Webflow autoplay video on scroll

Hello all,

I am new to Webflow, so bear with me! Ive read articles from @PixelGeek and @cyberdave but havent found a working solution to my challenge.

I am setting up a page with multiple videos. I would like them to automatically play when they are visible in the viewport and then pause when they are not (when the user scrolls down, for example). I found this article, which does exactly what I want: https://www.vidyard.com/blog/trigger-video-playback-player-visibility/, but Im having difficulty implementing it with Webflow.

Right now, Im using iframes nested in a div for my video. I added this code snippet to my HTML embed to determine if it was in the viewport and if the video was playing:

I then added the following code snippet to the body of the Page:

But nothing seems to change on the page. The video does not autoplay when in the viewport as desired. Would love any suggestions!

Here is my public share link: https://here-is-new-york.webflow.io/
Here is my designer link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/here-is-new-york?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=here-is-new-york&preview=37661301708078919310bafec2dda1c9&mode=preview