Schindlers List movie Essay

                         They are waiting for the Savior to come.             They are Jews and they were persecuted.             Schindler's List is a brilliant movie about a horrid time in history. This movie was.             about the Holocaust, a period in history where Jews were persecuted by the Germans. It.             was also about Oscar Schindler, a wealthy man who manufactured war supplies. Schindler.             was a Jewish man himself, however, the Germans did not execute. They did not execute.             him because he supplied the war weapons that the Nazis would use to exterminate the.             Jews, whom they felt were worthless. In fact, Schindler was popular among the German.             soldiers because he made them think that he was against the Jewish people.             That, however, could not be further from the truth. Schindler aided the Jews in.             many ways. To have your name on the list that Schindler compiled, meant that you left the.             concentration camps and went to work in the factories where you were treated properly.             Once at the factories, you made defective war supplies. For example, one would make a.             gun where the trigger would not work, therefor when a Nazi went to kill someone with.             their gun it would not be able to fire bullets. .             As one can readily see, Schindler assisted the Jews in a plethora of ways. I think.             that he helped the Jewish people because he knew that he was one of them. Even though.             the Nazis were his "friends", the only thing that separated him from them was his money.             In the beginning, perhaps Schindler did not do as much as one could have done, but I.             assume that he realized that being a bystander is just as wrong as participating in the actual.             killings. I don't think that Oscar Schindler did any of this for recognition, and because of.             that I think his motives were only to improve the Jews conditions. Obviously, Shindler's.             goal was to save as many Jews as possible and because of that he was an amazing and.             courageous human. .

             No one can ever possibly begin to explain how someone could come to persecute.

Yes I think that Schindler's List is a reasonable historical resource because it showes us what the jews went through and what it was like for them to be moved into concentration and extermination camps and ghettos. The film also shows us that not all Germans hated the jews as we see when Schindler makes his list and saves the jews that work for him. It is also a historical resource because the things that we see happen in the film and the things that Schindler did really happened. Schindler did make a list and the Schindler jews did survive the holocaust. ... At the end of the film we s...

  • Word Count: 202
  • Approx Pages: 1
  • Grade Level: High School

The movie I decided to review was Schindler's List. ... Schindler's List is one of the most heart wrenching movies of all time. ... With Stern, he draws up a list of names, "Schindler's List", consisting of more than 1,100 men, women and children. ... Schindler's List is not your typical movie. ... On the other hand, Schindler's List might install a feeling of hate towards Hitler and th...

  • Word Count: 1922
  • Approx Pages: 8
  • Grade Level: High School

However, Steven Spielberg did an amazing job of re-creating that terrifying and dark period during World War II in his award-winning film, Schindler's List. ... Czech-born Oskar Schindler arrives in Germany with the aim of manufacturing enamelware for the Nazi military and earning a fortune. ... Schindler loans money from them and gives them a minute share of his production for trade on the black market. ... Steven Spielberg, well-known for his dinosaur sci-fi pictures or adventure yarns, came across Thomas Keneally's prize-winning book, Schindler's Ark in 1982 and decided to ma...

  • Word Count: 1160
  • Approx Pages: 5
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  • Grade Level: Undergraduate

I found criticisms and reviews on the two films to hear different people's opinions on the influence that the two films had. ... Steven Spielberg's 1993 Schindler's List was adapted from Thomas Keneally's novel Schindler's Ark, and made an unexpected gross of 317.1 million dollars worldwide. ... In an interview with Steven Spielberg, Susan Royal found out Spielberg's most inner thoughts about his most educational and realistic film, Schindler's List. ... Both Schindler's List and Life is Beautiful not only communicated with Jews around the world, but ...

  • Word Count: 3951
  • Approx Pages: 16
  • Has Bibliography

., while others argue that it was gained by some of his other works such as Jaws, Saving Private Ryan and Schindler's List. ... Phillip Taylor believes that it was the film, Schindler's List, that gave Spielberg the glory he deserved. ... In agreement with Taylor, Wally Worsely also views Schindler's List as the movie that made Spielberg's name known throughout the entire world. ... From there, I started to look at the gross each film brought in and to read into some of their editorial reviews. ... It had, afterall, been Schindler's List that won Spielber...

  • Word Count: 910
  • Approx Pages: 4
  • Has Bibliography
  • Grade Level: High School

Reviewing all that I have learned in History, looking back at it now, I can only see how many "facts and figures" have been left out of the picture. ... It was not until movies like Schindler's List emerged that I quickly came to learn and apprehend the real truth of the Holocaust. ...

  • Word Count: 665
  • Approx Pages: 3
  • Has Bibliography
  • Grade Level: Undergraduate

Unfortunately, this movie put them on the endangered species list. ... The first review I have is by Damian Cannon. ... The next review I picked is by Walter Frith. ... I found in doing a lot of research on reviews of Jaws that every review I found was a positive one. ... Schindler's List was the best of his career. ...

  • Word Count: 932
  • Approx Pages: 4
  • Grade Level: High School

Moreover, when reviewing regulatory compliance, effective leadership should also put into consideration the compliance profile of other stakeholders such as third-party vendors utilized to deploy, develop or enhance the commodity. ... Successful management teams reviews the risks and costs of the product very extensively, focusing at all threat dimensions across the firm. ...

  • Word Count: 9702
  • Approx Pages: 39
  • Grade Level: Undergraduate

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Box-office supremo. Hollywood's baby boomer wunderkind. The finest architect of audience thrill since Hitchcock. All of these things were true of Steven Spielberg in 1993, yet there was the nagging sense that the Oscar-deprived director remained a pretender, a popcorn-maker of unrivalled talent but not the real thing. In an astonishing double-whammy, 1993 upheld all the suspicion, then undid it utterly. This was the year he remade dinosaurs and then on an unparalleled template envisioned the Holocaust. By 1994 Spielberg was presiding over the most successful picture of all time and, finally, his treasured Oscar.

Fourteen years previously, a well-regarded Australian writer strolled into a luggage shop to escape the LA heat. Thomas Keneally immediately struck up conversation with the shop owner, one Leopald Page, formerly Poldek Pfefferberg, a Schindlerjuden. There Page told him the story of Oskar Schindler, the German industrialist who had saved him and 1200 others from certain death in occupied Poland. Here was a Nazi who had not stood back. Keneally was so inspired he turned it into the Booker Prize winning novel Schindler's Ark. Spielberg, in turn, was transfixed by the story which awakened feelings of his own Jewish heritage and picked up the movie rights in 1982. Then he dallied, he wasn't ready, he hadn't matured enough. It took him ten years, as he put it, "to develop his own consciousness about the Holocaust."

Made without his trademark storyboarding, the whizz kid bravado put away, Schindler's List was shot from the gut, where all of his God-given skills as a filmmaker were distilled into something instinctual and fiercely emotional. Working Kaminski, the film was daringly — although it is hard, now, to consider it otherwise — shot in black and white, alternating between a documentarian-vibe of jarring hand-held confusion for the Jews and a sumptuous German Expressionism for the Nazis [we first meet Schindler in a nightclub shot with the back-lit beauty of a 30s' movie star]. Constructed around a brilliant script by Steve Zallian, the film meticulously threads the historical facts of Schindler saving the Jews by employing them in his enamel [and later armaments] factory with the story of a man discovering his conscience despite everything he is. On a more subtle, thematic level Zallian pits a battle for Schindler's soul between camp commandant Amon Goeth [Fiennes] and Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern [Kingsley].

History has been massaged. Aspects were contracted for more direct storytelling [it actually took Schindler three weeks to retrieve his female Jewish workers from Auschwitz] but impressively Neeson's philandering entrepreneur is presented with an ambiguous lustre. He was a womanising profiteer, whose actions constantly contradict his instincts, not a cleancut hero. War transforms men, it made Schindler far more than he appeared. It did the same for the director.

Through its wrenching three hours, Spielberg takes an unblinking eye and steely humanity. In its most extraordinary moments, the film presents the Holocaust as a reality that defies understanding: nothing in Spielberg's career could prepare us [or him] for the numbing brutality of the 16 minute liquidation of the Krakow ghetto. The film charts a barrage of the unthinkable, summed up in the stunning image of the Nazis unearthing the mass graves and burning the corpses on a vast, hellish funeral pyre. Ash rains down on Krakow in a perverse mockery of snowfall and a German officer laughs with the unsettling intensity of the insane.

It is hard to explain the first reaction to watching Schindler's List, it is one of emotional exhaustion, of elation at artistic triumph, of eyes stung by tears of outrage and a strange sense of loss. The director you once knew like a favourite uncle had become something else. He had become important. And he was asking us to grow up with him.

The reviews were ecstatic. Exultant notices from critics whose expectations and doubts had been confounded. Twelve nominations and seven Oscars were the result from the fusty Academy. There was, inevitably, a backlash. The Zealot community decried the fact the Holocaust must remain beyond artistic interpretation, Claude Lanzmann — who made the nine hour documentary Shoah — criticised him for shifting the focus away from the six million who perished. There was a wave of reactionism citing Spielberg's motivation as suspect: his sudden rediscovery of his Judaic roots, his yearnings to be taken seriously as a filmmaker. Yet, in the face of the movie, such judgements are hard to swallow.

The fact remains that regardless of what Spielberg was personally hoping to achieve, Schindler's List brought the history of the Holocaust back to public consciousness like nothing else [it is enormously telling that it was a smash hit in Germany]. It was [and remains] irreducibly his masterpiece. The apprenticeship was over. The dreamer was born-again as a supreme artist.

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