What is the treatment for schizotypal personality disorder

Schizotypal personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of intense discomfort with and reduced capacity for close relationships, by distorted ways of thinking and perceiving, and by eccentric [odd] behavior.

  • People with schizotypal personality disorder may prefer not to interact with people because they feel like they are different and do not belong.

  • Doctors diagnose schizotypal personality disorder based on specific symptoms, including intense discomfort with close relationships, distorted ways of thinking and perceiving, and odd behavior.

  • Treatment includes antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Personality disorders Overview of Personality Disorders Personality disorders are long-lasting, pervasive patterns of thinking, perceiving, reacting, and relating that cause the person significant distress and/or impair the person's ability to function... read more are long-lasting, pervasive patterns of thinking, perceiving, reacting, and relating that cause the person significant distress and/or impair the person's ability to function.

People with schizotypal personality disorder are less in touch with reality, and their thought and speech are more disorganized than occurs in other personality disorders. However, thoughts and behavior are not as unusual and out of touch with reality as in schizophrenia Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality [psychosis], hallucinations [usually, hearing voices], firmly held false beliefs [delusions], abnormal thinking... read more .

Schizotypal personality disorder occurs in almost 4% of the general population in the United States. It may be slightly more common among men. Schizotypal personality disorder is less likely to resolve or lessen as people age than most personality disorders.

Other disorders are often also present. Over half of people with schizotypal personality disorder have had at least one episode of major depressive disorder Major depressive disorder A short discussion of prolonged grief disorder. Depression is a feeling of sadness and/or a decreased interest or pleasure in activities that becomes a disorder when it is intense enough to... read more , and 30 to 50% of them have major depressive disorder when schizotypal personality disorder is diagnosed. These people often also have a substance use disorder Substance Use Disorders Substance use disorders generally involve behavior patterns in which people continue to use a substance [for example, a recreational drug] despite having problems caused by its use. The substances... read more .

Causes of Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Genes are thought to have an important role in the development of schizotypal personality disorder. It is more common among first-degree relatives [parents, siblings, and children] of people who have schizophrenia Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality [psychosis], hallucinations [usually, hearing voices], firmly held false beliefs [delusions], abnormal thinking... read more or another psychotic disorder.

Symptoms of Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Effect on relationships

People with schizotypal personality disorder do not have close friends or confidants, except for first-degree relatives. They are very uncomfortable relating to people. They interact with people if they have to but prefer not to because they feel like they are different and do not belong. However, they may say their lack of relationships makes them unhappy. They are very anxious in social situations, especially unfamiliar ones. Spending more time in a situation does not ease their anxiety.

People with this disorder may ignore ordinary social conventions [for example, not make eye contact], and because they do not understand usual social cues, they may interact with others inappropriately or stiffly.

Odd thinking and behavior

People with schizotypal personality disorder have odd ways of thinking, perceiving, and communicating. The following are examples:

  • Ideas of reference: People with these ideas think that ordinary occurrences have special meaning just for them.

  • Magical thinking: People think that they have magical control over others. For example, they may think that they cause other people to do ordinary things [such as feed the dog] or that they can perform magical rituals to prevent harm [such as washing their hands 3 times to prevent illness].

  • Paranoia: People are suspicious and mistrustful and wrongfully think that other people are out to get them or intend to harm them.

  • Paranormal powers: People think they have paranormal powers, enabling them to sense events before they happen or to read other people's minds.

Speech may be odd. It may be excessively abstract or concrete or contain odd phrases or use phrases or words in odd ways. They often dress oddly or in an unkempt way [for example, wearing ill-fitting or dirty clothes] and have odd mannerisms.

Perception of reality

In people with schizotypal disorder, perceptions [what they see, hear, or sense] may be distorted. For example, they may hear a voice whispering their name.

Diagnosis of Schizotypal Personality Disorder

  • A doctor's evaluation, based on specific criteria

Doctors usually diagnose personality disorders based on criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition [DSM-5 Classification and Diagnosis of Mental Illness In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association published the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [DSM-III], marking the first attempt to approach the diagnosis... read more ], published by the American Psychiatric Association.

For doctors to diagnose schizotypal personality disorder, people must be intensely uncomfortable with and have very few close relationships and have odd thinking and behavior. They must also have at least five of the following:

  • Ideas of reference

  • Odd beliefs or magical thinking

  • Distorted perceptions

  • Odd thought and speech

  • Suspicions or paranoid thoughts

  • Inappropriate or limited expression of emotion

  • Odd, eccentric, or peculiar behavior and/or appearance

  • Lack of close friends or confidants, except first-degree relatives

  • Excessive social anxiety that does not lessen with familiarity and is related mainly to paranoid fears

Also, symptoms must have begun by early adulthood.

Doctors must distinguish schizotypal personality disorder from schizophrenia Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality [psychosis], hallucinations [usually, hearing voices], firmly held false beliefs [delusions], abnormal thinking... read more , which causes similar, but more severe symptoms.

Treatment of Schizotypal Personality Disorder

  • Antipsychotic drugs and antidepressants

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

General treatment Treatment Personality disorders are long-lasting, pervasive patterns of thinking, perceiving, reacting, and relating that cause the person significant distress and/or impair the person's ability to function... read more of schizotypal personality disorder is the same as that for all personality disorders.

The main treatment for schizotypal personality disorder is drugs. Antipsychotic drugs Antipsychotic drugs Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality [psychosis], hallucinations [usually, hearing voices], firmly held false beliefs [delusions], abnormal thinking... read more [used to treat schizophrenia] lessen anxiety and other symptoms. Newer [second-generation] antidepressants Newer antidepressants Agomelatine, a new type of antidepressant, is a possible treatment for major depressive episodes. Several types of drugs can be used to treat depression: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors... read more may also help lessen anxiety in people with schizotypal personality disorder.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy Psychotherapy Extraordinary advances have been made in the treatment of mental illness. As a result, many mental health disorders can now be treated nearly as successfully as physical disorders. Most treatment... read more that focuses on acquiring social skills and managing anxiety can help. Such therapy can also make people more aware of how their own behavior may be perceived.

Doctors try to establish an emotional, encouraging, supportive relationship with people who have this personality disorder and thus help them learn to relate to others in more appropriate ways.

What type of therapy is often used to treat schizotypal personality?

Psychotherapy [talk therapy] and low-dose antipsychotic [neuroleptic] medication are the main treatment options for schizotypal personality disorder.

Is schizotypal personality disorder serious?

They have trouble forming close relationships and tend to distort reality. In this way, schizotypal personality disorder can seem like a mild form of schizophrenia, a serious brain disorder that distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, perceives reality, and relates to others.

What happens if you have schizotypal personality disorder?

People with schizotypal personality disorder are often described as odd or eccentric and usually have few, if any, close relationships. They generally don't understand how relationships form or the impact of their behavior on others.

What is the most likely cause of schizotypal personality disorder?

The most significant risk factor for developing schizotypal personality disorder is having a family history of schizophrenia. Environmental risk factors typically refer to childhood experiences.

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