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  1. [uncountable] a state of feeling or being happy or satisfied synonym enjoyment
    • His eyes lit up with pleasure.
    • for pleasure Encourage your child to read for pleasure.
    • pleasure in something He takes no pleasure in his work.
    • pleasure in doing something She took pleasure in shocking her parents.
    • pleasure from/out of something A large number of people fail to derive any pleasure at all from horror movies.
    • pleasure from/out of doing something He gets a lot of pleasure out of watching his children perform.
    • pleasure of doing something She had the pleasure of seeing him look surprised.
    • pleasure of something [formal] We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa.
    • [formal] May I have the pleasure of the next dance?
    • the sheer pleasure of performing music
    • pleasure at something I was touched by her genuine pleasure at her mother's present.
    • pleasure at doing something The band's pleasure at being back in Dublin was clear.
    • It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker.
    • Caring for a sick relative is a task that brings both pleasure and pain.
    • [formal] The photographs are now available for your viewing pleasure.
    Synonyms funfun
    • pleasure
    • [a] good time
    • enjoyment
    • [a] great time
    These are all words for the feeling of enjoying yourself, or activities or time that you enjoy.
    • fun [rather informal] the feeling of enjoying yourself; activities that you enjoy:
      • We had a lot of fun at Sarahs party.
      • Sailing is good/​great fun.
    • pleasure [rather formal] the feeling of enjoying yourself or being satisfied:
      • Reading for pleasure and reading for study are not the same.
    • [a] good time [rather informal] a time that you spend enjoying yourself:
      • We had a good time in Spain.
    • enjoyment [rather formal] the feeling of enjoying yourself:
      • I get a lot of enjoyment from music.
    pleasure or enjoyment?Enjoyment usually comes from an activity that you do; pleasure can come from something that you do or something that happens: He beamed with pleasure at seeing her. He beamed with enjoyment at seeing her.
    • [a] great time [rather informal] a time that you spend enjoying yourself very much:
      • We had a really great time together.
    • to do something for fun/​pleasure/​enjoyment
    • great fun/​pleasure/​enjoyment
    • to have fun/​a good time/​a great time
    • to get pleasure/​enjoyment from something
    • to spoil the fun/​somebodys pleasure/​somebodys enjoyment
    Extra Examples
    • Children find endless pleasure in playing with water.
    • He beamed with pleasure at seeing her.
    • He gained vicarious pleasure from watching people laughing and joking.
    • I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you again.
    • My grandfather got immense pleasure out of life until the end.
    • She was deriving a perverse pleasure from his discomfort.
    • The audience nodded with quiet pleasure at her remark.
    • the dubious pleasure of growing up in the public eye
    Topics Feelingsb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • considerable
    • deep
    • enormous
    verb + pleasure
    • bring [somebody]
    • give [somebody]
    • provide
    • for pleasure
    • with pleasure
    • pleasure at
    • business and pleasure
    • business or pleasure
    • etc.
    See full entry

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  2. [uncountable] the activity of enjoying yourself, especially in contrast to working
    • Are you in Paris on business or pleasure?
    • a pleasure boat/trip
    Synonyms entertainmententertainment
    • fun
    • recreation
    • relaxation
    • play
    • pleasure
    • amusement
    These are all words for things or activities used to entertain people when they are not working.
    • entertainment films, television, music, etc. used to entertain people:
      • There are three bars, with live entertainment seven nights a week.
    • fun [rather informal] behaviour or activities that are not serious but are meant to be enjoyed:
      • It wasnt seriousit was all done in fun.
      • We didnt mean to hurt him. It was just a bit of fun.
      • The lottery provides harmless fun for millions.
    • recreation [rather formal] things people do for pleasure when they are not working:
      • His only form of recreation is playing football.
    • relaxation [rather formal] things people do to rest and enjoy themselves when they are not working; the ability to relax:
      • I go hill-walking for relaxation.
    recreation or relaxation?Both these words can be used for a wide range of activities, physical and mental, but relaxation is sometimes used for gentler activities than recreation: I play the flute in a wind band for recreation. I listen to music for relaxation.
    • play things that people, especially children, do for pleasure rather than as work:
      • the happy sounds of children at play
    • pleasure the activity of enjoying yourself, especially in contrast to working:
      • Are you in Paris for business or pleasure?
    • amusement the fact of being entertained by something:
      • What do you do for amusement round here?
    • to do something for entertainment/​fun/​recreation/​relaxation/​pleasure/​amusement
    • to provide entertainment/​fun/​recreation/​relaxation/​amusement
    Extra Examples
    • I often meet useful people at parties, so I combine business with pleasure.
    • I never mix business with pleasure.
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • considerable
    • deep
    • enormous
    verb + pleasure
    • bring [somebody]
    • give [somebody]
    • provide
    • for pleasure
    • with pleasure
    • pleasure at
    • business and pleasure
    • business or pleasure
    • etc.
    See full entry
  3. [countable] a thing that makes you happy or satisfied
    • pleasure of something the simple pleasures of the countryside
    • the pleasures and pains of everyday life
    • Swimming is one of my greatest pleasures.
    • Chocolate is one of lifes little pleasures.
    • This movie was one of the unexpected pleasures of the Film Festival.
    • it is a pleasure to do something It's a pleasure to meet you.
    • Thanks for doing that. It's a pleasure.
    Synonyms pleasurepleasure
    • delight
    • joy
    • privilege
    • treat
    • honour
    These are all words for things that make you happy or that you enjoy.
    • pleasure a thing that makes you happy or satisfied:
      • the pleasures and pains of everyday life
      • Its been a pleasure meeting you.
    • delight a thing or person that brings you great pleasure:
      • the delights of living in the country
    • joy a thing or person that brings you great pleasure or happiness:
      • the joys and sorrows of childhood
    pleasure, delight or joy?A delight or joy is greater than a pleasure; a person, especially a child, can be a delight or joy, but not a pleasure; joys are often contrasted with sorrows, but delights are not.
    • privilege [rather formal] something that you are proud and lucky to have the opportunity to do:
      • It was a great privilege to hear her sing.
    • treat [informal] a thing that somebody enjoyed or is likely to enjoy very much:
      • Youve never been to this area before? Then youre in for a real treat.
    • honour [formal] something that you are very pleased or proud to do because people are showing you great respect:
      • It was a great honour to be invited here today.
    • the pleasures/​delights/​joys of something
    • Its a great pleasure/​joy to me that
    • Its a pleasure/​delight/​joy/​privilege/​treat/​honour to do something
    • Its a pleasure/​delight/​joy to see/​find
    • a pleasure/​delight/​joy to behold/​watch
    • a real pleasure/​delight/​joy/​privilege/​treat
    • a great pleasure/​joy/​privilege/​honour
    • a rare joy/​privilege/​treat/​honour
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • dubious
    • little
    verb + pleasure
    • have
    • enjoy
    • forgo
    pleasure + noun
    • boat
    • craft
    • cruise
    • the pleasures of life
    • the pleasures of the flesh
    • To what do I owe the pleasure?
    See full entry
  4. compare displeasure
    Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French plaisir to please [used as a noun]. The second syllable was altered under the influence of abstract nouns ending in -ure, such as measure.
at your/somebodys pleasure
  1. [formal] as you want; as somebody else wants
    • The land can be sold at the owner's pleasure.
a guilty pleasure
  1. something that you enjoy, even though you feel it is not really a good thing
    • Daytime TV is one of my guilty pleasures.
my pleasure
  1. used as a polite way of replying when somebody thanks you for doing something, to show that you were happy to do it
with pleasure
  1. used as a polite way of accepting or agreeing to something
    • May I sit here? Yes, with pleasure.
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
See pleasure in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee pleasure in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English
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