Select TOP 10 Oracle

Search notes:

Oracle SQL: select first n rows / rows between n and m (top n/limit queries)

At times, it's necessary to select the first n rows or the rows between n and m (paging) from a table or query.
Here are a few wrong and correct ways to do it.

12c - row limiting clause

Other databases made top-n queries quite easy, with, for example, a limit clause (such as SQLite or a top n clause in SQL Server).
Oracle, however, did not have a similar clause until 12c, what I found, imho, quite a nuisance.
12c, finally, comes with the row limiting clause which makes it acceptably easy to query the first n records.

test data

First, we need to create a table with test data:
create table top_n_test ( num number ( 2), txt varchar2(10), lng varchar2( 2) not null check (lng in ('en', 'de', 'fr')) ); insert into top_n_test values (4, 'vier' , 'de'); insert into top_n_test values (1, 'one' , 'en'); insert into top_n_test values (6, 'six' , 'en'); insert into top_n_test values (3, 'three' , 'en'); insert into top_n_test values (8, 'acht' , 'de'); insert into top_n_test values (9, 'nine' , 'en'); insert into top_n_test values (2, 'deux' , 'fr'); insert into top_n_test values (7, 'seven' , 'en'); insert into top_n_test values (3, 'drei' , 'de') /* Note: second record with num=3 */; insert into top_n_test values (5, 'cinque' , 'fr');
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/data.sql

select first row only

The select first row only does exactly that:
select * from top_n_test order by num fetch first row only;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/12c-first-row.sql
NUM TXT LN ---------- ---------- -- 1 one en

select first n rows only

The select first n rows only selects the first n rows.
In the following example, there's an ambiguity: the third row might be where the num 3 is translated to german (drei) or where it is english (three).
select * from top_n_test order by num fetch first 3 rows only;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/12c-first-3-rows.sql
NUM TXT LN ---------- ---------- -- 1 one en 2 deux fr 3 three en

select first 3 rows with ties

With select first n rows with ties, this ambiguity can be resolved
select * from top_n_test order by num fetch first 3 rows with ties;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/12c-first-3-rows-with-ties.sql
NUM TXT LN ---------- ---------- -- 1 one en 2 deux fr 3 three en 3 drei de

select m rows starting at the nth record

With offset m rows fetch next n rows only, the n records, starting at the mth record, can be fetched:
select * from top_n_test order by num offset 4 rows fetch next 2 rows only;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/12c-offset-4-next-2.sql
NUM TXT LN ---------- ---------- -- 4 vier de 5 cinque fr

Select a percentage rather than a fixed amount of rows

With fetch first n percent rows only, it can be stated how many percent of the result set should be returned:
select * from top_n_test order by num fetch first 30 percent rows only;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/12c-30-pct.sql
NUM TXT LN ---------- ---------- -- 1 one en 2 deux fr 3 three en

11g -- rownum

In Oracle 11g, the rownum pseudo column was needed.

The wrong way

The following approach is (most probably) wrong (and returns something different than was intended) because Oracle first evaluates the where clause, then adds the pseudo column rownum and then applies the order by. (See also: SQL: Order of select operations).
select * from top_n_test where rownum < 4 order by num;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/rownum-wrong.sql
NUM TXT LN ---------- ---------- -- 1 one en 4 vier de 6 six en

Inner query

The following approach is better. With the inner query, Oracle is forced to first evaluate the order by clause. The result set is then passed to the outer query where the where rownum condition is applied.
select * from ( select * from top_n_test order by num ) where rownum < 4;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/rownum-inner-query.sql
NUM TXT LN ---------- ---------- -- 1 one en 2 deux fr 3 three en

Paging - wrong again

Unfortunately, the approach with the inner query does not allow for paging (selecting rows n through m):
select * from ( select * from top_n_test order by num ) where rownum between 4 and 6;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/rownum-paging.sql
This query returns nothing!
This is because rownum never reaches 4 because rownum only increases when a row is returned.

Paging with analytical functions

Paging, however, is possible with analytical functions, such as row_number(), rank() or dense_rank().
select num, txt, lng from ( select t.*, row_number() over (order by num) r from top_n_test t ) where r between 4 and 6;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/row_number-paging.sql
NUM TXT LN ---------- ---------- -- 3 drei de 4 vier de 5 cinque fr

Cleaning up

drop table top_n_test purge;
Github respository oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/top_n/clean-up.sql


Many thanks to Oche Ejembi who spotted and fixed an error on this page.

See also

SQL: select first row only
The fetch first n rows clause was introduced with SQL:2011.
