Well-paid job là gì

Vấn đề việc làm luôn là một vấn đề nóng bỏng đối với các quốc gia trên thế giới nói chung và đối với từng cá nhân nói riêng. Ngày nay, để có được một công việc tốt và lương cao là vô cùng khó khan. Vậy các công việc được trả lương cao đó là gì? Khi được hỏi về chủ đề này, chúng ta phải trả lời thế nào. Bài học hôm nay từ BEC sẽ giúp các bạn giải quyết vấn đề này nhé.

1. What are some other well-paid jobs in your country

The usual ones; doctors, lawyers, bankers, and business people with their own companies, even some accountants, dentists and architects get paid well if they have their own successful practices. There are also highly-paid positions such as CEOs or senior management in multinational companies.

2. What is your opinion regarding different jobs and the different payment received for doing them?

Its something thats normal I think; jobs which can be done by anyone dont usually pay much, simply because so many people can do them, employers dont need to pay more than the absolute minimum.

Then there are jobs which only a few people can do, either because of the skills or knowledge required to do the job, and employers have to pay more for these types of jobs because the higher payment reflects the scarcity of individuals who are able to do them.

Its basically the law of supply and demand, just as it would apply to any other product. The labor market is subject to the same law, the more common the job skills are, the less the job pays, and the rarer the job skills are the more the job pays.

3. Is it possible to eliminate this kind of discrimination?

Unless all jobs are made the same the answer is no, different pay rates will always apply to different jobs depending on the level of expertise needed. Clearly an easy job which requires little or no training or education will never pay as much as a difficult or dangerous job which needs the individual to be highly trained or educated to do it. Nothing in life works like that.

4. What are some of the motivational factors for workers to perform well intheir work?

I suppose the most common ones are money, satisfaction, recognition and personal self-esteem. Different people are motivated by different factors and while we all like to be paid for the work we do, its not always the most important factor. There are many people who put social factors such as being part of a team, contributing, and helping others as greater priorities than simply earning money.

Then there are people who perform well in the hope that their efforts will be recognized by management or their boss, or they simply take pride in doing their job well, or they seek promotion or greater responsibility within the company.

5. In your opinion, where does such inner motivation come from?

Sometimes it comes from a need, such as wanting to prove to others that you can do something well or better than other people. Some people are naturally competitive and it is this which drives them to perform better than other people at work.

Many people who come from humble backgrounds are motivated to perform well at work so they can build a better life for themselves and their family in the future.

In other cases, it may simply be just a desire to earn more money so they can be financially better off in the future.

So inner motivation can originate from family circumstances, physical needs, emotional needs, such as improving self-esteem, or be based on another psychological need such as proving your ability to your parents or other people, for example.

6. How do you think companies could improve the job satisfaction levels of underpaid workers?

Im not sure thats possible. I mean, if they are underpaid, they obviously get paid less than they think they should, but employers are not going to pay more than is absolutely necessary for any employee most low paid jobs can be done by almost anyone, so investing additional resources to try and make employees happier makes the cost of the employees higher.

Sadly, it is easier for employers to simply employ a new person to do the job and then let them leave when they become unhappy or dissatisfied after a certain time.

Personally, I think its up to the individual to find their own motivation for doing a job. If you think you are worth more money, then prove it. Work harder, faster or better than all the other employees and prove you are worth more pay or able to do something better within the company.

Alternatively, do your job as required, and put your extra effort into learning a new skill which will enable you to find a better-paying job in the future.

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