megane là gì - Nghĩa của từ megane

megane có nghĩa là

Megan. Not Meghan. Or Meagan. She hates when people spell her name wrong. Megan means "Pearl" or "Child of Light" A Megan is a good friend to all who take the time to get to know her. She is very creative. A Megan is never shy, and loves doing things with her friends and family. Most Megans also have a dark side and many secrets. She will give really good advice because she's been through alot. Once a Megan trusts you, do NOT betray that trust because she isn't going to wait for karma to get you, she'll just get you herself... She isn't scared of anybody and the only thing she truly fears is losing somebody she loves. Most Megans are born during the winter or spring. Megans can be really stubborn at times, and know how to get what they want. Usually, Megans are beautiful inside and out, but they don't know it or can't see it. They tend to look down on themselves Alot. It's not a good quality but at least most Megans are not stuck up. In a relationship, a Megan will do whatever it takes to keep her mate happy and take care of them. She prefers a long term relationship over short term and doesn't like to waste her time. Megans are INCREDIBLE lovers. If you are lucky enough to know a Megan, hold on to her. She is very special and deserves the best. Treat her right.


Is that Megan? I love Megan!

megane có nghĩa là

A Girl with beautiful hair and an even better personality. She is the kindest person you will ever meet and the truest friend you could ever have. She is beautiful, but will never believe you when you tell her. She loves animals especially dogs. Surprisingly dirty minded. Loves games...mostly cards against humanity. (So. Much. Fun.) An amazing person and the most accepting and understanding person you will ever meet.


Megan is my best friend ever. She is so awesome!

megane có nghĩa là

Megan is a super beautiful and amazing girl. She is like that "girl next door". She is really funny and really down to earth. People may see her as stuck up but once you get to know her, she isn't, she's just really hangry most of the time. She can be sarcastic from time to time but it's one trait you'll love. Megan is really understanding in any situation, no matter how deep in shit it is.


Person 1: is that Megan?
Person 2: bro I had a crush on her since like the 6th grade.
Person 3: dude...everyone had a crush on her..

megane có nghĩa là

Japanese term for glasses. It can be used to describe a person who wears glasses, usually a man.


Did you see Kyouya?! That guy is a total megane!

megane có nghĩa là

She is gorgeous, lovable, classy, and funny. She is loyal to her friends and her positivity spreads fast. She embraces her flaws and her "klutz" moments, and she's not afraid to fight back.


Megan is such a great friend :) Megan is so freaking beautiful

megane có nghĩa là

one of the coolest people you'll ever meet. She loves playing games on her laptop at 4:20am (specifically cp) Don't mess with her cause she has some lit af friends that will knock you out (they got stank attitudes). She goes by meggy, meggo or the meg cause she tough like a shark rawrrr. Even though shes a great friends, she can also be a savage badass bitch so watch out.


rude boi: Megan is soooo annoying
person: yo you better not say that cause she has some bomb friends and they'll fight you
rude boi: ha, im not letting her lame friends beat me up
rude boi: I said that y'all are lameee
person: fight fight fight
they fight and megans friends win
megans friends: haha we told you not to mess with us
person: mmhmmm I told you too u rude boi
rude boi: runs away
megan: ur queen has arrived what happened
friends: omg megan my queen how you doing boo we just fought off some losers for you
megan: ayyy thanks yall, you guys are da best - keep sLAyiNg

megane có nghĩa là

Megan's one of those people who are beautiful without knowing it and is loved but doesn't know it she needs help sometimes and that's ok, but the worst part about Megan breed is that you fall in love with them and then you can't fall out of love with her she knows you like her, so just ask her out already. Jeez


Person 1 . Wow Megan's so cool Person 2. I think in love her tho

megane có nghĩa là

Megan is gorgeous and a dream come true. She's a true worrier who's been through a lot in the past. She's quiet in public, loud with her friend and silent yet goofy when she's alone. She's sassy, outgoing, smart, unique, etc. She's the whole shebang. She's not just your small fries at McDonald's, she's the whole meal deal. She has her life together and will do anything to prove herself a good, trustworthy person. To her, kindness is never the limit. She puts herself to the extreme because she feels that she is never enough. Insecurities crowd her mind and she begins to overthink things, causing her toxic stress.


Person 1: Is that Megan?
person 2: Yeah, she's great! She's so nice and forgiving. She'd be a great girlfriend, wife, mom, etc.

megane có nghĩa là

Her code name is sarcasm. An amazing friend but the truth coming from her is a bit depressing. This is a kind of girl that either hates you or likes you and there is no in between.


Best friend: Megan is so nice but her truth hurts Enemy: I know she hates me and she tells me it everyday

megane có nghĩa là

A girl that you cant let go of, or stop thinking about. A girl that changes your life, and makes you believe in happiness and love and friendship. She is the most incredibly clever, intelligent, and beautiful girl. She is a girl you'll want to spend the rest of your life with. She is someone to give your whole heart to, and someone that will heal all your pain and worry and fear. A Megan is the girl you never thought existed, cause she is so perfect in every way


Boy 1: Wow, she's so pretty, who's that?
Boy 2: I heard her name is Megan.
Boy 1: It suits her. Pretty name for a pretty girl
Boy 2: True that.