the nugget là gì - Nghĩa của từ the nugget

the nugget có nghĩa là

A person with no arms or legs.


The nugget spent her days rolling down the street.

the nugget có nghĩa là

the final product of the art known as "nuggeting". The nugget is a good way to humiliate your friends (or enemies) at school. The following steps should be followed when nuggeting:
1. Obtain the subject's backpack. Although seemingly simple, this step is one of the most difficult actions taken during the nuggeting process.
2. Carry the backpack (or have a recon specialist carry it for you) to a top secret location where the subject cannot see you (i.e. the back of the band room, gym, etc.)
3. Unzip the largest pocket of the backpack and remove all items from that pocket only.
4. Reach your hand into the bottom of the backpack and pull the inside out. After this step, the shoulder straps of the pack shoul be on the inside.
5. Replace all of the subject's belongings back into the flipped bag and zip the bag COMPLETELY. This step becomes increasingly difficult as the backpack has more crap in it; therefore i recommend nuggeting a bag with limited supplies in it. After the bag is zipped, the zipper-pull things should be on the inside of the bag and not visible.
6. You have created a nugget.
7. Put the nugget back where you originally took the pack and then get the hell out of there.
8. At the appropriate time (i.e. the end of a standard class period), watch from a safe distance as the subject returns to his backpack only to find it nuggetized. At this point, the subject has two options, they are as follows:
-. Unnugget his/her bag and proceed to his/her next class OR
-. Take the walk of shame. The walk of shame occurs when a nugget victim does not have sufficient time to unnugget his/her bag and must carry it through the halls to his/her next class. This is the preferred outcome of a nugget.
NOTES: It is essential that the nugget be performed quickly, as to minimize the chances of being caught in the middle of the act...nobody wants an unfinished nugget. It is also important to replace ALL belongings in the bag and to put the nugget back where you had found it. Godspeed.


Subject: Crap! I've been nuggeted!
Everybody Else: (Laughs)

the nugget có nghĩa là


1. To turn someone's backpack inside out without them becoming aware of the deed.

1. Steal a person’s or multiple people’s backpack(s) without alerting the backpack's owner(s) and/or legal guardian(s).

2. Remove the contents from the backpack's main compartment. *On almost all models of backpacks the main compartment is the largest compartment, and often the easiest to “nugget”.

3. Once the main compartment is empty, turn the backpack inside out. *Backpacks with back pads seem to cause trouble so don't be afraid to place your foot on the bottom of a backpack and kick inward. If done correctly the backpack will give in and turn inside out. *WARNING: Standing up in a classroom environment and kicking a backpack may cause unwanted attention from classmates, teachers, and worst of all the “nugget” victim(s). So try to be as covert as possible.

4. If you’re doing a basic nugget, place the backpack’s original contents in the “new” main compartment, place the shoulder straps inside, zip it back up, and leave a note if you so desire. *Be gentle with the victim’s belongings, if nothing is damaged most teachers will at worst give you only a warning since nothing was actually damaged.

5. Now return either the victim’s “nuggeted” bag to the location where you first found it or go the extra mile and hide it from the victim. *In the best case scenario the victim won’t become aware that his/her backpack is missing until the dismissal bell rings, so he’ll/she’ll have to walk to the next class while holding a “nugget” in his/her arms. When other classmates see the victim they’ll immediately know what has happened and erupt into laughter causing even more embarrassment for the victim.

Now, if you really want to outdo yourself and impress every girl in school you must pull off a “Super Nugget”. Do steps 1 and 2 but instead of placing the items from the main compartment back in, keep them out. Now try to place the entire backpack in the smallest compartment. If you’re unable to do so on the first attempt, remove items from another compartment(s) (some backpack models have a secondary compartment that are almost as large as the main compartment) and finish what you have started! A “Super Nugget” may sound easy to the novice “nuggeter” because you don’t need to place the victim’s belongs back in, but what happens to his/her belonging? Yeah, you’re now stuck with them and a huge stack of books and miscellaneous crumpled papers is a big sign of a “nugget” going down in the area so keep it together, and don’t give up!

(If the pack's owner spots you and you have yet to complete the nugget, don't stop, you're no good if you can't take a little pressure.)


Nuggeting is a lifestyle not a hobby!
- P. Diddy.

the nugget có nghĩa là

A) A lump of fried chicken in which the entire KFC franchise is based around B) A bag of quality marijuana C) The result of a school prank, in which the victim is distracted, everything is removed from their schoolbag, the schoolbag itself is flipped inside-out, everything is put back in, and the resulting "nugget" is left for the victim to find and de-nugget D) Parental slang for "idiot" E) Spontaneous nickname for a child who is excessively cute, funny, innocent-looking, etc. F) Slang for any large sexual part on a girl's body G) A small lump of something precious, often gold or fried chicken. Duh H) A word with multiple definitions of the Urban Dictionary, in which this defintion has been compiled from all the other definitions by a sad guy with nothing better to do with his time.


A) Joe: You wanna go to KFC and grab a nugget or two? Jim: Nah thanks, I don't wanna have a heart attack. Again. B) Joe: Where have you been? Jim: Oh, I was just smokin' mah nugget. It was awesome! C) Joe: WHAT THE F•CK HAPPENED TO MY BAG?! Jim: You just got nugget'd, duh! *cracks up* D) Joe: Oops, I didn't mean to break it! Joe's mother: Oh Joe, you're such a nugget! E) Joe: Aww, isn't that baby cute? Jim: Yeah, he's duch a nugget! F) Joe: Holy sh•t man! Look at the nuggets on that one! Jim: I'll ready the lube! G) Random gold miner: G'day mate! We be diggn' fer gold Nuggets! Joe: Why should I care, I got mah KFC nuggets right here. H) You're reading it right now.

the nugget có nghĩa là

The act of taking a friend's backpack, removing everything, turning the backpack inside out, refilling the backpack, and ziptying it shut. Ziptying the backpack prevents an easy fix to the situation. If done properly and near the end of class, the victim will have to carry their "Nugget" in their arms as they walk down the hall. This can be referred to as the "Nugget Walk of Shame."


I went on a Nuggetting spree fifth period, I got like five!

the nugget có nghĩa là

While at school, you must steal a persons backpack. Take out all their books. Then you must inside out the back pack. Then you put their books back in a zip it back up. The end product resembles a nugget. The rule is if you get nuggeted, you must carry it to your next class like a nugget.


Chris and Greg nuggeted Taylor while he fell asleep during a world geography video.

the nugget có nghĩa là

To amputate all of somebody's limbs, turning them into a nugget.


A man was nuggetized in a car accident today. After the mugging, she was nuggetized and left to die.

the nugget có nghĩa là

some of the dumbest people on the internet who cannot form a coherent sentence.


Greg: there are too many nuggets on the internet lately Anya: they come in boxes of 20 it seems. Greg: get the nunters.

the nugget có nghĩa là

Superior nuggets which nugget with extreme nugget.


Nuggetness...Jordan you should consider watching boku no hero academia. :)

the nugget có nghĩa là

the grossest thing in exsistance. red faced, short, kandi kid, usually looks liek 'it' is about to goto a rave. the/a nugget doesnt have a gender, and it to be referred as 'it'. its so ugly, you will lose your appitite, to be serious. my friend was eating saw it...and put his food down. be carful, nuggetsor sometiems referred to as nug,m are known for carrying dieases sucha as; herpies, warts, scabbies, pubic lice, cancer, aids. if you get touched by the nugget, chances are, you have cancer, or will turn to stone. ohh and the nugget, is usually aphilitated with baboonaphile


o-dawg:"oh gross look its the nugget!"
quinn: "oh where?"
*looks* **pukes**