Push out the horizon là gì

"On the horizon" nghĩa là gì?

Khoảnh khắc ấy, đứng giữa đất trời

'On the horizon' = tại/trên đường chân trời -> sự kiện sớm muộn cũng xảy ra hay xảy ra trong tương lai gần.

Ví dụ The move provided some relief to the markets and eased tensions [làm dịu bớt căng thẳng] that a currency war between the worlds two biggest economies was on the horizon.

Wedding bells are on the horizon for YouTuber NikkieTutorials! The popular beauty blogger and makeup artist, whose real name is Nikkie de Jager, revealed on Tuesday that she and her boyfriend, Dylan, just got engaged.

As U.S. policymakers [nhà hoạch định chính sách] remain indecisive [do dự] over how to prevent a repeat of the 2016 election interference, the threat is looming [lờ mờ hiện ra] ever more ominous [điềm báo gở] on the horizon. The public has unfortunately settled on the term bots to describe the social media manipulation [vận động] activities of foreign actors, invoking [cầu khẩn, viện dẫn chứng] an image of neat rows of metal automatons hunched over keyboards, when in reality live humans are methodically at work.

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