The Blacklist Katarina Rostova old actress

We know Lotte Verbeek as Geillis Duncan. To fans of The Blacklist, shes Katarina Rostova, and she certainly proved herself once more that shes a chameleon actress.

If you watchedThe Blacklist last night and had to double check the actress playing Katarina Rostova, thats understandable. Yes, Lotte Verbeek was in the role (and not for the first time) and was almost unrecognizable.

As I said, this isnt the first time in the role. She originally took on the role of the Russian spy in the 2016 episode Cape May and has been in three episodes between then and last night. During the second episode of the two-hour special on Apr. 26, she proved once more that shes a chameleon actress.

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If youve only seen Verbeek inOutlander, youll know her as the manipulative Jacobite, willing to kill innocent people for her own gain. Initially born in the 20th century, Geillis (originally Gillian) went back in time and sort of fit into the time. She was accused of being a witch on more than one occasion.

There are no elements of Geillis inThe Blacklist. The Scottish accent is completely gone for a Russian one, although there are hints of an American to work for Katarinas backstory. She speaks Russian beautifully in the series and she steps up as a trained fighter when she needs to. If only Geillis could have taken some lessons from Katarina before heading to the 18th century!

The Blacklists Rassvet was a Katarina-focused episode. After six years, fans finally got answers as to who she was, what had happened when she was believed to be dead, and why she left her daughter. There was a chance to see her emotional over leaving those she loved and a chance to see her as a mother.

Ive watchedThe Blacklist for years (since around the third season) and Ive never realized it was Verbeek. Granted, I started watchingThe Blacklist beforeOutlander and had felt like Id seen Verbeek before but hadnt figured out why. This is it, in a vastly different role.

If you want to see Verbeek as Katarina Rostova, you can watchThe Blacklist on Netflix. The first five seasons are available and Season 6 should be added later this year. You can watch last nights episode on NBC.

Next:25 best shows on Netflix for Outlander fans

What have you seen Lotte Verbeek in other thanOutlander? Which shows are your favorite forOutlander actors? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Blacklist Seasons 1-5 are on Netflix now.