What significant changes took place to childbearing and childrearing in the late twentieth century quizlet?

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Terms in this set (161)

Why did campaigns against Native American tribes in the West intensify after 1865?

The U.S. Army had been released from the military campaigns of the Civil War.

The government-run boarding schools for Native American children in the late nineteenth century

forcibly educated children in the values of white American culture.

How did the Dawes Severalty Act affect Native women?

It created a land allotment program, which deepened the dependency of Native women on men.

What was the period after the Civil War like for most Spanish-speaking women in the Southwest?

A period of little change to their domestic lives as they continued to live much as earlier generations had done

In the late nineteenth century, some young European women emigrated to the United States to

flee overbearing fathers and arranged marriages.

What was a result of the immigrant practice of sending teenage daughters into the American labor force?

Difficult family tensions, as parents demanded the daughters' wages

For what crime was Emma Goldman arrested and convicted?

Inciting a riot

Why did southern Populism fail in the late nineteenth century?

Southerners saw cooperation between black and white farmers as a threat to segregation.

Jane Addams was significant because she was a

prominent leader in the settlement house movement.

What successful movement did missionaries of the WCTU (Woman's Christian Temperance Union) help launch in Japan?

Anticoncubinage movement

What happeneterm-11d to the women and children of the Native tribes that resisted the encroachment of white settlers in the West?

They were killed with impunity by pursuing American troops.

How did the lives of Hispanic women differ from those of white women in the West in the late 1800s?

Local Hispanic practices favored female property owning, and when widowed, Hispanic women did not remarry but served as heads of their households.

What do historians mean by the term "Family West"?

The settlement of farm families in the West

What did both white working- and upper-class women share in the Wild West?

A common purpose, which was to distinguish themselves from disreputable women

How did Americans regard the Japanese practice of shaskin kekkon (literally, "photograph marriages")?

They regarded it as yet another indication of the allegedly low morals of Asians.

Hull House, the most influential settlement house in the United States, embraced the philosophy of

building bridges between immigrant cultures and American culture.

Why did women activists find it difficult to end child labor in the United States?

Immigrant parents resisted such efforts because they needed their children's income to survive.

Florence Kelley was important in the late 1800s because she

worked to get workplace safety laws passed in Illinois.

How did many immigrant wives and mothers make money?

They took in single male immigrants as boarders.

In mining and cow towns, working-class wives made money by

running boardinghouses that fed and housed single men.

The 1867 organization of the National Grange changed women's lives by

offering leadership roles to women when they were recruited as officers.

What does historical evidence suggest was the greatest burden for women settlers on the Great Plains?

Drudgery and loneliness

What role did women play during the Pullman strike of 1894?

Wives joined the picket lines to protest low wages and high rents.

What philosophy was embraced by Hull House, the most influential settlement house in the United States?

Building bridges between immigrant cultures and American culture

How did women help support the Spanish-American War?

Women raised funds for military hospitals.

Why was legislation passed in 1875 to discourage the immigration of Chinese women?

Americans assumed that most Chinese women were being brought over to be prostitutes.

Wage-earning women supported the woman suffrage movement because they were promised that the vote would

raise women's wages.

An extremely organized and politicized manifestation of cutting-edge feminism in the Progressive era was the struggle for

birth control.

After the United States entered World War I, Ida B. Wells-Barnett was threatened with jail because she

defended black soldiers executed by the U.S. government.

What did the disparity in average working men's and women's wages reflect in 1900?

Men had the most skilled jobs.

When the power of the maternalist argument fell short, what issue did reformers have difficulty with?

Ending child labor

What was significant for women reformers about the 1912 presidential election?

Two of the three political parties supported woman suffrage.

To introduce a more radical suffrage approach that broke from the NAWSA's previous campaigns, Alice Paul and Lucy Burns

conducted a western campaign to oust Democrats from office.

What feminist goal did Charlotte Perkins Gilman advocate?

Collective housework to ease women's domestic burden

Jane Addams became the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for

her role in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Activist women viewed supporting the war as an opportunity to

demonstrate their right to full citizenship.

Why did women establish the Women Wage Earners Association during World War I?

To assist migrating black women workers

Female social reformers during the Progressive era often described women's activism by drawing on the image of

public housekeeping.

How did clerical work change as more women moved into the occupation?

While this work was increasingly open to women, it ceased being an avenue of upward mobility.

What is notable about the Progressive Party's position regarding women?

It fully integrated women into all its activities.

How did a new generation of suffrage leaders try to bring the suffrage movement into conformity with the realities of urban, industrial, modern America in the early 1900s?

They rejected the outdated term "woman suffrage" for the more modern term, "votes for women."

How was the Great Migration of African Americans from southern rural communities to northern urban centers during the 1910s different from European and Asian migrations?

African American women comprised almost 50 percent of migrants.

What did African American women hope to gain from suffrage?

A counter to the disenfranchisement of African American men

What ground-breaking step was taken by the National Woman's Party as they tried to push for woman suffrage?

Picketing the White House

What strategy did the National Consumers' League develop to argue against the Supreme Court's refusal to accept a maximum workday for women in Lochner v. New York?

They reasoned women workers needed special protection because they could become mothers.

What was a central principle of "Maternalism," a term coined by recent historians to refer to the Progressive-era justification for women's programs?

Society needed to protect motherhood for the good of the nation.

What was the goal of the Women's Trade Union League (WTUL)?

To reconcile women workers with the organized labor movement

What was the turning point in the Lawrence textile strike of 1912?

When children were beaten by police, which drew negative publicity for factory owners

Why did it take so long to win votes for women?

Large numbers of women with little else in common had to unite behind this goal.

Why was Margaret Sanger arrested in 1916?

For operating a birth control clinic

Why did women organize a silent march down the streets of New York City in 1914?

To protest the violence of war

Why were the women strikers successful in the garment workers' strike of 1909-1910?

Harassment of upper- and middle-class WTUL members brought newspaper headlines.

Black women fought persistent discrimination in the defense industries by

organizing a march against U.S. Employment Services offices.

Although Rosie the Riveter succeeded in breaking down sex-segregated labor patterns, the press instead chose to emphasize that

these women had maintained their femininity.

Dorothea Lange's photograph, "Migrant Mother," became an icon of the Depression decade because it

illustrated the suffering of families caught up in the nation's economic collapse.

How did American housewives' lives change in the 1920s?

Women were expected to be better consumers, provide cleaner homes, and raise healthier children.

How did World War II impact the lives of Mexican women in the United States?

Employers stopped asking for proof of legalization because they needed all the workers they could find.

How were black nurses treated differently than white nurses during World War II?

They were often assigned menial, not skilled, tasks.

How were the WASPs (Women Airforce Service Pilots) different from the other women's military agencies?

WASPs performed high-status male jobs such as serving as test pilots.

Japanese American internment during World War II led to the erosion of

the strong patriarchal authority of the Japanese household.

Sociologists writing in the 1930s, assessing the psychological effects of the Depression, gave the impression that

men were hardest hit because they were traditionally the chief family wage earner.

The 1932 National Economy Act helped set a trend of firing or not hiring

women whose husbands already had jobs.

What concerns were raised by women enlisting in the military during World War II?

Women could fall prey to sexual immorality and drunkenness.

What were the "slave markets" in New York City and other large cities during the 1930s?

The street corners where black women would stand waiting for white women to hire them

Why did more women serve in local government rather than on the national level during the 1920s?

Many local positions were nonpartisan and seemed more appropriate for women.

The main impact of the Nineteenth Amendment on women's activism of the 1920s was to

expose the class, race, age, and ideological differences among women.

In terms of their sexual lives, American wives of the 1920s experienced change in

the increasing availability and respectability of reliable birth control.

What role did First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt play in the New Deal?

She pushed the president to pay more attention to the problems of African Americans and women.

How did the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) reflect existing assumptions about women's subordinate role in the workforce?

It allowed women to be paid lower wages than men.

Women's military service during World War II was restricted and highly regulated largely because of

cultural anxieties about servicewomen sacrificing their femininity.

During World War II, women became the objects of a massive propaganda campaign to urge them to

work in the defense industry and other sectors of the economy.

How did some white women respond to the employment of African American women in the defense industries?

Reflecting a desire to keep race boundaries, some women went on strike demanding segregation in the workplace.

How did World War II affect the lives of Chinese women in America?

Jobs in the defense industry offered significant economic improvements over the work they had traditionally done.

What also ended with the end of World War II?

Women's brief venture into well-paid industrial labor

Social reformers Julia Lathrop and Frances Perkins opposed the ERA because they

believed it would damage protective labor laws for women.

Why did support for reform movements diminish after World War I?

The Red Scare cast suspicion on all liberal reform initiatives as suspect and dangerous.

What was the job market like for African American women after World War I?

Most African American women were engaged in farm work and domestic service.

In addition to male employment rates, what other rate dropped during the Great Depression?

The fertility rate

How did homemaking become more complicated for women during the Great Depression?

Women had to deal with the presence of extended kin, as many families combined households.

How did the Social Security Act of 1935 reinforce women's inequality as wage workers?

The act offered no coverage for workers in domestic and agricultural occupations.

One fundamental contradiction of the mission of the President's Commission on the Status of Women was between

advancing women's careers and preserving their traditional roles.

Why did the U.S. Department of Labor encourage the employment of women in the 1950s?

It believed the nation needed "womanpower" to maintain prosperity and compete with the Soviet Union.

Why was challenging the gendered structure of the workplace a problem for women's unions?

Women activists had long supported protective labor legislation.

Women Strike for Peace (WSP) came into the public spotlight on November 1, 1961 when it

staged demonstrations in forty communities protesting the nuclear arms race.

What was behind Rosa Parks's decision to challenge segregation on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus?

Parks's background as a civil rights activist for fifteen years

Women served as "bridge leaders" in the civil rights movement by

organizing communities to take particular actions in support of civil rights.

For what problem did Casey Hayden and Mary King criticize SNCC in their discussion paper?

Denying women equal participation in decision making

How did the civil rights movement help revive the feminist movement?

It gave middle-class women exposure to female activist role models, like Ella Baker.

In what way were women the backbone of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

Women, more than men, depended on public transportation to travel to their jobs.

What aspect of society did Alfred Kinsey's report expose, shocking many in post-World War II America?

Changes in sexual behavior among women and men

What impact did the recruitment of white students have on Freedom Summer?

It created tension within the movement between white and black women.

What recommendation made by the President's Commission on the Status of Women benefited poor black and Chicana women?

Expansion of the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act

What development was a factor that contributed to Americans' postwar prosperity?

The GI Bill, which aided families in securing education and starting businesses

What was significant about women's participation in the Community Service Organization in the Mexican American community?

Women were about half the organization's membership and much of its clerical support.

What was the 1956 movement known as Operation Coffee Cup?

A series of small social gatherings in private homes where Republican women could meet local candidates

What two major realities did 1950s American culture try to balance?

Unprecedented prosperity and a feeling of insecurity

What did the organization Daughters of Bilitis defend?

Lesbian rights

How did the Cold War affect ideas about American women's domestic roles?

It promoted a revised cult of domesticity.

What was Betty Friedan referring to when she wrote about "the problem that has no name" in The Feminine Mystique?

Female disillusionment with societal restrictions and traditional roles

What was historically ironic about women's labor in the 1950s?

Despite the emphasis on domesticity, increasing numbers of married women and mothers entered the workforce.

How did the women of the United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA) exemplify 1950s labor activism?

They challenged racial discrimination in their industry.

What did the Supreme Court rule in the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)?

Segregated schools were unconstitutional.

Ella Baker believed that she could never have a permanent leadership position in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) because she

was a woman and not a minister.

What mass protest led to the formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)?

The Greensboro sit-in

What significant development occurred during Freedom Summer of 1964?

A high degree of deadly violence against civil rights workers

How did the Red Scare after World War II spill over into private life?

The hunt for subversives targeted people with nonconformist sexual lives, particularly suspected homosexuals.

In his best-selling childrearing book Baby and Child Care (1946), what did Dr. Benjamin Spock state about motherhood?

Mothers should focus on childrearing rather than careers outside the home.

The feminist argument that "the personal is political" meant that the power inequities women faced in society could be found in the

smallest details of daily life.

One of the major challenges confronting second-wave feminism was creating a

more inclusive, diverse women's freedom movement.

What criticism was made of Chicana feminists by Chicano men?

They were too closely allied to white feminists and Anglo ideas.

In Roe v. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court

ruled unconstitutional all state laws making abortion a crime.

What effect did the counterculture of the 1960s have on sexual liberation?

It encouraged experimentation with new living arrangements in communes.

What radical action supposedly took place at a protest of the Miss America Pageant in 1968?

Burning bras

What type of revolutionary change did the women's liberation movement seek?

Cultural transformation of American society

What role did founders of the National Organization for Women (NOW) expect the organization to serve?

Lobbying and litigating group

What was the main effect of the Moynihan Report on the dawning feminist movement?

Black men and women both opposed the conclusion that female-headed households in the black community were "pathological."

What was the main connection among the antiwar, civil rights, and feminist movements?

Women's frustration with their exclusion from leadership in the other movements led them to insist on equality and liberation.

Why did Esther Peterson and the Women's Bureau initially oppose amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include women?

They worried that the legislation would undermine state protections of women.

The Black Power movement inspired women's liberation with its

emphasis on self-determination rather than integration

The first national political event at which the women's liberation movement made its appearance was a

1968 antiwar demonstration in the nation's capital.

What was consciousness-raising?

Groups of women who shared their experiences in order to understand female subordination and alienation

What did many young lesbians feel was the root of discrimination against lesbians?

Oppression of women by the patriarchy

What was one of African American women's most distinctive contributions to women's activism?

The struggle for women's welfare rights

What did Native American female activists bring to the feminist movement?

An emphasis on spirituality

What change was Eleanor Holmes Norton responsible for as head of the EEOC?

Establishment of guidelines against sexual harassment in the workplace

Why did American women as a whole not get ahead financially in the 1970s despite concerted campaigns and legislative gains?

Economic changes in the 1970s brought hard times to many Americans.

How did the feminist movement change higher education?

Broadening academic disciplines that had marginalized or ignored women

What did women liberationists discuss during "speak-outs"?

Their experiences as rape victims

What were the two issues from the 1970s that carried the impact of feminism to the center of national politics and created the great controversy?

Reproductive rights and the ERA

What did the surge of popular magazine articles about "marriage contracts" in the 1970s illustrate?

The willingness of the mainstream to accept changes to customs

What did the popularity of television's Mary Tyler Moore Show in the 1970s reflect?

The appeal of the show to younger females with career goals

What was NOW hoping to bring attention to when it held the National Women's Strike for Equality?

Abortion rights

Why did SDS women begin to meet separately from SDS men?

Many SDS men were hostile to women's issues and concerns.

Why did some new female activists reject the term "feminism"?

They viewed it as too old-fashioned and circumscribed.

What was the single way in which President George W. Bush's policies allied themselves with a feminist ideology

His appointments of women to high-ranking positions within his administration

The question that often arose during the Democratic presidential primary race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was whether Americans

were ready to elect a woman to the presidency.

What was Sarah Palin's appeal to voters as John McCain's running mate?

Her "soccer mom" image and support for so-called traditional family values

The number of women entering the workforce in the last third of the twentieth century rose in the context of the

increasing disparity between rich and poor.

Which of the following is an accurate explanation for the continued disparity between men's and women's incomes?

The vast majority of women continue to work in female-dominated occupations.

What is one explanation for the steep decline in the marriage rate in the late twentieth century?

The increasing ability of women to support themselves economically

How did the new immigrants of the late twentieth century differ from those in the late nineteenth century?

Half of them came from Latin America.

What two groups came together in a new movement during the late 1970s and early 1980s to contest the gains of feminism and oppose the ERA?

The Republican Party and conservative Christians

What was one effective tool used by the anti-abortionists to cut down the number of abortions in the United States?

Demonstrations and violence against abortion clinics and medical providers

Since its ruling in Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has

ruled in favor of state laws limiting access to abortion but has not overturned Roe v. Wade.

Ecofeminism contends that

the subjugation of women and the subjugation of nature are connected.

How did Anita Hill's accusations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas on national television in 1991 affect American society?

Many more women reported sexual harassment on the job.

What was President Obama's record on support of women in government?

He appointed a significant number of women to high-level positions, including his cabinet and the Supreme Court.

In the 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

no state could deny a same-sex couple the right to marry.

When considering single motherhood, second-wave feminism failed most significantly in the movement

for publicly funded child care.

Beyond union organizing and participation, twenty-first-century working women have also

been part of numerous class action suits to demonstrate a pattern of job segregation.

What role does organized labor play for women workers today?

While labor unions have declined in recent years, women's representation in organized labor has risen.

One major change to American families in the late twentieth century was a(n)

increasing acceptability of lesbianism and gay families.

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Act changed single mothers' lives by

limiting to five years the time that poor women could receive welfare.

How did anti-immigration sentiment affect immigrant women and children?

It triggered a federal law that denied legal immigrants access to federal welfare programs for five years.

Sandra Day O'Connor was significant because she was the first woman

appointed to the Supreme Court.

What does Zoe Baird's withdrawal from consideration for the position of attorney general in 1993 illustrate?

The lingering double standard despite women's advances in the workplace

What is one theory of why feminism underwent a reneweal in the 1990s?

The conservative political climate inspired young women to fight for their rights.

What movement was Phyllis Schlafly instrumental in launching?

New Right antifeminism

What significant changes took place to childbearing and childrearing in the late twentieth century?

More women were likely to have children without marrying.

Who was the first woman to seriously challenge the political glass ceiling in her attempt to win her party's presidential nomination?

Hillary Clinton

Whose rights did the anti-abortion activists build their campaign around?

The unborn child or fetus

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What is one theory of why feminism underwent a renewal in the 1990s quizlet?

What is one theory of why feminism underwent a renewal in the 1990s? The conservative political climate inspired young women to fight for their rights.

How did American housewives lives change in the 1920s quizlet?

these women had maintained their femininity. illustrated the suffering of families caught up in the nation's economic collapse. How did American housewives' lives change in the 1920s? Women were expected to be better consumers, provide cleaner homes, and raise healthier children.

How did the civil rights movement help revive the feminist movement quizlet?

How did the civil rights movement help revive the feminist movement? It gave middle-class women exposure to female activist role models, like Ella Baker. In what way were women the backbone of the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Women, more than men, depended on public transportation to travel to their jobs.

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Why did some new female activists reject the term "feminism"? They viewed it as too old-fashioned and circumscribed.