Map of Athletics Centre Listening answers

IELTS Listening Sample 15

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IELTS Listening Sample 15

You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work.

All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 Sections. At the end of the test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.

Listening Audio: [Click the Play button to start the audio.]

Section 1:

(Section 1- Questions 1-10)

Questions 1-10:
Complete the notes below.

Section 2:

(Section 2 - Question 11-20)

Questions 11-13:
Complete the table below.

Questions 14-16:
Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Questions 17-20:
Look at the map of the Sports Complex below.
Label the buildings on the map of the Sports Complex.

Choose your answers from the below list and write them against Questions 17-20.

Arts Studio
Football Pitch
Tennis Courts
Dance Studio
Fitness Room
Squash Courts

Section 3:

(Section 3 - Questions 21-31)

Questions 21-30:

Complete the form below.

Section 4:

(Section 4 - Questions 31-40)

Questions 31-33:
Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Questions 34-36:
Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Questions 37-40:
Choose the correct letters A-C.

37. Ostrich meat
A has more protein than beef.
B tastes nearly as good as beef.
C is very filling.

38. One problem with ostrich fanning in Britain is
A the climate.
B the cost of transporting birds.
C the price of ostrich eggs.

39. Ostrich chicks reared on farms
A must be kept in incubators until mature.
B are very independent.
C need looking after carefully.

40. The speaker suggests ostrich farms are profitable because
A little initial outlay is required.
B farmed birds are very productive.
C there is a good market for the meat.

Answer: (Click the button to Show/ Hide Answers)

Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Please note! CORRECT SPELLING NEEDED IN ALL ANSWERS. (Where alternative spellings are accepted these are stated in the key.)

Section 1: (Questions 1-10)
1. Rajdoot
2. Park View (Hotel)
3. London Arms
4. 208657
5. no/non(-)smoking section/area
6. Lentil curry
7. fifty pound(s)/£50 deposit // deposit (of) £50/fifty pound(s)
8. choose/decide (on)/select (the) menu
9. 4 November (Alternative forms accepted)
10. (the) Newsletter

Section 2: (Questions 11-20)
11. (£)9.50
12. year // annum [NOT annual]
13. reception [NOT Sports Centre]
14. card
15. book
16. weekdays
17. Reception (Area)
18. Dance Studio
19. Squash Courts
20. Fitness Room

Section 3: (Questions 21-30)
21. Anne Rea
22. (both) 16 (years old)
23. Blind (Jigsaw) Puzzle NOT Jigsaw
24. MUST BE IN ORDER 20 (cm) 50 (cm) 2.5 (cm) // 2 and a half (cm)
25-27. safe for children (its) educational price (is) good // inexpensive // not expensive // cheap (price) // (is) good price (In any order)
28. electrics [NOT electric]
29. plastic pieces // in plastic [NOT pieces]
30. 1 July (Alternative forms accepted)

Section 4: (Questions 31-40)
31. rabbit (meat)
32. (rather) tough
33. beef
34. (ladies) (feather) fans
35. (delicate) (fine) (good quality) leather
36. meat
37. A [has more protein than beef]
38. C [the price of ostrich eggs]
39. C [need looking after carefully]
40. B [farmed birds are very productive]

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[Source: Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 3]

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Abc 1 year 4 months
Audio here :-
Ashton 1 year 8 months
Hi everybody,
Maiwand 2 years 6 months
Does anyone here want to practise speaking? (Ladies first).
Hamid M Ghaithan 1 year 3 months
Can we speak together?
Maiwand 2 years 6 months
I need to practice speaking for IELTS. So if any lady wants to practice speaking, then call me. My WhatsApp number is +93788350300.
Maiwand 2 years 6 months
I need to practice speaking with a lady. My WhatsApp number is +93788350300.
Shariar Rahman 2 years 10 months
The quality of the audio is way too bad, I know it is an old version but it could've been better. However, I have got 6.5 on this test.
GM 2 years 11 months
Scored 36, not sure if it is good enough for a band 9. Need more practice.
Md. Rubel Mia 3 years 5 months
Very nice. I want to get it in my email number.
Nitin 3 years 5 months
27 / 40.
Odo Kelvin 3 years 6 months
The audio quality is poor.
Nurlybek 3 years 6 months
Question 7: I answered "50 pounds" without the £ sign. Will it count?
Xuan Mung Nguyen 3 years 8 months Use this link to get a better audio file.
Clem 4 years
The audio quality is very very poor. We really failed to identify some answers properly. I managed to get 35/40. In the real exam, the audio will be definitely better.
Varun 4 years 1 month
This link works -
Haytham 4 years 6 months
You can find it on YouTube:
Akhil 4 years 6 months
The audio file is not available. Kindly fix this issue. I have an exam next week.
Tuzsok 4 years 7 months
This audio is unavailable.
Anusha 4 years 7 months
Please, can you tell me how can I use the audio/video 15 upwards? Please correct this, Thanks.
R Saini 4 years 9 months
Audio isn't playing for some of the samples like sample 15 and 16. Can anyone help me?
Sundas 4 years 11 months
The audio not playing. Is there anything wrong with it?
Dele 4 years 11 months
I have noticed that listening audio tapes from sample 11 upwards are no longer playing. Is there any problem?
Sammer 5 years
Hello sir, I want to prepare for IELTS.
Ali 5 years
What's wrong with the audio? Please fix it.
Glady 5 years 7 months
33/40. That sounds cool to me. Thanks a lot.

