stackhoused là gì - Nghĩa của từ stackhoused

stackhoused có nghĩa là

the grown-up, completely badass version of Bella Swan; the protagonist and narrator in HBO's True Blood and the Southern Vampire Mysteries.


Twilighter: "Bella Swan was so brave when she saved Edward's life." Smart Person: "are you kidding!? when someone was after Sookie Stackhouse's man, she choked him with a chain!"

stackhoused có nghĩa là

N. A woman with a particularly large rack. Derived from the colloquial term "stacked," referring to large breasts, combined with the word "house," to imply that the woman's chest is the housing of the breasts. "Stackhouse" is always used as a noun, and never as an adjective, and always refers to the woman, and not her breasts (i.e., "She has a stackhouse" would not be appropriate, while, "She is a stackhouse" would be).

Derivatives: A stackhouse, a stack house, a stackedhouse, a stacked house.


1. "Do you see that chick over there with the big ass titties? Damn, bra, she is a stackhouse!"

2. Frat Guy 1, "Yo dude, I was totally going to hook up with this fly-ass stackhouse last night."
Frat Guy 2, "Oh yeah, what happened?"
Frat Guy 1, "She saw my chodemander and totally freaked out."

stackhoused có nghĩa là

The sexual position referring to two hermaphrodites have sex using both pairs of opposite genitalia simultaneously. Meaning both penises in both vaginas.


The hermaphrodites stackhoused so they both could blow their load.

stackhoused có nghĩa là

There's Twilight and then there's True Blood on HBO, the much more funnier, sexier, gruesomer and overall BETTER version of Twilight. Based off of the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris (which are ah-mazing!), Anna Paquin plays Sookie Stackhouse, a blond haired, big chested waitress at Merlotte's, a bar in Bon Temps, Louisiana. Whereas Bella will whine and cry and stutter for a couple months wearing the same outfit (don't know what im talking about? watch eclipse) when she doesn't have her man, Sookie finds her man and gets her man whenever she wants him. Whereas Bella can't stand the thought of ever being angry with Emo Edward, Sookie knows how to lay down the law with Bill. And while Bella fantasizes about the perfect sex moment with Edward (so cliche - on a beach in a beach house all by yourselves and it is sooo romantic - bleh) Sookie gets it hard and NATURAL. So while they both are fantasy, Sookie's is at least real, in a bearable way. Bella is too dramatic. Sookie is the beast.


Twi-hard: OMG Bella is so self assured! She can make decisions all by herself!
True Blooder: She jumped off a cliff - um, hello, suicide attempt anyone? - then sat in a chair for three months staring out the window wearing the same outfit because her boyfriend wasn't around to act all emo and depressed. Plus, if she wasn't stuttering and falling around behind Edward, she was giving Jacob a hard time by crashing on a motorcycle and threatening her life. Yeah, she's self-assured. Sookie Stackhouse never thinks about killing herself or sitting in a chair stinking up the whole place or falling over microscopic rocks.
Twi-hard: But Edward is sooo hot!
True Blooder: His chest is pale and disgustingly hairy. Plus he acts like he cuts his wrists in his spare time. Bill is smexy and doesn't act all emo.
Random person to Twi-hard: IN YO FACE!

stackhoused có nghĩa là

The older brother of Sookie Stackhouse in the HBO series True Blood based off of the Charlaine Harris novels.


Andy Bellefleur: Jason Stackhouse must be the murderer!

stackhoused có nghĩa là

Named in honor of NBA player Jerry Stackhouse who was notorious for inflating his scoring average (ppg) by scoring meaningless baskets in garbage time, long after the outcome of the game had been decided and the opposing team had taken it's starters out.


They were down by 50 in the fourth quarter, but they they scored two stackhouse TD's to make it look respectable. He scored 16 points but 10 of those were stackhouse points.

stackhoused có nghĩa là

A repulsive individual known for his inability to do anything. This individual of short stature has the ability to give Rip van Winkle a run for his money. Always found either napping or "tired." Makes Pig-pen seem like a neat-nick. Confused sexually; he is a man who thinks he is a woman; he likes men, but dates women. Can never commit to anything except free food. Is preparing to give birth to his first born.


Stackhouse entered the station, as he walked in the turnout gear walked out.

stackhoused có nghĩa là

Cheating and being abusive towards the one gal that has loved him more than anyone ever in his life.Shes stayed in a tent in the cold with him.Spooned him like his spirit really needed.Waited to be able to see him at a moment's notice.She has withstood the mental tests, appreciated the repeated stories of his life ,listened to the things he's taught her.She has fell in love with the uncleaned smell of his skin,and has hidden in fear when he yells at her,calls the cops,and threatens to never see her again.She has been "Stackhoused."


I am addicted to the smell of his neck...I have been so "Stackhoused". I don't know if I can ever recover.

stackhoused có nghĩa là

Cheating and being abusive towards the one gal that has loved him more than anyone ever in his life.Shes stayed in a tent in the cold with him.Spooned him like his spirit really needed.Waited to be able to see him at a moment's notice.She has withstood the mental tests, appreciated the repeated stories of his life ,listened to the things he's taught her.She has fell in love with the uncleaned smell of his skin,and has hidden in fear when he yells at her,calls the cops,and threatens to never see her again.She has been "Stackhoused."


I am addicted to the smell of his neck...I have been so "Stackhoused". I don't know if I can ever recover.

stackhoused có nghĩa là

(v.) To sleep with a different woman than the one you slept with the night before, often more than once. Orginates from the

horndog character Jason Stackhouse on HBO's hit TV series True Blood. Stackhousing is done by people not in serious

relationships, and not to be confused with cheating.


Jon: So how'd the other night go with Molly?

Jim: That went fine, but I totally Stackhoused it and slept with Sarah last night, and that was even better!

Alex: It's not cheating, it's Stackhousing!