SMS link preview Android

In this article:

  • Overview of the Link Preview feature and navigation
  • How to include a visual preview of a web link in an SMS message using the Link Preview feature
  • Important things to remember about Link Previews

The Link Preview feature allows you to set a title and image for links that will display on a handset when your SMS is delivered (note - displays may vary for each type of device, depending on whether it is on iOS or Android as their operating system).

To get this feature enabled on your account, please reach out to our Account Management team who can assist you with this on 1800 155 228 or

How to Use Link Previews:

Prepare sending a message as you normally would, adding the contacts and your message content. If you are unsure of how to do this you can check ourSending Messages article.

Dont add your link in the message content. You will configure your Link Preview in the next step.

Once the contacts and content have been added, tick the Links & Landing Pagesitemin the Message Content field:

SMS link preview Android

In the resulting modal, click the Link Preview tab, where you are required to then enter the information in all the fields:

  1. Link address (URL) The actual URL that you will want shortened and where once clicked, the recipient will be directed to.
  2. Link Title This is the title that will show for the Link Preview. This could be a company name, website name etc.
  3. Link preview image The image that will display in the Link Preview. This must be less than 300kb. We recommend the image size be 900px by 474px in .png, .jpg or .gif format
    • You do not have to include media - the message will still send but with just the shortened link and no image

SMS link preview Android

Once you have entered these details, your preview will appear as an attachment to your message, which you can remove by clicking on the cross next to the link name:

SMS link preview Android

Now you can send the message! An example of what this looks like is below.

SMS link preview Android

If you do not add media, the message displays like this:

SMS link preview Android

Important things to know:

Link Previews act differently depending on the devices operating system, whether it is iOS or Android. For both devices, the Link Preview will only display if the following requirements are met:

  1. Recipients have the Sender Number saved in their contacts. This means you should send Link Previews from a dedicated number that your recipients can save.
  2. The Sender Number must be numerical, it cannot be an Alpha Tag or business name
  3. If you add an additional link to your message content when the "Include a link preview" box is ticked, you will see a warning message telling you that the link preview will not display properly
  4. Links in the link preview field must start with http://orhttps://
  5. You will need a dedicated number or familiar sender setup on your account.

Device-Specific Advice:

  • iOS Active by default on the handset, if the number is saved in the contacts
  • Android Needs to be enabled on the handset itself. To do this, the recipient must navigate to Settings > Google > Data & Messaging and then select App Preview Messages as on:

SMS link preview Android

Not what you're after? Try these articles...

  • Sending a mobile landing page
  • Reporting on broadcasts when you include a short trackable link or mobile landing page