superfan là gì - Nghĩa của từ superfan

superfan có nghĩa là

A group of overweight,dedicated Chicago Sports team fans. Devoted to da Bears and da Bulls. They were once honored by the presence of Michael Jordan, with whom they hula danced.


Superfans Brain Teasers:

Superfan #1: Who would win in a fight, between Ditka, and God?

Superfan #2: That's a trick question there Bob. Ditka IS God.

Superfan #1: Who would win if the Bears' team bus was in the Indianappolis 500?

Superfan #2: Who's driving the bus?

Superfan #1: Ditka's driving the bus.

Superfan #2: Da Bears would win.

superfan có nghĩa là

A mere acquaintance who treats you as if you are their best friend every chance they get. A superfan is the person you hate running into in public, because it is usually accompanied by an overly enthusiastic greeting and plenty of forced banter.


1.) I ran into my superfan, Phillip, at the movies last night. I was hoping he wouldn't see me, but he spotted me in the middle of the movie and started shouting my name across the theater. 2.) Colton superfanned me while I was at dinner yesterday. He sat himself down without an invitation and spent 20 minutes monopolizing the table's conversation to reminisce about a class we had together 3 years ago.

superfan có nghĩa là

"Superfan" was coined by the L.A. press during the Michael Jackson funeral to describe some of his followers. A Superfan is someone who is so consumed by the celebrity, they’ve gone to the point of changing his or her life to accommodate his or her devotion to said Superstar. (Example moving to the same city, impersonating and/or spending excessive time in person and/or on line following the targeted entertainer.)


Christopher Cheatham is such a Michael Jackson Superfan that he used his rent money to buy a plane ticket to Los Angeles and didn't even have a ticket to the Staples Center!

superfan có nghĩa là

The guy with the giant red afro, cape, sunglasses, facepaint, and an "F" painted on his chest who attends all Fordham University athletic events. He is the most hardcore college sports fan on the face of the earth, and is a true "Superfan."


The Superfan's heckles at last night's softball game were absolutely hilarious!

superfan có nghĩa là

A hardcore fan, seen at sporting events, most often football games. You will know a superfan by the their clothes, which are:
-Running shoes or small skate shoes such as vans
-Long socks (often striped or brightly colored)
-Short shorts or booty shorts in the team colors -A fanny pack, in which to carry their wallet and cell phone
-Tanktop or even shirtless
-Plastic beads in their teams color
-Eye black
-Raybands sunglasses
-Vuvuzelas, fox 40/rape whistles, airhorns, and thundersticks
-Possibly covered head to toe in body paint, with their favorite players/friends number painted all over them Superfans are extreamly annoying to sit next to, unless your a superfan yourself. They will not shit down or shut up at any point in the game, even if their team is loosing, they are recognized as the best fan a team can have.


Taylor: "Geez! Danny and Nathan wont stop blowing their vuvuzelas and stomping around the bleachers yelling!" Sarah: "Oh, theres nothing we can do about that, they're 'superfans.' They wont be totally quite until a few hours after the game is over."

superfan có nghĩa là

someone who is dedicated to something even much more so than a hardcore fan If it is a musician that is a different gender than the fan, they will open the window whenever the musician/band's music plays because they think the musician/band member is hot. If it's an actor or actress, then they will own every movie or television show the actor/actress stars in and watch every episode or movie the day it comes out. If it's an athlete, then the definitions that have defined superfan will apply. If it's a politician or radio personality, then they will listen to said politician/radio personality's shows every day.


Brad: "I don't understand why Karen opens the window whenever Nickelback's songs come on the radio. They're not as great as she says they are. She does it in the middle of winter, and I had to tell her to close it because I was cold". Jason: "Karen's a superfan, Brad. She thinks Chad Kroeger, the singer, is hot, although I've heard nothing but negativity about him". Brad: "She's not a teenybopper, is she?" Jason: "No, she likes their music, too".

superfan có nghĩa là

A dedicated member of society, generally of the paradise of South Texas, who devotes his or her life to cheering on the San Antonio Spurs.

Also known as:

Manu's Maniacs,
Pop's Posse
Baseline Bums
Finley's Fans
Duncan's Dudes


Spurs Superfans are way better than Hornet bandwagon jumpers.

superfan có nghĩa là

Football fan who wears club colours on a daily basis. Cannot see fault in anything their Football club, players or fellow superfans do. Mostly virgins but some have been known to impregnate or be impregnated by unsuspecting victims commonly naming their first born after a manager or player.
Club crest Bobble hats are for the most part saved exclusively for the highest of highest of superfan. Come rain or shine full club scarf and matching hat.


Rose: Can't believe we lost 9-0, We're Fuckin Shite Fred: We was unlucky i thought, if they hadn't got a peno first half, then it might of been a different result today Rose: Shut up Fred you Daft Superfan Cunt

superfan có nghĩa là

Someone who is devoted to a celebrity , band, athlete, or twatwaffle that they can't go 5 minutes without mentioning them.


Philip is a superfan of Nickleback.

superfan có nghĩa là

Someone whom claimes to be a fan or superfan of something only to make themselves seem interesting on social media.


Derrick: Look at that #superfan over there.
Carl: He's not even watching the match he's just on Instagram taking selfies.