. In addition to skiing. try skating. sleelding or showmobiling and enjoy the winter festivals staged in the area. During summer months, see the scenic beauty of Tahoe and choose from several lake Cruises. ncluding North Tahoe cruises, Lake Tahoe cruises and the M.S. Dixie. All trips offer exceptional views of the lakeshore casinos, estates and resorts. Lake Tahoe is 55 kilometers southwest of Reno. Open. year round.

Ald bid rail Atel. Abie. Acles

The 32-page booklet illustrated here was designed as the fulfillment piece for coupon requests in Germany. An abbreviated and motivational composite of the 12 informational brochures on the previous page, it is organized by regions and states, and refers the reader to the USTTA brochure series for more detailed information. In 1986, the Holiday Planner will be available in English for use in the United Kingdom and Australia, and in French, Japanese, and Dutch to support the cooperative advertising planned in those countries for the fall and winter of 1986.

Ah the ertain hct the Ic park

is a fruit a Ghost Snoopy ent, and nd special Park, near

Page 22

New in 1985, this series of 12 regional brochures provides trip planning information on all 50 states, the nation's capital and the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean island territories. Each pocket-size brochure is divided and indexed by individual states, and highlights major cities, resort areas, activities and attractions. Detailed maps are included for locating key areas and principal highways. Brochures like these, translated into the language of the target market country, are critical to our response service

abroad for prospective visitors. Our in-country offices also use them in training programs for the wholesale and retail travel trade, and can mail them, on request, as fulfillment pieces for states and regions participating in the USTTA cooperative advertising program but currently without their own brochures in the language of the target market. States, cities, other destinations and suppliers are encouraged to provide USTTA's overseas offices with their own more detailed booklets and brochures, which USTTA will then distribute in response to specific requests. In most markets abroad USTTA also offers additional information on specialized travel, such as that by the handicapped.

Cich ihes pints


Catch the Spirit

old-fashioned streetcars,

Cice banks on Main Street USA. Experiene Old South on the metal "Mark Tw inhabitants of the Haunted Mansion throughout the ley cuters of the Matt characters are always bent, inclurer Durk, Goofs, een Snow White and steam train circles Deseytand and a provides shuttle service to and from An mager languages are spoken an Disneyland is 53 kilometer south in Anaheim Dennryland is open all year, wuh summer season and relielas. T Mondays and Tues. Derende Anaheim Area Visites and Con Bout. Admission Knott's Berry Farm The Got farm. Tortas. Terrates the Tout. Fiesta Village, Rearing E the variety of rides, at stones beaget ta try kotis chicken einners. Proti's The Avatait. Arme

Las Vegas News Bureat photo

re of rugged mountains, colorful Experience the mountain beauty the state's Old West ghost towns.

woodlands of the scenic Truckce an mansions of Virginia City and

lays when prospectors made their fortunes in the old and silver mines, From the cerle beauly of the Valley of Fire State Park and the wide open spaces of the desert to the pine trees, meadows And streams of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, dramatic contrast abounds in Nevada. It is even possible to meet an old prospector sul seeking his fortune in this rugged. fascinating land. Climate, Geography and Location Most of Nevada is desert in the heart of the Great Basin region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During winter months from late November to March, northern Nevada, famous for outstanding skling, requires heavier clothing. Las Vegas visitors can usually enjoy moderate temperatures averaging 16 degrees C., but during the summer months temperatures can climb to 40 degrees C. The resort and vacation atmosphere encourages casual dress. Men may wish to have a jacket and the for the casinos. stage shows and more exclusive restaurants. How to Get There Las Vegas and Reno are the two primary gateway cities to Nevada. Flights from Los Angeles to McCarran International Airport take 45 minutes. MeCarran ts 13 kilometers south of downtown Las Vegas. The airport handles both domestic and international flights. Travel time to downtown is 30 minutes by airport limousine or taxi service, less to the world-famous "Strip. Regular bus service and hotel courtesy buses are also available,

Interstate bus companies also serve Las Vegas, and include Grey. hound Bus Lines from their terminal at 200 S. Main Street, and Trailways Bus System at 217 N. Fourth Street. Several airlines at McCarran Airport offer round-trip flights and fully packaged tours through and to the Grand Canyon. Many sightseeing firms provide excellent tours of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam. Lake Mead. Death Valley and the surrounding area. Reno Cannon International Airport, also only 45 minutes flying time from San Francisco. is just six kilometers southeast of downtown Reno. Many airlines serve Reno and the Lake Tahoe area. Bus, taxi and limousine services are available, along with hotel courtesy buses. Greyhound Bus Lines operates from the terminal at 155 Steven- son Street and Trailways Bus System from its terminal at 500 W. Second Street. Both Las Vegas and Reno are served by major car rental companies al airports, casinos and major holcis. Recreation Two very popular recreation areas in Nevada are Lake Mead in the south and Lake Tahoe in the north Lake Tahoe, spanning the California-Nevada border, is more than 1.800 meters deep and has a surface area of 680 square kilo- meters, making it the largest mountain lake in the United States. Cupped in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Lake Tahoe is one of America's most famous mountain resort areas. Enjoy nature walks, hiking, swimining, golfing, fishing, but tours. gambling and top-name entertainment in the cluster of picturesque towns and casinos surrounding the lake. During the winter months. visitors will find outstanding skiing opportunities in 20 mountain resorts and 12 cross-country ski areas, all close to major hotels restaurants and entertainment. In addition to skiing. try skating. sleelding or showmobiling and enjoy the winter festivals staged in the area. During summer months, see the scenic beauty of Tahoe and choose from several lake Cruises. ncluding North Tahoe cruises, Lake Tahoe cruises and the M.S. Dixie. All trips offer exceptional views of the lakeshore casinos, estates and resorts. Lake Tahoe is 55 kilometers southwest of Reno. Open. year round.

Ald bid rail Atel. Abie. Acles

The 32-page booklet illustrated here was designed as the fulfillment piece for coupon requests in Germany. An abbreviated and motivational composite of the 12 informational brochures on the previous page, it is organized by regions and states, and refers the reader to the USTTA brochure series for more detailed information. In 1986, the Holiday Planner will be available in English for use in the United Kingdom and Australia, and in French, Japanese, and Dutch to support the cooperative advertising planned in those countries for the fall and winter of 1986.

Ah the ertain hct the Ic park

is a fruit a Ghost Snoopy ent, and nd special Park, near

Page 23

What will be your share of this enormous market? If you are not now advertising to consumers abroad, or if you would like to enhance the effectiveness of your current program, you will want to participate in the United States Travel and Tourism Administration's 1986-87 cooperative advertising venture. Because of the unique impact of seeing several related ads in a coordinated package, cooperative advertising offers you a highly effective way to increase consumer awareness of your product and enlarge your portion of the lucrative international travel market-at no increase in cost over a normal ad insertion. Every segment of the tourism industry can profit from cooperative advertising: state and local governments, all types of transportation, hospitality services, attractions, credit card companies. States aggressively promoting foreign tourism can greatly increase their shares of international tourism receipts. Recent figures show that foreign visitors provided 33 percent of Hawaii's total tourism earnings, 14 percent of Florida's and 8 to 10 percent of tourism revenues of New York, Arizona and Texas. Examine the variety of cooperative advertising plans in this booklet. Consider their important advantages: expanded audiences for your message, increased credibility and ad retention, research in the actual marketplace, complete coupon fulfillment services, and many difficult details handled for you by USTTA. USTTA invites you to join us and other cooperating advertisers in this promising-and profitable- international venture.


Page 24

USTTA's Cooperative Test Program in Germany

The decision to mount a major 1986 consumer advertising program was made in late 1984 based on a worldwide survey of consumer attitudes, perceptions and preferences. Using the N.W. Ayer Developmental Labs technique of consumer focus groups in nine locations in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Australia, the central theme "America. Catch the Spirit” was developed as an umbrella slogan for the entire United States. This theme, not limited to any single area or activity, embraces the uniqueness and unrivaled diversity of the American tourism offering—the striking contrasts which the visitor finds here and the amazing variety of our touristic attractions. Since so broad and challenging a concept could not be projected in advertising in many major markets within available budgets, a test program was conducted in a single large market. Other public and private organizations interested in testing a deeper penetration of tourism opportunities abroad were invited to participate. Germany was selected as the target market because it was moderately large and highly competitive, had a strong economy, and as a non-English-speaking country, would effectively test the workability of a universal English language headline expressing the American character. The acceptance of the German test program by U.S. travel industry suppliers and destinations suggests that this type of campaign should be repeated in Germany and extended to other world markets.

Cooperating Partners-Germany

Attractions Walt Disney World

States/Cities/Regions Florida

Oklahoma Hawaii

Colorado Arizona New Mexico Arkansas Wyoming Kansas Utah Missouri Virginia Louisiana Philadelphia Convention

and Visitors Bureau Greater Los Angeles

Visitors and Conven- tion Bureau

Rental Cars Avis Rent-A-Car Hertz Corporation National Car Rental

Travel Services American Express

reiheitsstatue blicken je Amerikaner auf zu sin Diana - Symbolinz und Lebensfreude

Frankfur Allgemeine Magazin

Freizeit faulenzen Sie bei sanftem n Strand von Waikiki, landen einen ler auf dem Las Vegas Strip, erleben in Arlington Park, laufen Ski in den M Park Avenue ein oder geben sich tasie hin in Disneyland oder Disney d. Tauchen! Segeln! Angeln! Jagen! ei der Geschaeftsadresse Amerikas! iche. Planen Sie Ihre Tagung an der oder am Wilshire Boulevard in Los Handels-Konferenz in New Orleans

Street, fuehren neue Waren ein in ler dem Loop, besuchen Kunden in ngor, Ogden, Danbury, Parsippany. ei der Geschaeftsadresse Amerikas! Zeit fuer eine Kostprobe des guten nt und elegant in Savannah, hoeren Orleans, tanzen mal einen Abend, inem Mai Tai in Miami oder einem

Schlummertrunk in Niagara Das Beste des Guten Lebens bei

Tandem advertising creates a strong collective identity for the entire United States or for a selected target region, a seasonal activity such as beach holidays or skiing, or other travel motivation. In this example, the United States Travel and Tourism Administration created a colorful advertisement presenting the entire United States as a unique destination with an endless variety of scenic attractions. Transportation services, hotel networks, major theme parks and attractions with nationwide resources joined USTTA in placing their own ads in the same issues of several carefully selected foreign magazines for this major 1986 marketing campaign. The American Airlines-Avis ad shown here is a joint cooperative advertisement representing an agreement between two advertisers to share ad space, using a theme appropriate to both advertisers' offerings. Each advertiser paid for its own advertisement and enjoyed the synergistic value of being part of an overall campaign marketing the United States in competition with other tourismreceiving nations. To further amplify the impact of this coordinated effort, each advertiser was encouraged to display the unifying theme line, “America. Catch the Spirit."

This two-page spread was the leading ad in USTTA'S 1986 campaign introducing the theme "America. Catch the Spirit" to German consumers. Key publications used were Stern (circulation 1.5 million) and Spiegel (920,000). Other leading publications, less expensive per placement but with highly targeted travel readership, included GEO (circulation 490,000), Capital (300,000) and Merian (185,000).

Ein Land, das dar das Lebensgefühl Stahl- und Glastü den Pulsschlag Amerika. Wo endlose W

n. Sie reis


Für ihre kostenlose Fremdenverkehrs-Broschüre

von Los Angelos, bitte schreiben Sie

Peter W Bohen Regional Director

US Travel & Tourist Administration Bethmannstrasse 56.6000 Frankfurt/Man

ire Träume wahr zu machen. Wo ingroße Städte pulsieren läßt, wo amel reichen und wo Sie überall üren, die alles möglich macht.

eraubender Naturschönheit Sie n Highways, auf den entlegenen er sogar zu Pferde - in die großschweigsamen Schluchten der

Sie den unverglejren Komsesinnlichen Charn

as Sie erhebt u e je so berührer sehen. Entdec änger warten

Page 25

Newspaper Travel Sections

Canadian newspapers, like those in major U.S. cities, commonly publish separate travel advertising sections in their Sunday editions, and occasionally in daily editions as well. This practice is rarely used in other countries. To arrange a special USA travel section like that shown here, USTTA encourages a newspaper publisher to plan a “special issue” exclusively devoted to travel advertising for U.S. destinations and related transportation services. The travel section may feature the U.S. as a whole, specifically target a particular region, such as Sun Country, the Pacific Northwest, or the Great Lakes, or feature a specialized or seasonal activity or attraction like skiing, national parks, summer beaches, or winter vacations-in-the-sun. This technique creates an attractive mix for many advertisers: a series of related destinations, attractions and services, and air and surface carriers. This medium is also especially suitable for small properties and services which normally cannot afford to buy large newspaper spacę units or pages in high-cost magazines. USTTA'S 1984 and 1985 Canadian marketing programs included special fall sections in the Toronto Star (circulation 518,000). In the November 19, 1985, issue shown here, one U.S. advertiser purchased a two-page spread, three U.S. advertisers purchased full-page units; the remaining advertisers purchased space ranging from over one-half page to single-column units. These and other advertisers participated in the fall 1985 Toronto Star campaign:

Best Western International Holiday Inn Days Inn Hotel Inter-Continental Howard Johnson Hotels and

Lodges Hollywood Beach Hilton Florida Sheraton La Costa The Wigwam Rea Residential Hotel Marco Polo Palm Beach Plaza Beach Harbor Hotel Irelands Inn Travel Lodge at Disney World Kenilworth Lodge Konover Hotel Viscount Hotel Chateau/Thunderbird Pirates Crossing Seaquest Condominiums Palm Beach Ocean Hotel La Brisa Motor Inn Dunes of Panama City Realty, Inc. Condo World, Inc.

Dollar Rent-A-Car Budget Rent-A-Car Executive Rent-A-Car Thrifty Rent-A-Car Value Rent-A-Car Cruise America Snappy Car Rental Alamo Rent-A-Car

American Airlines U.S. Air Air Canada Eastern Airlines Wardair Arrow Air

Dallas Convention and

Visitors Bureau South Padre Island San Antonio Panama City Beach Palm Springs

Walt Disney World Seaworld of Florida Busch Gardens Harder Hall Golf School NASA Space Port USA Medieval Times

Royal Caribbean

Cruise Lines

States/Cities/Regions Texas Alabama Louisiana Palm Springs Florida Georgia South Carolina Surfside Tourist Board Hollywood (Florida)

Chamber of Commerce Palm Beach Fort Lauderdale Monroe County Pinellas County Greater Miami Visitors and

Convention Bureau Broward County Greater Los Angeles Visitors

and Convention Bureau Jekyll Island Myrtle Beach Corpus Christi

Phoeni ite wi steaks yarn. hors poo rior en se

The Beach. The Border.


E-bts Deluxe Accommodations, Round Trip Chartered Airfare Bices start February 7, 1986 and are good through supancy. Book 60 days before departure,

adult, Restrictions apply.

The advertorial technique attractively combines the marketing value of full-page advertising with the credibility of editorial content. It has strong appeal and high readership, as well as a greater retention rate. Since many readers are unaware that advertorial copy is advertising, they read—and absorb—it as they would other features of the host publication. Advertorial material is prepared in a style compatible with that of the host publication. Individual advertisers provide or choose illustrations and draft text, while the publisher retains overall editorial and graphic control. Each advertiser receives equal coverage for equal cost, and the coordinated, magazine format encourages the reader to peruse and compare offerings rather than skip and skim through a series of unrelated advertisements. The advertorial section may be permanently bound into the host publication, or may be a “pullout" booklet for the reader to remove and save for future vacation planning. As shown here, the advertorial insert may be used simultaneously in several publications for maximum market impact. Additional quantities of these booklets can be produced for complementary uses—in mailings, as fulfillment pieces for couponed advertising, and for distribution to the retail trade at travel shows, meetings and seminars. The advertorial style works best with a regional or other theme, and is a very attractive advertising technique for states and travel associations in a geographic area, or individual communities and attractions in a major tourism destination.

In this example of the advertorial technique,

each participant (those shown, plus Los Angeles, South Dakota, Reno and Idaho) had two full pages devoted to its destination.

The campaign ran in three Canadian

magazines: Westworld (circulation

657,000), Western Living (circulation 244,000) and Vancouver (circulation 81,000).

No, that is Lost Horizon was


down for his or Tandholders Indians

to lie around in an attempt to capture a golden tan? There are more than 7,000 pouls in town, about one for every five residenus. There's no crowding here four bike trails run throughout the cry. And the Indian Canyons are ideal for hiking and horseback riding. There

is shopping along fashionable Palm Canyon Drive, and the renowned Desert Museum is well worth a visi

Bur the main attraction of Palm Springs seems to be the mood. After all this is 'Shangri-La

hyperbole Frank Capra's 19303 filmed in Tahguiz Canyon at the hreathtaking falls which cascade In

rocky the

role in the city play an import with the federal OVCckerboard, with every

the entire areas other mic and the lors belonging to

10 private owners Agua . Indiants have

not sold an inch of their land, but have parceled it out on 9. year leases. The Spa Hotel, built on e

the Palm Springs its name,

was the first hotel to receive ale Besides its natural made one. The

from the tribe

wonders. Palm Aerial Tramway. achieve ent of human wo

the Stars Palm Springs attracts not on ly the famous facts of celluloid, but also business tycoons, dignitaries of state, and casual and curious tourists

Residents include Bob Hope Frank Sinatra, former presidem Gerald Ford, and 10 members of the Forbes 100. Legends relate how

William Holden and Grace Kelly shared romantic desert

how Marilyn Munroe was how Clark Gable honeymooned at the Ingleside inn

Such is the life in Palm Springs

Both the Hollywood glumour and the natural beauty make this desert reson a growing tourist destination The clean

dry ait is great for sports, There are more than

50 golf courses in the area, some

host to the Bob Hope Desert Classic and the Dinah Shore loveational

cach year Many of the 300 ennis courts are open to the public and are lighted for night play And what would Palm Springs be without a swimming pool to soak in of

Consumer Response and Coupon Measurement

Using coupons in travel advertising provides a quick and easy way to measure and analyze consumer interest. USTTA encourages all cooperative advertisers to coupon their ads. In the United Kingdom and Canada, “bingo cards," where the reader checks off one or more boxes for information, have produced high response rates. For advertisers without sales offices in target markets, USTTA can arrange coupon or bingo card fulfillment at cost through our mailing house contractor. The key to a successful couponing program is the offer of an attractive free "product"-a colorful folder or information booklet in the local language providing more information about your special offerings. For our own advertisements, USTTA offers a full-color, 812 inch by 11 inch Holiday Planner on the United States, as well as colorful pocket-size brochures on 12 major U.S. regions, translated into the languages of targeted markets. (See pages 18 and 19.) USTTA will also mail these brochures, on request, as coupon fulfillment pieces for states or regions interested in participating in cooperative advertising programs but currently without their own brochures in the local language. USTTA can also provide, at nominal cost, a summary of inquiries from prospective visitors interested in the state or region. USTTA's market research periodically evaluates how cooperative advertising programs have affected readers: whether the ads influenced them to travel, the length of the trips they took, and how much they spent on their trips. Results of the study covering the year October 1, 1984, through September 30, 1985, will be published in late 1986.

Multilingual Travel Facilitation Service Hata International


In 1986, these U.S. and U.K. travel advertisers took ads in the Sunday Times and Radio Times insert:

The Spirit of America was bomo And today, this exciting, 6-state re

In the heart of it, there's the cit

Airlines Trans World Airlines British Airways World Airways Northwest Orient Airlines Pan American World Airways Ozark Airlines Republic Airlines

Hotels Hilton Hotels Best Western International Quality International Howard Johnson Hotels

and Lodges


America TWAI

E RUSH ME MORE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING: APPLICATION FOR MORE DETAILS. box marked US Travel Information Centre to receive more details of their ehensive USA information service.

NAME (PLEASE PRINT). 1. TWA 8. Alamo car hire 15. Hertz

ADDRESS 2. British Airways 9. Florida's Pinellas 16. Pan Am

Suncoast 3. Kuoni 10. World Airways 17. Quality Inn

POSTCODE 4. Hilton Hotels 11. Discover

18. Jetset Tours

TELEPHONE 5. Greater Miami 12. Best Western 19. US Travel and the Beaches

Information Centre

Have you visited the USA before? Yes O No o 6. Jetsove

13. Northwest 20. Philadelphia

Orient 7. Trek America 14. New England

Post to: Visit USA, FREEPOST, BU 279, Burnley, Lancs. BB11 IZA. The United States Travel and Tourism Administration does not endorse any product or service provided by any travel industry entity appearing in this public

It's going to be great in the USA in 1986.

And the way to make it even better is to fly the TWA

TWA flies to over 60 cities, all over America. Tha that wherever you want to visit, TWA can take you

And TWA makes your visit more attractive w special fare deals. The US Rover ticket gives you a Flights at very reasonable rates. You can cover sev very low fares.

TWA also has various Fly/Drive schemes, wl you can see a lot of America by car Imagine you through California, or through the delights of NE

TWA looks after you on the gound and in have ticket offices all over the US, to give you h assistance for your flights. TWA

Page 26

toujours cette impression, partout, d'évoluer dans un décor de cinema Park Avenue sous la pluie avec la fumée du chauffage urbain qui dessine des personnages mystérieux dans les phares du taxi jaune, les pistes poussièreuses bordées de "chandeliers" ces gigantesques cactus dans le désert de l'Arizona: les rues sages de la Nouvelle-Angleterre aux maisons de bois peintes en blanc, cachées sous les grands arbres aux feuilles rouges ; l'extraordinaire Route no 1 longeant le Pacifique entre San Francisco et Los Angeles les collines secretes des Appalaches ou des monts Ozark avec leurs villages de pauvres petits blancs jouant leur musique sur des lessiveuses ou en soufflant dans des jarres, les enfants noirs qui se précipitent au bord de la rivière pour faire de grands signes aux passagers du "Delta Queen" le bateau à aubes remontant le Mississippi vers Natchez; les "chicanos" courbés dans les vastes champs de laitues ou d'artichauts du côté de Santa Cruz, non loin de Silicone Valley: la grande

parade du rodéo dans les rues de Cheyenne, Et tout de suite ce fut l'amour fou, d'abord capitale du Wyorning, les merveilles pour cette ville, puis pour ce pays.

de l'architecture baroque et ultra-moderniste Une passion qui ne s'est jamais dementie au de Chicago, la ville des vents; les orangeraies de fil des années

Floride; les rails dans le sable pour un train baptisé A chaque fois tout recommence...

le "vent du désert": le sourire de Mickey à Mon emotion reste la même dès que j'aborde Disneyland : l'optimisme du futur à Epcot : les ce continent

villes fantomes près des mines d'or abandonnées Peut-être parce que je m'y sens tout de suite dans le dédale des Rocheuses du Colorado; un chez moi, a l'est comme à l'ouest, au nord cowboy texan en jeep surveillant 3000 têtes de comme au sud

bétail Wall
Street ou Washington

pour soi tout Pourtant, j'ai connu là-bas parfois des jours seul, tot un dimanche matin ; un policier de la difficiles, des périodes troubles, et aux Etats-Unis route qui vous suit sur son electra glide pendant comme ailleurs la vie n'est pas toujours aisée. des kilometres, persuadé que vous n'aurez jarnais

la patience de conserver la vitesse limite (90 km/h) sur ce ruban de goudron a travers le desert entre

où les vacances commencent, et ne s'arrêtent jamais...

sonnes ont l'aventure, le Disneyland. 31ème année, i féérique

artez en Floride, vous arriverez certainement par Miami, le soleil y brille toute l'année.

Vous pourrez choisir parmi 850 hôtels, vous vous allanguirez au bord de leurs piscines ou sur l'une des plages bordées de grands palmiers.

Après une partie de tennis ou de golf matinale, vous hésiterez au moment de choisir votre restaurant, vous vous étonnerez devant la variété des menus.

Vous flânerez d'échoppes en boutiques, vous vous régalerez d'un crabe grillé en regardant la lune se lever sur l'Atlantique.

Vous sortez ? Spectacles féeriques, shows de renommée mondiale et mille autres loisirs vous attendent.

Une envie d'excursion, une ballade aventureuse dans les Everglades, une mini-croisière et vous n'êtes qu'à 400 km de Disney World

Miami et ses plages, jamais vous n'oublierez !...