Pan European là gì

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  2. PAN Europe in the news

PAN Europe in the news

Commissions leaked plans on integrated pest management slammed as too weak(08/02/2022, EURACTIV)

Leak: Draft pesticides regulation angers campaigners(04/02/2022, Ends Europe)

EFSA recommendations support more harm to wild bee populations (04/02/2022, Ends Europe)

"LEurope a besoin de données fiables pour réduire lusage des pesticides" (03/02/2022, La Libre)

Jak Rada Europejska torpeduje kluczowe przepisy? Nadciągają czarne chmury nad rolnictwo ekologiczne!(03/02/2022, Hipoalergiczni)

Member states accused of sabotaging plans to cut pesticide use (03/02/2022, Ends Europe)

Commission et États membres n'en font pas assez pour réduire l'utilisation des pesticides chimiques, selon la Cour des comptes européenne(02/02/2022, Agence Europe)

Abeilles et pesticides: un taux de mortalité «acceptable» proposé(02/02/2022, Le Monde)

Pesticides: les objectifs du Pacte vert européen sont menacés(02/02/2022, Le Monde)

Commission threatened with legal action over pesticide approvals (02/02/2022, Ends Europe)

Harmful pesticides found in Italian food (10/01/2022, Ends Europe)

Jak usunąć pestycydy z warzyw i owoców? (22/06/2021, Kuchnia)

Pesticides : lONG PAN Europe dénonce une nouvelle fois les manquements de lEfsa (11/06/2021, Agra Europe)

Pittig: Binnen Vivaldi stelt Ecolo een parlementaire vraag over lobbyisten op het kabinet van coalitiepartner MR (11/06/2021, Business AM)

En Belgique, 23% est un taux de mortalité acceptable pour les abeilles exposées à des pesticides (10/06/2021, 7sur7)

"La Belgique accepte que 23% des abeilles meurent à cause des pesticides", dénonce Nature & Progrès (10/06/2021, RTBF)

Un ex-lobbyiste des pesticides au cabinet Clarinval (09/06/2021, Le Soir)

LUnion européenne autorise toujours des pesticides dangereux sur son sol(09/06/2021, Vert)

I 12 pesticidi nocivi autorizzati dallEfsa che da 15 anni mettono a rischio la salute dei cittadini europei(09/06/2021, Green Me)

Long-time authorized pesticides in potentially dangerous Europe?(08/06/2021, Press Form)

Ambientalisti contro lEfsa, che replica: accuse infondate(07/06/2021, Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario)

Pesticidi: ong Pan attacca Efsa, serve interessi industria(07/06/2021,Trentino)

L'EFSA a autorisé douze pesticides potentiellement cancérigènes, dénonce PAN Europe (07/06/2021, Agence Europe)

Des pesticides autorisés de longue date en Europe potentiellement dangereux ?(07/06/2021, Capital)

12 pesticidi tossici autorizzati in 15 anni: così lEfsa non protegge la salute dei cittadini (07/06/2021, Il Salvagente)

Pesticidi, un rapporto dell'ONG PAN Europe mette in dubbio l'indipendenza dell'EFSA nella valutazione (07/06/2021, EU News)

EFSA under renewed fire over pesticide approval role (07/06/2021, ENDS Europe)

Une ONG pointe du doigt 12 pesticides particulièrement nocifs toujours autorisés en Europe (07/06/2021, La dépêche)

Un rapport du Pesticide Action Network dénonce des autorisations dangereuses de lEfsa (07/06/2021, Contexte)

LEFSA à nouveau accusée de conflits dintérêts dans le dossier des pesticides(07/06/2021,Heidi News)

Pesticides : lAutorité européenne de sécurité des aliments accusée de laxisme (07/06/2021,La Libre Belgique)

Des pesticides toxiques autorisés en Europe: un rapport pointe les carences de lévaluation (07/06/2021, Le Monde)

Bayer verliest bijengifzaak bij Europees Hof (12/05/2021, Animals Today)

EUCourtofjusticerejectsBayerattemptto overturn bee-killing pesticide ban(11/05/2021, Irish Tech News)

EU high court confirms ban on bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides(07/05/2021, ZME Science)

European Commission was right to ban dangerous pesticides(07/05/2021, Environment Journal)

Stop definitivo in Europa a 3 pesticidi neonicotinoidi di Bayer (07/05/2021, Rinnovalibi)

Bayer Loses Bid To Lift EU Pesticide Ban Over Harm To Bees (06/05/2021, Law 360)

EuGH gibt Kommission bei Verbot von Pestiziden Recht (06/05/2021, Euractiv)

La corte de la UE refrenda la prohibición de tres pesticidas que están detrás de la desaparición de las abejas (06/05/2021, RTVE)

Néonicotinoïdes: la justice européenne valide définitivement les interdictions (06/05/2021, Actu Environnement)

Bayer vangt bot, het verbod op bijengif blijft bestaan (06/05/2021, Trouw)

EU Court backs Commissions ban on controversial neonicotinoid pesticides (06/05/2021, Euractiv)

Pesticidas en tu comida: acelgas, lechugas, kale, arándanos, apio... bajo sospecha (15/04/2021, El Mundo)

Pesticidi, una guida svela quali sono gli ortaggi da bollino rosso, giallo o verde (08/04/2021,Lifegate)

Quale frutta e verdura ha più pesticidi che minacciano i tuoi ormoni? La Guida 2021 (25/03/2021,

Pesticidi minacciano api anche in Abruzzo, Giovani di Montazzoli chiedono moratoria a EU (28/03/2021,

I Giovani di Montazzoli si schierano contro i pesticidi(23/03/2021, Virtù Quotidiane)

Da Montazzoli un coro di voci contro i pesticidi per salvare le api(20/03/2021,

32 Pestizide auf öffentlichen Flächen gefunden (02/03/2021,ORF Science)

Pestizidrückstände auf öffentlichen Plätzen ganzjährig nachweisbar (03/03/2021, Der Standard)

Forscher fanden ganzjährigen Pestizideintrag auf öffentlichen Flächen (02/03/2021, Studium)

Topul legumelor și fructelor tratate cu pesticide (01/03/2021,Ziarul Evenimentul)

Commission considers flexible systems for sustainable food production(19/01/2021, ENDS Europe)

LOmbudsman dellUe chiede più trasparenza sui pesticidi (07/12/2020, Cambia La Terra)

LEuropa si divide sulla riduzione delluso dei pesticidi (06/12/2020, Il Savagente)

Rückstandsuntersuchungen von Greenpeace und PAN Europe (04/12/2020,

Autorisation des pesticides: Bruxelles de nouveau tancée (03/12/2020,

EU Commission pesticide approval procedure under fire from EU watchdog (03/12/2020, EURACTIV)

EU Ombudsman slams pesticide approval practices (03/12/2020, ENDS Europe)

Esportiamo i pesticidi, e poi ce li ritroviamo nel piatto: la stampa internazionale (17/11/2020, IlFatto Quotidiano)

Il faut en finir avec lexportation de pesticides toxiques! (11/11/2020, TRIBUNE)

Green groups demand crack-down on banned pesticides(06/11/2020, ENDS Europe)

70 ong denunciano il doppio standard dellUE sui pesticidi (06/11/2020,

Pesticidi, lEuropa blocchi limportazione di quelli vietati (06/11/2020, Il Salvagente)

EU urged to stop export of toxic pesticides to third countries(06/11/2020, EU Observer)

La Ue fa marcia indietro sullesportazione di pesticidi pericolosi? (05(11/2020, Cambia La Terra)

Commission defends pesticides approval process following inquiry(03/11/2020, ENDS Europe)

Retirez la PAC : lettre ouverte à la Présidente de la Commission Européenne (03/11/2020,

Vers la suspension des exportations des pesticides interdits dans lUE ? (28/10/2020, Euractiv)

Commission to consider halting export of banned pesticides, EU source says (27/10/2020, Euractiv)

Nouveau bras de fer autour des néonicotinoïdes (14/10/2020, La Libre Belgique)

L'insecticide tueur d'abeilles autorisé en 2021? (14/10/2020, L'Avenir)

Member states reserve right to ban pesticides authorised in EU, rules EU court (12/10/2020, Euractiv)

Agriculture and chemical giants lobby to weaken European Green Deal (12/10/2020, Unearthed)

Campaigners call on EU to halt export of banned pesticides (09/10/2020, Euractiv)

Eurofile: Politics have been parked over Brexit (05/10/2020, The

ENVI MEPs will block any Commission proposal that lowers bee protection (04/10/2020, Agrafacts)

MEPs vow to fight lowering of bee-protection standards (02/10/2020 EU Observer)

MEPs grill Commission and EFSA over bee protection (02/10/2020, ENDS Europe)

Residues of EU-banned pesticides present in European food, report says (29/09/20, ENDSEurope)

Brussels confronts EU countries over pesticides and animal welfare (24/09/2020, Politico)

Geen einde aan dubbele standaard export verboden pesticiden (18/09/2020,

For European chemical giants, Brazil is an open market for toxic pesticides banned at home(10/09/2020,

15 Organizations and Initiatives Helping to Save the Bees(03/09/2020, EcoWatch)

The Protection of Pollinators in the EU Likely to Be Jeopardized (17/07/2020, Slow Food)

Member states still wrangling over bee protection standards (16/07/2020, ENDSEurope)

Europa beschermt landbouwgif, in plaats van de bijen (15/07/2020, Trouw)

Città libere dai pesticidi crescono (14/07/2020, Il Manifesto)

EU action had little effect on halting the decline of #WildPollinators, say auditors (10/07/2020 EUreporter)

EUs exec schizophrenic on pollinators, PAN (10/07/2020, AGRAFACTS)

Sauvegarde des pollinisateurs : l'échec européen (09/07/2020, Le Monde)

La médiatrice de l'Union européenne met en cause le processus d'autorisation des pesticides (09/07/2020, Le Monde)

Auditors slam European Commission for failing to protect pollinators (09/07/2020 ENDSEurope)

Loophole keeps bee-killing pesticides in widespread use, two years after EU ban (08/07/2020,

SANTE NEWS: Ombudsman questions ag-chem approvals (24/06/2020, AGRAFACTS)

Chemicals lobby makes case for glyphosate licence renewal (12/06/2020, ENDSEurope)

Un turismo senza pesticidi è possibile (11/06/2020,

Pesticides: Campaigners call for voice in legal challenge to chlorpyrifos ban(10/06/2020, ENDSEurope)

MEPs back impact assessment for farmers in case of glyphosate reduction (09/06/2020, Euractiv)

Bayer and NFU battling to overturn neonicotinoids ban (04/06/2020, Farmers Weekly)

Vacanze nei comuni pesticidi free? Ecco come trovarli (04/06/2020, Il Salvagente)

The perfect crime? Pesticides - low risk, minimal sanctions (03/06/2020, EUObserver)

Quando il turismo è senza pesticidi (03/06/2020, La Stampa)

Farm to Fork Strategy Whats on the menu? (29/05/2020, Euractiv)

Feed industry, farmers call for impact assessment of EU biodiversity, farm to fork targets (22/05/2020,

Un mondo libero da pesticidi è possibile, a partire dalle città e dal turismo green (22/05/2020 Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica -

Per un turismo senza pesticidi (22/05/2020

Ngos broadly welcome both roadmaps, point to some "glaring omissions" (22/05/2020 AGRAFACTS)

Viaggi, scegliere un turismo senza pesticidi (21/05/2020 Cambia La Terra)

Un mondo libero da pesticidi è possibile, a partire dalle città e dal turismo green (20/05/2020

Farm to Fork strategy aims to slash pesticide use and risk by half(20/05/2020 Euractiv)

The hole in Europes plan to slash pesticides (19/05/2020

EU Food Safety Authority defends pesticide risk studies activists call unfit for purpose (12/05/2020 Genetic Literacy Project)

Risk from pesticide mixtures below threshold in Efsa assessments (07/05/2020 Chemical Watch)

NGO challenges new EFSA studies on multiple pesticides as unfit for purpose (05/05/2020 Euractiv)

Une ONG conteste les nouvelles études de lEFSA sur plusieurs pesticides comme «impropres à lusage» (05/05/2020 Africa Daily)

NGO challenges new EFSA studies on multiple pesticides as unfit for purpose (05/05/2020 Euractiv)

Scientists point to systemic failings in EU pesticides regulation (21/04/2020 ENDSEurope)

PAN Europewarns flaws in EU pesticide risk assessment may undermine ambition of Farm to Fork strategy (21/04/2020 AgenceEurope)

'Deadly pesticides are poison for nature, not solution'(16/04/2020

Call to keep to F2F timetable (15/04/2020 AGRAFACTS)

Commission confirms new schedule for Farm to Fork strategy (15/04/2020 Euractiv)

Momentum builds to block further F2F delays: 'COVID-19 isn't an excuse to delay EU Farm to Fork strategy (14/04/2020

Pendant la crise sanitaire, les fabricants dun pesticide controversé abattent leurs cartes (10/04/2020 Le Parisien)

EFSA report offers snapshot into pesticide residues on food(07/04/2020 Euractiv)

Ombudsman calls for steps to avoid conflicts of interest (07/04/2020 AGRAFACTS)

Farmers association and NGOs at odds over postponement of new EU food policy(07/04/2020 Euractiv)

End pesticide use by 2035, say campaigners (01/04/2020 AgraFacts)

Campaigners urge fundamental change in EU farming policy (31/03/2020 ENDSEurope)

EPP calls for further postponement of Farm to Fork strategy(27/03/2020 Euractiv)

Europa buigt zich over het verbod op Mancozeb (23/03/2020

Brussel wil gevaarlijk landbouwgif verbieden; onzin, zegt de fabrikant(13/03/2020 Trouw)

EU urged not to compromise pesticide restrictions in the interests of trade (12/03/2020 ENDSEurope)

Die biologische Vielfalt fördern(10/03/2020

Controversial risk indicator to be basis for pesticide reduction targets (04/03/2020 Euractiv)

Néonicotinoïdes: les betteraves belges recourent toujours à ces insecticides interdits par l'Europe (26/02/2020

Insects, pesticide and a public health crisis (22/02/2020

Apocalypse Now! Insects, Pesticide and a Public Health Crisis(21/02/2020

Het lobby-offensief tegen gifvrij fruit(17/02/2020 de

El fraude en el laboratorio alemán arroja dudas sobre la aprobación de la UE del glifosato en 2017(15/02/2020

EU urged to discard glyphosate studies from lab accused of falsifying data(13/02/2020 ENDSEurope)

Glifosato, spunta lipotesi di frode sui dati che hanno permesso la riapprovazione in Europa(13/02/2020

Glifosato, Pan Germany: il laboratorio tedesco ha manipolato i dati sulla tossicità (12/02/2020 Il Salvagente)

Limited progress on pesticides, EU meat tax and swine fever(06/02/2020 Euractiv)

Commission slammed for failing to cut pesticides (ENDSEurope 05/02/2020)

Auditors Find EU Countries Flouting Pesticide Reduction Law(05/02/2020 Bloomberg Environment News)

Au Luxembourg, le glyphosate est en passe d'être banni(04/02/2020

«Jusquici, les agrochimistes ont défini eux-mêmes les modalités de lévaluation environnementalede leurs produits»(01/02/2020 Le Monde)
Salvare le api per salvare l'agricoltura (25/01/2020 La Stampa)

Nieuwe coalitie bundelt krachten tegen gebruik van landbouwgif (25/01/2020

Salvare le api per salvare l'agricoltura (26/01/2020

European Union Bans Neonicotinoid Insecticide, Citing Health and Environmental Concerns (17/01/2020 Beyond Pesticides)

Fourth neonicotinoid pesticide banned in EU (13/01/2020 ENDSEurope)

Pan boccia il sistema di autorizzazione dei pesticidi in Europa(09/01/2020 Cambia la Terra)

French plan for pesticide use reduction falters (08/01/2020 ENDSEurope)

MEPs demand mandatory reduction of pesticides to save pollinators (18/12/2019 ENDSEurope)

Hvad dansk fødevarepolitik burde lære af Monsanto Papers Vi må have fuldstændig indsigt i industriens lobbyisme(17/12/2019

La denuncia di Pan Europe: lUe ha autorizzato oltre 100 pesticidi che alterano il sistema ormonale (11/12/2019 Il

Hormoongif in groenten en fruit: hoe erg is dat? (10/12/2019

Groente en fruit besmet met stoffen die hormoonbalans verstoren (10/12/2019

'Restanten van bestrijdingsmiddelen op groenten en fruit van buiten EU' (10/12/2019

Groenten en fruit zijn vaak vervuild met hormoongif (10/12/2019 Reformatorisch Dagblad)

Hormoonverstorende bestrijdingsmiddelen nog volop gebruikt (10/12/2019 Trouw)

Wat er allemaal in dat sappige fruit zit? Geen idee (10/12/2019 Trouw)

Groenten en fruit zijn vaak vervuild met hormoongif(10/12/2019 Trouw)


EU bans pesticides linked to brain damage (09/12/2019 ENDSEurope)

La Commission européenne accusée de ne pas tester l'effet perturbateur endocrinien des pesticides (10/12/2019 Libération)

EU votes against renewing chlorpyrifos approval (09/12/2019

EU to ban two brain-damaging pesticides (09/12/2019 Euractiv)

Umstrittenes Insektizid Chlorpyrifos ist in der EU bald verboten (08/12/2019

WDH: Umstrittener Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in der EU verboten (06/12/2019

Umstrittener Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in der EU verboten (06/12/2019

Pesticides: l'Europe interdit le chlorpyrifos (06/12/2019

La UE prohibeix dos dels pesticides més utilitzats per causar danys cerebrals (06/12/2019)

EU verbietet Insektizid Chlorpyrifos (06/12/2019 Deutsche Welle)

Soll Nerven von Kindern beschädigen Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in der EU verboten (06/12/2019

European Commission moves to ban chlorpyrifos (06/12/2019

EU Commission set to vote on ban of controversial organophosate pesticides (04/12/2019 Euractiv)

Producers fight back to prevent pesticides ban: EU bows for pressure from NGOs and media (02/12/2019 Investigative Reporting Denmark)

Devant limminence de linterdiction du chlorpyrifosen Europe, les fabricants contre-attaquent(02/12/2019 Le Monde)

Campaign launches to ban pesticides, transform agriculture and save bees, farmers and nature (26/11/2019

Salviamo api e agricoltori, ecco lIniziativa dei Cittadini Europei (26/11/2019

Une initiative européenne pour bannir les pesticides en 2035 (25/11/2019 LeSoir.Be)

Campaigners launch EU petition to ban synthetic pesticides (25/11/2019 ENDSEurope)

Europäische Bürgerinitiative "Bienen und Bauern retten!" gestartet (25/11/

Европейска инициатива: Да спасим пчелите и земеделците (25/11/2019

"Salviamo Api e Agricoltori": parte la raccolta firme (25/11/2019 Cambia La Terra)


Parte oggi in tutta Europa la raccolta delle firme ICE "Save Bees and Farmers! Verso un'agricoltura favorevole alle api per un ambiente sano" (25/11/2019

Europees burgerinitiatief opgestart tegen synthetische pesticiden (25/11/2019

Commission pesticides data draws scepticism (21/11/2019 ENDSEurope)

La Germania esporta pesticidi vietati in europa (08/10/2019

Initial EU probe suggests no need for regulatory action on pesticide 'cocktail' effects (17/09/2019 ENDSEurope)

Api, una coalizione europea chiede il bando dei pesticidi (12/09/19

Glifosato, la Francia processa il sindaco anti-pesticidi. L'Italia attende le nuove regole (05/09/2019

A Baselice è guerra ai pesticidi(27/08/2019NTR24)

The collapse of nature: Proposal submitted to EU calling for pesticide control (02/08/2019

Activists all abuzz over use of pesticides in Europe (31/07/2019 AP Archive)

Activists all abuzz as Belgians protest over use of pesticides in Europe (31/07/2019 Euronews)

Industry and campaigners draw battle lines over EDC policy review (12/07/2019 ENDSEurope)

Brussels Bulletin: Campaigner calls for regulatory action on European pesticides (12/07/2019 Food Navigator)

27.5% of food contains two or more pesticide residues without mixtures being evaluated, saysPAN Europe (05/07/19 Agence Europe)

Exposure to pesticide mixtures increasing, campaigners warn (04/07/19 ENDSEurope)

"Assurdo che un territorio dove la popolazione viva a disagio sia patrimonio Unesco"(23/06/19

Il clorpirifos è tra i pesticidi più utilizzati negli agrumi in vendita in Ue(21/06/19 Il Salvagente)

Agrumi al clorpirifos, un primato europeo(20/06/19 Cambia La Terra)

Campaigners call for EU to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos (20/06/19 ENDS Euroope)

Interdit dans huit pays européens, le pesticide chlorpyrifos traverse les frontières(17/06/19 Le Monde)

The most dangerous pesticide you've never heard of (17/06/2019 EU Observer)

Europa onderzoekt verbod op insectenvergif dat in onze voeding opduikt(17/06/19 Knack)

Pesticidi, alcuni Comunni hanno detto no. La svolta bio non è un'utopia (14/06/2019

Liberi dai pesticidi: l'Italia comincia dai Comuni (12/06/2019 Cambia la Terra)

Science institute that advised EU and UN 'actually industry lobby group' (03/06/19 The Guardian)


Trentino Alto Adige e pesticidi: la contaminazione dei frutteti si estende ai parchi giochi (29/05/19

I parchi giochi dei bambini sono contaminati da pesticidi (22/05/19

Dai meleti una minaccia per i parchi giochi (22/05/19 Cambia La Terra)

Playgrounds contaminated with pesticides (22/05/19 Weekly Blitz)

Alto Adige: parchi giochi contaminati da pesticidi provenienti da vigneti e meleti (22/05/19 IlSalvagente)

Parchi giochi contaminati dai pesticidi di meleti e frutteti. Il nuovo studio shock (21/05/19

Così la lobby dellagrochimica è riuscita ad influenzare i voti dellUe (13/05/19 Il Salvagente)

Spain routinely allowing unauthorised pesticides use, environmentalists claim ( 10/05/2019)

Zwart-op-wit bewezen: Europa buigt voor pesticidelobby (10/05/19 DeMorgen)

Europe toxique? La Commission plie devant le lobby des pesticides (10/05/19

Health officials protected use of 32 dangerous #Pesticides (10/05/19 EU Reporter - Environment)

Documents reveal EU bowed to demands of pesticide lobbies (10/05/19 The Brussels Times)

EC documents reveal a fight to cripple important European pesticide protections (09/05/2019 European Interest)

EU executive denies seeking to water down EDC restrictions ( 9/05/2019)

Comment la Commission européenne a tenté d'affaiblir la protection contre les pesticides(09/05/19 Libération)

De EU heeft zijn criteria afgezwakt, en dus mag het meeste landbouwgif gewoon worden gebruikt(09/05/19 deVerdieping Trouw)

Brazil finds worrying levels of pesticides in water of 1,400 towns(26/04/19 The Guardian)

EU 'may legalise human harm from pesticides'(12/04/19 The Ecologist)

Ministers told to increase environmental ambition of CAP ( 19/03/2019 Agrafacts No22)

The quest to abandon pesticides (28/02/2019 Wine Business international)

MEPs demand binding targets to cut pesticide use ( 12/02/2019 ENDSEurope)

MEPs want Member States to properly implement directive on sustainable use of pesticides ( 25/01/2019 Agence Europe)

Commission pushes looser criteria to test pesticides impact on bees ( 23/01/2019 Politico)

MEPs adopt blueprint for pesticide regulation reform (16/01/2019 ENDSEurope)

Glyphosate: watchdog accused of reliance on industry reports ( 15/01/2019, ENDSEurope)

Pesticide specialists propose EU regulatory fix (13/12/2018 ENDSEurope)

Parliament demands pesticide transparency (12/12/2018ENDSEurope)

Mixed reaction to MEPs pesticides inquiry report (07/12/2018 ENDSEurope)

Ideological divisions mar the pesticide special committees last act (06/12/2018 Euractiv)

EU pesticide approval system needs major changes ( 06/12/2018 ENDSEurope)

Protect soil, campaigners tell lawmakers ( 15/12/2018 ENDSEurope)

Meno pesticidi e più turismo: la ricetta dei Borghi Autentici Italiani ( 03/12/2018, Cambia La Terra in IT)

Pressure mounts over controversial pesticide produced by DowDuPont ( 11/26/2018 Politico)

EU Commission drops move to soften pesticides EDC ban(7/11/2018 ChemicalWatch)

Member states put #Bees at risk by failure to adopt guidance designed to protect them from pesticides ( 07/11/2018, EU Reporter)

PAN EUROPEdeplores member states' refusal to apply EFSA guidelines for assessing risk to bees from all pesticides (07/11/2018,Agence Europe)

France bans metam sodium pesticides (05/11/2018, ENDSEurope)

Civil society questions Europes perfect pesticide authorisation system ( 02/11/2018,EURACTIV)

120 NGOs and scientists urge EU for greater protection of health and environment against pesticides ( 01/11/2018 Agence Europe)

120 NGOs launch Manifesto for change on pesticide authorisations (EU Food Policy: November 2, 2018)

Nasce la Coalizione europea cittadini per la scienza nel controllo dei pesticidi (IT-01/11/2018, Il Salvagente)

Coalizione 100 ong, pubblicare dati test sicurezza pesticidi ( IT, 31/10/2018, ANSA)

Call for reform to EU pesticides regulation ( 31/10/2018, ENDSEurope)

Zulassung zu lasch? (DE- 31/10/2018 Deutschlandfunk)

Evaluation des pesticides: une coalition d'ONG et d'experts demande sa réforme (FR- 31/10/2018 Actu Environnement)

France imposes emergency ban on metam sodium pesticides (26/10/2018, ENDSEurope)

Pesticide licence renewals subject to EDC screening (25/10/2018, ENDSEurope)

EU executive bans three widely used pesticides ( 24/10/2018, ENDSEurope)

EU move to soften pesticides EDC ban deeply troubling NGOs ( 23/10/2018, Chemical Watch)

Illegal attempt to weaken EU pesticides rules backed by UK could increase cancer risk, lawyers warn ( 23/10/2018, INDEPENDENT)

Call for governments to back EC pesticide bans ( 16/10/2018, ENDSEurope)

Frances decade-old effort to slash pesticide use failed. Will a new attempt succeed?(11/10/2018, Science Magazine)

La Belgique nest pas un bon élève en termes dutilisation de pesticides, bien au contraire! ( 02/10/2018, Le Soir)

MEPs call for non-agricultural pesticide ban (28/09/2018, ENDSEurope)

Glifosato, deputati Ue e sindaci chiedono bando europeo (27/09/2018, ANSA News (IT))

Business confidentiality: The hot potato of new EU transparency rules on food (24/09/2018, Euractiv)

MEP probe points to shortcomings in EU pesticide approvals ( 21/09/2018, ENDSEurope)

PEST Committee draft calls for transperancy ( 21/09/2018, AGRAFacts)

Authorisation of pesticides - Recommendations of European Parliament special committee, PEST, are sketched out (20/09/2018, Agence Europe)

Lawmakers back plans to strengthen pesticide authorisation system (13/09/2018 ENDSEurope)

Neonic replacement could be just as harmful to bees (16/08/2018, ENDSEurope)

Renewed glyphosate ban calls after US court verdict (14/08/2018, ENDSEurope)

US courts ruling raises questions for glyphosate in Europe (Politico, 13/08/2018)

Environmental groups launch EU campaign to ban all pesticides by 2035 (05/08/2019 The Independent (IE) - Farming)

Warning over pesticides combination risk ( 2/08/2018, ENDSEurope)

Bayer to appeal neonic ban court verdict ( 30/07/2018, ENDSEurope)

NGOs join Brussels Region in glyphosate court case ( 26/07/2018)

Brussels moves goalposts on glyphosate (18/07/2018, Politico)

Campaigners fear open door for endocrine disrupting pesticides(18/07/2018, ENDSEurope)

Il progetto Città Libere dai Pesticidi a Occhiobello ( 17/07/2018,El Tamiso/AIAB)

Lealternative al glifosato già ci sono (16/07/2018, Cambia La Terra)

MEPs call for overhaul of EU pesticide licensing (11/07/2018, ENDSEurope)

CAP reform set to play crucial role in EU action on bees (28/06/2018, ENDSEurope)

Agency 'lacks knowledge' on pesticide issue (21/06/2018, ENDSEurope)

EPs pesticides committee chief silent over toxic organic agent (20/06/2018, Euractiv)

Slovenia puts forward ideas pollinator protection (19/06/2018, AGRA FACTS)

Trenta comuni italiani aderiscono alla rete europea contro il pesticidi (30/04/2018,La Repubblica)

EU ban on commonly used neonicotinoids to go ahead (29/04/2018, EU Policies)

L'Europe vote l'interdiction de trois pesticides tueurs d'abeilles (27/04/2018, Le Figaro, in FR)

LEurope interdit trois néonicotinoïdes jugés dangereux pour les abeilles(27/04/2018, Le Monde , in FR)

Europese Commissie steunt verbod op voor bijen gevaarlijk landbouwgif (27/04/2018,, in NL)

EU agrees total ban on bee-harming pesticides (27/04/2018, The Guardian)

NGO accuses EC of reneging on pesticide control pledge(20/04/2018, ENDS Europe)

Call for new laws to tackle pharma waste(16/04/2018, ENDS Europe)

EU 'may legalise human harm from pesticides' (12/04/2019 The Ecologist)

Pesticide firms: 'we have nothing to hide'(26/03/2018, ENDS Europe)

Bolzano aderisce alla Rete Europea delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi (24/03/2018,Buongiorno Südtirol, in IT)

Auch Bozen wird Mitglied im Europäischen Netzwerk pestizidfreier Städte (23/03/2018,Südtirol News, in DE)

Avoid vested interests in safety testing new products (21/03/2018, Nature)

EU policymakers urged to avoid vague CAP policy(21/03/2018, ENDS Europe)

European Report Confirms World's Most Popular Pesticide Hurts Bees (04/03/2018)

No justification for total ban on neonics, say farm leaders (01/03/2018, Farmers Weekly)

High levels of pesticides found in Spanish rivers (23/02/2018, EndsEurope)

Ríos hormonados: la masiva presencia de plaguicidas contamina las aguas de la Península (21/02/2018 El Salto, in ES)

En España sigue habiendo DDT: flota en nuestros ríos 40 años después de prohibirlo (21/02/2018 El Confidencial, in ES)

Pesticides: Does the EU let industry write its own rules? (13/02/2018, Deutsche Welle)

Le monde magique des phytos ( 11/02/2018, Le Monde in FR)

Toutes les procédures dévaluation des risques des pesticides sur les abeilles sont, au minimum, très discutables (10/02/2018, Le Monde)

EU pesticides tests 'biased and manipulated' ( 9/02/2018, ENDSEurope)

Pesticides: des méthodes dévaluation très critiquées (07/12/2018 Journal de l'Environement)

Città libere dai pesticidi? Esistono e sono tante! (06/02/2018, Italia che cambia, in IT)

European Food Safety Authoritydraft guidance on nano(01/2018 EU Food Policy)

Nasce a Bruxelles la Rete Europea delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi ( 30/01/2018, Terra Nuova, in IT)

Città libere da pesticidi, nasce la rete delle città europee pesticide free (25/01/2018, GreenME, in IT)

France to call for withdrawal of dangerous pesticides (24/01/2018, ENDSEurope)

Una docena de ONG piden a Tejerina que fije objetivos y un calendario para reducir a la mitad los pesticidas en España (22/01/2018, Europa Press, in ES)

12 organizaciones ambientales solicitan al MAPAMA medidas para reducir el uso de pesticidas (22/01/2018, Info Agri, in ES)

Casalduni nella Rete Europea contro i pesticidi per salvaguardare il territorio (18/01/2018, RTR 24, local news in IT)

Città senza pesticidi Lozzolo entra nella rete(17/01/2018, La Stampa, local news in IT)

Lozzolo: Impiegato laceto per la gestione del verde pubblico(12/01/2018, Valsesia Notizie, local news in IT)

Member States give green light to Commission's plan on endocrine disruptors (13/12/2017, Euractiv)

Watchdog links pesticide to bee decline (08/12/2017, Politico)

Robilante è il terzo comune d'Italia ad aderire alla rete delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi (07/12/2017, Targato CN, local news in IT)

Robilante è il terzo comune d'Italia ad aderire alla rete delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi(Leconomico, 07/12/2017, local news in IT)

Identifying EDCs impossible under new EU guidelines (08/12/2017, ENDSEurope)

Ré-autorisation du glyphosate: la contre-attaque juridique s'organise (07/12/2017, Actu Environnement)

Environmental Groups Plan to Sue EU Regulators over Glyphosate Decision (07/12/2017, Beyond Pesticides)

NGOs urge neonicotinoid ban, tougher EDC controls (06/12/2017, ENDSEurope)

#SaveTheBees coalition: 80 EU NGOs gather to demand a full ban on neonicotinoids (06/12/2017, EU Reporter)

Klage gegen Glyphosatschwindel (06/12/2017, Die Junge Welt)

Glyphosate: les ONG portent plainte contre les agences dexpertise européennes (04/12/2017, Le Monde)

Glyphosate, Top-Selling Weed Killer, Wins E.U. Approval for 5 Years (27/11/2017; New York Times)

The bitter battle over the worlds most popular insecticides (08/11/2017, Nature)

Swiss plan to ban all synthetic agrichemicals (18/01/2018, ENDSEurope)

Campaigners pile on pressure ahead of glyphosate vote (07/11/2017, ENDSEurope)

'Aardbeien bevatten meer schadelijke stoffen dan andere fruitsoorten' (07/11/2017, NU NL news in Dutch)

Five-year EU glyphosate proposal criticised by all (30/10/2017, ENDSEurope)

Member States fail to deliver clear position on glyphosate renewal ( 25/10/2017, Agrafacts No.83-17)

Parliament demands ban on glyphosate within five years (24/10/2017, ENDSEurope)

EU on brink of historic decision on pervasive glyphosate weedkiller (24/10/2017, The Guardian)

Pestizide auf Spielplätzen? Umweltschützer klagen an (20/10/2017, Stol-Local news in German)

Nur geringste Spuren von Giftstoffen auf öffentlichen Grünflächen (20/10/2017, Südtirol NewsLocal news in German)

Farmers threaten to sue if Brussels ducks glyphosate decision (19/10/2017, Politico)

Glyphosate lobbying intensifies ahead of EU vote ( 19/10/2017, HorticultureWeek)

Study highlights glyphosate prevalence (19/10/2017, Fresh Produce Journal)

MEPs demand glyphosate phase-out within three years (19/10/2017, ENDSEurope)

Greens push alternatives on eve of glyphosate vote (18/10/2017, ENDSEurope)

EP blocks poposal on sceintific criteria to define endocrine Disruptors ( 4/10/2017, Agrafacts)

Endocrine disruptors: Report exposes scale of contamination as Parliament vote looms (3/10/2017,Euractiv)

France testing waters on glyphosate with other EU states (08/09/2017, Euractiv)

Fipronil crisis: Why should we keep on using these toxic substances? (1/09/2017, Opinion published on Euractiv, and read in Spanish here>>)

Liberate dai pesticidi le aree di interesse ecologico in UE (15/07/2017, Rinnovabili)

EU experts agree on criteria for endocrine disrupting chemicals in pesticides (5/07/2017, Euractiv)

Tories aim to block full EU ban on bee-harming pesticides (22/06/ 2017, The Guardian)

EU Conservation Zone Pesticide Ban to Start Next Year (14/06/2017, Bloomberg)

France pushes for EU pesticide bans ( 02/06/2017, ENDS Europe)

Commission told to link CAP payments to water law ( 24/05/2017, ENDS Europe)

Nicht Brüssel, sondern Mals, (Local news in German reporting PAN Europe's Annual General Meeting-AGM,10/05/2017, Der Vinschger)

Europäische Generalversammlung von Pestizidexperten in Mals, (Local news in German reporting PAN Europe's AGM, 2/05/2017,SudtirolerNews, )

How many #pesticides did you eat today? Plenty according to European Food Safety Authority, (13/04/2017, EU Reporter)

Pressure grows on Commission to change environment law after UN rebuke, (27/03/2017, Euractiv)

Néonicotinoïdes: Bruxelles propose enfin linterdiction (24/03/2017, Journal de l'environnement)

LUE se prépare à interdire les néonicotinoïdes (24/03/2017, Euractiv)

Green NGOs blame Monsanto for buying science to save glyphosate (24/03/2017, Euractiv)

Europe poised for total ban on bee-harming pesticides (23/03/2017, the Guardian)

Attack of the bee killers (23/03/2017, Politico)

#WorldWaterDay: Protecting our tap water and aquatic ecosystems from pesticide pollution (22/03/2017, EU Reporter)

UN advisor calls for global pesticides treaty (7/03/2017, ENDS Europe)

Commission decides not to vote on endocrine disruptor criteria (28/02/2017, Politico)

Neonicotinoid use continues despite ban - analysis(16/02/2017, ENDS Europe)

Europas Bürger gegen Glyphosat (11/02/2017, Deutsche Welle)

Commission tables fourth version of EDC criteria (9/02/2017, ENDS Europe)

Greenpeace: Neonicotinoids pose risks to multiple species (12/01/2017, Euractiv)

Limited scope of EDC outline guidance draws criticism (21/12/2016, ENDS Europe)

NGOs urge Commission to ban seven bee-harming pesticides (6/12/2016, ENDS Europe)

Pesticide studies must be made public, EU court rules (25/11/2016, Euractiv)

ECJ ruling on document access rattles chemical, pesticide industries (23/11/2016,Politico)

Court sides with NGOs over pesticides (23/11/2016, Politico)

EU court backs disclosure of pesticides information(23/11/2016,ENDS Europe)

Commission finally says pesticide buprofezin cannot be used on food crops (7/11/2016, ENDS Europe)

Levels of pesticide residues in food are safe, finds EFSA (28/10/2016, ENDS Europe)

Concerns raised over safe herbicide bensulfuron-methyl (20/10/2016, ENDS Europe)

Petitions to block big ag company mergers garner 708,000 names (20/09/2017, Politico)

Brexit: UK told refrain from voting on EU pesticides (14/09/2016, ENDS Europe)

Herbicides: lEfsa accusée de «fuite en avant»(in French, 2/09/2016, Journal de l'Environnement)

New rules to regulate Europe's hormone-disrupting chemicals (16/06/2016, The Guardian)

Perturbateurs endocriniens: des critères a minima(in French, 15/06/2016, Journal de l'Environnement)

Europe Bans Two Endocrine-Disrupting Weedkillers (19/4/2016, The Guardian)

Glyphosate: lindustrie propose une salle de lecture(in French, 7/04/2016, Journal de l'Environnement)

Glyphosate: lEfsa visée par une plainte associative (in French, 3/03/2016, Journal de l'Environnement)

Ombudsman criticises Commissions handling of pesticides (23/02/2016,Euractiv)

EC promises to tighten pesticide regulation(22/02/2016, ENDS Europe)

Pesticides: Bruxelles se fait taper sur les doigts (in French, 22/02/2016, Journal de l'Environnement)

Scientists battle over whether Roundup chemical causes cancer (13/01/2016, Politico)

Proposed exceptions to weedkiller bans draw activists ire (9/01/2016, Politico)

Court says EU Commission acted illegally in drafting chemicals rules(16/12/2015, Reuters)

German TV documentary on pesticides (in German, 18/11/2015, WDR)

EU watchdog opens door to new licence for controversial weedkiller (12/11/2015, the Guardian)

Ex-employees of Nutrea (feed producer) meet MEPs and call for an enquiry on pesticides use (in French, 11/11/2015, Ouest France)

German TV documentary on glyphosate, with PAN-Europe Hans Muilermaninterview (in German, 2/11/2015, WDR)

Appeal to European Court of Justice on pesticide harmful to bees (29/10/2015, The Brussels Times)

Bienensterben: Comeback der Neonicotinoide? (27/10/2015, Geo)

Commission challenged over pesticide approval (26/10/2015, ENDSEurope)

Autorisation dun pesticide nocif pour les abeilles(26/10/2015, Le Soir)

Europe's food watchdog embraces transparency (23/10/2015, Science Mag, including PAN-Europe interview. For subscribers only)

LEurope perturbée par les hormones (25/05/2015. Le Monde)

EU-Chemikalienregulierung: Wie die Industrie in Brüssel ihren Willen bekommt (20/05/2015, Der Spiegel)

Hoe in Brussel bedrijfsbelangen het van milieu en gezondheid winnen (20/05/2014, De Correspondent)

Pesticide Free Towns (07/05/2015, Health and Environment Alliance)

Europees evenement over pesticidenvrije steden en gemeenten op 8 juni (15/05/2015, CAPLO Nieuws)

'Europese Commissie liep blindelings in de val van de industrie' (08/04/2015, Mondiaal Nieuws)

Controversy over EU claim of safe pesticide exposure (12/03/2015, ENDS Europe DAILY)

97% of pesticide levels in Europe's food legal, says EU agency (13/03/2015, EurActive)

Over 97% of EU food meets pesticide limits (12/03/2015, Agrafacts)

Interview on Radio France (12/03/2015)

Strawberries top list of pesticide-laced food: EU report (12/03/2015, Reuters)

'Suppressed' EU report could have banned pesticides worth billions (02/02/2015, The Guardian)

Stricter licensing planned for 77 pesticides (28/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Few pesticides likely to fall foul of EDC criteria study (21/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Pesticides: les associations fustigent la feuille de route européenne (21/01/2015, Journal de l'environment)

Perturbateurs endocriniens La Commission doit revoir sa feuille de route (Générations Futures et Pan Europe) (20/01/2015, La France Agricole)

Court overturns access to environmental justice ruling (13/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Dispute over TTC approach continues at Efsa/WHO meeting (08/01/2015, ChemicalWatch)

EU wants new approach on pesticide residues in TTIP (07/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Anti-pesticide NGO slams maize pest plea (17/11/2014, AGRA FACTS)

Risk assessment's insensitive toxicity testing may cause it to fail (11/2014, Environmental Research)

¿Pesticidas o 'cienci-cidas'? (05/10/2014, Destrella digital)

Déballer le paquet pesticides (21/09/204, Le Monde)

DG Sanco to assume responsibility for EDC criteria (18/09/2014, ChemicalWatch)

Study questions EU pesticide approval process (18/09/2014, ENDS Europe DAILY)

Pesticides: quand les BPL nuisent à lévaluation (17/09/2014, Journal de l'environnement)

Les rapports indépendants ne sont pas pris en compte (17/09/2014, La France Agricole)

La toxicité des pesticides sous-évaluée (17/09/2014, france 5)

"On sous-estime de 2 à 1 500 fois la toxicité des pesticides" (17/09/2014, radio france inter)

Review finds weaknesses in national pesticide plans (28/08/2014, ENDS Europe)

TTIP: already disrupting Europes precautionary principle? (10/08/2014, arc 2020)

EU Lays Out 'Endocrine Disruptor' Criteria Options, Setting Stage For Fight (24/07/2014, Inside U.S. Trade)

Under Industry Pressure In TTIP, EU Weighs Shift On Pesticides Regulation (24/07/2014, Inside U.S. Trade)

Définition des perturbateurs endocriniens : une course contre la montre? (20/06/2014, Actu-Environnement)

Endocrine disruptors: Commission exploring four scenarios (19/06/2014, EUROPOLITICS)

Chemical industry welcomes EU EDC roadmap (18/06/2014, Chemical Watch)

Europes Green Capitals set to get greener from 2017 (09/06/2014, EU Reporter)

EFSA slammed by Pesticide Action Network over its methods (28/05/2014, arc 2020)

EU Safety Institutions Caught Plotting an Industry "Escape Route" Around Looming Pesticide Ban (28/05/2014, Truthout)

Metam-natrium wordt verboden (27/05/2014, NOS)

France presents its draft strategy on EDCs (29/04/2014, EndsEurope)

TTC: EFSA found guilty of maladministration (02/04/2014, Food Packing Forum)

European ombudsman points to "maladministration" by EFSA (31/03/2014, EuroPolitics)

EFSA guilty of 'maladministration' (31/03/2014, The Parliament)

EFSA response to ombudsman's decision on PAN Europe (31/03/2014, Ends Europe)

A pest management toolbox to reduce pesticide use (28/03/2014, CommNet)

Pesticide Action Network Europe urges further action from Commission (28-03-2014, EU Reporter)

How Syngenta won the war over weedkillers (19/03/2018 Politico)

Pesticides use in ecological focus areas: Delegated acts of CAP reform move responsibility to member states (12/03/2014, EU Reporter)

Appels en peren optellen (22/02/2014, NRC Handelsblad)

Bedrijfsleven saboteert voedselveiligheid (14/02/2014, Telegraaf)

Opinion: How industry tries to water down risk assessment of pesticide mixtures in everyday food (14/02/2014, EU Reporter)

Milieuorganisatie: Bedrijfsleven saboteert voedselveiligheid (14/02/2014. Dagblad Trouw)

Wat zit er nog meer in die aardbei? (14/02/2014. Dagblad Trouw)

Pesticides: des experts à la botte de l'industrie (12/04/2014, Charlie Hebdo)

Food industry accused of 'massive infiltration' of EFSA pesticides panel (10/2/2014, Parliament Magazine)

EFSA accused of public health failure over cumulative chemical hazards (07/02/2014, EU Food Policy)

Des conflits dintérêt gangrènent lévaluation des effets des pesticides (05/02/2014, Journal de l'environment)

Pesticides : une ONG dénonce des conflits d'intérêt au sein de l'Efsa et de l'OMS (05/02/2014, Actu-environment)

PAN Europe on the RTBF - National Belgian TV Consumers Show "On n'est pas des pigeons", part on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and the Disrupting Food Consumer Guide (17/12/2013).

Recruit active, publishing scientists, EFSA told (22/11/2013, EU Food Policy)

Pflanzenschutz Noch mehr Gift für Bienen? (12/2013, Beobachter Natur)

Accused of Harming Bees, Bayer Researches a Different Culprit (11/12/2013, New York Times)

NGO going to court over neonicotinoids review (23/10/2013)

Insults hurled as EFSA transparency initiative kicks off (10/10/2013)

Pesticides licensing in race to the bottom (26/09/2013)

Heated chemicals debate continues with open letter to EU chief scientist (23/07/2013)

EU targets another insecticide linked to decline in bee population (18/07/2013)

PAN Europe denounces pesticides provision (16/09/2013, EU Reporter)

EU Agency to test pesticides' cumulative risk (15/07/2013)

European Commission endorses EFSA EDC opinion (09/07/2013)

Commission backs EFSA's definition of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (05/07/2013)

Member states outline plans to cut pesticide use (24/06/2013)

MEP calls for parliamentary risk panel to tame green scaremongering (13/06/2013)

Générations Futures réclame le retrait de « l'ensemble des néonicotinoïdes (06/06/2013)

Alertes aux insecticides et aux neonicotinoides dans nos aliments! French Radio (05/06/2013)

La restriction de 3 pesticides en UE ne suffit pas, selon Générations Futures (05/06/2013)

Nous mangeons tous des néonicotinoïdes (05/06/2013)

Martin Dermine, our Bees Project Officer, on the Belgian National Television, 13.00 News (at the 24th minute) (29/05/2013)

EU plans for EDC testing programme remain unclear (22/05/2013)

EU pesticides ban "too little, too slow" (29/04/2013)

BASFs university job sparks green fury over biased science (05/06/2013)

Opnieuw discussie over financiering 'Wageningen' (06/05/2013)

'Wageningen' geeft onafhankelijkheid weg aan industrie (05/05/2013)

Our Bees Project Officer Martin Dermine- Le Bar de l'Europe - TV5Monde (27/04/2013, French speaking TV Channel)

EC pushes through major pesticide restriction (29/04/2013)

Schippers: neonicotinoïden geen risco voor mens bij correct gebruik (09/07/2013)

NGO complains to EU Commission about Efsa EDC opinion

Pesticide industry and NGO clash over EFSA definition of endocrine disruptors (08/04/2013).
Read PAN Europe's Letter to Commissioner Borg concerning EFSA definition of endocrine disruptors

Systematic assessment of EDCs some way off (04/04/2013)

Le Parlement européen veut lutter contre les perturbateurs endocriniens (4/04/2013)

PAN Europe on EDCs Belgian National Radio (Podcast 03/04/2013)

National Belgian Radio - Le dossier interactif : Des abeilles et des hommes. Interview Martin Dermine, Bees Project Officer PAN Europe (Podcast - 29/03/2013)

Swedish minister wants tougher EU limits on chemicals (28/03/2013)

EFSA paves way for regulating endocrine disruptors in food (21/03/2013)

On the same topic, in Le Monde

EFSAs EDC opinion reopens hazard versus risk debate (22/03/2013)

Conflicts of interest at the European Food Safety Authority erode public confidence (08/03/2013)

NGO slams unrealistic pesticide report (07/03/2013)

It's official: pesticides are killing bees (06/02/2013)

Seed treatment poses a risk to Europe's bee population (17/01/2013)

Conflit dintérêts : la récidive de lEFSA (14/12/2012)

Bisphénol A, phtalates... soupçons d'ingérence industrielle à Bruxelles (13/12/2012)

Fertilité masculine : les dangers avérés des perturbateurs endocriniens (05/12/2012)

GLOBAL 2000 fordert Verbot von hormonell wirksamen Pestiziden durch Minister Berlakovich (17/08/2012)

Alimentos como la lechuga o los tomates contienen hasta 30 tóxicos diferentes (18/07/2012)

NGO highlights EDC residues in EU fruits, vegetables (05/06/2012)

Parliament clears final hurdle 13 January 2009
The Parliament: EU parliament backs pesticide regulations (13 January)
Pan European là gì
Euractiv: Parliament seals pesticides deal amid opposition (13 January) - link to article in French
Pan European là gì
EU Observer: Toxic pesticides banned in Europe (13 January)
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (17 January)
Pan European là gì
Nature: Europe set to crack down on pesticides (16 January)
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (14 January)
Pan European là gì
BBC TV 1: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (13 January)
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4 - PM News: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (13 January)
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4 - 6 oclock News: Interview with Nick Mole, Policy Officer, PAN UK (13 January)
Pan European là gì
BBC online: Balance elusive in EU pesticide debate (12 January)
Pan European là gì
France 24: EU Parliament pushes for ban on toxic chemicals (13 January)
Pan European là gì
Le Monde: Le Parlement européen bannit 22 substances pesticides dangereuses (13 January)
Pan European là gì
Nouvel Obs: Les eurodéputés bannissent les pesticides les plus dangereux (13 January)
Pan European là gì
De Volkskrant: Voorkomen is nog steeds beter dan genezen (24 January)
Pan European là gì
VARA - vroege Vogels: Interview with Hans Muilerman, Natuur en Milieu and PAN Europe board member (18 January)
Pan European là gì
Tageblatt: Les eurodéputés bannissent les pesticides les plus dangereux dans l'UE (13 January 2009)
Pan European là gì
Ceské Televize: EU zakáže nebezpečné pesticidy (13 January)
Pan European là gì
IHT: European Parliament passes pesticides bill (13 January)
Pan European là gì
Yahoo: European Parliament passes pesticides bill (13 January)
Pan European là gì
Guardian: European Parliament passes pesticides bill (13 January)

Pesticides in grapes: unsafe, illegal and unauthorised 24 November 2008

Radio Due (RAI, Channel 2) il Ruggito del Coniglio (27 November)
Pan European là gì
Le Parisien: Des pesticides dans les raisins (25 November)
Pan European là gì
L'Express: Des raisins bourrés de pesticides! (25 November)
Pan European là gì
TF1/LCI: Des pesticides dans le raisin (25 November) - Interview with Aurele Clemencin, MDRGF (1 November)
Pan European là gì
RTBF: Des pesticides interdits dans les raisins européens (24 November)
Pan European là gì
Telenord la televisione della Liguria: Pesticidi (24 November)
Pan European là gì
Le Monde: Des résidus de pesticides interdits dans du raisin (24 November)

BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe and Jim Mclaren of NFU Scotland discuss the future of UK pesticides legislation (22 November)

Information: Stærk lobbyisme betyder flere pesticider (7 Novmember)

NFU warning over EU Regulation 1 November 2008

BBC Breakfast: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (1 November)
Pan European là gì
BBC News: Pesticide ban 'threat to farming' (1 November)

Highest ever levels of pesticides in foods 15 October 2008

Sunday Herald: Record level of pesticides on fruit and veg (26 October)
Pan European là gì
Farmers Weekly: Pesticide industry defends its record (21 October)
Pan European là gì
Irish Times: Food safety report warns on organic fertilisers (17 October)
Pan European là gì
Európa Rádió: A report in Svédasztal (17 October)
Pan European là gì
Brussels Metro: Record de pesticides dans nos fruits et legumes (16 October)
Pan European là gì
RTBF TV: Interview with Valérie Xhonneux, Inter Environnement Wallonie (16 October)
Pan European là gì
RTL TV1: Interview with Valérie Xhonneux, Inter Environnement Wallonie (16 October)
Pan European là gì
L'express: Trop de pesticides dans les fruits et légumes européens (16 October)
Pan European là gì
Europe 1: De plus en plus de pesticides dans les fruits, légumes et céréales (16 October) Interview with François Veillerette, President of MDRGF
Pan European là gì
LCI: Alimentation: Toujours plus de pesticides dans nos fruits et légumes (16 October) Interview of Aurèle Clemencin, Campaigner at MDRGF
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4, Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (16 October)
Pan European là gì
Politiken: Mere sprøjtegift i EU-grøntsager e (16 October)
Pan European là gì
Nordjyske: Flere giftspor i EU's frugt og grønt (16 October)
Pan European là gì Európában mérgezhet az élelmiszer (16 October)
Pan European là gì
24 Rakotvorni pesticidi v hrani (16 October)
Pan European là gì
Zurnal24: Rim gori, senat pa razpravlja (16 October)
Pan European là gì
France Info: Les pesticides gagnent de plus en plus nos assiettes (15 October) Interview with François Veillerette, President of MDRGF
Pan European là gì
Agrarisch Dagblad: Groente, fruit en graan bevat meer residuen (15 October)

BBC Politics Show: Interview with Elliott Cannell (12 October)

New standards on pesticides violate food safety 28 August 2008

Slovak National Radio: 'New EU limits for pesticides' (18 September)
Interview with Daniel Lesinsky, CEPTA (PAN Europe board member)
Pan European là gì
Slovenian Press Agency: Nova pravila EU o ostankih pesticidov v hrani in krmi (1 September)
Pan European là gì
Le Monde: Pesticides: des ONG portent plainte contre les nouvelles normes de l'UE (1 September)
Pan European là gì
TSR: Pesticides dans les aliments: des ONG tirent la sonnette d'alarme (1 September)
Pan European là gì
Liberation: Alerte aux pesticides dans les aliments (1 September)
Pan European là gì
Corriere della sera Radio: Interview with Francesco Ferrante, Legambiente (29 August)
Pan European là gì
TFI: Plus de pesticides dans nos aliments? (28 August)
Interview with Francois Veillerette, President of MDRGF (PAN Europe board member)
Pan European là gì Des ONG inquiètes (28 August)
Interview with Francois Veillerette, President of MDRGF (PAN Europe board member)
Pan European là gì
Ózd Városi TV: Interview with Janos Pal, Levego Munkacsoport (28 August)
Pan European là gì
Tageblatt: Pesticides dans les aliments: des ONG tirent la sonnette d'alarme (28 August)
Pan European là gì
De Morgen: Nieuwe pesticidenormen risico voor gezondheid (28 August)

BBC South East: Interview with Elliott Cannell (14 August)

European Voice: Pointing the finger at pesticides (31 July)

UK government lobbies to keep hazardous pesticides on the menu 2 July 2008

The Economist: A balance of risk (4 July)
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4 - The Today Programme: EU rules could 'reduce UK crops' (3 July)
Dr Ian Denholm of Rothamsted Research Institute and Elliott Cannell from Pesticide Action Network debate the issue
Pan European là gì
Daily Mail: Plans to ban dozens of pesticides will 'lead to food shortages and send prices rising further' (3 July)
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe (2 July)
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio Humberside: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe (2 July)

Ministers approve pesticide blacklist 23 May 2008

Euractiv: Farm ministers back ban on toxic pesticides (24 June)
Pan European là gì
Chemistry World: EU pesticide threat (25 June)
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe (2 July)

Commission comes out fighting 19 May 2008

Euractiv: Pesticides: EU remains divided on substances

Eliminating the worst pesticide residues from the food chain 15 May 2008

BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe

European wines systematically contaminated 26 March 2008

Bild: Pfanzengift in deutschen Weinen
Pan European là gì
Liberation: Un arrière-goût de pesticides
Pan European là gì
Daily Telegraph: Wines from top French châteaux contaminated with pesticides
Pan European là gì
Sueddeutsche Zeitung: Verseuchte Tropfen
Pan European là gì
International Herald Tribune: NGO study: Pesticides found in EU wines
Pan European là gì
USA Today: Study: EU wines may contain pesticides
Pan European là gì
BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe
Pan European là gì
KleineZeitung: Global 2000 warnt vor Pestiziden im Wein
Pan European là gì
Agora Vox: Televised interview with Francois Veillerette, Director of PAN Europe
Pan European là gì
La Press (Canada): Le Vin Contaminé par des Résidus de Pesticides
Pan European là gì
SABC: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe
Pan European là gì
Daily Telegraph (Australia): EU wine contaminated with pesticides
Pan European là gì
Die Berger: Gifstowwe in SA wyn

PAN Europe condemns 'corporate cowboys' 5 February 2008

Euractiv: Study suggests pesticides 'critical' for EU food supply

Hazardous Pesticides in the European Parliament 10 October 2007

Spiegel: Gift-Obst für EU-Parlamentarier
Pan European là gì
France 2: Televised interview with Grazia Cioci, a spokesperson for PAN Europe
Pan European là gì
Europe 1: Des pesticides dans les fruits européens
Pan European là gì
Die Presse: EU-Parlament entschärft Pestizid-Verbot (23 October)
Pan European là gì
Euractiv: Pesticides: groups raise pressure ahead of EP vote
Pan European là gì
Viva: 14 pesticides sur les fraises!
Pan European là gì
Que Chosir: Des fruits européens contaminés (12 October)