What is an example of a disparity?

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[ dih-spar-i-tee ]

/ dɪˈspær ɪ ti /

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noun, plural dis·par·i·ties.

lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference: a disparity in age; disparity in rank.



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Which form is commonly used with other verbs to express intention?

Origin of disparity

1545–55; desparitedisparitās;see dis-1, parity1

synonym study for disparity


non·dis·par·i·ty, noun, plural non·dis·par·i·ties.

Words nearby disparity

disown, disparage, disparagement, disparaging, disparate, disparity, disparlure, dispart, dispassion, dispassionate, dispatch

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

discrepancy, distinction, divergence, gap, imbalance, inequality, variation, disproportion, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, divergency, diverseness, incongruity, otherness, unevenness, unlikeness, alterity, dissemblance, imparity

How to use disparity in a sentence

  • The disparities were no less prevalent once Wells moved on to teaching in Memphis in the 1880s.

  • While online health services could be used to increase access and retention in care among vulnerable groups, not having access widens existing disparities.

  • Weeks later, vast disparities remain — and some residents are fuming at being shut out of the sign-up system once a week.

  • The march of the virus through the District, Maryland and Virginia has exposed cruel disparities influencing who gets sick and who survives.

  • Part of that disparity is about access, both to facilities vaccinating people and because the complicated, online application process locks out those who find it tougher to get on the Internet.

  • Even in the medieval era this disparity made Christians uncomfortable.

  • One other interesting fact is the racial disparity in climate-change belief.

  • In a ranking of gender-based economic disparity, Turkey is 126th out of 136 countries.

  • In fact, income disparity has increased in San Francisco more than any other city in the country.

  • Even Congress passed a law reducing the disparity between crack and powder cocaine sentences.

  • He married in 1798, at the age of forty, a young girl of eighteen, who in consequence of this disparity was unfaithful to him.

  • Grave also was the disparity betwixt the crews thereof, inasmuch as to the King were sixteen long-ships & to Guthorm only five.

  • There was another point of similarity—the great disparity of numbers.

  • In an instant the overwhelming disparity of the sides was apparent.

  • The disparity of numbers will have no influence whatever on their decision.

British Dictionary definitions for disparity

noun plural -ties

inequality or difference, as in age, rank, wages, etc


undefined disparity

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

If there is a disparity between how great you think you are at tennis and how you actually play, you are probably surprised by how often you lose. Disparity is the condition of being unequal, and a disparity is a noticeable difference.

Disparity usually refers to a difference that is unfair: economic disparities exist among ethnic groups, there is a disparity between what men and women earn in the same job. This noun derives from Latin dispar "unequal." The opposite of disparity is parity, the condition of being equal or the same.

Definitions of disparity

  1. noun

    inequality or difference in some respect

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Which is the best example of health disparity?

Black/African Americans and White groups have higher death rates for heart disease and cancer. For all three diseases, Black/African Americans have the highest death rates while Asian/Pacific Islanders have the lowest.

What is a disparity issue?

Health Disparities. Health disparities are preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations. 1.

How do you determine disparity?

Disparities can be measured relative to the rate for the total population represented by the domain of groups. The rate for the total population is a weighted average of the group rates in a domain (the group rates are weighted by the proportion of persons in each group).

Is disparity same as inequality?

Disparity implies a difference of some kind, whereas inequity implies unfairness and injustice. An overwhelming body of literature documents racial/ethnic disparities in health.